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she cute

I like her

she look like she getting fucked

Seems like blatant advertising and shilling. Cancer. Fuck you for posting it OP.

hope she becomes president and can lift america to a 1st world country.

The muslim bitch is better

is this an intro to a porno?

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reminder that her dirty smelly shoes are on display right now and u could smell them

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>without big money
Didn't she literally have big money though?

>without big money
Is this considered noteworthy in America?

I haven't kept up with this clown. Why is the Deep State pushing this spic to public so much?

Manufacturing consent of the future electorate to relinquish more control to the government by making it seem hip and woke

25 year old boomer here. I sometimes watch Bill O'reilly and he has been predicting that AOC really just wants to be a celebrity. He thinks after a hole she'll get bored and jaded when she realizes she can't actually force her communist 5 year plans on America and go start a talk show or some other bullshit.

she looks like she fucks economies.

she literally auditioned for her role as new Democrat it girl lmao shes fake, politics is fake

Who is ready for Jeb Surge 2020?

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I've heard this claim before. Any good sources proving it? I'm curious how true it is that she's basically just a political actor.

>keeping a pair of useless and rotting shoes for bragging rights
I get being nostalgic but why would you keep something that has been destroyed like that? That’s like never washing a shirt because it has all of your “campaign sweat” in it

Alright boys, where are the feet pics?

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She comes from a rich family.
>implying demographics don't matter when 90% of nigs vote Democrat
A primary is a tougher battle in that regard, but her being Hispanic (but not TOO brown) did not hurt her cause and she knows it.

>she can't actually force her communist 5 year plans on America
Funny how China has 5-year plans yet their GDP is growing at >6% per year, much higher than the United States.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting

say that to my face

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unless she was dragging her feet across the sidewalk for 20 hours a day her shoes wouldnt be like that so quickly

>without big money
>is rich as fuck compared to the average american
america is such a depressing hellhole


Maybe America should start building empty buildings in Africa to.

yea she was literally nominated by her brother for some "become a representative" competition and won and got their money/support. and the additional prize was that if she won her election she got to be their puppet. you think she wants to go back to being a bartender? she's the most compromised person in office.

>being this economically illiterate

>look, we won a democrat stronghold that's 50% hispanic, impressive right?

>without big money
What is Justice Democrat PAC. She already got two FEC complaints filled against her

AOC looks fucking batshit. She is evil and only wants power. Look at the eyes.

she looks like the type of bitch that was popular in high school and bullied other kids

>I sometimes watch Bill O'reilly


He has a podcast and youtube channel where he shares clips.

Can they make a movie about what she has accomplished?

What went so wrong?

Money is money. Just because el chap bought your election doesn't mean you worked for free

>two FEC complaints filled against her
And what has the FEC actually charged her with?

>tfw have to wait until 2028 before she can run for pres and the old Dem establishment finally dies

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Donald Trump looks fucking batshit. He is evil and only wants power. Look at the eyes.

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shes fucking rich and grew up rich
never in her life experienced poverty

Because she spends most of her time supporting dumb wokecapital shit like more brown representation on Wall Street, and is in complete lockstep with the establishment on foreign policy (muh Russiagate overthrow Assad now)

Is this in anyway going to show how being a politician in America is actually a skill in fund raising from any source you can find? You know, and thus how the political system basically institutionalizes unofficial patronage and bribery.

Or is it just going to be girrrrrl power! You can do anything if you set your mind to it!

maybe you just trust evil people and you have to project that shit at everyone else

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what are you trying to prove? I'm not going to read all that.

all these russian nigger shills itt

>t. fox news zombie

>hope she becomes president and can lift america to a 1st world country.

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>and is in complete lockstep with the establishment on foreign policy (muh Russiagate overthrow Assad now)
and you think Trump isn't? Even Obama's foreign policy in Syria was petering out by his second term and even stated he didn't want to commit fully to the region since there appears to be little benefit.

this but unironically

China is only growing because they rely on the USA with their world reserve currency.
They wouldn't have been able to do this without us.

he doesn't have crazy bitch soulless eyes you mouthbreathing retard

>wanting a woman president
Cringe im voting for Bernie this time but I voted trump in 2016 because I don't want a roastie leader

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you underestimate how privileged people treat their clothes, I have been poor and every pair of shoes that cost me more than 30 dollars I treat it like a treasure, and those were the bad shoes

>n-no u!
Nice try, but come back when Trump has a textbook example of sanpaku going on like AOC.

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dumb bartender wins insignificant political post by promising to give away free stuff to her equally low IQ constituents

are you actually defending this woman?

Donald Trump looks based af desu


>talk shit
>get proven wrong
>didn't read lol

>I'm voting for the man that will destroy the economy and force me into poverty

You deserve bernie.
Enjoy your future being sold out for inflation.

imagine the smell

why is everyone right of Mitt Romney obsessed with this woman?

>not voting for the YANG GANG

She'll be old enough in 2024, which, not coincidentally, is the time a democrat will win. She knew what she was doing.

Based and honkpilled

>Cringe im voting for Bernie this time but I voted trump in 2016 because I don't want a roastie leader
he's going to primaried the fuck out because your retarded Amerifat Primary system with all the power conferred unto superdelegates Amerifats. No establishment richfag in the DNC is going to cast his vote for Bernie, no matter the public support.

>running in a safe democrat district

It's one of the most famous papers in economics and is now part of the disciplines core. Economies grow because of technology more than anything else. China is growing at super sonic speeds because they are catching up after ~3 decades of self imposed isolation under Mao by appropriating the latest technology. Mature economies on the world technological frontier(USA, Japan, UK, Germany) grow more slowly. China having higher growth rates is meaningless. GDP per capita in the USA is still over 6 times as big as China. There are plenty of walk thoughs on Youtube explains hte Solow growth model.

>a developing nation grows faster than a developed nation

excuse me sir, are you high on chromosomes?

>All of these niggers voting for anti-free market politicians

do you enjoy being poor?

Nah, this retard is crashing and burning the entire party. She's the best thing the GOP would've hoped for.

*is beautiful and likeable in your path*

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She's an insane cunt, but she's still an upgrade from the other politicians, since at least she has principles regarding bribes from corporations.

Plus, I like the fact that she is destroying the DNC from the inside. She is doing far more damage to the Democrat establishment than any outsider could.

She's hatable because her policies are evil and pro-poverty.

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and why would that be a problem for (You)?

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For me, it's gotta be Tulsi Gabbard. And it isn't only because she makes my penis the big penis!

How does Solow's article disprove the fact that 5-year plans can work if implemented correctly?

Wow, I thought this would be some shitty conspiracy video I wouldn't be able to take seriously. It's literally the people who hired here admitting it. Clown world.

>since at least she has principles regarding bribes from corporations.
so what?
Her other policies are absolutely insane.
A green new deal?
The last new deal forced the american economy into massive poverty and we only recovered when we cut most of the new deal policies.

>you will never do butt stuff with a giggling moaning naked AOC

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This. Hasn't she heard of the Laffer Curve?

theres a near 0 chance my boy yang makes it through the primaries unfortunately

>muh free market
you're literally a cuck for big business

not him
but countries that implemented free markets grew far far more than the ussr/china any of these commie countries did
south korea/japan etc etc

china saw all of it's growth when it opened it's economy to markets

so in a sense:
>Growth comes from adding more capital and labour inputs and also from ideas and new technology.
So if we since the population of China is peaking (hence no cheap labor inputs), and we finally force China to stop appropriating our technology, they're going to stop growing as fast?

So these are so internet experts that tries to debate with others.

>muh controlled market

You are literally a cuck for the government AND big business.
How does it feel to be a bootlicker that worships central banking?

China had 5 year plans under Mao and they sucked. As means of guiding large public projects they're better and its not a bad thing that they still use them for major goals. But they've allowed much greater labor mobility, freed prices, privatized agriculture, decentralized imports and exports.

>trump pretending to be disabled
Memes are getting stale, she just throw in random words without knowing the context.

She's a hand grenade in human form, and she's wrecking havoc inside the DNC.

That's unironically a good thing.

user, sshhh, I'm going over these congressional memos. Here, just put it in my hands and I'll work it under the table

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is it just me, or do young people nowadays not look fully human? there's just something... off about all of them

yea, there's tons of shitty conspiracy videos about it but the most powerful video is the Justice Democrats people openly admitting how they selected their puppet. like i said before, this is the best thing that has ever happened to her. if she doesnt obey her masters she goes back to being a bartender. clown world, indeed.

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>mfw faggots on this board would choose a smelly old white man over this based latin thotty

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Hello Mr Lovecraft its good to have you back

>this projection
lmao back to ECON 101 brainlet

Sure this is good but it's making far left economic policy more popular, which is a bad thing.

Because Hillary lost and 'SCARY BROWN WOMAN WANTS TO IMPLEMENT COMMUNISM" is a useful distraction from the failures and betrayals of their own politicians

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>worships central banking?
you do know that Central Banking is an independent of the federal government in most developed countries right?
No amount of free-markets or large states is going to affect that outright.

>trying to make it so that there AREN'T 700,000 medical bankruptcies a year is pro-poverty
>trying to make it so that every American isn't forced to spend $300,000 avg in their lifetime on healthcare is pro-poverty
why don't you feel stupid? You're a shill for billionaires and corporatist policies that are literally "pro-poverty."

The people you trust are evil. You are a shill for fossil fuel companies, the health insurance industry, the war industry, and arms dealers. They only cut taxes for themselves while keeping income low and exploding the cost of living.

You're shilling for your own life to be worse than your parents out of spite, and you call anyone else "evil?"

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Where are we going on our date, user?

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It's the La Creatura and El Goblino phenomena.

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>trump acting like a degenerate nigger
it's everyday bro
it's his only gear

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Imagine being from the LEAST green place on the planet, where enough food/water has to be transported for millions of people every day using oil and where you can't grow a single fucking thing or use the ocean because you literally dump poison into the ground every single hour rending all life dead on arrival.

Imaging then having the BALLS, the chutzpah, the decadence, to come up with a "Green" plan that is just you setting yourself up as an elitist coastal dictator and telling middle america what they can and cannot eat or do.

>"Sorry people who lives in the middle of the forest and grow most of your own food, you can't have a hamburger because cow farts are killing the planet! Try eating a all natural organic vegan tofu roll and drinking this bottled vitamin water like your liberal betters"

Basically yes. Some growth comes from capital accumulation(but that runs into diminishing returns). some comes from population growth(but that doesn't impact output per worker). Technology is what drives most per person growth.China is already slowing down because they are pretty well caught up and having been doing much more domestic R&D. There is really no stopping them at this point because the ball is already rolling.

>not attractive
>not appealing

let's sit on the wall and throw pebbles at the illegals

>The last new deal forced the american economy into massive poverty and we only recovered when we cut most of the new deal policies.

This is what dumb cucks actually believe

>Great Depression: 1929
>FDR Presidency: 1933
>End of the New Deal: 1972

Kekked when Nasty Pelosi btfo this retard with her bottle of water comparison

You people literally defend the state printing trillions of dollars and giving it to bankers and corporations while you give us shit for trying to stop this lmao

>independent of the federal government
They still massively benefit, especially from low interest rates.
>No amount of free-markets or large states is going to affect that outright.
A free market means central banking is abolished.