Why was the episode 2 of this season so fucking shit?

Why was the second episode so fucking shit compared to the first episode?
And don't fool yourselves, the next episode will be just like the last episode of the previous season, so nothing really especial. I really had high hopes for this season after watching the first episode.

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There was no exposition. Just an hour of poorly written 1 minute conversations poorly edited together.

this episode was better than the last, i don't what you're on about

Briana getting knighted was pure kino. I clapped when they all clapped. Fuck off.


What made the episode 1 so great was the amazing editing.

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Lol I rolled my eyes and let out 3 slow claps before they all clapped. My sister threw a pillow at me. It was all very predictable.

comfy as fuck episodes. i loved the parts at the fireplace.

It's one of those bottle episodes. They kept everyone on the Winterfell set to save on production costs because the upcoming episodes had best be fucking bonkers mental expensive.
I do agree with you though. Super boring and the girl power is starting to get really frustrating.

>episode 1 great

>shit was better than shit
Not much of an improvement

fuck you
dat theon and sansa scene

this nigga RETARED

This. I don’t even care about le ebin battle scenes anymore. The character arcs are all that matters.

Please mention the name of the show so anons can more easily filter this crap. Thanks OP.

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>likes the first episode
>doesn't like the second
The fuck is wrong with you?


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Funny I thought the first episode was trash and the second one was pretty good

You spergs would have bitched about the sopranos if it aired right now too. When’s tony gonna wack someone?

next episode:
dragons vs dragon
irrelevant chars dying
relevant chars killing white people
Theon ask if Bran can give him new balls
Jon starts a fight with king
Daenerys join fight mounted on dragon
Daenerys fall down, Jon makes scary face, episode end

Because they told instead of showed everything.
For instance "you know all the peoplr in this room faught against the Starks and now we are allies."
Everything has to be spelt out or normies cant unserstand how deep it is.

The amount of girl power that has been hamfisted into this show over the last few seasons makes it almost unwatchable

Remember when GoT was about back-stabbing bastards butt-fucking each other?
Now they're all so noble and brave.

man ur so fucking based and redpilled!

But it was much better than episode 1

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is there a guy left in charge of anything at all?

If the finale episode is just every actress spreading thier ass in full hd i think the show will be saved

ITT : retards not understanding what a farewell episode is
after last night, brienne and pod are 100% dead

Chad Euron and Based NK

This is correct. Horrible, horrible writing, all a waste of time. Every scene should have impact, but this was all just bull shit. I know this is some kiked show, but with their budget, writing team, and this being the last year, everything should have been condensed and to the point for the most impact.

It was the same as ep2. Don't kid yourself.

Im not even against great female characters cercei has always been one of my favorites, but they started to give them all masculine energy now its so hamfisted.....I hope that bear island little girl gets cut in half and cries to death screaming for daddy...

She’s gonna kill the NK. And everyone will clap.

Same, she and all these other cunts take away from any of the realistic immersion that was there before. At least conniving Cercei was believable.

what's your got harem

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Her looming shadow grows

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Because nothing happened.
It's a filler episode. From season 3 on almost 80% of all the episodes are filler material.
S1 was nicely done. S2 still okay yet you can tell they were dragging stuff out already.
I mean this season is the last and they still have to cramp so much shit in yet you have something like this episode? I mean they clearly have no decent ending for this shit. Maybe even a cliff hanger.

hidden in the branches of the poison creosote

>I really had high hopes for this season
Found your problem right there.

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>Why was the second episode so fucking shit
It's been so fucking shit for like 4 season now. This episode is just another terrible episode among other terrible episodes. It's all bad. There has literally been nothing good about the show since season 5.

Not enough dragons spewing fire on CGI monsters?

How did you guys ever make it through all those season 3 and 5 episodes where literally nothing happened?

yes agreed, it was a believable midevil world and then they tastefully layered magic and dragons on it and it was intoxicating.....now its all so pathetic

how do people get through TWD after s1?
hate watch it

you forgot tyrion quips about his cock

you watch this with your sister? how do you sit through the sex scenes together? also, one thing I'm curious about. how does she handle lesbian sex scenes? is it the way men react to gay scenes?

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This season is like bad fan fiction with a couple of great moments tacked on to trick the audience into thinking it took effort.

You can really tell what George told them would happen in the series vs what was left up to them.

David is good with source material, without it he is a hack, he should of kidnapped George by hiring the best chefs in the world and paid him a million dollars an episode to shoot the shit to pick his brain of all the ideas he can't assemble into books, then take those ideas and finish the series.

Women are people user. They act like people, just a little different.

Depends on the woman.


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I legit don’t know how anyone could have thought this was worse than the first episode. The first episode was absolute TRASH.


Calm down faggot. You're getting you big ebic meme battle next week.

>ep 3 will air and everybody will say the season is redeemed because the battle scenes are "kino" and how Jaime death was so manly and sad ;_;
>everyone will forget about the story being literal shit

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>varys as part of your harem

>tfw the Lannister bros are more likebale than the Starks now
Bran is now a meme machine, Arya is an overconfident who thinks she can do anything, at least Sansa showed some of her vulnerability in this episode but she is trying too hard to look competent. Jon is the only one left and he isn't even a "true" Stark.

>the comfy fire scene
>"omg I can almost forget the dialog is fanfiction tier with those epic jokes about dicks and giants xD"

Arya throwing those dragonglass knives was a new time low.


Both sucked. Kikes are shit writers.

Not this

first half is worse than the first episode, 2nd half is ok. Still super boring and trying to tangle all the story threads

It still boggles my mind, how shitty the show looks after it's huge success almost everything looks boringly shot.
Please Mr Robot, save me

>story builds up for 8 seasons
>is supposed to be a extraordinary saga
>Fire against Ice
>last battle is a siege of a second-rate castle

I wanna know the answer to this as well.
How did she react to the hunchback's sexscene?

>I clapped

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Idk bro when the dialogue wasn't nickalodeon tier it was much more enjoyable. The show at some point changed its target audience to low effort casual viewers and forsook its original audience.

Can you fucking faggots include the words game of thrones in your whinefest so I dont have to see your fucking threads?

It's because they can no longer rely on the books and have to think up their own shit. The writers simply aren't up to the job.

>And who... are you?

I guess you could say you're clapped

I hope you bent her over the sofa afterwards

Not enough of Masie's tight and tender tiny body

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Pod is a better singer than the women at the end. They should have used him again.

imagine being a normal girl and then, after a show in hollywood, you're one of the biggest whores the world has ever seen

pod is just a chad, that's all there is to it honestly

You are wrong. Season 6 is kino. This is the silence before the storm.

The sexiest thing in the episode was sam's sword.

Are you by any chance American?

Post them.

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>relevant chars killing white people

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What was with this thing anyway?

I hope they've been saving their budget for next episode.

The scale of previous seasons was immense. This one is just everyone moping about a castle talking about the epic stuff that's going to happen.

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anyone marking Stannis lives is an idiot that don't know D&D could never let a strong man sit on the throne.

Agree, not sure how one could say otherwise? Even people who see it as another filler episode, 2nd of back to back, and are upset because only 4 left see it as a solid to good episode.

Both episodes clearly needed to be combined so the WW battle/plot could be episodes 2-4 Have ep5 Throne drama of survivors, assassination/s and ep6 the final King Battle + plot/character/lore wrap-up

You cared so much you thought this?

And all they had to do was keep Cercei, Cercei, keep Danny strong/level headed but womanly (breaker of chains, etc) then slowly go mad, then you have Aria and fucking Brienne as like the greatest 1v1 fighters in teh fucking world and that's plenty of Stronk Wammen. Then you write the rest of the women as women you faggots.

As 113317929 points out, literally all the men are beneath a woman. Ironic how feminism seeks to destroy femininity by having women be masculine and take on masculine roles.

Can you fucks keep it to one or two threads? The catalog is full of GOT bitching and moaning

They also killed off Margeary and Olenna way too soon, women who acted cunning and feminine.

>thinking Azor Ahai is going to die and not claim his rightful place on the throne

lower your onions intake