Why is Dany being displaced as the rightful heir by this jonny-come-lately...

why is Dany being displaced as the rightful heir by this jonny-come-lately? all the fucking tells are pointing to Jon being King in the end and Dany being a corpse. she's gonna die heroically or some other BS. all to make a man's life easier

why did they build her up for SEVEN fucking seasons if she doesn't matter in the end? she worked so fucking hard. fuck this show. they just can't have a positive woman in power. it has to be a bitch (Cersei) or a man. ugh!

Attached: Daenerys-Targaryen-tries-to-make-a-friend-in-Game-of-Thrones-Season-8-episode-2-1-compressed.jpg (961x543, 23K)

short answer? the patriarchy. the slightly longer answer? the hollywood manlet conspiracy.

Attached: moviemagic.png (900x493, 269K)

Jon (5'7") will do the right thing and renounce his claim to fight the underrepresentation of queens.

All the tells in season one pointed to the show being good, OP, so you should already know not to trust them so much.

Because having Dany go Mad Queen would have made for a good ending but there's no way there's enough time for it all to play out properly so they're just half-assing it.

Without a heir, she has no right. Her dynasty will end in the very moment that she dies and civil war will ravage the land once more.

both of their claims are nullified regardless, but the real point is that their respective claims don't mean anything when it comes to the battle for life. the very conflict has the purpose of showing them petty squabbles about an iron chair are meaningless, and once they realize that, they can assume their roles of saviors of humanity.

she has no right regardless, jon's claim is better than hers would be even if she were a dude.

Also it was retarded to have Jon tell her (and by extension have Sam tell Jon) BEFORE the Night King stuff.

How big a cuck was Ned? Taking shit for having a bastard but secretly raising his sisters son.

He never got cucked, dummy. He did a solid for his sister. Robert Baratheon is the cucked one (by two women no less).
Ned should have at least told his wife though.

It was that or willfully fucking your aunt. Jon made the right move.

I find it hilarious how she and other characters are still plotting for what they'll do later, after the big raid to end all life is just taken care of, like the zombies are just a nuisance.

Yeah, Catelyn was definitely stable and wouldn't have fucked all that up.

Raising your nephew after both if his parents were killed is being a cuck now?
Are the Kents cucks for raising Superman?

They're really making her out to be pretty villainous in the past two episodes. I'm impressed.

I like how they're making her more petty and tyrannical.
The female character so many fans put on a pedestal is going to be the representation of salty females who lose their this when things don't fall into their laps in a nice little bow.

yeah they kind of are

I still don't believe they actually dare going down that route. In the times of MUH female empowerment, how could they dare NOT making her the powerful woman leader in the end?
Her character in the show is so shit and already feels tyrannical, yet I just still don't believe that she gets fucked in the end.

What does the terms "cuck" and "cucked" mean in your mind?

This is your brain on Yea Forums

There are other characters who fit the female empowerment peg better than Daenerys. Which is a consequence of over saturating your cast with that type of character. At this point she and Cersei are two sides of the same coin. If not for this being the final season I could see them stretching this out into a battle of the queens plot. If they don't do that in the final arc and have both of them pay a price for their respective flaws.
But who the fuck am I kidding Daenerys will get deus ex machina'd out of trouble or saved by Jon Snow.

Then have him attempt to tell her but get stopped or don't have Sam be a big enough retard to tell Jon before the battle of their lives. It's bad writing.
It's not like they fucked in episode 2 anyway.

Because it’s been clear for many seasons that Danny is going to go full tyrant before the end.

Look at how horribly she is taking any challenge to her power

Sam is a victim of circumstance. He was going to tell Jon, but by poor chance he had an encounter with Daenerys before he got the chance, and she very unsympathetically informed him of his father and brother's demise.
Even fucking Cersei feigned sympathy when talking to Sansa about Ned's beheading. She saw he was more broken up about his brother and could have at least explained the situation or something.

>There are other characters who fit the female empowerment peg better than Daenerys.
Danny has gone unchecked for seasons. None of her decisions have been pointed out as wrong and she passes the buck onto others. Sansa who at one time was a whiney cunt has grown into a better leader who at least listens to others and learned from mistakes.
Then you have Arya and Brienne who are much better strong female characters. Both got their shit kicked in time and time again and are hardened by it.