Did he start the trope of a villain with tragic backstory?

Did he start the trope of a villain with tragic backstory?

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Literally one of the first and main villains of all time has a tragic backstory

Not even close. This is older than the written language.

I'm talking about modern day movies/tv


Not really, considering he didn't even have a tragic backstory until the prequels.

I don't think you understand how "narrative tropes" work my guy (by guy I mean "fucking moron")

Okay what do you mean by modern?

Lucas was inspired by Tolkien. Sauron was first. Vader just inspired it in television and films

You obviously weren't, now you're trying to back pedal because you're a brain dead zoomer with a flea sized concept of human history

what is the cutoff then? citizen kane is technically a villain with a tragic backstory, and so is Thanos for what it's worth

Yes he did. His backstory is explained in the first movie.

Are you fucking retarded

satan was the first
>a cute twink singer got too into his own beauty and tried to kill his manager before getting btfo

This; Satan is the first concept of a fallen tragic villain. Maybe Cain, on a non supernatural level. Modern movies dont exist in a vacuum. Everyone is stealing from and recycling from earlier ideas. Are you this vapid?

modern day movies don't even have cohesive narratives, let alone an actual plotline beyond we good they bad we smash

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>who is Páris?

But it was vague and wasn't really tragic back then. He was just introduced as traitor to the Jedi, no details on why he did what he did.

To be fair, much of Satan’s mythology isn’t Biblically canon. A lot of it is medieval fanwank from when they only had one book to read and had to get creative with all the lore and spinoffs.

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