Does Yea Forums have a list of "essential films" to watch like Yea Forums does with novels and Yea Forums does with albums? Or are you all just Facebook niggers that won't shut up about capeshit, Star Wars, and GOT?
Does Yea Forums have a list of "essential films" to watch like Yea Forums does with novels and Yea Forums does with...
Yea Forums is the most accessible board.
Any semblance of board taste has been shitposted into ground
Drive, American Psycho and The Plane Scene
do you need to spoonfed what to watch or something?
I mean there has be some kind of list of essentials Yea Forums made before capeshit took over the board right?
>Having official "charts"
Surest sign of a dead board that does nothing but circlejerk about the same 20 works of art day in and day out.
You can probably find some charts on the wiki but I have a feeling you're not actually interested, you've just come here to bitch.
tv is basically a war zone at this point
>Yea Forums does with albums
That shit is like what? 2015? Fuck them and fuck you.
Here's one, although don't expect anyone here to have seen these films. Most of the posters with sense left in 2012
im a complete pleb when it comes to film and Ive seen about 10 of those
Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Goes to Manhattan is really good for cinematography if not for the story so much
Honestly just watch these
What's the point, it's gonna be the same average top 100 as everywhere else.
>dude have you seen The Thing? The Godfather? Blade Runner? Pulp Fiction?
The Yea Forums user base is practically indistinguishable from redd*t or anywhere else on the internet at this point, except with more negativity.
At least it has one. Not like Yea Forums you fucking cuck.
>you've just come here to bitch.
Is that not the point of Yea Forums?
It seems to me Yea Forums used be like Yea Forums when it came to films. What a fucking fall from grace
Yea Forums is a cautionary tale about what happens to a community when there is no gatekeeping/telling newfags to lurk more.
Nah, there was always capeshit and GOT threads, except they were called Avatar and LOST threads
The one improvement that Yea Forums has had over the years is a significant decline in namefag/tripfag posters, who I assume migrated to r*ddit. There's still that faggot that posts his shitty paintings from time to time but beyond that everyone is pretty much anonymous
Yea Forums( and Yea Forums) are nearly impossible to gatekeep.
They are just way too accessible and the masses that keep pouring in outweight the oldfags who get more and more disconnected with their respective industries. These two boards also seem to get shilled the hardest as a result.
I can't imagine Lost took up the same amount of space in Yea Forums as GOT. There's simply far more people that go on this board now.
What a bunch of pretentious garbage. Some actually good stuff in there though.
I guess people's call for a /film/ board are reasonable. At least then we can discuss non-mainstream films instead of pop-culture all the time.
There was. It was laughable at best. Shit like Fight Club and Lord of the Rings.
We don't need a film board. Keep Yea Forums as the Television and Film board and just make a /tvg/ for the cancerous general threads that won't go away. Quarantining all the generals to their own board would at least separate the endless cancer threads from the threads where anons actually want to discuss something other than mainstream pop garbage.
Splitting Yea Forums into Yea Forums and /film/ seems dumb until you realize that there are 5 boards dedicated to gaming
mu-core is garbage
this is also true. meta threads are made by redditors who want attention. you can always just start a thread about a movie you like, instead of bitching like a little faggot.
But bitching like a faggot is what Yea Forums is basically for nowadays.