Wow. What a powerful scene. To think that the Jews really went through this is awful.
Wow. What a powerful scene. To think that the Jews really went through this is awful
Other urls found in this thread:
>mfw 6 coal-powered ovens were able to cremate 4756 bodies a day meaning they were incinerating bodies at a rate of one every 30 seconds if they were working non-stop
Any kinos for this feel?
Is that Palestine?
there's a book called Wool that this kind of reminds me of.
Ridley Scott was supposed to make a movie about it.
he does it for free folks
it's a picture of Soviet Russia
the Jewish commisar is inspecting wives of dead white Russian soldiers he'll have raped
Makes sense.
thoughts on shameless shilling?
Retards like you make debunking neonazis all the more easy.
They didn’t :)
Very high IQ thread
Debunk him. How did they cook so many kikes so quickly?
thats beyond help
I literally cannot, you're too redpilled for me
Has anyone ever calculated how many ovens they would have needed to cook the claimed number of jews in a realistic time frame?
dude... seek help
What is the mentality of the person that keeps making these Schindler's List threads.
>captures screenshots of the schindlers list threads
>not the 10k identical capeshit threads
Hey jannie, you're on the film and television board, that means you have to allow discussion of film.
Not just the same avengers threads.
IIRC his goal is to redpill normies according to him that's the most important thing.
>its the same JDIF in every thread
Yea lots of film discussion happening in these schindler's list threads right? lmao OP isn't fooling anybody
How many exactly? From all my discussion with them I think that most of them believe that they're talking about burning 6 million people in total or even worse 6 million in a single place commiting several cardinal mistakes and proving their ignorance of the topic.
With so many variables raw math can't be called reliable at all one calculation made by the Soviets in May 1945 (and ignored by all non-Soviet historians) blew up the number of victims in Auschwitz beyond any other calculations because of this. And they even took away one year just because. Guesswork.
it sure as fuck isn't the 4 they had at Auschwitz thats for sure
Fun fact, you can literally see pictures and visit the sites of the "super ovens"
They don't even try to hide their obvious lies
In 1941 Auschwitz had two double muffle coke fired furnaces built by the German firm of Topf and Sons. An additional double muffle oven was added in the Spring of 1942. Each muffle can be considered an oven, so that there were six ovens in the camp during this time. The six ovens were in the main camp known as the Stammlager or Auschwitz 1.These six ovens were housed in a crematorium known as Krema I in much of the literature. In the summer of 1942 the Auschwitz Construction Agency, known as the Bauleitung, started to build four new crematoria in the Birkenau area of the camp, also known as Auschwitz II. These four crematoria housed an additional 46 ovens. Kremas II and III each had five triple muffle furnaces (15 ovens in each) while Kremas IV and V each had a single eight muffle furnace (eight ovens in each). Like the six ovens in the Auschwitz main camp, the 46 new ovens were built by the firm of Topf and Sons
>cremate 4756 bodies a day
The six Auschwitz ovens could have consumed about 4500 per MONTH
BTFO by the same link
>inb4 that JDIF who appears in every nazi thread everyday, ever
Can we discuss this scene, is her falling realistic? Also why is the SS cloaking his gun when the gun mechanics did not move?
I still want to know what the claimed number is supposed to be. I read some books and this alleged number never registered.
>is her falling realistic
Yes, have you ever seen someone shot execution style?
>about 4500 per MONTH
Because cooking them isn't the only way the nazi exterminated the Jews, tard.
daily reminder that these atrocities were literally committed on innocent jews
>Yes, have you ever seen someone shot execution style?
Then you can't really judge if it's realistic or not
The absolute state of deniers "evidence"
Wow fuck research and history I guess. Feed me with more useless and stupid anecdotes.
What? I was asking the question and you replied the answer. Thank You.
Christ fucking asshole.
So you're going to ignore you getting btfo by your own link?
Don't make me start posting my infographics kike
Jews WERE put in camps but gas chambers were 100% made up and there is literally zero evidence of them
So they just used satanic magic to delete the corpses from existence.
It is even less realistic that 6 million jewish corpses are right underneath poland with no one knowing where they are buried.
like anything remotely close to this happened
I didn't swear at you or called you a dumbass all I said was you can't really judge if you haven't seen it yourself. Sensitive fucking zoomer
Give me fake quotes instead burger there's nothing I love more.
It's there alright, unless the author is a troll himself. That image isn't edited at all.
lurk for a bit and you will
dont say my god fucks assholes, you kike
>by your own link
I think anybody older than 8 knows about it unless he lived in some suburban bubble where nothing bad ever happens especially during war.
>mimics racking slide on a luger
Well that's gonna bother me now.
The holocaust is an anti-caucasic conspiracy theory made up by racists.
We're not claiming it doesn't exist dumbass we're claiming a book (which was debunked by a Jewish historian) that's not even accepted in academia nor corroborated by anyone is not good evidence of a supposed fake narrative of the Holocaust
>4756 x 1825 days (5 years) = 8.6 million bodies
>one claim fill one-third of one page in one book
>logically, the only way this can happen is that the jews surreptitiously escaped to a holiday resort in palestine during the war
Guns are illegal where I'm from. We use machete to get rid of people.
It's not about the fragment because no one seriously cares about it fake or not. Tens of thousands of stories, basically all families have some, the sum of them can be important for research but single ones will never be the foundation for research. This is what they can't see, they can't see why they fail and can't convince anyone.
By fake quotes I meant some quotes by famous people that have no source (or they put the name of some book but it's not there anyway). Another great "argument". I can't imagine why someone would ever doubt people who actually fake evidence (and in this case it's supposed to be more than anecdotes) to prove their point?
what show/movie is that from?
The Pianist
I think the root cause of their failure to provide us with legit evidence is that they don't really care about the subject. It's only about contemporary politics, rally the supporters against American evangelical conservatists who worship Israel or Ben Shapiro or whoever. That's why they rely on quick and useless pictures that are supposed to unite their supporters. Make them more eager.
Is he okay?
god I wish that were me
remember when the jews used to only claim, this is a historic fact btw, that millions were gassed and bured?
Then someone pointed out that there were no mass graves containing 6 million bodies so they came up with using the disposal furnaces as crematoriums, but didn't realize how long it took to burn a body and what temprature it would take to vaporize bones
>Also why is the SS cloaking his gun when the gun mechanics did not move?
the luger has an arm on the top which acts similar to a modern "slide". you pull back on the two circles in the back of the gun and an arm sticks up that pushes a round from the magazine into the chamber.
the actor just has no clue what he's doing. but spielberg is such a cuck that he preferred the actress going full WWE flop over errors like a prop gun being fondled gently
Is there any backing source to the 'someone's' claim?
Much better than Schindler's List. Spielberg is full of shit. Way too obvious that he had no family members in Europe but still felt a bit too strongly about the case. Polanski actually lived there during WWII (in a different city though) and you can feel it. The atmosphere, surroundings, there's something that's just obvious for the locals that it's closer to reality.
Both kind of skip over the Soviet problem. Polanski only has one ending scene with the People's Army that looks like a happy end meanwhile Spielberg shows Soviets entering the camp and cuts right away because in real life Soviets kept the prisoners there and raped many of them.
I see, thanks for the detailed explanation. I have no clue on the terminology of firearms.
They didn't cook every single Jewish person , you nazi incel.
They were starved, shot, dying of disease and overwork as well.
shows how a luger operates.
on modern pistols you can just pull the slide anywhere to load a round
>is her falling realistic?
>Then someone pointed out
Point out who claimed 6 million died in a specific way and that mass graves with 6 million people had to be found.
Are you idiots really that naive, you live in some fuzzy fantasy land? Take a look at the list of civilian casualties of various conflicts, revolutions etc in Europe and Asia since modernity I swear it sounds as if 6 million is some unthinkable number that's without precedent. At the same time you ignore all the non-Jewish victims whose number easily compare with the Jewish ones (of course not all of them but those who lived where the heaviest fighting took place). I don't think I want to live in your happy place truth is more interesting.
But where are the bodies?
>an actual civil discussion on the holocaust
I'm proud of you Yea Forums
Where did all the Jews go?
5-6 million Jews disappeared from Europe following WW2 if not killed in the Holocaust where did they go?
>he believes in the holocaust
>he believes in literal jewish prophecy
Six million is a number of religious significance
I'm asking the question.
Bodies are found. There's no problem if the massacre was premeditated as a part of some operation (like Palmiry) or as punishment for death of some war criminal (like Lidice). If we know the place we find the remains but we won't be able to locate everything. Or identify them but people are still trying, it's an ongoing process. The bigger the region the more difficult it gets. I don't think we'd be able to do the victims of Siberia justice even if we had the access even if we're talking about millions because in such a landmass millions can literally disappear without trace. The fact alone that we don't know how many people died in some genocides and the estimates vary in millions is scary enough to think that so many souls can be unaccounted for like they were never there.
Cool. Maybe, then, we shouldn’t be forced to accept the “official” number as a sacred law.
Really? That's new to me and what's your religion?
Did he ded?
These are the biggest ones by far.
you don't "lose" 6 million bodies
just the mass graves we know of from other atrocities were easy to find, because you know, its almost impossible to hide that much evidence
Orthodox Judaism
They left.
4756 *365*5=8679700
where did they go?
Same, brother!
Different places :) we have lots here in the states
You retard. Not everyone was gassed and cremated.
If they left it would've been considered one of the largest mass migrations in human history. Where did they go? A migration of that scale would not go unnoticed
Well its weird that only countries far away from Europe have "holocaust" as a separate subject in schools (at least in some schools). It shouldn't influence anyone's opinion on historical events.
Whether it's Israel or Jewish organizations in New York no one wants to let them have anything to say regarding European history and they blame only themselves. Seems like the best Jewish or generally Israeli historicans are already very old, modern takes are too politicized and disappointing. Their mainpulation lies not in faking the events, but pulling only the information that they find relevant and using them for political advantage in the present day. More and more reminds me of Russia where historical lies are everyday things. No it's not that bad yet but it seems like everything causes controversy there.
The bubble strikes again. Casulties, even just civilian casualties, are much much greater. Sure family members would like all of the bodies to be accounted for but that's not possible. People die in different ways. I know it may be difficult to believe that we don't live in Necropolis with so many generations of deadmen before us. Burning is actually the prefered option preventing disease but a lot were burried as well. I'm looking at the numbers for Warsaw Uprising, one of the most defining examples of urban warfare and unimaginable streak of war crimes on German part. Around 16 thousand dead soldiers and 150-180 thousand civilian casualties including almost the entire district executed as per orders from the top. A whole lot of them managed to be burried but there were mass graves as well.
According to my sources, the Nazis burned more than 60 million jews using a single Kenmore™ range-top oven. How can anyone deny this atrocity?
Shameless plug.