They're not even trying to hide it
They're not even trying to hide it
What's it going to be about
Nobody cares about edgelords trolling your fantasy meme religion
Just look into their eyes.
That was a bad trailer. Is the whole film just a interview camera shot?
The sheer level of disrespect people like you have to retain for centuries old, civilization building religion demonstrates narcissism at its peak.
Head on a pike for you fucking cunts.
I want a satanic gf
my sister's friend was a a satanist who used to scare the shit out of me by chasing me around the house with creepy dolls/daggers. It secretly opened up a fetish that I would have later in life.
pray for them instead of expressing anger friend.
But God is dead, so how can they hail Satan who is a byproduct of Him
Wow Jesus's love truly radiates through you. Where can I become converted to your kike in a stick cult?
>he's dead, that means everyone else is dead
This is how stupid your jokepost sounds. You can do better than that, come on man.
>he thinks "God is dead" means that an actual person called "God" has literally died
how are so many people this fucking retarded
would sacrifice a goat to satan if he would fix my hairline.
Yeah, the hairline.
They look exactly how I'd expect people who worship Satan to look, like mentally ill retards
Not what I meant so I will clarify. Usually people in the arts are left leaning who love to claim the Christian God doesn’t exist and everything else that follows, so how can they take one portion out of the Bible but then clamor for the other portion, i.e. HAHA HAIL SATAN XD
Kind of a weak comment but I’ve been sort of backing God just out of spite of fedoras
Its all made up. Nobody knows anything. A bunch of organisms showed up on a rock in the middle of a void. Anyone who tries to say anything more than that is making shit up.
Nigga, you are making no fucking sense. Was I wrong? Is this as good as you can do?
wtf i love jewish magician now!
I am not trying to meme retard there’s nothing to “get”
>there’s nothing to “get”
Right, because there's no point to what you're saying. I knew that when I told you you could make a better jokepost.
Jesus tongue my anus
this was the bread they used in the toaster
666 and I get a succubus girlfriend.
stop being christian
Enjoy never having a gf
Its dork sided
its tainted
I'm a god warrior
modern satanism is just edgy atheism
>showed up
Epistemologically compromised
Why do satanists sharpie the cross of St. Peter all over everything?
Not everything has to be a point for an argument or a le meme, sometimes people just like making conversation with no reason
>Christians are good, reasonable peo-
At this point even satanism would be better suited to the white man than Christianity.
>a bunch of dorky looking people with poor fashion sense talk about how unpopular they were growing up
>they reveal themselves as Satanists
I'm in absolute shock over here.
>i'm going to make a big point about satanists
>but i'm not making a point
>you never said "meme," but i'll say you did
Return to class.
Your blind belief in effects without causes, something coming from nothing, and complex system organizing themselves is not supported by observable reality.
Almost too subtle. Not bad.
>onions - the religion
>redditors have made a home here
Feels bad man
Even Satan isn't bargaining with you. You're fucked.
Fuck off you kike loving faggot
You’re a nigger
you supposed to turn the other cheek nigga
And I'm running absolute fucking circles around your ability to communicate. Maybe you need an easier site.
ey Tone, how's this toaster supposed to work if it don't even have a plug?
What are you trying to say? Life emerged on a planet in space. Is that better for you? Showed up: at one point there wasn't life on earth, then there was. Nobody know how it happened. This is an accepted claim. Organisms: the biochemical structure of life uses systems of organs. Again pretty undisputable claim. Void: there is no air in deep space and only traces of energy flying around, perhaps a bit poetic language but still not much of a problem I see.
There’s no reason to be upset
There's several reasons for you to be embarrassed.
HAHHAHAHA forever alone instead.
Oof off by one
>God is fake!
>Jesus is fake!
>The Bible is fake!
>But Satan is totally real
that's a good question, Pete.
Entropy contradicts evolution or something, therefore appeal to mystery? Dust forming accretion disks forming solar systems seems like a system organizing itself towards increasing complexity.
Good. You get an incubus bf.
What ever happened to this egg-headed fuck?
Daily reminder that cuckstianity is an ancient jewish psy-op designed to keep the masses meek and docile.
Based, Pagans gets the sword.
based retarded christcuck
>Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the world. No, I did not come to bring peace, but a sword
So, I mean, he's right.
kys jew loving nigger
Daily reminder that agnostics actually believe this
>Christians are intolerant, they killed peaceful innocent pagans and destroyed their pagan idols
>Christians are weak cowards
Daily reminder that the Number of the Beast is 616 as per the earliest fragments of scripture, not 666.
The fucking book has been translated and changed so many goddamn times I don't know why any of you retards take it at face value.
Because retards don't know about the Cross of St. Peter so thought they were doing something edgy.
But anyway, I believe there is a creator to this world. I just know that no one KNOWS anything about it. And pretending to know can be very damaging.
The meek shall inherit the Earth, turn the other cheek, love your enemy. I could go on... , now you'll say,"but it also says this" and you're right, the bible takes both sides of every argument, because it's evil. But it is designed to weaken a person. It's not trying to create leaders, it's trying to create mindless sheep who worship.
This. Atheism is just edgy Satanism
based righteous fury poster
Why is he so smug bros?
Say that to Charlemagne.
Except Papyrus Fragment was found with this info way after the translations of the Bible.
he lives deliciously.
I'm talking about the book in general, not just that part.
>mfw my phone number is XXX - 616 - XXXX
Regarding Gauss
>For him science was the means of exposing the immortal nucleus of the human soul. In the days of his full strength, it furnished him recreation and, by the prospects which it opened up to him, gave consolation. Toward the end of his life, it brought him confidence. Gauss's God was not a cold and distant figment of metaphysics, nor a distorted caricature of embittered theology. To man is not vouchsafed that fullness of knowledge which would warrant his arrogantly holding that his blurred vision is the full light and that there can be none other which might report the truth as does his. For Gauss, not he who mumbles his creed, but he who lives it, is accepted. He believed that a life worthily spent here on earth is the best, the only, preparation for heaven. Religion is not a question of literature, but of life. God's revelation is continuous, not contained in tablets of stone or sacred parchment. A book is inspired when it inspires. The unshakeable idea of personal continuance after death, the firm belief in a last regulator of things, in an eternal, just, omniscient, omnipotent God, formed the basis of his religious life, which harmonized completely with his scientific research.
In cases like that christcucks are simply tools that carry out the machinations devised by jews. On the whole, the religion is designed to induce obedience and docility in it's followers -that's why Western society is the way it is these days.
Reminder that He loves you all. Being redeemed in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, is easy.
Don’t let the serpent get you.
Right, it has been. But the Papyrus Fragment was not part of the Bible proper, but was a later fragment that had been left out of it but still stored. Lots of books were specifically left out of the Bible for various reasons. Book of Mary for example.
I live in Arkansas. Why should these degenerate amoral freaks be allowed to change the culture of my state? Why should my state be “inclusive” and “tolerant”? We’ve seen what their disgusting beliefs do to most states in the Union, what is worth conforming to?
I'm aware.
based af. athiests and retarded satan worshipers BTFO
He gets more retarded with each passing day to be honest
>We’ve seen what their disgusting beliefs do to most states in the Union
which states are you talking about specifically?
>1 off.
Cucked by God.
>growing athiesm in the west
>Its because of christianity that the west is so cucked.
When it was christian, it was literally hell bent in making itself wholly independent from the islamic levant that they even crossed oceans to make their own intercontinental empires.
God knows you're a fag that does not even deserve hell through a succubus. You'll probably be in purgatory with no one to pray for you so its basically just hell but worse.
>civilization building
Rome adopted Christianity after its peak and collapsed. Most of its former lands took at least 1,000 years to achieve a quality of life on par with what was lost, and still haven't achieved anything like the political unity they had at the time. For a centuries the most "civilized" lands in former Roman territory were Islamic Caliphates. Even the Byzantines weren't "building civilization", they were desperately and with a long arc of total failure trying to hang onto the relics and territorial gains of their non-christian predecessors.
The bible would not have survived for even a short amount of time if that were true, because word on the street would have easily debunked it and people would call BS and not take it seriously and that would be the end of it. It's like if right now if someone would say they found a book that is the REAL word of God, no one would believe it unless there was actual teaching and facts in said book which were practiced and seen by real people who could attest to that and say 'yeah, that happened" etc. It's the same argument with the whole finding the body of Christ, if anyone found his body after 3 days Christianity would have died instantly.
Every explanation of origin goes back to 'something from nothing'.
If there was no creator, either the universe was always here, or it came from nothing
If there is a creator, either he was always here, or he came from nothing.
There's no blind belief to be had, only the confidence that neither you or I have more proof on the matter than anyone else does.
Imagine actually being a theist and getting offended by things like this.
And the church, the clergy, and the institutions of learning they have established have shaped the modern world, it is clear from the historical record that the church has been probably the largest single and longest-term patron of science in history, that many contributors to the Scientific Revolution were themselves Christian, and that several Christian institutions and perspectives were key influences upon the rise of modern science. to the Monastery of Lindisfaire and the Pontifical Academy of Sciences in Rome, to the early church fathers to the Jesuits, Camilians, Salesians, and Franciscans, to devout men and women like Aquinas, Grosseteste, Hildegard, Buridan, Oresme, Nicholas of Cusa, Bunfels, Bacon, Copernicus, Pascal, Lobkowitz, Boyle, Redi, Newton, Kepler, Leibniz, Leeuwenhook, albretch von Hailer, Euler, Laviosier, Lemaitre, Mendel, Agnesi, Volta, Bernoulli, Ampere, Cuvier, Faraday, Babbage, Maxwell, Joule, and many many more examples leading to advancements and sometimes establishments of new concepts and ideas like in Geology, Botany, Optics, Astronomy, Calculus, Logarithms, Combinatorics, Trigonometry, Statistics, Computational Algorithms, Computers, Geometry, Chemistry, Biology, Micro Biology, Physiology, Parasitology, Genetics, Physics, Electromagnetism, Thermodynamics, Scientific Natural History, Scientific method, etc
Christian Europe literally went above and beyond what rome could create.
Atheism as a rising phenomena belongs to the last 70 years or so. It's hundreds of years of (((Christian values))) that laid the foundation for the cuckening.
Also, Christianity is the only reason Islam exists to begin with. How convenient, isn't it?
>islamic caliphates
>thinking copying diophantus and christian technological advances in the levant as something great.
>hey you leave my magical jew that's been dead for 2000 years alone you hear
Satanists are stupid faggots. I'd take a Christian over a Satanist any day.
Goth/metal edgelord GFs are the best
>Be the west
>Marry eastern and western thought in the form of Christianity
>More or less create a unifying cultural force that extends beyond idiosyncratic kingdoms
>Eventually form the bedrock for globally reaching intellectual movements such as the enlightenment
>Form the basis of modern thought in every single developed nation in one way or another
>Hundreds of years later brainlets from the same culture created by Christianity call it dumb because they think they know better than lifetimes of accumulated knowledge and understanding.
This rapant christianophobia is really horrible.
We have to stop it at all cost, see what happenend in Sri Lanka
Yes, christians are intolerant weak cowards that killed peaceful innocent pagans.
satanists are just atheists who are absolutely obsessed with pissing off Christians
>satanists are a "fuck religious supremacy" religion with nothing to do with literal biblical satan
>bible thumping retards too knee-jerk stupid to actually read about the things they're so afraid of
I bet they even think the flying spaghetti monster is real.
hahahah get fucked nigger (jk lmao)
If you're a Christian in Sri Lanka you're just too retarded to stay alive anyway
>Christians are god's chosen people NOT jews
>some literal nigger
>christcucks are simply tools that carry out the machinations devised by jews.
Proof please? You do realize it was the Jews who killed Christ right?
> designed to induce obedience and docility in it's followers -that's why Western society is the way it is these days.
"Western society" is a brutally violent shell of what they wanted it to be centuries ago ruled by powermongers catering to undeserving puppets. Youre whole post is a try too hard buzzword memefest edgelord.Go get a popsicle from your mommy.
>the church has been probably the largest single and longest-term patron of science in history
And those Nazis sure did advance science quite a bit too, where's their religious devotion?
It goes further than this, places like the US become hell holes bvecause of this.
>Sri Lanka
Who fucking cares, you nigger.
Who cares, if your country is primarily buddhist or muslim you shouldn't cuck yourself to christianity, that's a retarded idea
Athiesm as a rising phenomenon was the hallmark of the 20th century.
It was the utter debasement and erosion of Christianity that laid the foundation of the cuckening. its called Post-Christian Europe for a reason
typical christianophobes in here. Be better, stop the hate and grow up. people like you are all that is wrong.
You're dead, Nietszche. Let it go already.
All kikes will be gassed, including NuKikes aka Christians.
do you not know anything about nazis or religious devotion?
some one needs to stitch that hole in your head shut, son, your brain’s dryin out.
Fuck off nigger, Sri Lanka isn't a christian country, they're doing well in bombing some foreign religion away
I give the same amount of fucks at niggers and christcucks getting retributed.
Literally who cares about christianity being debased? Those retards sailed north and cucked my region into christendom by the sword 1000 years ago, I'd see it reversed in a heartbeat.
>unironically being a fedora tipper
>unironically being a mudslime
>unironically being a jew
>unironically being a pagan
>unironically being agnostic
>unironically getting so triggered by a Christian you have to post the most retarded childish posts imaginable
Jill is a cutie
>argument gets demolished
>but we were the chosen people not you
Fucking jew.
>tips fedora
If the supposedly cucked Christianity was able to estabilish itself in your land by force, I think that shows who are the true feeble cucks, nordshit...
>Paganism is so superior
>gets utterly demolished by a christian king and soon was made to convert
>was literally better afterwards.
Butthurt christians are the ones sperging out though. Are you confused?
Poster is probably some mudslime living in germany anyways.
>Paganism is so superior
You just switching topic now
>Christianity is so superior.
>currently on the decline
It's largely Buddhist and they preach tolerance, which is why it's an issue. Islam is similar in % to Christianity (and it's largely Anglican/Catholic in the region since the Bongs banned Reformed and the like, in fact they franchised Catholicism back there)
apparently you are both blind and confused friend
Yes, how could we fight against a fleet of rabid christcucks who'd spread their mind control kikery like AIDS? It's telling that the only way they "converted" us was by showing up with the king and flaying everyone.
>retain for centuries old, civilization building religion
Always chuckle at that
>Anglicanism is essentially Catholicism except you can't pay the Pope to wipe away your sins and don't have the Pope outright go 'Yeah Purgatory and Hell don't exist bros, it's OK to use condoms too bros, also aliens are all Christians bros'
You're under the the delusion that a bit of hedonism is somehow the downfall of the West, and not the foundation of a cucked Christian morality. The proof is in the pudding. Look at countries untainted by Abrahamic cuckery like China or Japan; what are their stances on immigration and race? It's all quite clear.
>people pretending that The Satanic Church is even actually engaged in active worship of a figure Satan
These fuckers are just atheists who desperately need to LARP a church experience to fulfill their empty souls, and the Satan meme is a perfect fit for the one thing they've all always wanted to do since childhood-- piss off mom and dad (represented here by most of society).
If people didn't wring their hands and scream about muh Satanists putting up statues or arguing with theists, these edgy fucklords would just find some other outlet for their need to be Different and Cool.
after years of debasement and utter kikery but ofcourse the current world's view on morality is wholly independent of the fact that the church's hold on europe is weakening and solely dependent on its heritage as a christian continent.
>after years of debasement and utter kikery
So are they losing or not? You're just making excuses at this point. Butthurt nords could make the same argument.
So you admit that based christians ade superior to pagan fucking shits? Good.
Mmmmk Vlad
based butthurt christcuck
>it's an "I don't like your religion therefore it shouldn't be treated the same as mine" episode
Either they're all protected or none of them should be.
>I am going to make a blind guess and believe this thing
>What the fuck you made a different blind guess and believe something different
>This makes me angry for some reason and I'm going to kill you now
tell me how diderot was only a hedonist or that he was such a grand advocate of Christianity.
You think nations like poland or even the russian resurgent orthodox faith would have gave in to muslims just because they were christian? Its the lack of nationalism that made the west so cucked in the current century.
lol fag
So close lil nigga
In mind control, yes. The kike is crafty.
Not trying to hide what?
Laveyan Satanism is literally just atheism for edgelords. Sorry you are too retarded that you only take things at face value such as a name.
Did I say anything else? The christian faith in europe is obviously fading and with it brings the problem of a cucked europe. Funnily enough discarding your people's history and traditions when its identity is steeped in the successes of christian europe is a recipe for mass demoralization
>Did I say anything else?
Then you admit you're a butthurt christcuck. Might makes right little cuck, deal with it.
I fucking love Joseph's wife's son from a previous relationship now!
it's gonna be yikes from me christcuck
>They're not even trying to hide it
>insult a religion that has built all of modern civilisation
>dude don’t get so butthurt just take a chill pill
>mock a bunch of trannies
>uhmmmmmm that’s not cool bro. yikes.
Why are r*dditors so mentally ill?
seething christfags belong on /pol/
Why are christcucks so eternally butthurt?
I agree, and let them have whatever they want within the realm of religious expression. It's just that they're really like 90% trolls who get off on angry Christians letting them live intracranially rent-free forever. It's a joke, and most of the very small number of their followers would just fuck off to metal shows and libraries if it wasn't for the perverse joy gotten out of angry Christian fucks.
Just be goth.
I had a gf who unironically had exorcisms performed on her. She was completly fine ofc but her mother brought a priest to their house because "she was worried about her daughter"
LOL! This Easter Worshipper is SEETHING!
>if it wasn't for the perverse joy gotten out of angry Christian fucks.
To be fair, look at the angry christian fucks in this thread. If you're going to be an easy mark, trolls gonna troll.
>And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
So Jesus is a schizo. Alright.
Except it wasn't really might that will ruin europe now would it, It was the rejection of Christ and therefore its identity. You gloating over the fact that europe is cucked because of it is also revealing.
This, but redditniggers like you belong or reddit.
I heard baphomet has a goat head tits and a fat dick that's pretty hot how do you summon it for a quick fuck?
>Except it wasn't really might that will ruin europe now would it
Why not? If christianity is so powerful surely it would be in a better position. You were bragging about it converting nord barbarians earlier. Atheists are on the uptake, so it woujld seem they are more powerful.
>You gloating over the fact that europe is cucked because of it is also revealing.
You're imagining things user, I'm guessing this is a frequent problem for you.
Tbh Europe deserves to fall if we consider its history of colonialism, xenophobia, and systematic racism.
Not sure what this has to do with my post. You ok?
Do you have a problem with my post? You should fuck off back to POL.
You're not making much sense. You ok?
>It's a joke
Yes, it is a joke. And the more we have tyrannical religion fighting each other with escalating religious tyrrany, I appreciate a joke institution trying to keep all their bullshit grounded in the reality that not everyone believes the same shit as you and shouldn't be made to by force.
Freedom of religion is freedom from religion.
And The Lord said, "go forth user, and shitpost your schizo ramblings over not just /x/, but Yea Forums and other hobby boards."
user did this and saw that it was a good and righteous thing
>Butthurt nords
is you showing that you aren't really a pagan, probably a mudslime or an athiest.
>Why not?
because there's a difference between military conquest and subversion.
And most of saxony was conquered by Charlemagne.
Athiesm isn't a moral philosophy, its a deconstruction hence why people here rightfully view satanism as just edgy twits who thinks postings saint peter's cross is somehow subversive, they have nothing to really offer other than shock value. You're arguing about the strength of a phenomenon against its antithesis rather than a rival. Its like arguing about how the utter uselessness of akaline metals compared to contact with water.
Its funny how the most religious states in Europe are the ones that are completely against migration.
I still don't get how there are serious practicing christians on this site. it makes no sense
Why would someone want to worship Satan?
>caring about religion
>caring about satanism
>caring about anything
just live your life, don't be a fucking dick to other people. like that fat guy hurr go kick over some grave stones. utterly pathetic.
i know christians who are cool (i don't actually know anyone cool) and satanists who are cool (lies) and athiests who are cool (again, i don't know anyone at all) why do you have to stereotype people? judge by actions.
wow you guys really need to sort yourselves out.
Why are religious people so serious all the time?
No person really "worships satan", there are broadly two schools and both of them are equally retarded.
LaVey style satanism is literally just a bunch of edgy theater kids who got so euphoric with regards to catholicism they founded a pseudo-religion based on high school tier "philosophy" and a desire to feel up some goth titties.
Theistic satanism is probably more retarded because it's based on biblical fanfiction, I mean how does one really worship satan? It's not like the bible tells you how. Considering that's the only book with historical weight that refers to satan whatever pseduo-pagan edgy shit you do to "glorify satan" is just speculation. Also there's the fact that satan gets btfo repeatedly in the bible so by pledging your allegiance to satan and acknowledging him as the same satan from the bible you're basically resigning yourself to lose.
Fucking idiot racist fuck.
Hail, Satin.
Contrarianism is a hell of a drug.
None of my posts had any mention of race. You are confused friend.
dubs and aI share my succubus wife with you whores
dubs and I get user's succubus all to myself :^)
>Your entire religion is based off disliking other religions and telling everyone you belong in said religion and you are too smart for religion.
The ultimate petty.
these people are so fuckin reddit
>insult a religion that has built all of modern civilisation
Ancient Athenian civilization was more advanced than any Christian civilization until the renaissance. Religion doesn't "build" civilizations. Philosophy, Art, and Science do that.
>Religion doesn't "build" civilizations. Philosophy, Art, and Science do that.
Religion was what helped unite and shaped those early civilizations.
>how do you summon it for a quick fuck?
You're a sick fuck
>fat neckbeard with a MLP t-shirt
Hide what mouth breathing retard? The fact that it's semi-documentary of a different "religion"? Do you also cower in fear about flying spaghetti monster?
>Arkansan calling anyone a degenerate amoral freak
Get the fuck out here and back to fucking your cousin.
Lookup what he means by neighbour you retard
>Tranny edgelords VS Kike lovers
No matter who "loses", (((they))) win.
Why do jews attack Christianity but not Islam?
Jews attack islam all the time. Haven't you been paying attention? Isreali's shoot the butthurt niggers in the knees for fun.
Are you aware of a little place called Israel?
pagans were well on their way to knowledge already, get fucked
Best thing I've seen all day.
Satanism is just spiritual larping, and its centralized text is plagiarized.
Yes, the Jews sure are out to get you
Just out of curiosity, what precisely do you think has been going on in the Middle East since 1948?
>Jews buttfucked Allah for an entire week using recycled ww2 equipment
Why were they so based all of a sudden bros?
Jews don't attack Islam, just Palestinians who happen to be majority Muslim and minority Christiam
fuck off schlomo
Reminder language is the cornerstone of civilization
How do /pol/fags rationalize their anti-Semitism with their hatred for muslims? Genuinely curious
I don't mind them in their own countries. It's kikes that push for white replacement
Look up Kalergi plan
>allow me to ask a question completely irrelevant to the thread
ITT degenerates attack Christianity because it doesn't accept their mental illnesses (ie homosexuality and transgenderism).
Meanwhile, they will defend Islam who hates them even more.
How can they be so smug knowing what's going to happen to them
I dislike them both and hate judaism
Nothing's going to happen. When you're dead, you're dead. Sorry to break that to you
The Church of Satan and LavVeyan Satanists are literally just atheist cucks
Actual Satanists are much cooler
You wish
Reminder that agriculture is the cornerstone of civilization.
He makes shitty zoom zoom rap for incels now. Not even exaggerating.
Forgive my ignorance on the matter, but I don't recall the Bible positing a scenario where Satan -wins-. It posits a scenario where Christ redeems the faithful and the rest are condemned to Hell.
So what exactly does all this add up to apart from evil people digging their own eternal grave?
>the bible doesn't actually reflect reality
Holy shit, no way!
>ITT: absolute brainlets who haven't read Paglia's Sexual Personae and realized that the pagan/christian dialetic is the driving force of western culture and that both sides exist complementary to each other
The Alek song was a banger, but yeah the rest of Eggy's stuff kinda sucks
If basement dwellers are going to try to crack wise from their darkened lairs like some sort of Anton LeVay Satan cult then they'd best be able to crank out the sick jokes
His idea of Heaven is watching you all get raped in the ass by the devil
Go to bed, retarded Americunt boomers
Nobody really treats satanism seriously, not even satanists themselves.
>why yes, I do indeed worship Satan
>care to join my D&D campaign?
Consider the source son
Ya got worked, son.
Give it to me straight Thoth-bros, am I wasting time if I study literature on the Tarots?
(also what is it with "magicians" like Crowley and Grant Morrison actually talking about aliens? What are those a symbol for?)
cucked by the light of christ
>Hail Satan
>has picture of Baphomet
tryhard edgelord plebs
TST is the gayest fucking satanic order there is.
It's literally just a left wing activist group, nothing more. They just use satan as a 'hehe this will stick it to them conservatives lmao"
Detroit area code
It all makes sense now
Based tbqh
Techincally angels and demons are aliens. They are from other planes of reality, not just other planets. Still makes them technically alien to this world and dimension.
based and righteous pilled
thats gotta hurt
I fucking knew it.
I know to some degree occultism has to be ridiculous, but some of those fucks are really pushing the envelope on bullshit terminology and weird metaphors. BEYOND what is necessary.
You really see the frivolity and the vanity shine through.
I feel like a fucking idiot or a lunatic every time I talk about these things, all because everything has ten different names that add nothing to the concepts.
>jewish psy-op meme
jews believe their messiah wont come until christianity falls, they dont want more people being christians. without a god, the highest authority is government which make an athiest easier to control than a christian who puts god before government. you tried, now go shit up /pol/
How does being economically conservative but socially liberal make someone a nazi?
>being an atheist just to be a double contrarian on an Mongolian basket weaving forum Anno Domini 2019
unironically based. i'm an atheist but i recognize that the west is intrinsically christian and that shitting on it is basically shitting on the west
>can't read graphs
Economically liberal socially conservative you dunce.
>the economically liberal voting for old money
>neo-con's are nazis somehow
Learn to read.
>can't read graph
>accuse otherwise of not reading the graph
You know it's clearly labelled, right? The "Nazi" square is socially liberal and economically conservative.
>still can't read the graph
Bunch of niggers on Yea Forums I swear
Actual sub 80 IQ nigger who can't read graphs
Absolutely based and christpilled post
>quintupling down
Go to bed Donald.
>I can't read graphs and must let Yea Forums know
>Meme religion
>Largest religion in the world woth other 2.3 billion members
Sure thing, buddy
official thread theme:
Oh no no no, surely you are faking this level of stupidity
Do you guys just choose to believe in Christianity, or is it just a feeling that Jesus and all that good stuff existed and happened at some point? Like, the only way I can see myself converting to Christianity is if I force myself to believe in the stories, because there's not an ounce of me that "feels" they're true (which is what I figure it means to really believe).
>Brainlet posting
Ah, I see we have a real winner here
>that latin chorus
When did you learn that music can be kino?
Also checked
Most religious people are only religious because they're indoctrinated from childhood to be religious, and that to be anything other is to endanger your "immortal soul".
>I'm 12 and this is religion
Its a process. I didnt know for sure until i felt spiritual forces, but its become more clear to me as time goes on. Pray, earnestly. Accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior and pray for forgiveness and the rest will come. I love you brother good luck
Reminder that the Bible never says that souls exist, and that there is no word for "soul" in Hebrew.
People seem to feel it, some speak of experiences where God talks to them, whether it's through hearing a voice or having a feeling that draws them in a direction that feels outside of themselves.
If you were to attempt to be Christian without being a spiritual person, I wouldn't suggest forcing yourself to believe in the stories, but rather just understanding the purpose of the stories and the utility the lessons they teach can have in bettering people's lives. If you do that then it doesn't matter if they're true or not.
and redpilled
I’m religious, but this guy is right. Who cares what some ungodly people spend their time doing? If any of you actually care about religion, you’ll pray for these people to come to god. But most here are larping contrarians who only care about religion because it’s out of “fashion” now.
>all these replies
Based as fuck.
Atheists tramble in their boots. Whenever there is the slightest expression of an intention by a religious person to not take their shit anymore, they piss themselves. They know that they are playing with the lion's nostrils, that they are pulling on his ears while he is sleeping. And they are so panicked that they run away and throw a tantrum at the slightest sign that he might wake up soon.
God I hope "something happens" soon.
ITT Samefags samefagging their own posts
I’ll pray for you
Romans are older than meteorologists.
Therefore lightning comes from an angry god, not static electricity.
I fuck roman gods in the ass
when did christfags start feeling welcome here?
I swear to Christ I'd you were actually living in it you would stop with this bullshit. Time didn't collapse because it adopted Christianity, it collapsed despite of that, and I'll let you Google that on your own like a grown-up.
And as for the forest-dwelling pagans, well let's just take a look:
>knows the height of morality is Jesus
>still denies Him
You outed yourself
Does the brainlet upset you? Remind you too much of yourself, perhaps?
>A real winner here
Says the guy who continually denies his own fuck-up and can't even read a graph.
2011/2012 when the fedora meme took off.
Do you even know what a nazi is you stupid fuck?
> Implying there's anything to respect.
>I’m a victim now