Why didn't Doctor Strange just slice Thanos' arm off with a portal?
Why didn't Doctor Strange just slice Thanos' arm off with a portal?
it’s not his responsibility
he can't create portal on physical object
master roshi hadn't taught him yet
But he did it with the big hammer monster
Because he’s a faggot
Thanos was portal proof incel get over it
thanos applies a passive debuff that limits movement spells
Because air isn't physically there, right?
>Strange creates a portal
>Tony grabs Thanos' arm and uses full power of his thrusters to get it into the portal
>Strange closes the portal
Or just put thrusters on the glove itself. Man, this movie was dumb.
>Strange opens portal around Thanos
>Thanos immediately dispels it with the INFINITY GAUNTLET
imagine a blu-ray that shows buffs/debuffs/casts like a video game
they had thanos passed out and tugging at his arm for like 3 minutes
not to mention dr sherlock had 60 gorillion tries to make it happen in his simulations
It was among the magicians, real 8ball shit
Inconsistent superpowers due to extremely poor writing
>not to mention dr sherlock had 60 gorillion tries to make it happen in his simulations
And each one of them failed so he didn't try it.
I assume he tried it at least once in the 14 million potential futures he saw, and it didn't work. Maybe Thanos' skin is too strong for it.
The better question is why did he give up the timestone? No timestone for Thanos means the mind stone would be permanently destroyed, meaning no snap. Ever.
shinebox is thanos
Because of the 14 million potential futures the only one that worked was the one where they lost that battle and Thanos did the snap and then they came back in End game and won.
Them losing was all according to plan.
Yeah but it seems so convoluted. If he doesn't have a full gauntlet he can't do the snap anyway right, so why go with the "we must lose first" plan?
that was Wong
All according to keikaku
How come Dr. Strange has the Waluigi symbol on his face?
An enraged thanos with 4/5 of the 6 stones is just as fucking dangerous. Imagine permanently fucking up his plans so he just completely razes earth after getting the stone from Vision.
Shut up, DWEEB!
>Why didn't Doctor Strange just slice Thanos' arm off with a portal?
Because Thanos would combo the power of the reality stone and space stone to negate the portal.
Because of the 14 million possible futures they never once beat him and then he killed them all and got the time stone anyways. Strange literally told Tony that it was the only way before handing Thanos the time stone. That is because handing it over is the only timeline where Tony lives and the gauntlet gets fucked up from the snap.
Tony is the key to victory.
Never considered this.
He was able to throw a fucking moon at a planet with just the Space and Power stones, not to mention how broken the Reality Stone is in general.
He probably would've killed all the Avengers if they stopped him from getting the Time and Mind stone and then gone out to kill half the universe with his 4/6 Infinity Gauntlet.
Thor took him out no problem.
Though it's true Vision would still be dead probably and a lot of lives lost during the invasion.
god I would fuck her and the cat too
>why is capeshit terrible?
nothing making sense is part of the lore, shut up and consume the movie that is approved and anticipated by the most people otherwise you're a contrarian
No it's the only future earth isn't fucked up when all is said and done, they were able to stop thanos a bunch of times by the victory was hollow as Earth was devastated and Billions died
>Tony is the key to victory.
Dr.Strange set up Tony to sacrifice himself.
>..."it was the only way".../snap
Why didn't Doctor Strange just use the Time Stone to lock Thanos in a timeloop of Ant-man buttfucking him for eternity? (to the tune of "Oops I did it again")
Yeah, the spoilers literally confirm that Tony sacrifices himself, if Tony is dead then he can't sacrifice himself.
Why didn't capeshitters grow up to be men?
Something something the power of the other stones interferes, I'm sure.
it was the only way
seems like mysticists can only create the portals in spaces which are not being occupied by any other physical matter, whether that be a rock or a human. to slice thanos' arm off, strange would first have to make a portal say, slightly to the left of thanos, then drag his gauntlet hand through the portal, then close it.
strange probably could've done this while they have thanos incapacitated with mantis if he wasn't already tying down thanos' right arm.
Brainlets like all of u are not getting that Dr.strange was talking about another villain that comes after thanos thats why they had to do it that way to beat the other threat. Fucking mentally handicapped retards was several way to beat just thanos
>the spoilers
Actually the clues are already in 'Infinity War',...even a fucking moron knows how that was going to play out.
>Dr. Strange told Tony he was ready to sacrifice anyone in order to protect the Time Stone.
>"Spare his life! And I'll give you the Time Stone!".....hmmmmm, wwwwwhy?
Here's another "spoiler".....Why is Tony so smart? How does Thanos know Stark from the get-go? What's was really going on in that "Walt Disney" video of Tony's father in Iron Man 2?....
.....because Tony eventually uses the gauntlet to influence his own timeline, to prepare for the showdown with Thanos.
The problem with modern capeshit movies is that the amount of money they pump into making these blockbusters leaves very little room for originality. The SFX are great, but the stories become so predictable.
Doctor Strange has access to the many worlds. He isn't just saving Earth-199999, but an uncountable number of them, in addition to many other dimensions and realms. He is playing butterfly effect on a massive scale.
Maybe something even worse happens if Thanos doesn't win this time. Like going back in time to kill Hitler only ensures that a more capable and ruthless leader takes charge
>How does Thanos know Stark from the get-go?
because Tony stopped the alien invasion of New York which Thanos, behind Loki, was responsible for ya goof
or that whole "cursed with knowledge" part is leading to a larger picture behind the scenes. 'ya goof'....
>tfw we will never exist in the timeline where Hitler was assassinated and Himmler took over and won the war