>movie about high school
>teenage protagonist doesn't feel dread when the teacher announces a group project and nobody wants the protagonist to be in their group
Movie about high school
>go to high school and then college for nerds like me
>on the one hand, always have friends
>on the other hand, have talked to like 6 women in my life and am a khv
It's an abstract kind of feel
>entire class is in groups
>you're the odd one out because there is an uneven number of people in the class and you're the unliked turbo autist
>Stacy group takes you in out of pity
see ya later virgins
>uneven number of people in the class
>teacher decides to make you work alone
>movie about college
>young adult no longer feels anything inside when the teacher announces a project
>he’s full aware that there are others without partners but simply does not care. He looks straight ahead, already prepared to do the project on his own
> but then to his surprise, a qt who just transferred in asks to partner up
>end up becoming partners for the entire semester
hang in there, it gets better OP
>HS art class
>everyone pair up for project
>too shy and antisocial to join anyone
>end up awkwardly doing nothing for next month of classes while everyone socializes and works on their projects
>have nothing to show when project is due
>it’s art class and no one gives a fuck anyway
That's best possible scenario for me
>group project
>protag starts having a panic attack but keeps it inside to avoid being bullied for being weak
>user ends up going very red and teary eyes and everyone keeps asking if he's okay
>army brat
>new school every 2 years
>ask what peoples problems are with me
>you don't have any friends
no shit I just got here
forgot the part where you fall in love with her but never make an overt move and get friendzoned ultimately and years later still occasionally stalk her on social media
>go to middle school
>be autistic and get bullied
>ask mom to homeschool me
>she does
>spent all my time shitposting on image boards
>am now more autistic than I was in the beginning
Hey that's the best case-scenario for me at least
>have project
>be in group
>all of your group mates are leeches
>you do everything because you're the smartest one
But I'm not in college anymore. No girl has ever approached me. I have a few male friends who know girls but they all make fun of me together.
That's not a bad thing
>tfw I worked seperate from my forced group out of principle
It’s never too late.
>it gets better
no. no it doesnt. Each day is abit shittier than the day before, at the end of this road theres a handgun and a bottle of jack waiting for me.
None of that high school (and even college) stuff matters when you get older and get a career and family of your own. It mostly just becomes vague memories of the few stories you retell to your buddies.
>forced into a group with a fat loser and a thick Latina
>thick Latina ditches class constantly and fat autist plays on his psp
>forced to do the work by myself
I’m a cuck.
>tfw used to cum from slow inexperienced HS blow job but girls in their 20s can sasha grey your dick for hours and you can’t cum until you fuck them
any movie for this feel?
>that kid in your class that didint bring anything to the table if the topic wasnt a video game or something internet related
>that kid in your class that was ignored by the girl when she approached your group of male friends
be me
>straight A student
>most classes consisted of group work
>ditch classes due to the humiliation of always being the odd one out
>now stuck in junior college forever
>watching the retard chav kids who would constantly cause problems during 10/11 collect their gcse results
most didn't even know it was the final year, sick lost faces when they realised they were being retards most of their life so far
You'll grow out of this phase eventually.
>that kid of wich rich friend asked him if he was hungry since he would buy him food if he wanted
>that kid that got constantly asked why hes not smiling
I, too, know this feel.
I've lifted for 3 years you retard.
>that kid that came home from school ate dinner and played video games through out his whole eduction despite his friends socializing outside of school aswell as leaving the house
>sit in train
>some 16 year olds or so talking about how hard it is to get apprenticeships
>it's slowly dawning on them that their "hurr durr fuck school" attitude fucked them over for life
Makes me kek every time
he wanted your butt
>uneven number of people in class
>teacher works with you
Wait a second I don't think she's a real teacher!
>that kid that wasted his youth on world of warcraft however in retrospect wouldnt even done anything productive with his time to begin with
>operations and business analytics class
>instructor emphasizes choose your own group for simulation game
>notice a group of 4 early on
>invite myself in
>weeks later
>could've joined a random group online instead
>mfw missed out on joining the big titted jewess' group of 2 people
>That kid that wasted his youth with source games and the source mod community and turned into a fuckin goon
most places don't offer them, community colleges offer courses that gets them on them
they don't let under c average on unless the course won't operate
dad was a tutor at one and they cut the courses because schools were not producing a good grade for people who would do that work, they let the retards on to keep it running but they wouldn't show up and had behaviour problems if they did
imagine getting free welding lessons and work but you want to threaten staff instead and have tantrums
>movie about comp sci major in college
>protag is assigned to a group project by the professor
>protags team literally does nothing why the protag builds the whole fucking application himself
You'll get over the anxiety of being left out, but it's replaced with anxiety of a shitty team.
silly goy
group projects are all good if you aren't autistic and can delegate tasks to people and make sure that they stay on track, also have sex
>Movie about "awkward" high school student character
>Not really retarded, just functioned on a different level than classmates
>Most likely high functioning autist of some kind
>Group work for everything besides tests because teacher is a lazy cunt whi doesnt want to mark individual work between wine breaks and would rather mark 5 groups instead of 30 indivual works
>Everyone in group tries to get him to open up but he isnt going to beyond what is comfortable and non stop "why are you so quiet?s"
>They continue to be nice afterwards but autist doesnt want to be friends
>Teacher refuses to let him work alone because she wants to get him out of his shell through exposure
>Doesnt really work
>Movie skips ahead to after he drops out of school and hes still the same and resentful of his stupid behavior and regrets not being more social and maybe class qt would have let him kiss her feet or something
What a crazy movie haha
>that kid who got straight f's and did nothing in school but still got into a good college and job because his parents were wealthy and had connections
see you later virgins
>be me
>can't delegate tasks
>can't keep the group on track
>have 0 sex
yeah maybe group projects ain't for me bud
Holy shit you guys think you're in the minority?
Every group assignment I've ever had is filled with people who never want to take charge or lead the project. I'm always having to be the one coaxing people into participating or moving the project past the "uhhhh" phase.
This isn't an alpha-beta or social thing. Most people just don't like group projects. My issue isn't really having to deal with other people, it's finding people to work with who actually want to work and get a decent grade.
Stop being turbo-autists and take charge.
>movie about a comp sci major in college
>protag thinks he's smarter than everyone else and refuses to let anyone else do anything or accept any work they do despite it being just as good if not better
>gets pissed about having to do all the work
this is the more likely scenario
What does it feel like studying at a private school
>high school flick
>main character actually goes to senior prom instead of staying home alone
Results day was great. I got called into a separate room to open my results because they were so good the school wanted to show them off on radio
Someone asked me if I was a virgin at prom and I wanted to kill myself.
its a thread about being excluded from groups
>be a college group project
>see who is in your group
>ask who is sending out the emails expecting to have to do it yourself
>everyone says "just tell me what part i have to do and i'll take care of it
>divide everything up and tell everyone what they need to do and by when
>save every email screen shot every conversation and let the teacher know ahead of time that your project is going to be shit because of these people not doing anything to help
every time.
I wish, I constantly asked them what they wanted to do and ideas/input. I'm too lazy to refuse anyone's work.
Does this even work? Every time I do a project and everyone else doesn't deliver, the professor just says that I should attempt to either produce a decent product on my own or that it's my responsibility to ensure the group works together.
My graphic design teacher was so fit. We went in during the holidays once and she kept taking her shoes off because it was "more comfortable"
>movie about high school
>pop song plays while bell rings in middle of class
It's a thread about turbo-autists who can't into group projects because of social insecurity when in reality that's the majority of people and nobody actually enjoys group projects, not even stacys or chads. Getting into a group isn't the hard part you babies, it's actually keeping it on track and getting that shit done that's almost impossible without other human beings who want to actually succeed.
A girl at work asked me if I was a virgin, and when I said yes, she actually got angry at me. Hysterically angry. At that same job, a tranny was incredulous that I didn't find the idea of anal sex appealing.
you are such a nerd
You can't win the war by yourself chap.
that's what the emails are for, send them out saying shit like "whenever you guys want to coordinate together send an email here so hopefully anyone available can come work" and then whenever you plan on doing shit like working at the campus library or computer lab or whatever you send an email out a few hours or the night before saying this. if anyone responds or shows up and actually works, great. if not then you can say you attempted to coordinate people and push them to work together. basically act like the perky fag nobody wants to really deal with but professors always want people to be in these things. go in expecting to do everything yourself and putting any shortcomings on your group with shit to back it up
I dont believe you but elaborate
my senior year consisted of nothing but that FUCK,literally walked around the entire school campus and football field during classes
eventually had to do like 20 saturday classes for make up hours and barely passed everything fucking so boring shit wasent even worth it FUCK
Do burgers really have showers like this?
settle down retard lol
>approaching without beeing drunk as fuck
user has no more testosterone left
>class work
>group project
>turn to a partner
>I fucking hate it all
I've worked out for years and that won't change me being 5'4 you dunce