post twilight zone kino boys
Post twilight zone kino boys
>that ending
kino as hell
absolutely. howling man is one of my favs as well. man rod sterling was a fucking god
also i feel like irl the other members of the gentlemen's club would have come together to give tennyson the money but maybe thats naive
I always found it funny that this actor hid half his face for most of the episode. Turns out IRL he has having an affair with a married woman. The husband literally beat the fuck out of him and he had a massive black eye.
lol thats pretty fucking hilarious. good on that old bastard for getting his dick wet. here's another of y favorites since it was the first i ever saw. shoutout to mr something in doyle elemenray in san diego 15 years or so back you goofy fuck
lol oops typoed the Lord's name in vain
That feel when you've finally found your ultimate robot waifu then Captain Patches O'Hoolihan shows up.
cory she's a robit
I hate to admit I was always bothered by that episode because there is no way a small asteroid could have a breathable atmosphere and earth gravity.
the first episode i watched was "Five Characters in Search of an Exit". pretty good
Even worse when you consider Charles Beaumont wrote that episode.
>Where Is Everybody?
Yeh that got to me too, and what are the costs of having single prisoners on asteroids and having to finance rocket trips to check on them. I don't think any one thought out the logistics of this story.
>next stop: the TooWhite Zone
nice job being relevant with your 70 y/o pop-culture
fuck off, peele
post episodes only you've seen
the one with the greaser aliens
>talks off the ears of your patrons until you go broke
fuck mcnulty
How did Dingle get away with punching holes in the bar wall and causing structural damage to the building? How come the bar owner never told him to fuck off?
I watched all the first three seasons a few months ago and then stopped. Tell me guys, how shit are the hour episodes in season 4? I keep putting it off.
iirc S4 episodes are an hour long which wasn't that great, but there was a good one with an android