Reminder that no one here or anywhere else gave a singe fuck about this char being played by a woman

reminder that no one here or anywhere else gave a singe fuck about this char being played by a woman.
you know why? because she did an amazing job.

Attached: mg_swinton_ancientone_comp.png (1232x704, 1.11M)

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Or maybe because it was a literally who character to begin with. Even Dr Strange himself was only a B list hero until the movie was released.

what kind of soulless person would complain about a person with cancer getting an acting role

Fuck Capeshit.

>Or maybe because it was a literally who character to begin with. Even Dr Strange himself was only a B list hero until the movie was released.
the movie still managed to make 800m, so calling it whatever is stupud.
the ancient one is also not just some random shit.

>reminder that no one here or anywhere else gave a singe fuck about this char

>you know why? because she's a woman.

asians were actually mad because they got white-washed but woke social media doesn't care about asians so they were drowned out and yasss white woman gets a role was praised


I wanted to make the same joke and now my day is ruined. Fuck you and fuck tilda aidston

Unless you're actually into comics, shit like Captain Marvel is just as "literally who" tier.

I will never pay for capeshit.

haha you little fag.
you really think so?
You pay with you life, with your time and your existense EVERY SINGLE DAY.
You think a small fly like you can do something against disney?

you are blinded by the bright light
meanwhile you are being fed shit.
Accept it, hug it and work with it.
Dont deny it.

No shit. The only actual well known heroes before this cape shit trend started were Superman, Batman and Spider-Man.

Women practice witchcraft

Fuck off with your kidsbooks bullshit. Take the no Disney pledge.

But is "she"?

She's obviously a skinhead nazi. white, bald and eager to use symbols of far eastern religions.

>you are blinded by the bright light
>meanwhile you are being fed shit.
That's not how flies work

Playing a man is her specialty

there's something really hot about her

I wasn't aware of what the character was supposed to be, if I was I'd be mildly irritated, although not as irritated as by the fact that they make a movie about a truly spectacular superhero and then make him unable to use his powers for 80% of the movie WHO THINKS THIS IS A GOOD IDEA

I have a fuck. I thought it was not only shitty, but a cowardly sidestep around Tibet for Chinabux.

Reason why no one gave zero shits:
Ancient One is obscure to even comic fans. It's when you race and gender swap established characters with no good reasoning do people complain.
Ancient One is a character type that fit any role. A being who reincarnates and represents the ancient masters of old.
Also Tilda Swinton is an amazing actress that fit the role. Same reason why people accepted Sam Jackson as Nick Fury, despite not being white like the comics he still embodied the characters spirit because he's damn good.

what are you talking about? She was terrible and it absolutely should have been an old chink instead

Cuz just having Times on da gig made it possible!!!

Attached: A0FF55DA-107F-4B1A-80CB-EFC7B6434418.gif (245x225, 1.05M)

That's where Wong comes in.

>1 is enough!

Now imagine if people were saying that about white people. Get your shit together.

I didn't know who the fuck that character was. And I didn't care because the movie sucked ass so much.

>changing the character to appease the chinks
Marvel is the most soulless thing ever, look up what Iron Man 3 chinese cut is

Imagine if she rape you


I find Tilda Swinton weird, i don't like her.

Sorry I can’t help bro. I think THAT weird-ness definitely gets her interesting gig.

Attached: B54906B9-375A-48E2-846F-D6763C8E1ACE.gif (480x282, 1.98M)

She was really good at that one. In fact the entire movie really should had been her doing those strange fights.

IN fact she should had been the Avatar in the live action film using the same effects from the movie

Have Swinton.

His point is that nobody is familiar with the source material so, with regards to 99% of the audience, nobody knows any fucking better.

Even the goat fucking mountain dwellers in Aghanistan are aware that Batman is male, so having a character like him being played by a woman would be daft. But Dr Strange? Who gives a fuck.

The thing I am surprised about is that they didn't make the protag female. Stereotypical man role played by a man, could have had a woman play the role and nobody would have given a shit because, agian, NOBODY FUCKING KNEW OF THIS SHIT before the movie.

I want to pump Tilda Swinton's STICC muff with my man goo and make weird alien hybrid babies.

Thank you for sharing that with us user, I am not sure how I would have made it through the day without this sort of visual imagery.

You watch the sex scenes from Young Adam and tell me you wouldn't rail that rail of a woman.