Look at the characters of the story. How many of them haven't committed rape, homicide, deception.
Humanity in GoT sucks even more than the real one...and so I came to the conclusion that the Night King would be the best option for the world.
In a way the night king brings peace...of course he kills(kinda) but he doesn't rape, doesn't feed babies to dogs and doesn't deceive.
I know it would take too much balls for the writers to let this happen...but I believe sincerely that this is what GoT deserves
Am I the only one that wants the Night King to win?
Other urls found in this thread:
People in real life are just as shit as they are in GoT.
You think kings and knights and what not, didn't rape murder and pillage like they do in GoT?
No they didn’t you retard because back then peasants were a fuckton stronger than what they are in the show.
Not even mentioning we have zero sources of kings and knights going on raping campaigns in their own lands.
>le moral relativism is pervasive in all ages
Kings and nobles were brought up to be the strongest morally.
GOT deviates from the truth and turns it totally upside down.
I don't even watch the show besides reading wikipedia summaries but I hope he wins just so everybody expecting a coherent ending gets BTFO
Maaaan I thought GOT was a big budget production, first eps SUCK!!!!
He deserves to win. Everyone else has done nothing but waste their time and have done zero preparation for his arrival. They have squandered their resources, ruined their kingdoms and done nothing bicker among themselves. Unable to unite to face a common foe, they shall fall.
If Sam and Gilly lives I honestly don't care if NK wins.
>Not even mentioning we have zero sources of kings and knights going on raping campaigns in their own lands
why would we have sources for this? It would be forgotten and crossed out by those who won through history.
I want the last shot of this show to be the Night King sitting on the throne with all of the shows characters standing around, looking at the screen, their eyes glowing, fade to black but you can still see their eyes. End. Then play this song!!!FACT!!! youtu.be
Cite your sources
Imagine being this naive and brainwashed.
based, this is what I want too. My song pick youtube.com
Yep OP. You're the only person ever to say it.
Actually based. Let's go Night Chad.
I don't see a happy ending for GoT
if he fulfills his purpose of killing humanity, will he die?
It would be extremely cold.
Oh boy, you should read some history, the inbreeding, the cruelty displayed by nobles, the treatment of peasants. Trust me when i say that every despicable thing happening in Game of Thrones has some semblance of happening in history. It's why GoT is so successful and easily digestible, it's all rooted in history.
Oh boy, you should have sex.
In the books its explained more how the nobility class has much more strict morality than the peasants.
Peasants are worried about being raped by other peasants more than they are anu nobles.
And the shock of characters from the noble class who are forced to witness the horrors of the peasant class for the first time.
he's a blue guy
The unintelligent masses are violent, unproductive and inefficient. Those with power who prove to be their like are always casted away and shunned from the larger group. You are extremely bluepilled.
the show has all but looked directly into the camera and made this blatant to the audience by now user
have sex
>have sex
you and I both know that isn't about to happen
I just raped ur mom
It's just a fantasy trope that lords gave two shits about their peasants. They saw they like a farmer sees a cow. Sure it's yours and you'll take care of it but killing the ones who make trouble, forcing them to work for you and so on didn't even cross their mind as being unfair.
Prolly, but i don't see how that is relevant with people appreciating History. There are also women enjoying history, there are even more women at art history than men.
That's true, but we are condensing thousands of years of history and taking the most noteworthy moments and let them play out in several years. For instance Charles II of spain was a horribly deformed troll thanks to generations of inbreeding. Or Henry the 8th who just executed his wives once he got bored of them. And then there is the Pazzi conspiracy, or the War of the Roses. And the multitude of Popes trying to influence politics with cheap tricks to gain more power. History is great and fascinating. But again, it only takes one deranged king/queen to wreck havoc on a whole country in thousands of years of history and GRRM got the juiciest bits all in his books. That's why you think it was so rampant, which of course in history it wasn't, but shit still happens.
>8 seasons of how we are not prepared to fight the night king
>last minute preparations
>victory anyway
Yeah, gonna call this one a red herring
>Humanity in GoT sucks even more than the real on
start from there and work your way to the last, and come back and tell me that shit again about how much better our world is than a fictional one.
Within their own class there is a much more strict code of morality though.
You see it all through the books where characters like Brienne and Tyrion, who are freaks note how the noble class is less likely shout out jokes or hateful comments or even physically attack people deemed to be weirdos.
You honestly think there was a class war going on in those times? The peasants literally didn't matter so i don't get what you're implying here. Of course they didn't discuss philosophical questions about morality because they were surviving. They didn't have time for politics or intrigues. But it also doesn't matter, because that's not what we are talking about, the fact that George the farmer lived and died between 1765 until 1799 mattered to no one. But the fact that some king fucked a peasant girl and then had her come to the palace to become a maid is interesting. How does that make anyone blue pilled? Are you too stupid to understand the ramifications of what written history means to us?
I bet the Night King has a fiscally responsible tax policy.
This whole series is just a joke. And you are all retards. Daenarys will win and be queen with dragons and orbiters. The rest is just a random slaughter until all are dead. It is so obvious. Why ? Because she is the authors fetish supported by a political agenda.
He was a "First Men" before he got turned into Ice Kang.
They slaughtered those little elf people and cut down their magic trees.
Nobody is morally superior here.
>It would be extremely cold.
For u
>Look at the characters of the story. How many of them haven't committed rape, homicide, deception.
>Humanity in GoT sucks even more than the real one...and so I came to the conclusion that the Night King would be the best option for the world.
>In a way the night king brings peace...of course he kills(kinda) but he doesn't rape, doesn't feed babies to dogs and doesn't deceive.
>I know it would take too much balls for the writers to let this happen...but I believe sincerely that this is what GoT deserves
Not bad but may I also suggest this.... youtu.be
Nice baiteroni
>The unintelligent masses are violent, unproductive and inefficient.
100% correct.
>You honestly think there was a class war going on in those times?
There's ALWAYS been a class war through history!!!FACT!!!
In your gay little show, we don't know what the fuck happened in the books and i doubt we will ever find out.
So no one is going to call out the " if we kill their leader they will all die" bullshit they came up with to justify they have a chance (and so will actually win) ?
Litteraly nothing prepared us to that and now we just have to accept it. Such stupid and easy writing.
Somebody should do some kino on peasant rebellions.
>Kings and nobles were brought up to be the strongest morally.
Nah. Both the upper and the lower classes are depraved, its the middle classes, who maintain social order, hence why they are the most boring people anyway.
t. SEETHING bitch nigga
spoiler alert: he wins
When Stannis died. There was only one guy that deserves the throne. Night King will btfo everyone.
The night king doesn't stand a chance if you compare the two armies rationally.
>everyone you kill from their side joins your side
>everyone on your side is immune to pain or fatigue
>doesn't stand a chance
What are his tax policies?
spoiler alert: he doesn't. He kills a bunch of characters and ends up losing in the end. Wanna know why? Because after next weeks episode there is only 3 fucking episodes left. The show needs to end. If you keep having the bad guy win, it's going to fuck up everything story wise because having him win in episode 3 and losing in episode 4 or 5 doesn't make any fucking sense.
Necropolis is overpowered pls ban
This thread is about things that will happen in my gay little show.
>GRRM's 20+ year take on "nothing matters because we all die eventually"
>Shambling horde of retards that die like bitches to dragon glass.
>Everyone is in a fortress armed with dragon glass.
>No siege weapons
The zombies are just a punching bag. Same as every bad guy in cape shit.
he wins his battles, he makes a pact with jon, and he leaves. not a victory by conquest, but he's not a conqueror. he's doing some ancient rites pact with the song of ice and fire: the night king and jon.
he gets what he wants. he wins.
>he wins his battles, he makes a pact with jon, and he leaves.
that is the dumbest theory i've heard.
Except the time they killed a white walker and all his zombies died.
you're gonna be really disappointed in the coming weeks.
Funny because if this dumb theory doesn't fly with me, it ain't gonna fly with the normies.
Jon is the song of ice and fire fool.
Azor jaime
100% Bran all of sudden spouts of some new knowledge that makes everybody see things differently.
Why he didnt bother to mention this earlier? Because of reasons.
right i dunno why i typed NK+jon.
unfortunately, you need to look at it this way:
in order to beat the army, ever soldier needs to kill one to break even in numbers, and two to advance.
given the amount of dragonglass now spread around, and the general fragility and ineptitude of fighting the undead show, that's not a big goal.
In fact, so long as one doesn't get mobbed, most of the undead prove no issue.
the biggest threats are the WWs themselves, who show themselves to be actual fighters, the undead giants and the undead dragon.
the WWs are outnumbered by cast members, so that's easy. the giants are unlikely to be much more resiliant to the dragonglass, and only the freshest meat will be an issue- which the preparations can more than prepare for. Fire is powerful and all that.
The dragons are the only problem, as the undead one is not gonna be vulnerable to getting shanked with dragonglass, plus the WWs are literal hand cannoneers who will instantly turn the other 2 dragons into undead (and will only fail because plot device)
Nah, Bran told everything to Tyrion and Tyrion is gonna find a way to defeat night king or something to make up with his failure
in the episode tyrion said "you know, I don't think we're going to die" all smuggly too. He probably knows something the other characters don't. Even more reason because the show deliberately didn't show us the talk he had with Bran at all.
I'm willing to bet the "good guys" lose for about 40 minutes of the episode and the last 20 minutes is some asspull from tyrion.
have sex
go back to /pol/
back to your containment board
I've never watched not one minute of this show (except that scene where Aquaman rapes the girl that you guys post all the time) but if this Wight King guy creates cold-ass frost wights then I want him to win, yes.
Actually one of the problems with GoT is that it's unrealistic (inb4 muh dragons) when it comes to human relations because there is too little rape. There's no fucking way you have these sex symbols like Arya running around and not getting raped 100 times by now. Rape has been much more common than we like to think and a primal drive for the men who are in these wars.
>heroes are a multicultural group that includes queers and brown savages
>villains are pale "white walkers" with mindless wights (whites) as their army
I can't believe how blatant they're getting with this shit
Not sure what /pol/ has to do with this.
Grow up you /pol/tard
The good guys have to be multiracial in american media now. Its law.
I dont think the white walkers are meant to be white people. The suspicious dirty white villagers in the north that the clean, noble brown people look down on, are the white people.
Sometimes i cant tell who has the better rental agreement here.
pol or reddit?
Reddit has to get its own containment board first.
Antinatalism pilled. Life sucks.
No, that's just your "muh rape" fetish.
there is nothing wrong with being wight
Life is pretty good but humans are undeniably a plague for the rest of life on this planet.
Did anyone else find all the girl power in this episode to go beyond cringe and into hilarious? Multiple little girls demanding to fight an infinite army of the dead.
>Pffft why arnt the women and children armed and armoured to fight the zombies after all that girl power.
Then a little girl immediately states that she wants to fight. I burst out laughing.
they are losing control of how their narratives are perceived.
Take last night scene where "this one" lady tries to talk to those kids then Wormguy talks about leaving.
What they wanted to portray
>noble and peaceful brown lady gets shunned by dirty unwashed racist white children
what more people saw
>wow, browns actually self segregrating from whites
>Oooh, so Mother Nature needs a favor?! Well maybe she should have thought of that when she was besetting us with droughts and floods and poison monkeys! Nature started the fight for survival, and now she wants to quit because she's losing. Well I say 'hard cheese
Based and joker pilled
Let's put a smile on that face
>hurt durt the most egregious example of pedigree collapse in recorded human history, who was recorded by his contemporaries and his own family members as being a freak show and not at all normal due specifically to incest was definitely the norm and was definitely celebrated by those ebil monarchists
Die normie
>He kills a bunch of characters and ends up losing in the end
so like voldemort basically?
my buddy and me were watching thrones other night and he says I fucken hate niggers and smashed a beercan on his head starts punching the wall
redpills brother redpills
I know you are being sarcastic but people do that stuff. Usually for laughs. Not because we actually hate niggers.
It's a fact that this was a main driver for the low peasant man in many wars to get the loot and the women, that's just how things worked back then.
NK will "win" in that there will be another Long Night where its a brutal winter where nothing will for a few decades or so. Everybody wont die though.
The titles of his "final" two books are planned as
Winds of Winter and A Dream of Spring.
Its a soap opera.
Soap Operas dont end, they always leave on cliffhangers to always leave possibility for reboots and continuations.
>ot because we actually hate niggers
speak for yourself cuck
It would be the best ending since the soprano
>GoT goes from medieval fantasy to political allegory to high fantasy to zombie to post-apocalyptic
dude really can't fuckin pick a genre and stick with it, huh?
Realistically he should win. He is under no obligation to attack since his army doesn't require food or sleep. They can just surround any fortress and starve them. Could take months or years but it will work. Maybe he doesn't even need to give a fuck and can just overpower everyone with his giant army anyway.
All he has to do is to fucking stay away himself and not get killed. That's it. He wins. Of course he's going to expose himself like a dumbass and get killed because the plot demands it.
fuck you faggot mother nature is capricious like any whore, deal with it.