My collection is growing

My collection is growing

Attached: 20190419_205140.jpg (4032x3024, 3.94M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Do you live in a pawn shop?

le epic collect copies of a not-so-good comedy from an era we don't commonly think of meme

Who hurt you?

More like a dump

Who hurt you?

Who hurt you?

PLEASE have sex sweatie


Explain yourself OP.

Who hurt you?

Who hurt you?

Friends and I got super baked and watched norbit for the first time in forever. That week we watched it a few more times and got super burned out. We have a rule that if you want to watch it you have to buy a new copy each time. You cant watch your own copy back. Kinda got out of hand and we have 10 copies now

Who hurt you?

Who hurt you?

I've never seen Norbit. would I need to take drugs to enjoy it?


why are seething redditors posting here instead of dilating?

Who hurt you?

This! So much this!

you win the today internet sir

Who hurt you?

I fucking hate this board

We hate you too.

make love

Most definitely

where is Problem Child 2?

Forgotten about

I take it you like Norbit.

ah i dont really take drugs anymore. will copious amounts of alcohol do the trick or would it just be depressing?

Oh wow. No one ever made that gag before. You'll make your normie friends laugh with your totally genuine antics though. It would work better if you didn't pick a movie that's funnier than you.


fat cunt

Sweatie who hurt you?


based as hell

same fag

Ninja assassin is kino.

>No Mona Lisa Smile
Get out


Attached: Screen Shot 2019-04-22 at 11.10.39 PM.png (1814x516, 122K)

"I took picture at a thrift store and made a joke on the internets, mommy!"

Try again

Attached: pedos will hang.png (234x215, 5K)

>ninja assassin
my fucking nigger

thanks for screenshotting my post ya nannies

worked into a shoot

ITT: fags

who hurt you?

post the whole shelf

who hurt you?

You're smalltime

Attached: Screenshot_20190422-175740_Chrome.jpg (1536x422, 104K)


You done fucked up boomer. With yify you can have infinite copies.