Alita: Battle Angel General Discussion
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she's not that good looking you fags

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Finally, a wholesome bread. Thank you OP.

Hello new bread. Please be healed by Arita's boundless love.

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Hello new bread, please be healed by Rosa.

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Repostan, feedback welcome: picosong.com/wEF8a/

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>can already tell what rosa will look like when she's abuelita rosa


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The transition from Swan Song to Motorball is a little jarring but I like it overall.


I know hitting the wall is a thing that happens to everyone. But in my eye's I dont think Rosa ever will, for me.
Unless she somehow goes on some drugged fueled frenzy for a few years.
But Rosa's not like that...

see you all in Lancaster


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Attached: Alita Looks At Her Hands.webm (1920x1080, 2.98M)

all of you need to suicide or have sex with a real woman. These generals are just embarrassing at this point. At the very least just fuck off to Yea Forums instead of spamming Yea Forums with your "tfw no anime gf" tier bawwwwing.

Godspeed user.

Attached: rosayay.jpg (310x327, 37K)

Easily the worst thread on this board. It's honestly embarrassing that this thread is still up.

desu, I am suprised this thread is still here and hasn't been kicked off to /trash/

There are two meet-ups this week?

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No, I'm just driving there cause they're still playing it in 3D

Alita is forever!

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>Free Rent
>butthurt mods didn't nuke us after 404
>is bitching in this thread instead of having sex

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And uh, what could I learn from a loudmouth pretty boy who spends all of his money on his face?

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Chubby cheeks chubby cheeks

They really do pop up in that position, don't they?

Is Alita ever really objectified in the film? If she is, where? If not, how come some get the impression that she is? Is it because our culture now states a woman can't have a certain look for her body or show it off?

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requesting giant holographic Alita looking over K

Threadly reminder that Zapan did nothing wrong.

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This is an oldie, but a goodie.

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Grewishka calls her a Little Fle and that offends a 5'7 like me.

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Do you have the other version of this?

not him but yes

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You could argue she gets objectified by Vector and Chiren. The people who criticise the movie for "objectifying" Alta most likely didn't see the movie, they just based their opinion on the trailer and the fact that men like it.

I've never really paid attention to the critics but I don't think anyone seriously complained about Alita being objectified, whatever that means.

Just wait until she's at the cheapies.

I mean don't get me wrong, she has a damn nice body towards the end, but is that automatically a bad thing? I thought our society was about propping up people for being who they want?

Attached: VECTOR.webm (960x402, 2.6M)

I made one too, but the joi template

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I re-watched Deadpool the other day. Didn't remember it is Ed Skrein who plays the main villain. Movie is also scored by Junkie XL.
I gave it a re-watch because it's directed by Tim Miller who's directing the next Terminator, and I'm hoping it's going to be good because I'm thinking Jim might be waiting to see how that does before taking any chances with an Alita sequel.

Yeah, this is 'more accurate' in my opinion.

Thanks, user.

I was looking for that one, thanks

Well, Terminator Date Fate is also supposed to be the start of a new trilogy. Depends, because Jim is financing the films.

You gotta accept the height you have, user.
Also, Alita would destroy Zapan in her sleep.

They claimed from the beginning she's objectified, starting with "Born Sexy Yesterday." They cried about objectification when her body filling out when she gets the Berserker body, they cried about ass-shots when she's wearing the black leather number, they cried about her being a "Fighting Fuck Toy" for Hugo...

Does it matter though?

No, but still, asked the question

Could someone shop in the following stats into this?

155 cm
Half French Half Japanese

Because that's a reason a lot of people, particularly leftists, may not have wanted to support the film.

>Oh yeah

Attached: 1555518260651.jpg (636x464, 121K)

i'll try

Heck yeah. You're the best, Alita.
Go kill 'em.




she's half German

Have fun user!

It's a reference to Rosa.

This China bro went and saw Alita 119 times, with IMAX ticket stubs and purchases to prove it. A new world record?

Attached: tickets.jpg (4032x2016, 3.5M)

I don't think that ideology is very widespread, though. It's vocal for sure but I don't think a significant number of people look to see if a movie passes the "Bechdel test."


Happy for you user.

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I'm aware. I'm just thinking if this bombs it might give him cold feet to try anything else until he proves himself again with Avatar
But who knows, maybe he's already got plans for Alita

>155 cm
Why is the ultimate Mars living weapon such a womanlet?

I only see 27 stubs but if he really did it that's damn impressive. Obviously there will be 0 articles about it while some dude who saw Infinity War became a media sensation and was contacted by Imax and given 50 free tickets.

saw Infinity War 44 times*

You need to document every viewing with third party witnesses, so they won't count it. Im tempted to go for the WR for Fallen Angel, if only to remove the CM one.

Knowing panzer kunst means you don't need to be a Space Marine

here you go

i fucked up.... discard! discard!

Ill watch it 10 times or more if i can

Skin color should be Pink

forgot to write that

She's even shorter in the manga.

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Saved. B)

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>4'9 without the elevator shoes

Not a single screening left on this brexit ass island....

Do indie,"mom and pop" cinemas run movies like Alita awhile after they would usually run? like they do with cult films?

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Realistically, what would happen if you drove a steak through her heart?

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She literally gets "objectified" by Grewishka

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Do you get cheapies on britbong island?

Here in the states malls and and shopping centers usually have a cheap theater that runs older movies for like $5 a ticket after their mainstream theatrical run ends and she's playing at those now.


Antimatter explosion and distintegration

She'd probably take out half the city with the resulting annihilating blast.


Kind of, I think.
We have cinema's that run old movies but, not as you put it. They just seem to run old cult like movie's, but they do run some modern films once every now and then it seems., so here's hoping /ourgirl/ gets some love.

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Hopefully Cameron pays attention to how much the foreign market liked the film. I know 20th Century Fox has noticed, and Robert has noticed how rabid fans can be in the US, but Jim hasn't said much in over a month. Maybe he's just busy.

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>YOU THINK AVATAR 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,∞

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South Florida is fucking weird when it comes to showing movies. There are a number of cult and arthouse theaters here, but they only show like the art films, with the occasional mainstream movie getting like a one week showing there. Otherwise, it's standard mainstream theaters. Regal usually keeps movies the longest, while the AMC theaters, because they're smaller, drop the movies considerably faster, like if you don't see it opening weekend, you aren't seeing it at AMC. As for showing classic movies, some theaters do the Fathom Events shit, but as for dollar theaters, none really exist in south Florida. When a film finishes it's theatrical run in Florida, it's pretty much done. Right now, only one theater in a 50 mile radius of all of south florida is showing the film, with two showings a day.

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It's interesting, Cameron hinted plans for the Alita trilogy, and namedropped their titles, but then said "whatever comes after," so it's possible he was anticipating to make even more after Avenging Angel.

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My drunk impulse buy arrived! Thought it would be more shit looking, but it's pretty nice.

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I hope they work Zazie into the sequels somehow.

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The cell itself is pretty blurry irl. Think of a lenticular image. It looks more stable on camera, if that makes sense.

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Not bad. Are you sure the cell is authentic? The poster and logo being stretched doesn't make it look like an actual collectible.



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don't you dare

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It should really be Nova.
>"Why does he wear the goggles!"

Got the same one, there nothing official. Apart from they were used in a reel screening at one point, I think there pretty neat either way.

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Ah, I didn't know if they did a reel screening for the film, that's cool.

>what do you mean im supposed to wear a bra under my clothes?

Not sure. It's not really the type of research you do when you're drunk. It came with a few "guarantees of authenticity", one of which is right on back of the frame.

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that's not shadman's work

wtf is joi because i only ever come up with results for jack off instructions when i look it up

So I found this neat figure on ebay from a couple different sellers but I can't seem to find much info about them. I'm also hesitant to order one because I have a nagging feeling that it's probably a knock off of a nicer one from back in the 90s or something.

Attached: alita figure.png (1167x713, 243K)

Agent K's custom made virtual gf in Bladerunner 2049.

Hell, looks like that could be 3D printed or something. Look at the size of it compared to the guy's hands. It's cool, but read all the details and fine print on the auction page.

wouldn't bother with it, ships from outside the us so returning it would be like 30 bucks if it sucks

Some user in another thread was saying that it was a free to download print that's been online for a few years. The Chinese have been apparently casting such prints in resin and selling them.

FOCO 1, FOCO 2, stand by for burner email, OVER


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Placeholder date?

But is this Netflix? Is Alita safe from Disney+?

I do not stand by in the presence of evil

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I don't know, I don't recognize the UI

>doesn't know how to take a screenshot
sup boomer

look up blade runner joi

Did you mean to reply to or ?

What website tho?

I don't want to know what fucky shit you are guys are up to.


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They day is approaching, brothers. The day when we can have full human-cyber interface. Our waifus will be attainable within our lifetime. How does it make you feel?

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>within our lifetime
sounds like wishful thinking to me, people also thought we'd have flying cars and shit by now, and yet here we are.

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Yeah, that doesn't surprise me at all. Something felt off about the whole thing. There's obviously a market for figures, so I'm surprised Fox and Kodansha or whoever owns the manga rights haven't put out something official like a Figma or Nendo.

So, uhm....you got sauce for the top part of that?

Nah man, I'm 27 now and I have full confidence that by the time I'm 80 I'll be able to forsake my wife and jack in to the Waifu Matrix. I need only wait.

Go away

Alita IS for lewds, deal with it faggot

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Tell me about Muster. Why does he wear the mask?

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I don't mind short women but if they have stubby short legs that's a no for me. Especially chubby girls that have that whole negative camber thing goin' on with their lower legs.
This has been a PSA, thanks for listening.

Good Afternoon Alitans
Thread OST: youtu.be/kOr0ipW4jvY

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Good afternoon. Anyone know this UI?

What the fuck does Alita do when she gets horny? How does she relieve it.
Imagine getting horny and not being able to rub a nut out. Damn.

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Only two more months! We'll make it, r-right guys?

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Her release is taking her heart out of her chest. The way she reacted after putting it back in, come on, that was pure after sex talk.

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I hate to respond to lewd posters but those digits...
I guess she can't do anything but cuddle and kill.

>jack off instructions
....oh, Hugo

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I'm just going to remind you faggots that Asuka is K's true love.

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Alita makes more sense though. She's not a real girl.

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It looks like Alita is coming to gamefly on June 30th, which is probably a week after the blu-ray goes on sale.

Attached: gamefly.png (486x783, 34K)

Hold the fuck up

Gamefly is still around?

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FOCO 1 standing by

This guy totally lurks these threads.

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He's covered in fucked up tumors with faces


[email protected]

We will finish this over private channels. FOCO 2 OUT.

if i get digits then alita blu ray will leak by this weekend so i can FINALLY FUCKING WATCH IT AGAIN

I wanna hold Alita's hand so hard and hug her over and over and put my arm around her shoulders until I am healed.

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What is going on...

Nothing that concerns you it seems

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Me too, user. Me too.

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Two star crossed lovers that can't meet in person, wishing they could. Truly a tragic tale.

Will the suffering ever end?

When the blu-ray comes out.

why the fuck do u guys like this movie so much

I’m seeing heavy online advertising for the Aquaman digital release. Hope they will use a good ad for Alita when that comes out.
Afraid that they’ll use the worst they have, with temporary renderings and music. Would be typical for how Alita has been treated.

Picks a fight

Attached: Rawr.jpg (1070x1215, 816K)

Maybe they've realized that fans are passionate about the movie and might try a little harder with the digital release. Or maybe they don't have to, considering they have a tapped in to base.

I still love they liked this tweet. They aren't going anywhere.

Attached: notanymore.png (1104x845, 1.02M)

>mfw it looks and sounds like something thrown together by a few interns during their lunch break

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Is this how all cult movies are started? Practically no awareness outside a small group at launch, but as time goes on, it picks up steam? Why does this always happen to the best movies? And it makes me sad a lot of people are only going to experience Alita by a streaming service.

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What do you read into that tweet? We must be reading it differently

Remember all the social media teams went dormant after the FOX Disney merger, almost a month of nothing. They came back with a post, and they liked a couple tweets, this was one of them. I read it as they aren't leaving again.

Neither is Rei.

They might not have read into it closely, but the tweet they liked referred to their social media absence and asked them to not leave again.

I am not a doll!

A shame all the best sci-fi seems to not do so great, look at blade runner 2049, Valerian, and so on. At least Alita fared better at the box office worldwide.

Two of the most /cleanyourroom/ movies I've ever seen.

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>still no torrent.
What the fuck? Just release it already.

Just think, this film will end it's run at 404 million worldwide. Fucking hilarious.

Copy that, will contact

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Damn, havent been in these generals in weeks. Glad to see my old oc still lurking here lol

>my retarded movie made more entries and more people like to eat crap
Ok. Pathetic.

Also, I just calculated it, if we're speaking reasonably, Shazam! is only going to pull in 385 to 390 million by the end of it's run. Alita may actually make more than Shazam! At best, Shazam may end up with just above Alita with 410.

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Huh, Alita does look like my gf

>it responds, to me

Attached: A121D4D3-5317-4DD8-B0CD-E32E6F4B9E85.jpg (1920x1080, 163K)

Hey user, how you doing? There's been tons of new OC you've missed.

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Who’s this?


What does?

Another poll by ''god knows who'' but you can vote for Alita, which I think we should, since more exposure=more sales=higher sequel chances.

Attached: alita.jpg (618x482, 58K)

Yeah I can tell lol, im just glad these threads are still running. Ive picked up a few ocs ive never seen before

God Rosa is so cute.

I heard people say you couldn't do Alita without a massive budget because Alita alone costs a shitton to put on screen because every scene she's in requires a ton of CGI but really I think Rosa is perfect the way she is and already looks enough like Alita that it doesn't matter.

The Berserker body

Dang I thought it was some kind of new rp going on...
>it responds to me
What does?
>Yea Forums

What's the purple bar on the right under Alita?
I see Lindt in the middle, Godiva on the left, Scharffen Berger in the back. Any chocolate experts want to fill me in?


Attached: WhatsApp Image 2019-04-21 at 20.59.16.jpg (1280x783, 65K)

Thanks, going to try each of these, any other suggestions?

me of course!

Nice job on the octopus lips.

Attached: 1555350963484.png (2131x2117, 2.57M)

If you can get your hands on some galaxy chocolate, thats really nice. Its nothing fancy, but tastes great...

Attached: 1554412331028.png (400x436, 298K)

Where do you live?

Not who you responded to but if it's available where you're from, Swedes make some very good orange crisp chocolate.

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Dude with interbutt I think I can get chocolate from anywhere.

Its only one day after Easter but I'm sure that Ali would of eaten all her Easter eggies buy now...

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*by -_-

Yes, but you might be able to get some nicer chocolates locally depend on where you live. I like plain milk chocolate Milka but apparently Milka considered trash tier where it comes from. Don't get any of the nasty Milka with filling. Hands Off My Chocolaate is good but you gotta find the type you personally like

Does anyone remember what the announcer during that last motorball game says when Alita crashes through the screen?
Also requesting the image of that broken screen, for OC purposes.

"Unbelieveable! I've never seen anything like this!"

Oh that's it.
Thanks user!

Attached: 1554825806684.jpg (960x474, 29K)

Every Twitter poll gets fucking bombarded by the "Alita army," they are all over the place. I love that Robert has taken notice of it.

>plain milk chocolate Milka
This one?

You're welcome Alita. I mean user

She's a writer, of books and comics, so I'm actually slightly familiar with her from before. She's also posted positively about Alita before.

Almost makes me wish I fell for the social media meme so I could vote... almost.

Yes, that it

This shit is the fucking best. It's hard to find though, I luckily found it at one Walgreen's in my whole town. Chocolate hard outside, but liquid inside, it's so good.

Attached: orangetruffles.jpg (830x1500, 171K)

Life is still good with Alita, my frens!

It's currently playing at a budget theater here this week—in 3D!

And 100 miles away it'll still be playing at an outdoor drive-in theater until Wednesday.

I'll be seeing both!

Attached: kino_pkwy.jpg (299x157, 14K)

Good shit user, I would travel so far as well, If there even was any screenings left around here. o_o

Norwayfag her drinking Arizona in your honor. We didn't get the limited edition Alita cans here (I saw the shipping offer, but I'll spend that money on movie tickets and Blu-rays instead).

A Rosa Alita

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There needs to be more Rosa Alita fanart.

Can't wait for comfy hours tonight Alitabros

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Cheers, I just order $130 worth of chocolate.

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Errr wtf...

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rare production item, I imagine

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That hat was like given out during contests or like a lottery. It was never for sale.

Jesus fuck, don't you think you should get the hot toy or something?
Unless you have already

Does anyone have a cutout of Nova's glasses?
Wanna make something with it

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The absolute madman

Yeah I think they were given to company's as to giveaway for prizes. But I managed to get this for £50 a while back. :))

Attached: AlitaM.jpg (1169x691, 92K)

Okay meet anons
I settled some shit
I’ll be able to make the meet on time after
Idk shit about guns (only ever fired once) so this is exciting

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>It's Alita, colon, Battle Angel. Because the next one will be Alita: Fallen Angel and Alita, you know, Avenging Angel, and Alita: whatever. I mean, that's assuming it makes some money.
Note how he didn't say "makes a profit" or "is a hit" but "makes some money". The movie is past the sexual mark, I'm eating my hat if we don't get a sequel announced within a year, and it's clear he wants to make more movies than just 2&3.

Attached: alita 99.jpg (250x250, 38K)

Already have.

Attached: Untitled.png (926x339, 133K)

Yeah, I think it's made enough for him to be satisfied, and it clearly exceeded Fox's expectations. A sequel announcement will probably come a short time after the blu-ray release, because also by that point, Rodriguez will be done shooting his Netflix film.

>I'm eating my hat
It better be a tiny top hat made of liquorice.

>*Jim talking about Avatar*
>There was a lot of negative buzz on that picture around 6 months before It came out when the trailer first dropped and it was like smurfs meet thunder cats, everyone was sharpening their knifes all over again....


What do (((they))) have against Cameron?

>placeholder dates

there are a couple of overly gratuitous ass shots but it's nothing compared to modern sci fi in general (see: transformers, star trek ID, etc...) most importantly the film respects her combat prowess making it non-jarring to have the shots it does

hey have fun user! tell us how you found it

>face type: cute
help my heart

kek underrated

He's the underdog. He defies all expectations. Also, his opinions are controversial and he's not fully in the Hollywood game. He kind of does his own thing.

Also, he doesn't treat the crew with upmost respect. He once nailed everyone's cell phones above the studio door exit to prevent noise on set. Plus he clashes with studios a lot, but Fox bows to him now after he made them 4 billion dollars off 2 films.

>that gymnastics scene
That scene made me sweat every time.

Actually scratch that, he made Fox 5.2 billion dollars off of 2 films. He can do whatever the fuck he wants for the rest of his life, he could fund Alita out of his pocket if he seriously wanted to.

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> *burps* it's $300 an hour, kid.

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Most women IRL don't even pass the Bechdel test. Shit ALL feminists don't either.

wut in the...

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h-here take the money...so what now?

>You're getting your nose boop'd , kid.

Hand over all your cash

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see to me that scene is a really good example of non-sexualised film making despite the fact that she's literally nude in it. we're looking at her from her (adoptive) father's perspective, where her strength and resilience are the intended takeaways. it's heartwarming and amazing but not actually filmed from the perspective of someone wanting a non-platonic interaction with her. the random shot of her being dragged face down by the chain is significantly more sexualised (in that we don't have an in-universe POV character to give the shot context with) despite not lasting nearly as long.

B-but.. I just wanted a boop!

>some people thought it was jarring for alita and friends to suddenly have phones after the motorball match

Why? Was there something before that point that hinged on people not having voice telecommunication?

Exactly, it all depends on the perspective. Since it's from Ido's view, we view it as a father, not a sexual partner. If it was Hugo, and it was in his apartment, the situation and feeling would be totally different.

/ourgirl/ would NEVER.

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I just don’t like that those people don’t understand or anticipate any kind of nuance about how cyborgs view their bodies and nudity compared to organically.


Why the FUCK is captcha so obsessed with crosswalks?

Is it something they get as a part of the Motorball thing? Like something to talk between the motorballer and their coaches? We don't see anyone else using phones that aren't in motorball, do we?

Removed the scream, moved those quotes around a bit, and EQd Motorball so it'd hopefully fit a bit better. Feedback welcome as always.

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come on aunt alita I always wanted to

here's a little fun fact for you: all of the scenes where Alita has a communication device come after she gets the berseker. almost as if the extended metaphor here a parallel to kids growing in to adults and recieving phones in moderns society. it lines up nicely since ido wouldn't build that funcitonality in to his old daughter's body

>implying parents don’t give their toddlers their own goddamn $1000 iphones these days

In the manga people can even watch Motorball from the player's eyes, so she might have had the communicator installed as part of preparing for Motorball - and Nova might be eavesdropping on it the whole time.

Is this that "Alita Experience" that all the kids have been talking about?

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The first part with "The power I need" and "connection" should all be one sentence, not cut up. Kind of jarring. "This could be who I am" can stay. Other than that, great work!

there's at least a few people here lurking that I know are posting at r/alitabattleangel because I've seen a couple of Peaches' things posted there and the punk-Alita edit showed up too.

I don't use reddit at all. What happened is the Titanic comparison got posted to instagram, then someone posted it to reddit.

>You made this for ME!?

But in all seriousness, sound's good!

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>Why the FUCK is captcha so obsessed with crosswalks?
It's probably used as training data for self driving cars. Explains captcha having a lot of traffic lights and traffic signs as challenges as well. When captcha just had text they were using it to digitize books and documents.

same here fren. Just picked up the Doc Ido journal at B&N. It's pretty slick so far. Glad I didn't just buy it off amazon.

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Alita is a different world to the tech dystopia we're currently in. It's more honest

this made me laugh irl

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Yeah, the OC will spread via everything from direct chat to Normiebook to Yea Forumseddit. The only way to stop that is to make it make the OC so meta that they won't understand it - like have it be about that guy who compared his girlfriend's eyes to Alita, or something like that.

Yeah this .webm won't make any sense to them.

Attached: hotfuzzalitnosound.webm (936x400, 2.26M)

Holy heck that's good.

honestly I don't really mind that /alita/ memes get filtered out. As long as some of the more questionable stuff doesn't poison the larger perception of the fanbase, idgaf. But it would be funny to make some intensely inside-only jokes like the gf's eyes thing or Jerome eating a bluray.

Peaches™ quality

you can thank Peaches for another piece of quality content.

Tfw you live in the same state as the myth and legend himself

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I'm usually the one who makes more accessible memes that end up on other sites. I know my Twitter edits ended up in a youtube video.

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all me, btw.

Yes, I replied to my own post with a joke.

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it made me laugh so have comedian compensation

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Whatever helps expand the /ourgirl/ fanbase without harming its image. Inside jokes are fine though.

Is this film any good? Like I hear alot of decent things but that's it. People say its just decent

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I get what you mean, but is it inherently jarring, or is it because you're used to hearing the line a certain way?
Mixed it up a bit, not sure how I feel about it: picosong.com/wEkB4/

Yeah it's a great film. I'd highly recommend that you see it sometime time if you can

If this ain't a false flag, then yeah Its definitely worth your time If you get the chance to see it, and make sure to let us know how you found it. :)

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Found this one with sound:

Perfect. I would extend and have Ido's clip, "How many of us get that chance?"

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Dude this is sick! The drop is amazing

How did I not think about this before.... I'm sure Ant-Man and Ali would get along great!

honestly surprised that people on Yea Forums still come here and ask this question. but yes, see it if you are able to.

I tried that, "that chance?" is cut off by Alita's "why did an enemy warship respond to me?" which makes it awkward as hell.

Well I will wait until there is a proper rip because the one right now is atrocious

Ah, that's fine, I was curious if you could fit it in. Otherwise, I like it!

94% audience score on Rotten Tomatoes. 94%. It's a very entertaining movie.

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Makes sense. Chances are these threads will still be up come a decent rip so drop by and say hi once you've seen it

Black panther got 97 % critics and its still shit so yeah. Its sadly not that reliable

Why is Yea Forums so friendly and wholesome. Jesus the other boards really could learn from it


Oh, a decent rip will be out in a month. We'll be here for sure.
Well we try to be friendly, other threads here aren't always the best.

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Jesus... were the critics eyes closed when they witnessed the PS1 CGI'ed end fight... my god.

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Well yes. I have nothing more to say

He was saying audience score. The audience score for Black Panther is 79.

That's after they started "diversifying" the critic pool. As in inviting in literal no-name blogs and papers without circulation, which would previously never be counted as professional critics. And a "fresh" rating is just a "I didn't hate it" rating anyway. The average score used to be more reliable, but now I tend to only look at Metacritic and IMDb - too much fuckery at RT (Kinematografia svoboda).

Alita heals. Alita saves.

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Yea Forums itself is still pretty shitty for the most part but we try to be an oasis in the desert since we know the value of /healing/

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Wanted to show an extreme example. Critics are just paid viewers in the end. Wanted to show that people also can miss the reallity

Yea Forums is hardly either of those things. This general however is something remarkably different. /tg/ is usually pretty mellow too.


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There are other boards with good discussion and content being made, to be fair. There are some notable cesspools, of course.

In the end I will watch it anyways when the rip comes out because I found it visual appealing. I'm scared that it will be like the Ghost in the shell and I will also probably hold it against the original Ghost in the shell just because it is my stadnart for a great Sci fi film but I think I will not be disappointed due to also liking the fifth element alot. I love way to long and probably grammatically wrong sentences

This is a LOT better that GitS and I say that as someone who watched that film in cinemas

Honestly, Alita isn't a 10/10 movie. Maybe 8 o 9 - some say 7. It has some pacing issues, just barely fitting as much plot into it as they did. But unlike Ghost in the Shell live action, the people who made Alita: Battle Angel actually understood what made the source material good - and even improved upon it.
I'm seriously impressed by that. But they should perhaps have cut some scenes - or added 20 mintues more of runtime.

Fuck me please dont ever compare that trash to Alita. My god it was so shit.

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meta memes?

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I have to say that movie looked amazing in some scenes while in some scenes they forgot any cinematography or how to not make my eyes bleed.
Off topic: watching the original blade runner and I think it's pretty good

Smaller boards tend to be pretty friendly in general as long as you're not being a fuckwit.

I couldn't watch the movie more than 5 minutes because it hurt me on an emotional level

hey, i also want to grab Alita's ass so hard and fuck her over and over and put my dick in her throat until I cum.
but it'll never happen

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this right here is a very realistic assessment of the quality of the movie. I personally give it an 8.
But Alita herself is an 11/10.

Ghost in the Shell(2017) was an insult. Fuck this movie.

That was not an insult that was a fucking abuse and beheading of basic storytelling while raping fans of the original and making a profit