Feels kinda surreal that everyone here now loves the prequels

Feels kinda surreal that everyone here now loves the prequels.

Back around 2009-2014, when you had the Plinkett reviews at their height of popularity, the prequels were meme-hated into the stratosphere on here (a la Dane Cook, Nickelback, Dragon Ball GT, etc.). Yea Forums endlessly quoted "It's so dense", "Jar jar is the key to all this", "Real real not so real", "I may have gone too far in a few places", "It's like pottery", Darth icky and darth insanius, etc. and said George lucas was a senile retard and Redlettermedia is great.

Then after TFA and especially TLJ came out, opinions instantly reversed and this board now thinks the prequels are kino, Lucas is a based genius, and hates on Mike and RLM. A complete turnaround from 2012 Yea Forums.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Contrarian Central

4Channel had a few big injections of reactionary simps with blocks of stale semen in place of brains in the first half of this decade

for some reason Yea Forums thinks you can't dislike both the sequels and the prequels

It's been 20 years since release of Episode 1

The people who saw the prequels as children and remember them fondly are fully grown adults now and are posting here

>Then after TFA and especially TLJ came out, opinions instantly reversed and this board now thinks the prequels are kino
they started doing that in 2014 or whenever. As soon as it was announced that Disney was buying Lucasfilm it kind of started. And then we kind of bullied them out of here and they went to reddit and blew up there.

All these fucking cultist redditor kids are now flooding back trying to change history about the shitty movie from their childhood

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We love them because they're meme films that are filled with hilarious flaws. They're similar to The Room in that a hack had complete creative control over the project only the budget and talent behind them was much much bigger. They're not great movies by any means but are so fun to watch.

People who were toddlers when the prequels came out are posting on this board now. They are blinded by nostalgia. In 20 years Yea Forums will be unironically calling 7-9 kino

>implying 8 isn't the best movie in the franchise

It's not hard to understand.

George Lucas wanted to make melodramatic 1930's style serials and fucked it up on a grand scale, but you have to appreciate that he was trying to do something weird and new and being true to his own desires and aesthetics.

I can respect someone who tries and fails. I cannot respect someone who doesn't even try and fails.

The prequels are George Lucas unplugged. Nonsensical melodrama, romance, and villains with ridiculous names straight out of some long lost black and white serial, now 90% CG with atrocious acting.

TFA and TLJ are soulless paint by numbers corporate fan fiction. They're not anybody's heartfelt vision. They're just mass produced lowest common denominator garbage.

I personally think the prequels are garbage as well - but I can respect Lucas for being insane enough to think they'd work. The prequels are Lucas doing whatever the f he wants, damn the consequences, and it's always interesting to see how a director will do things if given complete control, even if the end result is craptastic.

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Yea Forums is the biggest contrarian board on the site

Well put.

The prequels were bad but at least they felt like star wars

soul vs soulless

It still baffles me that people don’t understand how Yea Forums works

I recently rewatched Phantom Menace and I enjoyed it a lot more than the last time I saw it. I guess it took me a few cinema trips to watch what a soulless cash grab SW movie looks like to appreciate a soulful but a flawed one.


everybody who reaches the point in life where they have a steady relationship and settledown, around 24, leaves this place and their replaced by edgy jaded teenagers.

the only people who think Yea Forums is intentionally contrarian are the faggot normies and tourists who can't comprehend anything beyond the popular opinion

Basic of comparison.

Something can be shitty, but then suddenly not be so bad when something far worst comes along to put in perspective.

In Lucas' defense he really set out to create something different with the prequels. Whether it was good or bad it wasn't just retreading the OT like the new ones are.

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hindsight is always 20/20

it's so dense

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Regardless of what you thought of them, the prequels were a hundred times closer to the post-OT Star Wars movies you always wanted than Disney's ever were.

You all thought Lucas got it wrong, but it took Disney to show you HOW wrongly someone could interpret that universe.

The prequels for better or worse look, sound, taste, smell and feel like Star Wars- vibrant, innocent, wholesome, timelessly old-fashioned, goofy space opera fairy tale b-movies dressed up in big budgets and cutting-edge special effects.

Disney's Star Wars movies are explicitly modern Hollywood movies, dripping with cynicism and self-awareness, which is why they've been rejected by the fans.

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>Regardless of what you thought of them, the prequels were a hundred times closer to the post-OT Star Wars movies you always wanted than Disney's ever were.
nope. RO was exactly what 13 year old me wanted from a Star War prequel. Not fucking TPM autism and space AIDS. Watching that movie was like a wound finally was healed.

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>In 20 years Yea Forums will be unironically calling 7-9 kino
No one will even remember disney wars in 20 years poofter

>No one will even remember disney wars in 20 years poofter
I remember people saying the same about the prequels. Those predictions were false.

Newfag. I've been in a committed relationship for 8 years and ive been posting here for 11 years.

The only good thing about RO was that it bought bunny to my attention

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>I remember people saying the same about the prequels.
Cock sucking faggot zoomer. You weren't even born yet.

Prequel hate was always a meme with no merit. They're better than the original trilogy.

it's a shame she only got the wall just before hitting the wall, if she was ten years younger it would have made her a superstar

Get dome standards. This cunt cant even move her face lest her wrinkles become to prominent

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Star wars is a franchise for children. It was cool back in the day because it had good effects and because everyone would be making conversation about it and bonding irl because of it (no internet) but if you look at all of the movies objectively they are all awful on the same level of a random cartoon show for kids. Grow the fuck up.

People who watch reviews don't belong here.

Who cares what a faggot who never liked star wars thinks?

here's a (you)

>no-script Attack of the Clones better than anything.

I've seen people here say that they are genuinely great movies with well written characters and plots

rogue one was so bland and uninteresting I keep being forgetting it exists, let alone that I actually watched it.

For some people their opinions were revised. But for many it was simply a case of keeping quiet because "everyone hates the prequels". Now with how awful the ST is and more people praising the prequels, all the prequel fans feel comfortable to come out of the woodwork.
Turns out the PT always had a massive fanbase, just the Jew media convincing everyone they're universally hated.


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>this board now thinks the prequels are kino
It doesn't, no. Every few months you try to force this meme once again, the tiny number of you who think this, but it doesn't take because everyone else recognizes that it's possible for five different films to suck. There isn't a finite amount of suck in the universe.

100% agree

Actually agree with this.

Based seething prequel hater

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
In other words, Goodnight HULKAMANIACS and jabronie marks without a life that don't know it a work when you work a work and work yourself into a shoot,marks


>Feels kinda surreal that everyone here now loves the prequels.

Yeah and than Disney came in and we realized just how good we had it.

There's a reason adult star wars fans are cringe as fuck. It's like watching someone discussing how 2deep4u Naruto or some other children cartoon is. Star wars has always been shallow and dull, it's entertaining if you're a kid and you like to see lasers and laser swords. "Omg there's so much sjw stuff it was so much better in the past" no it wasn't. SW has always been shit.

nope Disney just started dumping money into turning their toxic properties into memes so retards would still consume all their prequel merch ironically

Attached: Perfect summation of everything bad about the prequels.webm (1920x816, 888K)

RLM are faggots

>cringe as fuck.
Kek just stick to your sponge bob threads kiddo.

ive got a few guesses
1. kids that grew up with the prequels are now old enough to post here
2. people that liked the games/tv shows/books etc tie ins to the prequels defend the prequels
3. contrarians

people have and always will love the prequels. just not the way lucas intended. for years my friends and i have shouted WESA IN BIG DOODOO and WHERE ARE THOSE DROIDEKAS and recited every other line in these movies because they're hilarious messes. it's hard not to have fun watching them.

disney is not that and never will be. they're dry and boring and corperate and lifeless. soul vs soulless in its truest form. the sequels aren't hilariously awkward and weird. they're boring and generic at best and angering at worst. there's no joy to be found, ironic or unironic. just a skulless product eith neither enough good to be good or poorly shot eniugh or awkward enough to be fun

>3. contrarians

Don't be upset I'm actually helping you here. It was fine when you were a teenager and you thought star wars was "cool" but now that you're a grownup you should be able to see how basic the writing is and how it's aimed at children. Stop acting like this is the greatest thing ever the way a child would. Or don't. Just know we're laughing at you.

I was 14 when tpm came out. I was already a star wars autist before that though. I always enjoyed the prequels. Fuck disney and fuck zoomers.

4. reddit

>Stop acting like this is the greatest thing ever the way a child would. Or don't. Just know we're laughing at you.
You're very desperate kiddo. I have a job and a house and a wife. It doesnt mean i can't still enjoy things. I'm always going to enjoy star wars and the sopranos and babylon 5 and xfiles and there's nothing you can do about it.


It could have been good if they hadn't decided to make it Hunger Games in space. Enough of these annoying female lead starting a rebllion. This shit doesn't belong in SW.

Your age doesn't matter what matters is that you have the mental capacity of a child that you actually praise such a mediocre children show

Speak for yourself, faggot. The prequels AND nu-Wars are all shit.

leia in ANH was literally a feminist icon
an active feminist subversion of the "damsel in destress" trope
she is literally the leader of a rebellion

What are you on about kiddo? Star wars is a film series.

because it's Yea Forums. This place hates what the mainstream loves and loves what the mainstream hates

But they're still on the same level as the new movies, boring with maybe one exciting scene in the whole movie, if any. Rian Johnson had total creative control of the last jedi and it turned out like shit but none of you people are jumping to his defence because he was trying something new.

>oh man im such a tourist listen to me please

nobody likes the prequels and only a committed core of retards still watch SW at all now

because this place is full of contrarians, and people hate the new movies so much that there are a bunch of revisionists trying to tout the prequels as kino. they're new movies being shit doesn't make them any less shit though, sorry george shills.

Not the same kind of leader, and she was a royal so it makes sense that she was a leader but she didn't try to beat Darth Vader! Jyn is a yet another orphan on her own who is taken seriously by the rebel commanders after meeting her only once! Rey it's even worse they sent her to Luke althugh nobody knows this girl from the desert

I think it's just that the sequels manage to be so shitty that they make the sequels look good by comparison (which are still bad films but more entertaining and at least make some real attempt at world building).

fuck me, how do you lot still watch this wank?

>Yea Forums agrees with the popular opinion of the time
>accuses Yea Forums of being contrarian central
You are a fucking idiot.

I love you though

Yes user, we all see how cool and contrarian you are. Very impressive

I like the 6 real star wars movies. The prequels are good.

>But they're still on the same level as the new movies
Only someone with no clue about star wars could possibly think this.

You don't think anything user, you just regurgitate things you hear from other people. You disgust me.

The prequels are still really bad, but after watching my-star Wars I can appreciate some things more. Mainly the world building. Despite everyone complaining about “boring political” scenes, it gave you an idea of how the galaxy operated. TFA and TLJ don’t give you any idea about how any of that works so it’s just a bunch of boring characters running in an empty world that I have no desire to learn more about.

>Plinkett review
that is the shit that ruined star wars, not the prequels, not george lucas, not Disney it was those fucking reddit tiered pĺinkett bullshit reviews

But I don't like anything, not even the stuff from when I was 12.

>I was 14 when tpm came out.
old enough to be my dad

checked I dont follow,
star wars had become shit long before those fuckers even made videos.

I saw episode 1 in theatres opening day as a nine year old and thought it was hot garbage

I was 19 and full of acid at a warehouse party.
what the fuck are you doing here lad?

prequels are complete shit though, don't know what the fuck you retards have been smoking.

Shut the fuck up zoomer

Nope I do not love the Prequels, there's only 2 great Star Wars movies, Return of the Jedi is okay, and the rest are style over substance rehashes.

It must have had a profound impact on you seeing as you come here to discuss it daily 20 years later.

anyway yeah, being a zoomer must fucking suck.

If you cut the three prequels together, you have a single movie with some genuinely decent aspects (especially considering the soundtrack)

The sequels are all standalone films, but nothing stands out. No memorable music besides trailer themes. I will say 7 is the best star wars but 8 pretty much ruins the whole series- I see these on opening night with a friend and I'm not going to do that with 9.

>. I will say 7 is the best star wars
I will say kill yourself reddit nigger

Yeah. It's still the third worst movie I've ever seen, after the RoboCop reboot and dark harvest 2

they made it cool amongst redditors to hate on the prequels, when the prequels came out boomers and gen xers a like liked them
I remember people cheering in the cinema when Yoda btfo Count Dooku in Attack of the Clones and people being excited at Revenge of the Sith
redditors shared their bullshit on normie social media and the sheep followed and started with George Lucas raped by childhood
I'm old enough to see these hate bandwagons appear and dissapear like when everyone hated Steve Carell and the US Office for the first season and Will Farell after he left SNL, now no one remembers those bandwagons

Empire > Star Wars Episode IV A New Hope > The Last Jedi > Solo > rest

>7 is the best star wars
At best it's a worse remake of A New Hope

This is the truest post on Yea Forums right now

You don't know what you've got until it's gone.

t. recent aneurysm victim

I'm old enough to be able to call you out
Prequels are and always were hot garbage. Nobody ever liked them


>Nobody ever liked them
Typical zoomer dishonestly

Lucas gave up on star wars after empire and purposefully killed the series with ROTJ. It was a toy commercial and obligation first and a conclusion to masterpiece popular cinema last

Then came ewoks failed spinoffs, video games, comics, the special editions, the prequels, actual cartoons for children and men who watch childrens cartoons, awful ideas for sequels and standalone spinoffs, the hiring of kathleen kennedy and selling to Disney (TM)



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Ebert was the only one who liked it in the entire country

I saw it 5 times. I liked it, all my friends liked it. My dad liked it. Youre a fool user.

the Prequels were all right but just all right, ROTS was by far the most impressive of the lot
phantom came out but SW was already well played out by then, it looked too different and even the CGI was grating.
kids sure liked them though

RLMlets seething hard itt

Face it, you're just not too bright and got your head turned around by a fatass from Milwaukee.

You could be a good example on how shit taste is nurtured.

Shut the fuck up, Mike.

My dad grew up in the OT era and I was born right into the PT era. Him and most of his friends hated them. Some were indifferent but leaning on liked. My friends liked them enough but we also were exposed to the OT beforehand. I think we just didn’t have that time gap to hype ourselves up like our parents generation did. I loved TPM and liked ROTS but absolutely hated AOTC. Most of my friends liked TPM, didn’t care for AOTC much but loved ROTS. It wasn’t a black and white thing but it was obvious that the younger generation looked on them more favorably. Now I notice that my fathers generation generally like the Disney films and my generation is the one shitting on them most. It’s like a cycle. Kids don’t really have an outlet to share their opinion so it’s hard to tell how they think about the current movies but I’m pretty sure in 5-10 years we’ll be hearing about how the ST is shat on unfairly and that our generation are a bunch of old fucks that need to get over it and how we can’t accept change.

movies/tv were objectively the best when i was -40 though. and music peaked with bach but for pop music specifically around 1965, so -30

Drink the Kool-Aid. Wear blinders. Cover your ears. Because that’s the only way you can totally enjoy Revenge of the Sith — the final and most futile attempt from skilled producer, clumsy director and tin-eared writer George Lucas to create a prequel trilogy to match the myth-making spirit of the original Wars saga he unleashed twenty-eight years ago. Fan boys, of course, have convinced themselves otherwise. So have several critics, if you go by early reviews
-episode three

I'm sorry you and your father both have downs syndrome


this guy gets it

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Imagine that scene with an old jaded karate master milking a cow and it’s the same shit. The visual of it is jarring but the actual concept isn’t anything more than showing how he’s in exile and having to fend for himself. He didn’t suck them either.

He's an auteur and philanthropist, he's not interested in money

He could have gone with a more commercially-friendly PT but he didn't, he made the movies he wanted to make. He actually warned merchandisers that TPM wasn't a marketable movie, but they insisted on throwing billions at him anyway

He's responsible for pushing effects technology more forward than any other single individual

He created two of the most successful and beloved movie franchises of all time

He gave his Lucasfilm billions to charity

George is based and you're not now fuck off

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Mike thinks Jew Jew is a great pick. Le mystery box man who couldn’t write an ending worth shit.

why is that can of diet coke so big

7 is just a shittier ANH

The sequels being worse does not make the prequels good.

Prequel memes on the other hand, are kino.

lmao, the fuck are you even on about?

Hi Rian

lucas trashed the planned 9 to 12 film series and sold out, made a rehashed pandering piece of garbage (with a few redeeming elements) because he got bored of star wars
>Special Editions
lucas raped the series to test out cgi
lucas raped star wars even harder just so nobody else could ever make episode 1-3
>The Force Awakens
lucas gave star wars to disney and quintupled his bank account. we got a shallow hacky JJ soft reboot
>Rogue One
characters and actors nobody cares about enact the backstory of the original star wars. the most transparent Brand commercial in the series
finally an attempted new star wars film after all this time. its alright. "SW fans" (brainless drones who actually enjoy garbage) freak the fuck out,Lol
Lawrence kasdan and his son make a movie about everyones favorite character and it probably wouldve been great if not for all the production turmoil. Its seriously not even bad

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Best take.

>not even bad

Thinking hes an idiot is actually contrarian in and of itself since hes actually right.

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>lucas trashed the planned 9 to 12 film series
How did he ever think this was going to work out with three years between films, it would have taken decades to finish and they'd all be old and tired as fuck.

It was a case of massive expectations - people were expecting movies on par with ANH or ESB, but got 3 ROTJ's instead.

TFA and TLJ only had to be better than the PT to be considered "good", and they didn't even really manage that.

Only Attack of the Clones was shit

>Its seriously not even bad
Kill yourselve

> its alright
Opinion discarded.

It wasn't. Just a little too dark for modern screens.

Objectively you´re right, subjectively UTTERLY wrong.
After watching Luke suck space cow titty milk and just throw away the lightsaber I can now watch JarJar hilarious antics ALL FUCKING DAY LONG.

Shit taste is a very personal achievement for some, I guess.

A very familiar achievement for you too, it seems.

nah the prequels suck as much as they ever did, it's just that none of us imagined that we could ever get even worse star wars movies

Okay, JarJarsucker.


Lucas notes after Star Wars and before ESB:

>Episode I (Prelude)
>Episodes II-IV (Clone War Trilogy)
>Episode V (Emperor Palpatine)
>Episode VI-VIII (Star Wars Trilogy; Luke meets Ben K, becomes aware of the force, joins the rebel forces, destroys the death star, but not before the destruction of Allderan. Meets: Han Solo/pirate, Leia/princess, [unintelligble]. Also Darth Vader.)
>Episode XI
>Episode X-Episode XII (Conclusion)

By the time ESB was finished and out it had changed to 9 films, and by ROTJ:

>But two years later while filming Jedi, for many reasons, Lucas was burning out, tired of the whole enterprise: “I’m only doing this because I started it and now I have to finish it,” he adds. “The next trilogy will be all someone else’s vision.”

Its amazing how he went from being the most ambitious filmmaker (ever?) to not even being able to finish a 3rd film properly so fast

RLM is why Lucas sold SW. They broke him

Who the fuck is Plinkett? The prequels have been hated since 1999. Don't talk about things you clearly were not alive for.

Just gonna float this out there because I wasn't around here in 2012 or whatever, but I have always since day 1 believed that the prequels are better movies than the OT. The prequels are the place where the series is at it's most sci-fi levels and that's always been my favorite part about the series, the high power sci-fi concepts crossed with the literally magic "force" of destiny. In the prequels, you see a galactic civilization that spans thousands of worlds and encompasses hundereds of species fracture apart into brutal civil war. The tools and methods the different groups adopt to fight the interstellar war are varied and effective, one group builds a terrifying force of automated battledroids, commanded by a cyborg marauder, the other grows an army of genitically engineered soldiers bred from the template of a renowned warrior and lead by a mysterious order of warrior monks. It's just peak sci-fi storytelling and idea generation, content to explore and examine is everywhere in the prequel universe. I definitely enjoy the OT and think they're all great movies in their own respect, I just don't think they're particularly robust sci-fi movies. New stuff is...very C- I guess. Not repulsive I think, but very bland and uninspired to me. It's very clear to me that the new stuff is more like the OT in that it veers more towards the "sci-fi as a backdrop" end of the spectrum compared to the prequels.

Prequels are awesome and anyone who disagrees has no imagination.

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Red Letter Media. Look for it if you want to know.
Jar jar would have been better if Lucas had the balls to keep the Darth Binks subplot. Everything is clearly there for it.
Also, excepting for the first prequel (which is clearly pedo shit), the next two movies can add something to the original trilogy, a good way to watch them is
IV, V, II, III, VI, which gives you the Father reveal and the Sister reveal at appropriate times. In this order, the story revolves around Anakin/Vader's story arc.
The prequels are still color, flash, and wank cgi shit for the most part though.

>Darth icky and darth insanius
i still use "BJ Dart" as a pseudonym

It's treason, then


No, no, no!

>but I have always since day 1 believed that the prequels are better movies than the OT.
i bow out

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As a kid i loved the films
As a teenager i hated them and parroted all the plinkett memes and the boomers crying about their childhoods being raped
As an adult i recognise that they are bad movies but i enjoy the world created within them, which is also explored in a lot of spin off media, and i appreciate all design work that went into creating that world and portraying it on film

It's redit users. I don't mean in the memey scapegoat since, they are literally reditors that believe the prequels are good movies and that the sequels killed Star Wars, and everything would be better if daddy Lucas were still in charge.
Fucking ignore them.

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It's a reddit circlejerk that spiraled out of control. Originally it was just people making fun of tfa by using the shit dialogue of PT for memes. Then reddit being reddit they crafted this whole narrative about how the PT is charming or even good.

It was trash and a cash grab by that kike Lucas. Fuck reddit, Aaron should never have killed himself.

Revenge of the Sith is better than jedi.

Nigger I'm 30 with a wife and kid and a +100k job. What else am I gonna do with my free time other than go on Yea Forums?

Why, it's almost like the board is made of contrarian retards.

Married with a house and a riding lawnmower, been here for... 12 years

it still started here. They were making kino grids and spamming them and shit. Started the whole cult idea of unironically treating the prequels like anons at the time were memeing about Tarkovsky and shit. And they got shooed out of here onto reddit, turned into a fucking monster that is probably being boosted by Disney to shill their garbage IP.

>source: my ass

Comparitively. As if you didn't know that, retard.

>George will never adopt and love you.


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Maybe because they exposed themselves as the hacks they are? Remember the damage control they were doing over TFA?

Is the magic back? Not without a price, baby. The Star Wars engine has been stalled for so long, you have to trudge through nearly an hour of Episode II – Attack of the Clones just to hear it cough and turn over. Still, the Force against dullness is finally goosing George Lucas. To alleviate his usual cornball jokes and solemn mythmaking, Lucas throws in Jedi love (who knew Jedis take a vow not to screw?). And check out the babe casting of the lovers: Natalie Portman as queen turned senator Padme Amidala, decked out in belly-baring outfits Britney would envy, and Hayden Christensen as hotheaded Jedi-in-training Anakin (Darth Vader’s inside me somewhere) Skywalker. Clones is crammed with action, grand digital design and a dark side Lucas hasn’t flaunted since 1980’s The Empire Strikes Back. Death, dismemberment, lost mommies, demon daddies and Freudian subtext are a huge improvement over the Jar Jar juvenilia that blighted 1999’s Phantom Menace — a prequel that everyone saw and no one wants to remember.

Attack of the clones review

Hindsight gave people an appreciation for George's sincerity when contrasted to the soulless Disney offerings


people like you deserve cruelty and ridicule


all clunky elements of 4th movie removed, all that they had to do was add a black guy to get you faggots upset since the trailer released.

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I hate that meme. He was shiling ILM and expanding the IP of the franchise by just cranking out new characters and toys and special effects for the purpose of shilling ILM and THX as the industry standard in the cgi revolution that was happening.

He only made the movies to establish his companies as the industry leaders in hollywood. And he had sucked the OT fucking goddamn dry with the (((special))) editions to the point where he HAD to make some new bullshit just to keep the next generation of shitfaced kids addicted to consuming his shit.

All of the creative choices came from him thinking cynically about appealing to the industry. All of the ships were designed to be as flashy and impressive as possible to other studios looking at that technology. All the cgi was with Jar Jar was built around trying to innovate and shill the motion capture performance thing that is now standard practice. He didn't care about the character. He just cared about the effect. Like the choreography where he cgi stapled the actor's faces onto the stuntmen was ALL about the promo reel they made about that to shill to the industry. Didn't care if it looked weird it was about being the first to do it in a big tentpole and having proof of concept and shit.

None of his direction, writing, or anything else has ANY fucking "soul" it's like watching the Room but directed by an autistic businessman.

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nobody likes the prequels, nobody likes the sequels
star wars is dead and now that I think about it, there has never been a good star wars movie

The prequels are still terrible and that was the common view long before Red Letter Media. The difference is that Yea Forums discovered that they could mine the prequels for memes (with the prequels being the punchline) and that there was at least some heart and originality put into the movies. The sequel trilogy is worthless for even meme mining and has no heart or originality whatsoever, instead crudely aping A New Hope then waging war on everyone who ever loved or cared about Star Wars (and logical, cohesive storytelling and characterization as a whole).

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The original trilogy are not masterpieces. They were when I was 12. And I will always love those films but to an adult outsider looking in, especially now, there is nothing special about them. They are goofier than the prequels. If the second and third one didn’t have that awkward cringe love plot this wouldn’t even be up for debate and the prequels would be widely considered to be better films (as they pretty much are as is or at the very least they’re on par with that OT)

If you think RLM is the only reason people hated the prequels then you need to watch The People VS George Lucas.

>The prequel sets were basically one green screen room

That had to be the most miserable filming experience ever. The limitations of the room even restricted the type of scenes that could be shot, and that's probably why Obi-Wan's high ground was so laughably short to boot.

Does anyone have the image of Ian McKellen crying during the green screen scenes of The Hobbit? That basically sums up what filming the prequels was like.

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Thank you. I think there was a stitched compilation of images showing the stages of McKellen's breakdown as well.

it was a prop can but then George decided to do a cgi can in post

Wish I had it.
Enjoy this instead.

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ive never been the biggest star wars fan but I also liked the prequels the best as a kid

Yeah I agree. RLM is shit, prequels are Atleast Star Wars. The Disney shit is awful in comparison





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i don't like any of it anymore.

I found it on my own.

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shit I only got four more years until my crystal goes black

Plinkett may be the worst thing that ever happened to film criticism

>the Plinkett reviews at their height of popularity
Imagine actually writing this and believing anyone gives a single fuck.

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Not really contrarianism. It's just that these new films are so bad they make the prequels look a lot more competent by comparison.

It's not like the Plinkett reviews suddenly blew everyone's mind. they were the same shit people were talking about on imdb and Yea Forums for years. It was just what everyone was talking about, perfectly packaged into something that is also a good teaching tool and circlejerk about filmmaking in general.

The reason it was such a meme was because it was so satisfying to all the people that had been shitposting about it for the last decade.

Its definitely popular to hate nu wars, contrary to what the media tells you

because people realized en masse that it's better to try but screw up than to intentionally force politics into the universe while undoing all that was previously cherished

hundreds of millions lost in TLJ and Solo says I'm right.

Jarjar was retarded but a harmless addition. Wasting hours of my time for some chink and basketball american to tell me about the evils of riches is something I cannot get behind.

>Jarjar was retarded but a harmless addition.

>he missed the part where the rich people were making money off the resistance too
Unless you think that's good, or something. You do sound racist and weird

Came here to post this

also it had those moments when the plinkett character had women in his basement and such. theyre generally good dudes

Jesus fucking christ. Stop

You would be wrong, people had always existed liking the prequels, they just never bothered coming out and defending them when Otfag rage was so prevalent that their was no point in talking about it for the first few years of Yea Forums but I was always here, nobody is going to waste their time fighting their way up that hill. The more people talked about it positively, the more it got meme'd, it just changed course, and people gave it rewatches, found things they liked and yes even more things came out that they hated, contrast matters.

You can find many posts pre-2012 in positive for prequels, the difference is you also had people that liked EU as well and when Disney nuked that, prequels got even more support because of those people. It wasn't just any one thing. Sheevposting helped too. A lot of otfags also got butthurt because of the Sequels and shilling for the new shitty movies. Especially the people that shat on lucas saying how great it was that Disney had the IP now.


Also Anakinposting went from ironic to iconic, one of the only times that shifted on Yea Forums

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>Being a brainlet
If you think TLJ is a "war on logical, cohesive storytelling and characterization" then never ever watch real movies like 2001 a space odyssey or lynch kino

>Based their was no sets retardposter

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t. guy who gets it.

ITT: contrarians being contrarian about contrarianism

Why are Star Wars autists unable to handle people liking the prequels?

The original trilogy worked because people reeled in George, as they knew a true to life serial would be a disaster. There's a reason they died in the 30s obscure and unknown.

The prequels were when everyone gave up trying to stop him.

I despise this meme
>somebody made bad thing later... Ugga bugga dis mean that they never good!!
He believed the hype

I still think it's hilarious George got so spiteful and mad that Empire was a bigger success than ANH, but without the re-edits and without him directing it.

George is an idea man, but when those ideas comes to light, he can't express them.

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I've been here since before Yea Forums was even created in 09' and I have always liked George Lucas, Prequels and all things starwars, pre-disney.

Try again. We have always existed.

He literally rewrote half of ROTJ to make more buck on merchandise.

Also Lucas is the only non-jew from his circle of friends, ironically, you can go look my ill-bred friend.

Star Wars: A New Hope was going to be a complete fucking trainwreck disaster B-Movie until it was saved in editing.

Without that last ditch masterful editing and the soundtrack, it would have bombed hard.

Lucas didn't make an amazing movie. He created raw material that other people transmogrified into an amazing movie.


Patrician order

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>A New Hope was saved in the editing

Oh look this meme again.

No, I watched the prequels as a kid back when they came out. I still remember the disappointment. Plinkett has nothing to do with it.

>putting 5 before 4

Sure thing bud. The only thing you got right was putting 1 ahead of everything not OT.

We know for a fact that his cut of the first star wars sucked, that he had the least to do with Empire (the best SW, and the one he thinks is the worst), and ruined ROTJ

It's not that he was always bad it's just that he always had big weaknesses that overtime got worse and worse and worse instead of improving himself

>comparing star wars to actually good movies
>bringing up TLJ specifically even though he never mentioned
Nigger, you're the retard here. No one goes to Star Wars, expecting some sort of self-affirming mental evolution or a wild emotional thriller. They go to Star Wars because it's a medley of nostalgia and filmmaking tropes, it doesn't challenge their intellectuality. It functions on a logical chain of events, with relatively basic characterization

That went from mildly entertaining to soul-crushingly depressing fast.

Now someone do a version where its TLJ Luke having fantasies about EU Luke and thinking he's having sex with Mara Jade only to wake up on his island with nothing but seacow titties to suck.

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dumb zoomer

I actually fell asleep during TPM

>bringing up TLJ specifically even though he never mentioned
You actually can't read
>The sequel trilogy is worthless for even meme mining and has no heart or originality whatsoever, instead crudely aping A New Hope [TFA] then waging war on everyone who ever loved or cared about Star Wars (and logical, cohesive storytelling and characterization as a whole). [TLJ]

See yourself out of my thread.

The prequels are shit, but even back then i thought they were fixable, and the stuff between the movies (specially the clone wars stuff) was good.

So many days i spent writing "how to fix the prequels" fanfiction, because the base material (setting, characters, actors, motivations) was good, the execution and script (dialogue, directing) were shit.

The sequels are literally irredeemable, nothing about them is good, TFA is a rehash of ANH and TLJ is retarded from beginning to end.


No one loves the prequels.

popular opinion about art changes over time.

in the case of the prequels, a big part of the cultural shift is generational. boomers and gen xers grew up with the ot and were more or less blind to their defects having watched them as children and teens and subsequently viewing them through nostalgia goggles in later years, whereas the prequels they watched as more jaded, movie savvy adults and were unable excuse certain flaws they would have shrugged off in their youth. this problem doesn't exist for zoomers and millenials, most of whom weren't even born when the ot came out, so consequently, they have a less harsh view of the prequels, as the originals are just movies to them, not an integral part of their childhood/adolescence. while i think it's true that, in terms of writing, acting, and the over emphasis on cgi, etc., the prequels are inferior to the originals, it's hard to see the initial negative reaction to the prequels as overblown. i don't think even jar jar, while annoying, is any more egregious than the ewoks or the goofy cantina scene, and those are pretty excusable when you accept these are films made primarily for children. these are hardly the worst films ever made.

>it's hard to see the initial negative reaction to the prequels as overblown

*hard not to see

90% of star wars fan have no idea what the fuck a plinkett is. i've heard of em, but never watched up. film critics are garbage people, and youtube film critics are the bottom barrel of those garbage people. plinkett bandwagoners are literally all zoomer faggots and 'this is why we cant have nice things' tier angry nerd incels.

i had some initial misgivings about the phantom menace because of jar jar, but really enjoyed attack of the clones and revenge of the sith. beyond that I REALLY loved and appreciate the 'old republic era' setting they gave us: the novels, the video games, the comics, the cartoons and how the EU content creators wove the prequels and EU together, ending up giving us the most epic multi media experience of our lifetimes. nothing will come close to what they ushered in. hundreds of good books/comics, dozens of amazing games, all telling one big, overlapping, endless epic story that created a feedback loop of awesomeness that ended up making the prequel films more enjoyable for me and my friends with every new multimedia release.

versus disney's "nu wars era" which is absolute shit at world building, we got a handful of books full of fart jokes and 2 shallow Battlefront games. their world building is completely shallow and their replacement for the expanded universe is literally ABSENTEE, all while being worse than anything in the prequels or EU. i would have fucking preferred live action film adapations of Galaxy of Fear, Triclops and all, over the bullshit disney gave us.

Except the prequels are objectively garbage.

Could you retards stop using zoomer and boomer please? None of you has the slightest clue what either one means and it makes you look even more retarded than everyone already thinks you are.

>Could you retards stop using zoomer and boomer please? None of you has the slightest clue what either one means and it makes you look even more retarded than everyone already thinks you are.

t. angry zoomer boomer

Great job.

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Fuck off with your shit tier trolling


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>Lucas is kicked out of any involment in the new Trilogy
>Fans rejoice as their "enemy" is no longer associated with SW
>Turns out Disney had no baseline for their trilogy
>TFA is just ANH reskinned
>TLJ was such a divisive film it practically killed the franchise
>"Bring in" Lucas to salve what he can after Rian left them with nothing to work with

I'm gonna enjoy watching all those people who hated Lucas and liked the new films to play it off and say he wasn't as bad as people made him out to be.

I still watch the plinkett reviews all the time and feel the same way about the prequels as I did back then

Disney being shit doesn't magically make Lucas good.

I watch them as i'm falling asleep sometimes. It's peak comfy

You probably had shit taste and still do.
The prequels are unironically better than Nu SW, even to adults. Doesn't matter what age people saw the fucking movie. Deal with it.

What’s it like not being able to make your own mind up about things?

Same could be said for you.
Make up your own mind and stop regurgitating your opinions on movies from Geeks+Gamers, Ben Shapiro, and other cringy incels trying to milk this anti-Disney hate culture.

unfortunate all pieces of star wars are never forgotten


Why don’t you actually try disproving a single thing he said, you incel.

based onions boi, check out my new album

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That channel is a hack
Watch how he backpedalled when the reactions doesn't go his ways.

>refuting pure conjecture

>ROTJ sucks as well as the prequels
No shit. I was a child for both the special edition rereleases of the OT and the PT.

The PT and lesser extent ROTJ are irredeemable trash.

daily reminder "world building" defense is nothing more than excuse to give shit fantasy and sci fi stories a pass because of they inherently take place in stupid made up worlds compared with real artists who contend with the actual world
>really enjoyed attack of the clones
>I REALLY loved and appreciate the novels, the video games, the comics, the cartoons

Leave your mothers basement

>Implying calling the prequels shit means that I think the sequels are good

Last Jedi is one of the worst movies I've ever seen. That doesn't make "I hate sand" any better or worse.

not him but you're a fucking idiot if you think editors aren't the ones actually making films entertaining for the most part

in other words, soul vs soulless

>91% critic score on rt (fourth highest in the series)
>95% top critics score (highest in the series)
>44% audience review (lowest in the series)

prequel loving sequel trashing babies are what they accuse people who like RLM of being. absolute drones

rian made a good movie and you hate it because you have shit taste and youtube validated it

First of all: There are different people here now.
Second of all: The prequels are still dogshit. But in comparison to the sequels, they are amazing still.

>empire strikes back is the best star wars
>empire is the ONLY good star wars
>i am a star wars fan
If this is you fucking KYS

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