Why didn't you help her? Now the Witcher is ruined. Good fucking job, the show is full of mudskins

Why didn't you help her? Now the Witcher is ruined. Good fucking job, the show is full of mudskins.

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>the show is full of mudskins.
as if that wasn't the goal from the get go

well it's either mudskins or mudsharks

>the show is full of mudskins.
So was she. boy do I hope I got to this joke first

it was never going to be any other way lol, you'd have to be insane to think so. with that said it's a shitty tv adaption of a video game. only manchildren give a fuck

>that man jaw

if only you knew how bad things really were

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id rather have a professional muslamic actress play Yen than a fucking degenerate porno actor

I have no idea who the fuck she is but all I can say she got lucky in not having her name associated with that dumpster fire

Yennefer might have been a loose whore but she never got blacked

she is a star on BLACKED
Fuck you this is why everyone in western fantasy shows are going to be brown

She is a bit unstable on her CB streams when people start asking about her (ex)boyfriend.

have sex incel

I'm a pragmatist. The Witcher on netflix will be a catastrophic housefire regardless of who is cast. It's gonna be a sub 30 metascore show.

>6 womenz
>3 men
Witcher Writing staff. fuck

>does blacked without her ex knowing

god fucking damn it
why do libtards have to ruin everything in this world

why would i help a tranny?

At this point, why do show productions keep hiring women? So they can coerce them into sex? When is the last time you're experienced great writing from a woman?

Probably just wants to fuck based havill

watch BLACKED incel

burn the coal pay the toll

>still no anal
>still no watersports
>still no prolapse
hurry the fuck up before I lose interest

What did she mean by this?

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sorry but i refuse to watch your racist alt right porn that exploits african americans

as if it was ever gonna be good at all

this shows you all you need to know


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why would her ex boyfriend care about her doing blacked?

Make your own show if it triggers you so much.

She was with him before he found out.

>pornstars thinking they can ever be real actors
fucking lol

disgusting whore deserves a bullet in the head

whatever you say you stupid racist incel, i bet you voted for trump too

based poland will boycott this shit

she's sticking her tongue through hoops


you are so fucking dumb. The far left holds the key to all media. Its all progressive narrative how is anyone supposed to create actual good shit when there is coat of faggotry over everything.

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This but unironically

From her streams on CB.

>knacker tattoos

When Netflix finally collapses under its own weight, what will become the next caverns of isengard for POZZED content? Amazon? Disney+?

Cry more loser, the reason you're seeing more diversity in media is because the black and brown people yall told to make their own stuff are doing just that.

How does this not piss off the SJW's? they are showing minorities as being wealthy and represented in society instead of oppressed impoverished. doesn't this go counter to ever single one of their narratives?

>some low-tier slut thinks she can act in a mid-to-high budgeted production

>finally collapses
Isn't Netflix in 20 billion debt because of all those licences?

>Now the Witcher is ruined.

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>evelyn claire
could you pick a more basic bitch sounding name for porn?

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In their retarded minds, racism has only existed starting from the American Civil war, and only comes from the US.

they are not making their own stuff you fucking troll. They are seeping into things alreated created. Look at the witcher, doctor who. I like Jordan peele because he is doin g just like you said. Except twilight zone which of course sucks. You know it you are just trying be a faggot. Please die.

Didnt she used to have a snake? She showed it off on CB a lot. Probably dead now as I doubt she really cared about it more than a meme accessory.

Gina Wild

Didn't she slap him on stream?

kristen scott