So she's a clone, right?

so she's a clone, right?

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The clone factory was abandoned long before Rey was born. Possibly a ship crashed there and she survived.

Where is that stated?

That's too fucking clever for this trilogy.

This whole trilogy of movies is clones, OP.

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She's a Skywalker

Kylo mentions the clone army in TFA

There is no clones anywhere.
He read it on the papers

Who cares, Star Wars is shit and for children.

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Her "parents" went there to scavenge parts and found her alive in a tube.

She's probably an experiment of creating a force-sensitive clone out of a normal human and a bunch of Midi-chlorians, or a form of them.

But wouldn't this be a return to Midi-chlorian

Attached: Midibp.jpg (400x380, 160K)

>implying Disney would ever shine the spotlight on something from the prequels
>implying that JJ has enough intelligence or knowledge of the Star Wars universe to pull this off

only redditors hate the concept of midichlorians
they are a solid explanation of how the force sensitivity works


>they are a solid explanation of how the force sensitivity works
what the fuck are you talking about?

They are just a sloppy plot contrivance to explain why Qui-Gon Jinn would pick a slave boy as his new extra Padawan.

i always read it as midichlorians cluster to strong pockets of the force so you can use them as a tracer for measuring someones power level.

> implying Disney has a story to tell in any way

Just shut up and buy the products.

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>muh power levels

Hell no, Kylo was clearly talking about Luke's island. This trilogy was not planned in advance, it would never have this level of foreshadowing.

>snoke was actually sheev in a damaged clone just like in the novels.

>implying he would have foresight to create a someone interesting twist
OP already failed the testt

it sounds less retarded when you think of them as a reaction instead of a cause

>tfw Star Wars collecting will never be like this again

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