How do I watch this show while feeling superior to the normies that watch this show? edition
How do I watch this show while feeling superior to the normies that watch this show? edition
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>ruins your thread.
Dont be a Manlet
Cersei I'm coming back to kill you.
Azor Elmo
Azor Theon
Jamie JCing the nightking when
100% dead:
Grey Worm
50/50 chance of survival:
Lyanna Mormont
Is he invading Westeros to make the 8?
How many character deaths are you betting on next episode? I'm saying 8 are gonna die.
>starks not instantly BTFOing jamie when they saw him
>gendry's obama meme not bad face.jpg
>manlet jokes
>knighting of brianne
>tormund forced jokes
>sam growing a pair in ONE episode difference
lads I didn't think it was possible, but we hit a new low
200 IQ writing right here folks
It's true, dany, I am rhaegar's wife's son.
This is exactly what will happen, post
After decades of hype cleganebowl gets interrupted for STRONK WYMYN
Sam making Jaime a well functioning arm to kick White Walkers ass when
daily reminder that he is after bran to close the loop
>Theon is going to die
The shitposting that will take place with the Amazon LOTR series will make GOT shitposting look miniscule
>Tullys are too retarded to even die properly
Not surprised tbqh
>Your Spearthrowing days are over Nightking, give me the Dragon
>No way, you got your own
>Well I want yours too
How many WW will she single handedly defeat?
Is no one else going to mention how Gilly got fat as fuk? Jesus. Sansa was questioning how they are going to feed all the soldiers last week - I think they should start by hiding the food away from Gilly.
Cersei? Already? Why?
If dubs Maisie and Sophie will die of alcohol poisoning or OD within the next few years.
Gilly wasn;t even in this episode
Night king finds stannis preserved and brings him back.
yeah i noticed that aswell
That sounds a bit gay
NK resurrects her but she doesn't follow his command because stronk womyn.
Claiming this thread for stannis
THIS, plus
>The hound faces the mountain
>so this is what they call a heatwarming family reunion
>muffled ''you got that right'' as the mountain draws his sword
Not going to lie, Sansa's ended up becoming my favourite female character.
Well she's hopped into the pussay too so.
Think they're listing who dies and survives by the end of the show, not the next episode.
Yeah she was, she was convinced the little girl that wanted to fight to protect the crypt instead
if trips baelish returns
Too edgy for me
Unironically what is wrong with this?
>davos on ladle duty just to get another scene with le stronk gril who wants to fight
Is that what you tell yourself?
>Stannis is like iron
>cant be bent, will too strong
>comes back but cant be controlled
Is she even allowed to get this fat? Don't they have some sort of contract?
I'm rooting for the white walkers.
good, that candy ass deserves the rope
I lost my /got/ folder, post reaction images please
>Jon leading the charge, cuts down walkers left and right with ease
>Looks over the battlefield
t. t*rg scum
Anyone else notice that misandre was pregnant?
What did Martin mean by this
Question, why the fuck does Danny look disgusted when Jon reveals the plot twist? Before being whored off to Drogo, wasn't it her plan to marry Viserys and take the Iron Throne together? Wasn't her plan now for her to marry Jon? So he'd be King and she'd be the Matriarch Queen anyway and nothing would have changed from her point of view? I thought she'd be happy to hear Rhaegar wasn't a rapist and she'd be kinda turned onto the fact Jon is her nephew, given the fact that Targaryens were into the whole incest thing.
no idea desu but it's too late to fire her anyways
The actress is pregnant, her character isn't
absolute unit
if dubs varys dies
What about The Wheel of Time tv series? Will we shitpost about that one too?
>he cant even look at her gollum body
He's the male heir, meaning his claim supersedes hers. She'd not actually get the throne
only if it's entertaining, and it very possibly won't be.
>Cleganebowl happens
>Sandor is on the losing end
>Get's thrown to the ground
>Closeup of the Mountain while he lifts his sword over his head
>Suddenly needle pierces through his throat from the back and you can see Arya behind him
>Says "You owe a girl a live" before fucking off with a smug grin
It makes incels mad because they have never had a woman want them to hophop into their pussy
She's just some dumpy wildling girl, who cares
>jaime wielding a weapon from a nightwalker he killed trickguarding himself ahead straight into the army
She's gotten a taste of power now and wants to keep it.
that's because they're peak anglo slags, either that or they'll balloon to the size of a planet like gilly
But if they're gonna marry, is there really a difference?
Shes not pregnant in the show but she looks pregnant in the show thats the problem
It's the showrunners being utter retards.
In the books, Dany does nothing but long for another Targaryen to be with. Viserys was a sadistic shit towards her but she still loved him. For Daenerys to have her lover be Rhaegar's son would be the greatest fantasy wish fulfillment she's ever had.
>sam growing a pair in ONE episode difference
just because sam cries at his relatives being dead doesn't mean he hasn't been through shitloads of character development and trials. see a psychiatrist.
The only people who like this season so far are those who post on Reddit. They're actually all excited and shit. I wish this was a troll comment.
He needs to die to complete his character arc
If dubs Night King rapes Bran
i want a wight to rip her face off
He'd be the one in charge, not her.
To an insane dragon-rider who's entire being is focused on getting the chair because "it's mine" - yes
>shit we killed off Stannis's daughter too soon
>just have Davos talk with some other Scalyloli
I be honest Tormund death will hurt a bit, he is a fucking meme, but he grew on me.
Godspeed you beardy motherfucker.
Yeah, royal couples don't rule together. She wants to be the queen, not the king's wife.
>manlets still triggered over the episode
Why did the writers think it would be a good idea to waste the first 1/3 of the final season on pointless fan wank
Maybe she's scared Jon will want kids, that she can't give him. Then she'd be completely out of the game.
You're the one on Reddit though.
this has been true for the last 4 seasons
>NK does a huge telegraphed overhead swing towards Jamie
>Jamie royal guards it with a flick of his wrist
>fan wank
more like "remind normies of everything that happened the last 7 seasons"
>, royal couples don't rule together.
dragons are expensive
Reminder that Dragonglass on the walls is perfectly reasonable, and the army has dragonglass everywhere so dont try bitching theyre not using it elsewhere
What the hell was the point of everything in Essos?
Grey Worm
>his father and brother get burned alive by warmongering queen
>I.. i understand m... milady
>shitty joke
Time for your suicide.
>is sanity
>the price to pay, FOR POWER
cringe, yup thats happening
I kind of like it but it makes no sense. maisie played the rude bunny while gendry's dick being a bunny makes no sense.
they literally picked the way for Dany to react that made the least sense.
I watched the last episode with Bradamante in a sports bar. He didn't know I was there but I watched him and the show at the same time.
she has an eating disorder apparently
Ser Elmo of House Sesame Street sex scene when?
I can't believe there's still retards who smoke.
That's only the case if the twist isn't her killing him to claim her throne
Which it will be
She wants to be queen not jon brainlet
A race of people descended from former slaves who control the world via high finance? No idea what he meant by it, but I'm sure the central message will be left in tact by the son of a former Goldman Sachs exec at HBO.
My aunt/wife's eyebrows are so cute...
There was some fan-service these last two episodes, but there was also a tremendous amount of subplots that needed to be finished. This is more or less how the episodes went back when they could pull dialogue from George (okay not AS good, but still good.) If you recall the first few seasons, there was sparse fighting and all large conflicts happened off screen.
Fuck off Dabid
I just want one thing to happen this season and that's her getting fucking mindbroken and then murdered by the white walkers.
>t. 5 inch dicklet
> mfw a fookin legend assassinates Bran
>would be the greatest fantasy wish fulfillment she's ever had.
this, I was astonished that she didn't grab for his cock while crying hysterically, it would have been properly motivated.
It's so bad I laughed
jon's claim is better than even viserys', d&d are just stirring shit needlessly
The fact that so many people are shaming Arya and Dany for their looks prove how sexist society still is
They've grown up, deal with it incel pedos
>She wants to be queen
Eh not really. She was always driven more by revenge/justice/responsibility than pursuit of power. She could've invaded Westeros way earlier but chose to free the slaves of Slaver's Bay instead. It makes no sense why she should reject Jon for being a Targaryen.
Based Jon thread. Thank you, OP.
What was the point of notShireen showing up and wasting an additional 2 minutes of screentime?
I guess its an ego thing. she was ok with him being her doggy but now she would have to be the second in the marriage.
Makes sense once you realize she's really a mass murdering psycho, whose only real interest lies in power.
Fucking chavs
Y'all miss Bradamante, I can see by the way you're posting.
Could the night king raise her from the crypts at winterfell
How long did Gendry last?
>"Someone taller"
What did they mean by this
How many walkers is he going to stomp?
Is Kit the reason they haven't fucked Jon Snow up yet? I know he's a massive bookfag.
>1/3 of the season gone
>nothing has happened
lil girl no scare, lil girl want fight
Can anyone make edit of this where Gendry overlaps image of Melly over Arya like in Blade Runner 2049
night king will die next week
the rest of the episodes will be jon and dany vs cersei and euron
To pull on your heartstrings user.
Renubd Onion night theres love loss in war
you've misinterpreted the character's behavior. he's smart enough to recognize that they're already dead and that yelling at Dany wouldn't do any good, so he just leaves.
Was Arya's secret weapon really just a spear?
drogo possibly
not to mention his crying was totally in character cause sam is a good hearted lad
She was a virgin so probably 90 seconds
I think Bradamante mentioned that last year.
the knight scene was kino
Imagine the stank of her cunt
she looks like a cave man wax figure in some museum
Why were they laughing?
Dany will kill Jon in order to take the thrown. She will sit on it as he dies bleedin on the floor, just like Jaime did to the Mad King
The final shot will be her sitting there smirking as the camera pans back through the length of the great hall, the doors slamming shut as it passes them, and cutting to black
couldn't think of any other way to give davos anything to do
also a way to mention yet again how safe the crypts are
I am not even trying to bait Stannisfags but I just realized that Stannis' entire plotline was essentially meaningless to the current condition of the S8 survivors unless you count bringing Melisandre into contact with Jon to bring him back without explanation and Davos joining Team Jon to be major plot developments. No complaints about Dillane as an actor but seriously think about how much screen time Stannis and Melisandre commanded for no real lasting impact. I know the show has wasted plenty of time on other bullshit (Essos in general) but Stannis is the most egregious red herring in Westeros, it was like his own personal tragedy.
When did Arya practice throwing knives to become so good?
Is he? He looks like he can't read.
onion knight character development I guess
>tfw no scene of sandor ripping arya apart with his dick
>arya will never lose her smugness when a savage knight fucks her senseless
>death can have a lot of faces this one is a dick
>her hideous face is finally satisfied,she falls down senseless and never wakes up
>in the final battle sandor smashes wights with his 10 inch dick
>If the Mad King's daughter takes the Iron Throne, she will destroy the Realm as we know it. Some of you are bannermen of House Tyrell. But House Tyrell is in open rebellion against the Crown. With their help the Mad King's daughter has ferried an army of savages to our shores. Mindless Unsullied soldiers who will destroy your castles and your holdfasts. Dothraki heathens who will burn your villages to the ground, rape and enslave your women, and butcher your children without a second thought. This is how Olenna Tyrell rewards centuries of service and loyalty.
>You all remember the Mad King. You remember the horrors he inflicted upon his people. His daughter is no different. In Essos her brutality is already legendary. She crucified hundreds of noblemen in Slaver's Bay. And when she grew bored of that, she fed them to her dragons.
>It is my solemn duty to protect the people, and I will, but I need your help, My Lords. We must stand together, all of us, if we hope to stop her.
Read Bradamante's previous posts newfag.
No, it's a spear that can shoot the spearhead at things
At least she can turn into someone beautiful via faceless magic
I wish someone would just get out their phone's flashlight and point it on-set. Why is everything always so dark?
it did
Brandon the Builder cast for prequels
Reminder that the only way this shit can be wrapped up in a thematically consistent way is for the Night King to win and steamroll Westeros.
>All the infighting and petty politics made it impossible for the houses to unite against a common threat, and they all die because of it.
bollocks. characters reminiscing doesn't resolve any subplots. there are very few characters whose relationship has even changed.
Except dragonglass are useless against wights, the white walkers won't be the ones trying to vault over the walls
Alright guys I'm 100% convinced Beric is going to resurrect someone next episode while giving his life.
Who is it?
Is that Oona? Yikes, what a waste
Careful with that meme, it's an antique
Oh so... wait... IT'S A GUN?
it's a harpoongun
Probably all that time she spent training in killing in Braavos... wait, I forgot all she did was wash corpses and stick-fight.
I was honestly expecting a scene where Davos explains how that little girl with the scarred face reminded him of Shireen, much like how Dany had to explicitly explain that Jon being her brother's son gives him a shot at the throne.
daily reminder to manlet bros that we're all gonna make it
maybe in the books, in the show she wants to be de queen and she will be queen no matter how the cost may grow.
it will come in play when the dead rise in the crypts
Theon's Dick or Rob
His season six costume is so much better than the seven and eight costume.
And to answer your question it’s becsuse GRRM probably had more ideas to give D&D about Jon than most other characters. Also Kit became a good actor after working with Dillane.
>Conveniently 18
Arya's going to be Flossing and sniping the shit out of zombies, fucking shit this sounds great.
He's grown a lot
he was so cool
reminder that the walls are 80 feet high, the zombies can't climb, and anyway they are going to attack the army which is inexplicably marching out to meet them.
azor jaime
sophie is so funny
>no leaked episodes yet
what's the point of having an autistic fanbase if nobody is gonna do anything?
yes, he was being bullied by his friends for not getting all those westerosi pussy
theons penis
she is not in them.
Washing corpses taught her to notice details. Stick fighting honed her inherent murder traits. The game of lies taught her to shapeshift into other people. Being blind multiplied her already high stats through enduring suffering.
It all makes sense.
edd better not die
He's not the priest though, so no one. If it were someone, maybe the Hound?
what's this one from? BoB?
Honestly hoping it's gendry, they still owe him for selling him out. But it's probably going to be sandor.
>bunch of men drop by Fleacook
>scared shitless
>hunched over and agreeing to fight reluctantly
>lil girl comes along
>like 4 years at best
>demonstrates courage and valor
>not afraid to fight a horde of undead
>more courage and BALLS than a group of adult men
>"What was the point of that, guise?!"
Well, gee fucking wizz, I don't know! Maybe more feminist bullshit to make all the hambeast tumbrlinas schlick to when they post about why black men are superior to white men and why white men should be subject to genocide?
>hey I killed your family
>oh, well they are already dead, what can you do about it ... heh
based retard
He's the Lord Commander of the Nights Watch.
There's no Wall anymore and the enemy they repelled is here. His duty is done, his watch will end.
you are retarded. I do not have cable and I've already seen the second episode.
Is there any consensus on which was a better episode, 1st or 2nd?
>100% dead:
Assuming Beric dies next week, I wonder what happens to his sword afterwards? I always kinda figured the Hound would use it when Cleganebowl happens since the Mountain is undead and it would be a satisfying resolution to his fear of fire by having him literally weaponizing it at the end.
Makes no sense though. Jon and Dany have united many different people and amassed a huge army with dragons. Cersei's golden boy army is not that big in comparison.
2nd is far, far better.
They told us every episode is gonna be 90 minutes long. What the fuck is this gay shit.
I think they wrote it like that to create "conflict" which they'll never pay off because they didn't know how to handle Dany's reaction in a way that doesn't either endorse incest.
they're just keeping Jon and Dany in relationship limbo until they kill them off.
Think of the most memorable moment in GoT
OK, got it?
Now read the spoiler.
Why was it the Red Wedding?
That would be pretty kino.
Did he though
gendry is fucking dead, he transferred 100% of his plot armor to Arya when they fucked. She'll be pregnant with his kid which makes Gendry completely unecessary story-wise.
I hear a lot of people say most actors smoke and/or do drugs
just fucking rename it game if quips and feminism
He did it in the books with Caitlyn, but the showrunners decided to not do it. I'm pretty sure they'll pull it out on someone this season if not the next episode during the battle. I just don't know who it will be.
Sandor is Azor Ahai. He will kill Gregor and pull Lightbringer out of him
How is that even a question
Why would he put time in boring writing when he has money now to live rest of his days being lazy and living comfortable in a tropical resorts
>Death has many faces
Woa so deep when Porrigde said that to Arya. Really think I am a brilliant mind for getting the references since Arya is faceless!
For me it was Melisandre birthing the Shadowthingy
because the show still had the balls to shock the audience
2nd had arya nude so, it should be obvious
what the fuck are you talking about you drooling retard, im talking about LEAKED episodes
last season ep6 leaked, the season before that the ep1 and ep2 leaked (or was it ep2 and ep3?)
i want the next episode to leak so i can jack off to the varys and gilly crypt sex scene
>men do stupid things for women, they're easily manipulated
are you serious? 2nd no contest
it was the hunting scene with bobby b in season one for me
>People actually think that Jaime will die
Didn't you see the massive amount of foreshadowing with Bronn? He aint going anywhere
his voice IRL is completely different, it's shocking.
Not the RW for me, partially cause I already knew what was going to happen. Probably Shireen’s death, Ned’s execution, Viserys’ death, or maybe the archery scene in S1.
I'm predicting some kind of very memey death with Tyrion and Jaime. Like one sacrifices themselves to save the other in some kind of "I'm sorry our dad was always such a dick to you Tyrion" or Tyrion dies to save Brienne because he knows Jaime loves her.
She should've kept being anorexic
>mfw arya will be bearing the true heir to the iron throne
When's the last time you got laid?
>whole episode was either "sexual tension" between ripped guys and their las creturas love interests, or "member that time we did that thing?"
haha I remember I was a teenager once too.
he will not be remembered, he chose earthly pleasures for eternal glory
Tyrion was ordered to the Crypts
What roll will he play there, or will he defy orders, leave and then be blamed for shit going fucky in there?
If HBO didn't have to be politically correct and stupidly claim Arya is now 18, the timeline could make much more sense if they just said she was 16 or 15
Sure, it's not legal to show that on TV, but it makes sense for teenagers to have sex, and it would make much more sense for the show's timescale
He's going to die at the end of the season.
Are we all in agreement that Jon Snow would destroy Robert Baratheon in a fight like the Baratheon piece of garbage that he is?
Season 2 Sansa was so cute. What happened?
>lady stoneheart not included
another fuck up by the show writers
>heeeerrrreeeee's BRONNY
Alternatively, Arya being 18 means that a LONG time passed during the seasons, so nobody was teleporting around but their journeys around Westeros just were done off screen
What was the point of this scene? A literal red herring.
>the first and only woman that he was with was a 10/10 melly sanders
>then you're expected to fuck this
distinctly remember watching this in the uni while I was meant to be revising for exams - thanks user for student life nostalgia
Preston said that he preferred the 1st because the 2nd tried to pull on emotional heartstrings too much, and I recon most people here are Preston-drones
Is it really not okay to show nudes of a underage character, even if the actor is of age?
>gendry's obama meme not bad face.jpg
I missed this, sounds hilarious, screencap?
offical runtimes according to HBO
>Episode 1 – 54 minutes
>Episode 2 – 58 minutes
>Episode 3 – 82 minutes
>Episode 4 – 78 minutes
>Episode 5 – 80 minutes
>Episode 6 – 80 minutes
desu I feel like they should've just combined the first two episodes by taking the 20 minutes of important scenes in Episode 1 and stuck them at the beginning of Episode 2. It'd make the premiere feel less like a filler episode and would make the entire season five 80 minute episodes that are all important instead of four episodes that progress the story + two episodes that serve the same purpose
But is it not true?
>order all the women and children into a crypt for safety
>against an enemy that raises the dead
Siply eric
yeah now you're a tranny. DILATE
there was only sexual tension between arya and gendry and there were plenty of scenes with actual developments
anti slavery plot
More wine your grace?
I don't understand why she needed to give birth to a fucking demon to assassinate some king. Wouldn't it be safer and easier to hire some professional instead?
Question - is there any confirmation whatsoever that the Crypts are a deathtrap and the NK will raise the corpses there, or is that just Yea Forums speculating?
So let me get this straight...the Night King's end game is to delete a shitty hardrive no one ever truly gets to use?
Tyrion's speech at the Blackwater
fuck the lady stoneheart, fuck the books and fuck the bookgafs
According to Brienne, the shadowbabby had Stannis's face. So that's what kicked off the war and led to her executing him.
fat robert or rebellion robert? if fat robert, jon would win, if rebellion robert, jon would get rekt like his daddy did
have sex
>tfw no dominant jewish gf to go "Pathetic" on you
>Q: The Knights of the Vale scene was so reminiscent of something from “Lord of the Rings.” Do you think Littlefinger could secretly be Gandalf? Were the similarities ever discussed? Any homages there?
>A: I don’t think Littlefinger and Gandalf are related. There is, of course, that similarity in showing up with the army to save the day at a crucial moment which may have been a homage, but it’s also a common storytelling trope. But nothing discussed, no. Interestingly, well before that Episode 9 scene aired, there was a picture circulated and widely reported on of Littlefinger allegedly wearing a watch in a sequence in The Vale. Gandalf has also been pictured wearing a watch while wielding a sword in “LOTR.” This could mean they both have some kind of common system going on, but while I can’t vouch for Gandalf, I could see straight away that my picture, while well executed, was very obviously mocked up from an image from the opening sequence of “Dark Knight Rises.” That’s where the hands and watch come from — they’re mine, but from something else. They even threw in a belt that wasn’t there and besides, I’ve never worn a watch in real life, so that could never have happened anyway. I don’t know about Ian McKellen’s watch, but it’s always nice to be in stellar company on YouTube mashups.
It's Yea Forums speculating. The dead won't rise in the crypts. That would undermine too much of this episode and make everyone look retarded.
Jaime and Brianne
>all faggots saying that ep1 and ep2 could easily have been 1 episode
am I the only one that think the complete opposite? i think both episodes seemed extremely rushed, i would have like to seen it been made into 3 episode so that we could have had more character development and buildup for the fight for winterfall
>1st - 6/10
>2nd - 1/10
If you disagree you're gay and probably a nonce
so basically the NK is the dahaka of GOT
Sorry if you liked anyone else.
They aren't making it to the end.
It's basically spelled out at this point.
I also didn't understand that.
he'd make a fantastic trap
body double
For me it was Ned Stark saying he will kill Sansa's direwolf himself
Sam literally spelled this out in that scene.
Being dead = having no memories.
Bran = the world's memory
Bran dies = world dies
Bran is a single point of failure in life / light / reality remaining in existence.
Some book excerpt of Jon having a vision.
Where the fuck is TWOW?
Second was a thousand times better
Now you know how story development works, you learn something new everyday!
Thinking preston is the only youtube fag that isnt retarded doesnt make you a preston drone
I think preston as a person is a total faggot
>on climate change
>how can people today be so stupid and not support something so obvious as climate change
>never mind that im 100% contradicting myself because i have no personal knowledge over the subject and believe it blindly anyway
both the faggots and you have a point
First one was 51 and second 56.
>reconciliation and closure with Kelly C scene
>Sam gifts him his family sword
>Sam literally says "I hope we make it" and eyes him sadly and walks away
Could they hang any more deatflags off this poor nigga.
They could have left out a lot of scenes, especially the second episode which had loads of bs
literally made my heart go like crazy the first time I watched it
the winds of winter
Just claim your characters are "18".
me too
>Build up the big bad for 7 seasons
>Defeated in 80 minutes
I think there was so much potential here for dialogue in preparing for battle and building anticipation. There's little to no strategic planning. Instead we get everybody drinking and moping and Arya being a domm.
The lich king dying in episode 3 is disappointing as fuck
she didn't really show any nudity though, it was just sideboob and a buttcrack. Riverdale's characters are all explicitly 16 in the show and while there's no nudity cuz its on the CW they still give them sex scenes like every episode. Arya didn't even have a sex scene, it happened off screen.
I'm supposed to hate Dany right? Her scripting and delivery only make sense if I'm supposed to hate her.
Nah episode 3 is a big battle, but it will end with the NK reaching the Godswood, so episode 4 will be them defeating him specifically
how wouldn't he
it's one of the most well know memes in all the history of memes and also the greatest
it's won awards afterall
When Cersei sees Tywin at the end of Blackwater
Only if your a misogynist shitlord
get help and get better friend
Is it just me - or has the show become so dark its impossible to see ANYTHING
I get its dark and wintery but they can still show that without making it LITERALLY too dark for the audience to see
The Hound
What? So if the NK kills bran the world dies?
I don't get it
Im usually a lazy fuck but am so triggered over this so here you go
Ned Stark.
It's an emotional scene that's built up perfectly.
The scene where Ned scans the crowd looking for Arya during his own execution
He was an honorable and loving father right up until the end ;_;
that's not including credits though. I just checked episode 2 and the credits end at 58 minutes which is what I guess HBO is including. It's the same for movie runtimes. Avengers Endgame is always listed as being 3 hours 1 minute but excluding credits it's only 2 hours 48 min.
The point wasn't to insult Jon, it was to make it ambiguous about who she means.
Was it Jorah? Was it Drogo? Was it Viserys when she was a child and he was all she had in the world? etc.
>I don’t think Littlefinger and Gandalf are related.
Already lol'ing. Why is everything he does and says so fucking hilarious?
>he reads fantasy book written for young teens
casual filter
Exactly, it's why the tree people were protecting the previous One Eyed Raven so much
Who will win? Nicolai, Coster or Waldau?
Holy shit, those digits!
If you insist on posting this meme, get better and more consistent quality pics
After 8 seasons, what has ended up being the best leitmotif in the show?
For me, there still isn't any real competition with the Theon/Ironborn/Greyjoy theme
Nicolai knows the basics of CQC?
hands arms
bran = NK so it closes the loop
Protecting so hard that a retard, a cripple and some sloot manage to reach him. Hmm.
A cunt is a cunt mate. She's acting like a cunt.
Protecting against the dead m8
Our King is not coming back user
I have the first two eps downloaded on nowtv and it's 51 and 56
fukken checkd
Absolutely nothing happened. Good.
>My lord...hundreds will die
I think the second one had way better scenes than the 1st episode, Brienne becoming knighted, Arya getting hophopped, Jamie arriving (very lackluster which proves my point about it needing to be 3 episodes), and the entire talk around the fireplace.
Everything in ep1 was just fucked up (like Arya/Jon reunion)
That's incredibly stupid.
Bran is some sort of autistic tim bombadil? I thought he was just a warger who could see the past, but you're telling me the entire world hinges on his survival?
small dick nikolaj
fuck you, arya/jon reunion was cute
Post some based Bobby B pics pls
nice man
You forgot Jenny of Oldstones, the scene where Pods was singing it while people prepared was pure kino
>but you're telling me the entire world hinges on his survival?
Yes, he and sam literally explain this in that scene where they're planning the attack
Speaking of this why isn’t Jaime the King in Kings Landing
does your copy include the "previously" at the start and the end credits?
Coster, please, everyone know that Nicolai has big dick.
stop spouting this bullshit please
It's pretty nude, especially on set where the rest can see her tits
haha you tell'em girl!
Is Dany a necrophile?
>Scott Lynch
>Jim Butcher
What's with all these authors out of nowhere taking forever with the next book? A lot of them start off with a consistent schedule then suddenly we get years without shit.
All versions of Robert Baratheon are scum who were born to be extinguished and cucked by Targaryens
>Giving a shit about dicksize
It's all about technique anyway
It was lackluster
They didn't really say anything to eachother
Same applies to so many more reunions. And why hasn't Sansa said anything about the fucking Hound? The entire dynamic between characters is just fucked.
Yeah that was kino
No it doesn't have the "previously" segment. That must be why. The first few seconds are that HBO logo then the opening theme.
based M&B poster
Are we doing a new thread?
I think this one. Possible foreshadowing from the conversation they had. Arya asked why he joined the brotherhood, and he never answered. Then Beric comes in and is like we're all here because of The Lord of Light
Sansa couldn't give less of a shit about the hound
Yeah, both episodes could have been great if they had fewer but more fleshed out interactions.
Waldau is shit, at least coster fucked his sister
>t. 5 inch dicklet
she looks like she'd be a good fuck, but she wouldn't fuck good
Technique helps but if you can’t make a woman feel remotely full they aren’t getting what they want
Did Lancel have a bigger dick than Jaime?
If Bran still lives while the NK is off killing the world, then technically his mission is not complete. Three Eyed Raven is basically a living Wikipedia article for literally all of history itself: past, present and future are all available for Bran to pull up and discuss. NK can kill all the people he wants but it there's still someone who can basically undo all of his work by making sure no one forgets history, anything he does is a moot point. So killing Bran is is top priority since he's pretty much the one thing still conceivably considered a threat to him
oh no no no no
the targaryens lost the claim to the throne when aerys broke the feudal contract you absolute plebeian, the baratheon line is the true claimant to the iron throne, and at the moment, the claim rests on gendry as the last baratheon, unfortunately
are you a woman who doesnt undertand dick dynamics by any chance
obviously erect
Acshually, Robert rules through the Targaryen claim. He was next in line with all the Targaryens dead.
>Sansa couldn't give less of the man who stood by and watched as Joffrey brutally abused her
wish I could win major m&b battles with twenty good men
When she became Darth Sansa she left all that shit behind.
wait but bastards have no claim ?
Don't start this shit again. You're proven wrong every time and you come back with the same shit.
what the fuck is the necklace supposed to be?
have sex
They climb up the fucking walls as fast as they can run, it’s like you never watched the battle of Hardhome.
why don't they just tie Bran to one of the dragons and have it fuck off to somewhere in like Essos or whatever
Time to apologize to Vince, /got/ards. Bravo Dabid!
Dany needs her dragons to fuck up Cersei's army
This is so fucking dumb.
>Bran is the TER
>knows everything about Westerosi history because Weirwood network
>be Night King
>born from Children of the Forest ritual
>same dudes who made those Weirwood trees
>be the most powerful greenseer to exist
>had 1000 years to get to know and use your powers
>have the entire Westerosi history available to you
>somehow killing that worlds memory doesnt include yourself
NK and Bran are one and the same in terms of being a Wikipedia database on Westeros. So, what will he do if he wants to erase that world from existence and memory? Kill himself?
I'm pretty sure she was wearing a flesh colored bra that they CGI'd out
you're technically right, but dany's and jon's claim come from aerys, and aerys' claim, along with any of his descendants are not valid due to aerys' actions. i just hope the introduction of the golden company doesn't throw a blackfyre pretender in the mix.
Night King and the Walkers in general are essentially robots given the order "KILL EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING" without some failsafe or really any way for them to turn off that order. They've been running on autopilot this whole time, just following the programming they were given. I doubt the NK has ever once considered what he'll do once his mission is complete since that's well beyond his capacity to consider
>Come with me and take this city
Maybe I'm just a shower, but even flacid his dick looks really small
>I made that fucking screenshot with the circling of his watch on Snapchat 3 years ago and now it's got 9gag attached to it
Wew lad. Time flies.
only while living relatives however distant remain. there are no living baratheons or relatives as far as the show goes, which would make gendry's claim true regardless.
Why the fuck would you post that on snapchat?
I was phone posting so I couldn't use something like paint.
I used Snapchat to make a red circle around his watch and posted the screenshot.
girl power!
Okay, two versions that both don't apply:
>NK and WW went haywire, killing their creators in the process
Now, why do they leave the Children of the Forest spirals if they hate them to the point they killed them off? And why do they still wish death upon the world if they already freed thermselves of their creators who originally gave these orders?
>NK and WW are still on the mission given by the Children of the Forest to eradicate mankind
So, if this is the case why did they kill the Children if they work for the Forestkids even after all these years?
No matter how you look at it, it just makes no sense.