GoT: ITT we design a winning strategy for humans

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If they kill Brahm then Ice king won't know where to go. All the fighting would be avoided

Realistically, only the dragons are the useful assets in the battle and only ONE guy needs to be killed for the entire army to crumble. Why do so many men have to die pointlessly?


Knock the candles over and watch the wights burn to death

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Why doesn't Bran just warg into the night man and kill himself

Maybe we could put the army behind the walls?

Draw the dead into that canyon from season 8 ep 1

Burn them with dragon fire and obsidian tipped arrows


Or even just like Will in Stranger Things. They didn't kill him but locked him inside a place he didn't recognize so the monsters couldn't know where to go.

Realistically speaking the Night King would be sitting atop of the wall or something, far from the battle, let his undying minions do the heavy work. He was smart enough to get himself a dragon so he should know now to get himself killed.

But this is dabid and I have no hopes of anyone doing the smart thing anymore. For all I know the Night King mightdie by walking towards Bran, then slipping on a banana peel and landing on a shard of dragonglass.

Mounted archers with dragon glass arrows.

20 good men
Slip in and destroy the night kings supplies

I would sacrifice all the white men and charge them in. I will then send the Dothraki to the crypts and turn it into a massive rape dungeon to all the westerosi white women there

Move to Dorne or anywhere hot

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so if the nightkings first goal is actually killing bran why didnt they smuggle him to kingslanding and abandon winterfells or just dodge his army

I pity you.

Why not have sex?

dig a hole
but some green fire shit in there
wait until the icewalkers fall into the hole and light the fire

>they can't swim
Fuck off to the Iron Islands and make them Cersei's problem.

Are those cavalry on the front?
They really don't know shit about anything.

Send Arya with dragonglass to kill the Night King

Well if we're going to be realistic they should never have been defending Winterfell at all. Considering they had time to wait for Theon to get from King's Landing to Winterfell they should have immediately been heading south towards the Neck that's far more defensible

FUCK the humans
They'll go back to war with each other if they live so let's kill these retards off

What do you think hes been doing the entire time? The night king is bran taking back the kingdoms for his house!

Arya throws a dragonglass throwing knife lOng range into the NK

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Hook some dragon glass up to a windmill and drive it around

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Aren't The Twins nearly impregnable?

Best way would be archery with fire-tipped arrows like in the intro to Gladiator. Dragons are too risky, we know the WW can kill them fairly easily and they would almost immediately be turned into a devastating weapon against the humans

Of course it will just be a dragon fest + cavalry charge for the sake of being cinematic, also probably a duel between Jon and the Night King even though it would seem that the Night King has superhuman strength

If white walkers can't cross water literally why don't they just move? Leave the seven kingdoms behind. I would expect at least Cersei to do this and try to convince Jaime to come with her.

Rape the night king

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How is that supposed to work when they're already within view of winterfell?

Literally the mindset of subhuman brown refugees of the modern day.

I would have sent everyone to the iron islands. They cannot swim and they do not have ships. Problem solved.

dude but that's the perfect position to do an epic charge

>sneak in to night kings camp and kidnape white walker
>Force the him to make Ramsay a white
>Give Ramsay 20 good men to destroy night kings camp

Are those dragons at the front?
Wtf, the writers couldn't even bother remembering there's only 2 dragons!

Well to start off with, the battle prep would have to be a lot more involved than shown. Trenches and fortifications would have to be built around that side of the wall. A half elliptical line made of a trench+hill, with either a rough pallisade or some other kind of impediment like the spikes that looked like they were being used. The kind of thing that Caesar used at his Siege of Alesia. Except defensively. Basic fortification stuff. This would act as a massive force multiplier for the defenders and allow them to weather the storm. The most highly disciplined troops (the Unsullied) would have to be the center holding the whole thing together. None of this stupid flanking bullshit like the enemy would care about being encircled. Fucking stupid. Use the Dothraki for harassment tactics at the rear, away from the front and the DRAGONS.

Use Dragons as CAS to hit the wight army just behind their front. Over and over, for hours. Adapt accordingly to the enemy dragon and enemy anti air. Both dragons would have to be utilized to give greatest chance of victory. We'll hopefully see this in the show, with the Night King and Jon/Dany fighting in the Wood. The outcome of the entire battle hinges on that, tbqh. And if you kill the Night King there then it's literally all over.

Burning pitch would also obviously be useful. Spread around where the enemy would attack from. Would be doubly useful when used in conjunction with dragonfire. There's precedent in the series for this to be devestating, with the battle between Aegon the Conqueror and the Lannister/Green hand dude's army. If you caught enough of the army in flammable material it would be devastating.

You know just like basic siege defense stuff except when the enemy literally doesn't care about its wellbeing and will throw itself at whatever defenses you can set up. With a literal army of unbreakable badasses that don't care about dying that are the epitome of the defensive phalanx you literally cannot fuck up.

5 step plan
1) Build a very large
2) Fill it
5) Build another

Only against human enemies with heavy armour. Dead zombies would just walk past you and slaughter all the whores in Kings landing or whatever the fuck else in the south.

Have Arya teleport behind the NK and kill him.

Get bran to go back in time to just before the children of the forest nab the guy that is going to be the nightking

Then you have two options
1) admit youre a greenseer who went back in time to stop winter from happening
2) kill yourself

If history keeps repeating, continue going back in time and killing every human the children try to nab to turn into the NK

this is brilliant user your smarts surpass all others

also of retarded libruls

>dont like your home being invaded by millions of mexicans and brownies? Just leave, lol

Has anybody updated the Pasta yet to include last night's episode?

They're gonna try going for the most retarded thing possible aren't they?
>Mass cavalry charge towards the Nights King
This will obviously fail, some characters will die, the infantry will slowly get whittled down, they'll retreat behind the walls and it's gonna be a boring snorefest of spooky skeletons and zombies magically climbing 90 degree angle walls.

>wights are extremely flammable
>throw literally one lantern into the horde of them
>cascading flames blow through the entire horde

Why even have an army just sacrifice some kid to do it

They can swim

But they're specifically going for wherever Bran is. So just put Bran in the Twins. duh.

>night king has superhuman strength
>Jon has manlet rage
Who would win?

dragonglass is the winning strategy. Whitewalkers are walking into a trap, since they don't know that Winterfell possesses dragonglass.

If this was a real situation and not a meme there wouldn't even be a fight. NK would camp outside their castle for months and wait for them to die of starvation. Or he could just ignore them and start raping the continent until they are forced to leave the castle and engage him in an open battlefield.

Attacking with soldiers directly would be so fucking dumb. Unless they kill more than 1 wight a piece the dead lose nothing.

Or a catapult

Using the walls would be a good start

Dan and Dabid are like a couple of five-year-olds. Nothing has to make sense as long as they get the RRAAHHHH EPIC BATTLE

Surrounding them between forts.
Depends how smart and how fast they are really. If they're as bad as they were in S7 they can be corralled into a "kill zone" and then flanked, provided the human fighters have enough skill, armour and shields to keep them boxed up indefinitely.

Then spend the eternal winter eating each other before slowly starving to death?

NK knew dragons would be at the frozen lake ahead of time and saw the fighters there had dragonglass weapons so I think we can assume he knows they have it.

The dragons would do flybys.

The Lord of Light will save them

So? They have thousands of dragonglass arrows. Just one grazing undead viseryon would kill it and cause the NK to fall to the ground. Then swarm him with arrows.

>but some green fire shit in there
retard, the more they retreat, the more soldiers NK has

shhhh, we meme now

This user has it right, also

>lead wight army into pallisade maze, slowing them down to a crawl
>raze with dragons, burning pitch

also I don't see why they couldn't made crude fuel-air bombs to drop from dragons/chuck from catapults. Plus if they spent the time ruining a portion of ground infront of the castle with obstacles and shit, using dragons to drag tools through the ground (like ploughs but on a massive scale), they could slow the wights even more.

There's basically no reason they couldn't make this massively easier without an army.

Why couldn't the red witch use some royal blood to conjure a shadow wielding a dragonglass knife to assasinate the not lich king?

Is this Kessen for the PS1?

>Dragon comes out to do a bombing run on NK
>He chucks another olympic spear into its asshole
>NK now has 2 dragons

Sick plan, bro.

he means that Jon/Dany would fuck up the wight army repeatedly over the duration of a hypothetical siege, provided they don't get shitfucked by NK's Olympian Javelin Toss

Keked. But Kessen was a PS2 title. A game of hats.

Hes still going to try to defeat Jon's army retard, that still his priority. Its just he also wants to kill Bran

retreat to the neck.

circle around them with horse archers and lob obsidian arrows into them

>give every man dragon-glass coated/forged weapons,
>deploy the infantry in a wide 4 rank deep line
>have the cavalry on the left and right
>move the infantry slowly towards the enemy
>have archers and any kind of a skirmisher I have to move forward and keep firing on the enemy at the left and right of the enemy formation
>have the infantry charge with all their speed and might on enemy front line and keep fighting
>meanwhile my skirmishers go around the enemy formations and keep firing
>Have my cavalry smash through anything the enemy might have on each side and then go around the enemy center that is facing my infanfry and charge them from behind
>they are sandwiched
>Search for the night cunt myself
>(dragon)glass the cunt and keep his head as a throphy

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take winterfell and push it somewhere else

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they either built dragonstone weapons or fortifications

Will we see this again?

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tactics are for fags

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>If history keeps repeating, continue going back in time and killing every human the children try to nab to turn into the NK
why not genocide the children instead?

Light fire to the forest to the north of Winterfell.

>Turning the entire right end of your phalanxes when the persian center is fully accounted for and un-engaged.

There's no fucking way that this should've worked, and I don't know who's stupider for it. Darius for letting this work, or me for not understanding how it could've worked.

Why do they have cavalry in the fucking front?

Yes, but instead of shooting a giant bolt, it'll shoot Arya with her new spear at the NK dragon.

did macedonians or persians have the most dragons?

send your lord into the middle of them and then get all your archers to fire into the enemy while they blob up around him

>wasted all of the dragonglass making shitty impractical axes instead of just spears which they only made one of because el goblino requested it

what did dabid mean by this?

>4 rank deep
>against millions undead
>not having sex

The Neck is only defensible against forces from the south, not the north.
Winterfell is a strong castle that could easily be defended. I feel like just putting everyone on the walls would have been a much better strategy.

They made a bunch of spears too.

I'm hoping it makes another appearance when the war is over and Dany is ordering Drogon to kill Jon/Jamie/Sam/Tyrion. Bronn shows up to warn Tyrion/Jamie not to return to KL but he's such a bro that he brought a scorpian along just in case. this time he hits him in the mouth just as he starts to rev up the dragon breath.

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the dothraki are horse archers (they also use their curved blades to charge I know) so it makes sense to have them in the front skirmishing, assuming they're actually using their bows that is

this, just stack ward saves on your lord and have him tank them all

Honestly these scenes were so hot and its sad that we dont get scenes like this anymore.

*laughs 200 times per minute*

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are you blind

use the eagles to throw bran into mt. doom, GEGE mr nightking

He's gonna arrive when they are fighting, sneak up on the NK and use the Poetic Justice (the crossbow) Cersei gave him.
Wa la

show me some spears then fags

>They can't swim
>Banish Bran to some desolate island
>Feed him for eternity
>Watch how seething NK just stands on the shore looking outwards.

if it's millions of them, then they shouldn't be faced on the open field, but instead lured into heavily forested areas on a day where the wind is blowing towards them, then burn the entire forest with them

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pretty sure that retard girl was throwing spear heads from a big pile at the wall when talking to blacksmith guy

Theon will kill the Night King with a drago glass arrow

based, ctrl+a and right click wins everytime

Jaime already did first thing in the show

Try watching the episode, fag

honestly hand grenades with dragon fire and dragon glass shrapnell

they were arrowheads

i did and saw no spears

these were arrow heads im certain

>have limited time to prepare
>out numbered but in a defensive situation
>most of your army will be peasants and people who have not faced combat or have limited experience with weapons

why in gods name would they forge complicated short swords and axes over arrow tips and spear heads? especially when dragon glass takes down Walkers in one hit?

Just fucking wedge them.

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In real life it was pretty fucking difficult to micro an army like Total War.
That's why Alexander and the Romans were so successful, albeit for different reasons.
Alexander led his Companion Cavalry and micromanaged the entire battle from the frontline. He survived injuries and encounters that should have killed him half a dozen times.
Romans gave autonomy to their army all the way down to the Centurion. They had the authority to take advantage of tactical changes on the fly without waiting for the boss in the back to tell them what to do.

use the dragons to drop wildfire bombs on them ez

Get your eyes checked then. All the unsullied had DG spears and it even showed one of them tying the spearhead to a shaft.

arrow heads aren't that long

look at the spearheads grey worm and his men were attaching to their spears near the end, they match the proportions of the dragonglass that gendry and arya were playing with

those were some pretty fucking huge arrows then to be the size of kitchen knives

Yea that worked for the romans in cannae

epic and kongmingpilled

>i did and saw no spears
Then watch it again you blind retard, I'm not going to spoonfeed some normie that doesn't even know the names of the characters

expanding on this
>dig fire trenches leading into killzones with dragonglass caltrops
>dothraki and heavy cavalry away to the south, coming forward when the enemy are committed to the assault, they won't rout but they'll be easier to kill and you can target WWs that are in the rear
I'd actually keep the dragons in the rear until Viserion appears and use them to kill him, even if Viserion kills one of Drogon/Rhaegal the other will kill him so you're one dragon up and have basically won.
winning would basically boil down to funnelling the zombies into easy killzones where they can be set on fire or just stabbed to death
if there gets to be too many you could probably use the Dothraki to draw away a portion of the zombie army

You're right, thanks for the vote of confidence and reminder of our position in the modern age.

Take 20 good men and kill the NK.

Get one of dragons to hyperspace ram the zombies

why bother even forging axes and short swords
just give people spears and bows.

I would ask everyone for their ideas and then pick the best one - that is what a great leader does

Where's so many token things on that board? I feel it's almost comical, you don't need that much shit on it to convey the meaning.

i bet you're an art student.

Didnt look like it from the preview it looks like they were just fighting under winterfell. Letting the dead come to them

What is ice.

Why are the white walkers even going to fight them? Why dont they just go around them?

A single picture does not do justice how Alexander won that battle.
He purposely left a gap in the Macedonian Middle so Darius would commit his troops forward in a perceived decisive victory, thus thinning his line and letting Alexander literally charge at him with his companion cavalry after engaging the Persians on their left.
All the while the Macedonian Left getting weaker and nearing a rout.

Fan service. No one wants to see the hound with a gay ass spear. We want to see him fuck some people up with an ax or sword

>like 30 checkerboards worth of white marble pieces for the white walkers

Just have Tyrion build a dragonglass nuke

>every army you face is Hannibal.

because they made no effort to fix the Carthaginian flanks and just monged it into their centre while keeping no appreciable reserve despite outnumbering Hannibal nearly 3-1

>Cavarly charge gets buttfucked
>Everyone retreats
>They fight under winterfell
There you go.

Honestly Jon should've left Ramsay alive until now and just send him with twenty goodmen to burn the dead army.

tower defense
just build a maze bro

whos actually the overlord commander of this battle giving the orders anyway? Jon? Sansa? Daenerys? That Mormont bitch?

you can't even forge obsidian, it's like flint. the only efficient weapons you can make from it are spears and arrows anyway. maybe shitty little knives and handaxes, but nothing big

they're probably accounting for CQC. the tactic for an army that big is usually to overrun the enemy. spears wouldn't last multiple waves of undead. i'd say it would be good as backup weapons or have a line of troops with these behind the spear line

>all these people unironically suggesting that they go out and meet the NKs army
Bunch of brainlets would get their army slaughtered. Looking at this map their srmy looks so fucking out numbered that you would get completely encircled and absolutely btfo if you left the relative safety of the walls. I mean its a pretty hopeless fight in general since it seems like the undead army could just encircle winterfell period and attack the castle from all sides. But if they dont do that and just attack your army, your best bet is to just hold and fight them under winterfells walls while they are also getting lit up bt the archers on the walls

What's the over-under on the Lanniser army showing up to handle the remaining undead army right as the Winterfell forces are all but defeated, securing Cersei as Queen of the Seven Kingdoms?

What if they take a large chunk of their army to come from the other side?
Checkmate, humans.

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Lmao is jon gonna get mogged by the NK?

>decapitates your horse in one swing

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Pretty high considering every single battle has a 3rd force come in to change the tide.

why don't they use snipers with machine guns?

Winterfell will hold out in a Pyrrhic victory, but the bulk of the dead army survive and BTFO the Lannisters/Golden Company as they march north

/pol/ is on a different site now.

>implying whole oceans could freeze over

1000000:1 because they are at Kings Landing
On the other hand its D&D, might aswell have teleported north just in time

Why not just dig some holes around castle and put dragonglass pikes innit? Dead will run and fall there.

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If Bran is NK top priority, why not put him on a boat and sail east?

Not happening. And it would make zero sense because winterfells defeated forces would be apart of the NKs army

yeah, because they've got the time to make thousands of obsidian microlith weapons

>fill Bran’s wheelchair with dragonfire and shreads of dragonglass
>leaves him out in the open as bait as you hide behind tree
>when night king approaches to slay Bran, trigger it
>Bran explodes sending shreads of dragonglass everywhere, if not killing NK at least injuring him heavily
>in case NK not dead get out of hiding and finish the job with Valyrian steel

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You should read up on that battle, m8
Most of it is not only obvious in hindsight, it's shit that any baby could think of these days. It just was novel back then
Hell, one of the main advantages Hannibal had was fighting with the sun in his back, wow what a genius

Night King don't give shit 'bout tactics.
Literally only advantage they have.

put some wildings in some trees wearing camo with dragon glass arrows wait for NK to ride by assassinate him, game over.

Cover winterfell with sticky, greasy oil.

Stick Bran high up in the tower filled with sticky, greasy oil.

Wait for undead to pour in, wait for NK to go to tower.

Bran shoots sticky, greasy oil from fingertips, covering NK.

Light the sticky, greasy oil.

Arya chucks greasy, sticky Gendrypole at NK.

Everything kaboom.

Realistically dragons will literally get fucking one-shotted by WW javelins and join their side.

Why does anyone, including the show characters, think the dragons are worth a shit at this point when we already saw one get dropped in literal seconds last season?

Spears are thrusting weapons and inherently misogynistic.

Dead things in the water

Why don't they just mother fuckin dab on those nerds lmao

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Brainlet here, considering the size of the NK's army of goons, wouldn't a trench like this be filled with dead bodies inside of minutes? at that point they can just run across. Wouldn't it be wiser to create some kind of trench filled with burning pitch or some shit to hold them off? am I wrong on this?


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Manlet rage is not to be trifled with

Probably wouldn't work either. Just fucking suffocate the fire with undead corpses

Just dig two trenches lol

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Did you pay attention during the last episode? That's what they did.

Where the fuck are the Dothraki? Doesn't Dany have 100k of them?

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This. They've been putting all the short jokes into the episodes to build up Jon's manlet rage.

too cold

look at the scene of the army in front of Winterfell in the E3 preview, they're standing in front of the unsullied with their bows

Yes and sooner or later, the defenders will inevitably drown in their blood.
The trenches and pits are to slow down, funnel and cripple advances, not to completely halt them.

Order Steiner to carry out a counterattack

This is the issue with any defensive measure they showed in the last episode. Any dragonglass that a wight walks into is used up immediately purely because it's now blocked by a dead body.

If they used wildfire, this wouldn't be an issue

the trench would have a bank, but yes. what you can do is cover the bank in caltrops that means it's not easily scaled

We armour the dragons.

If they stay like that they will get outflanked sooner or later and might not be able to retreat.

Fall back behind the castle and use the most elite soldiers on the two natural chokepoints with cavalery protecting their single flank(other one protected by the wall).

Have the peasants man the walls and arm them with bows.

Have one squad of about 50 men serve as rapid response to handle any massive wall breaches.

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Too _old

not enough monies bro, dragons are too expensive

>highly defensible stronghold with massive 90° angle thicc walls
>trenches and palisades set up across perimeter
>food supplies to last a year or more
>thousands of dragon glass spears and arrows
>2 dragons Vs their 1
>enemy cannot travel through fire, highly flammable

Why the fuck aren't they just waiting inside, flinging fire arrows and fire balls from the trebuchets, waiting for the NK to show up on Viserion so Drogon/Rhaegal can kill it?

Every other plan is retarded. Why the fuck would you put a single solder outside the castle walls? Rain fire on them till there's none left, then sweep up with cavalry.

They can walk over ice doofus

Probably at the stables fertilizing the horses

>posting an actually good plan

lol fuck off

How about the night king destroying every single town he sees, you retardo.

just get arya to teleport behind him with dragonglass, easy

>Castle with 50 foot stone walls
>Against undead with no siege weapons

>>enemy cannot travel through fire, highly flammable
The white walkers put out fires that are near them. And they're on horses in the front. Any fires they light could potentially damage their own soldiers too.

But dude, then you wouldn't have an ominous shot of two armies staring at each other angrily.

I'd just get fire traps going everywhere. Too bad they don't have wildfire, doesn't that shit burn through anything? Even snow?

Pour buckets upon buckets of wildfire kerosene shit and light that shit up when the zombies start running.

Engaging the dead ON AN OPEN FIELD, NED is retarded to begin with. They are just going to get swarmed.
That reminds me, I wanted to go watch that korean netflix show about medieval Korea fighting zombies



-Get a team of the best fighters. Put them on the two dragons. Fly up high. Find the Night King. Swoop down vertically as possible and kill him immediately with perfect precision.

they can go through woods mate

They dont have wildfire though do they?

>White Walker comes near our flame wall
>Mass shoot him with dragonglass arrows

Build a bigger wall and make the whitewalkers pay for it

Not that I'm aware of. That's what they should have been getting from kings landing instead of wasting time catching a wight.

You should, it's very well done. Much better than this shit. It is Korean though, and doesn't take itself too seriously.

This. Dragonglass almost makes this too easy.

Sure but would be much less in numbers with decreased mobility and easy to handle by either dothraki or heavy cav.

What natural checkpoint? The forested area?

>dig big trench, fill it with wildfyre and dragonglass shrapnel and cover it with thin wood and vegetation so they can't see it
>get dragon to breathe on it as soon as they attack

he he sorry sweatie

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Wait a minute.
>White Walkers resurrect dead people
>So if you die you're just coming back on a different team.

Why not just...
>res and be on the winning team
>go on as normal since the issue is solved.

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in the book they won't even defend Winterfell. the only reason they're there in the show is because the sets are all built.

Drop the fire from the useless forges in the trenches.Feed that fire with air and use the dragons to blow some fire here and then.Protect the dragons from ice spears.Use every projectile in order to down their dragon which is the only useful asset

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>Alexander "The Great" was an idiot and you should listen to why I, a neckbeard basement creature, think so.

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>calvary is good at handling enemies in a wooded are

Yeah and make manlet king look like Stannis? The normalfags would chimp out


NK freezes the water and crosses

You should have sex

>if you kill them they win

A fucking leaf strategy

Where will they get candles that big for the battlefield? THINK MAN. They don't have time to harvest that much wax.

The fires that ran along the blade were guttering out, and Jaime remembered what Cersei had said. No. Terror closed a hand about his throat. Then his sword went dark, and only Brienne’s burned, as the ghosts came rushing in.

“No,” he said, “no, no, no. Nooooooooo!”

Heart pounding, he jerked awake.

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You hit them when they come out of the woods to flank.

I'd hold the dragons back and only have them respond as a countermeasure when the ice dragon attacks. Wildfire traps would be my first line of defense. Just need a small spark to set that shit off and make it explode.

The characters don't know about the zombie dragon though

forests absolutely were used to guard flanks in real life and it won battles.

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>cavalry vs footmen in woodland
>especially destriers
no chance, you can't physically get a lot of horses through dense woodland while keeping formation. you'd be better off using dragons to set the woods on fire.

why the fuck are they not inside the castle?

being inside a castle puts you at a massive advantage, especially if you have a huge fucking dragon that can swoop out whenever and take out dozens of enemies.

why not just make a bunch of fake Bran manequinns and rig them with wildfire bombs. By the time the wights get close enough to realise the Bran-doll is fake it's gonna be too late

>pic related

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alexander the so-called "great" was a noob

How does this stop the NKs fuck huge army from surrounding them? This spot looks no better than the spot they are currently fighting in?

Because the NK can just chill and starve you out.

>Most of Jamie's scenes last episode centered around love in some form
>Bran specifically saving Jamie so he can help in the battle
>Kino potential with Jamie knighting Brienne and rediscovering his own knightly virtue with her death

The Bran thing could simply be wanting as many bodies as possible for the battle, but between that and the autistic waiting for him in the courtyard, there has to be something more to this. Could it be, bros?

They all deserve to die at this point. The show has become unbearable.
Here's what will happen: The NK dies for some reason, the other dragon dies too and maybe some character noobe gave a shit about to give those deaths a little impact.

best idea so far

strap the real Bran's wheelchair with wildfire bombs + dragonglass shrapnel as well

>The Night King cannot be killed by fire.
>The Night King cannot be killed by dragonglass.
How are you gonna do it?

then you could win the peace as a political faction within the WW population. brilliant.

Sure but not against a fucking huge undead army. Also honestly, based on the early seasons. The woods outside of winterfell didnt seem super dense...

Wasn’t this due to the fact that forces in wooded area couldn’t hold formation well or be easily commanded from a distance?

Wrights don’t have either problem.

>cut off from each other by the entire length of winterfell

because the french were trying to stop the English from getting to Calais, they had to block the road. That was their main objective.

this honestly


>NK waits outside and you all starve to death in like 2 days

what then?

Depends how overgrown the forest is.

This is not Fallout or Fallout 2!

so its a choice between 100% chance sudden death on the battlefield or a 50% chance of survival in the castle

Fuck off back to Essos and let Cersei fight them first

She'll probably destroy the city killing most the army then swoop in and finish it

>50 foot walls

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How do we know this? am I not remembering this. I don't recall NK ever being hit with anything.

Bran didnt fucking save Jamies life. Brienne and by extension Sansa and Jon did. All Bran said was that "the things we do for love" or whatever

Why the fuck would they have their army outside of the castle. Defending a castle from the Inside is a major advantage.

why are they fighting at winterfell? why don't they go south to the riverlands and use the terrain against the wights?

The story would've been over far too quickly if they had. They lose the north then gather their shit at KL where Cersei is holding a glass of wine and going 'oh ho ho' at their pathetic mess and keeps the doors closed.

too busy with history classes sonny boi

sorry that I'm too busy maintaining a 4.0 GPA for a useless degree to entertain such a plebeian prospect

better than dying instantly on the battlefield

the dragons shouldn't even appear at the very end. The Night king will prepare for them, and set up everything to kill the dragons. That will lead him to sacrifice some things positionwise. That's why the dragons should only appear later.

>everyone gets inside the castle
>Night King just waits for them to starve

didn't happen in Hardhome with much lower wooden walls.

arya could become the night king using faceless tech and tell the walkers that she killed bran and the mission's over and send them home. they could paint one of the dragons blue and make believe it's viserion.

Is using Bran as bait really the one and only strategy they have? Holy fuck.

Tywin is rolling in his grave.

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The kino strategy would be to strap all 100k dothraki with Wildfire suicide vests and send them out to the NK army in waves. Rid the world of the walkers, and the 70 IQ darkies at the same time. win/win.

I think user means that he could've told the others about Jaime throwing him out of the tower but didn't

>poors burning pitch over u

that's still much better than being surrounded by all of that

Or 100% death in a castle because you can't move around and kill the necromancer. The horde of undead surround and soak up anything you'd throw out. You'd just starve to death, or worse deal with whatever magic the guy would feel like smothering you with since you're not going anywhere.

The reason hiding in a castle worked in other situations is because the attacking force HAD to break through you in a reasonable amount of time or else they'd run out or resources. This guy doesn't, and he has limitless resources on his side while the humans don't.

M8... If forests were such a good defensive advantage why did Barbarians use the forests on the british isles to btfo of roman armies?

Based and CHIMpilled

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>let's start defending a siege against an enemy that doesn't need to eat when we're hungry in the middle of winter

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Episode 3 will end with them running from Winterfell, Episode 4 will start with them arriving at KL wearing the same clothing. it's going to be teleportation-kino

everyone expects Azor to be Jon or Dany but if it is true that certain things must be similar to books like Hodor, Martin would never make a prophecy obvious, Jaime dream is too much like Azor and Nissa Nissa

yeah cos they jumped off the fucking cliff retard lmao watch the episode and have sex

fuckin incels smdh

Ice zombies, Ned, on an open field

That's the Eyrie you're thinking of. The Arryns, Lysa and Sweetrobin. All that shite.

Well, he was literally created by dragonglass.
I don't think dragonglass will hurt him.

If he had mentioned the window incident, Jamie would have been fucked. Jon would have turned on him, Sansa would have stood firm on her decision, the northern lords would be trying to shank him in his sleep. He spared him that so he could fight with them.

>those skellinghtons
kek best plan so far, NK stands no chance against this

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it's not even a strategy because NK has no practical reason to risk anything by going for Bran personally, although I'm sure that's what's going to happen.

Bran saved his life by not revealing that it was Jamie who pushed him out the window. They literally talk about this in the episode you animal

Don't go beyond the wall with a dragon

but bran isn't necessarily bran anymore, so has no emotional attachment to that part of his life.
makes me wonder who he really fights for, I mean when you think about it he really has no ties to any of the central characters if he is the raven now.

>surrounds castle
>waits a couple years for everybody to die of starvation

They said in the episode war council they will give them the signal from the wall to light up the trench.


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to add to this user, not only can they not withstand a siege against an army that doesn't need supplies, but also look at the fields outside in the last two episodes, much of the armies are camped in the field, I doubt there's even space for the entire force to effectively man Winterfell's fortifications, many of them would have no where to go after the walls and towers are filled

if the only thing that can kill the dragons is the NK himself with his olympic javelins then the alive people already know to prepare for that and aiming for gold puts him in a vulnerable position to get flamed on, which would probably end it all

get outnerded son

The smartest thing to do would be to send bran to kings landing (or as close as possible) with a small convoy of men and then wait for the night king to follow him there.

This would force Cersei in to a fight with them whether she liked it or not. Then combine forces to beat the NK.

Try and disprove this theory. Pro Tip. You Cannot.

Was crashing wintergell part of your plan?

"The things we do for love" was what Jamie said to Cersei moments before he pushed Bran out the window.
Bran made Jaime aware that he knows/remembers everything, but didnt expose him to the crowd literally saving his life.

>night King realizes Bran left
>oh well, I'll BTFO of winterfell and add to my army before chasing him south.

to add to this user, he cute.

Because Bran is autistic now. He never says shit he should probably say. I highly doubt he did it to save Jamie. Like I said, Brienne had a larger role in saving Jamie

cavalry should always be on the flanks, make them do constant hit and run, trimming the walkers sides, have the dragons attack the rear doing multiple sweeps and it's fucked up there's no dragon glass ballista or scorpio so mount one on a dragon and on winterfell's walls.
no wildfire dragon glass grenades ? that's also fucked up.

weaponize the foot soldiers with dragon glass long pikes four layers with melees scattered among the pike men. archers on the rear with constant showers. no foot soldiers charge at all just retain them til their numbers are down from dragon sweeps and cavalry attacks.

also, they should have covered the ground with oiled mulch to get them dead lit up.

Did they really spend all that time gathering those blue pieces and filling it up? They could have just drawn a line instead. Not like they have formations or units of any sort
Also why the fuck is the cavalry in the front? The people in charge of this show are so fucking retarded it almost makes me angry

>Killing every person between Winterfell and King's Landing
Good plan

Yeah which is why he ignored all the other castles on his way to winterfell

Put Bran on a dragon

Zoom zoom to the moon

The castle is the last line of defense. If the entire army is in the castle it would be decimated. Manny of the people outside are to get roasted by the dragon. However if they thin the numbers those inside the castle win have better odds of surviving. And keep in mind they have two living dragons, though if another dies it goes to The Night King.

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>Total War: Westeros cheese tactics

>I highly doubt he did it to save Jamie.
Bran literally tells Jaime that's why he didn't mention it.

> every person between Winterfell and King's Landing
all 5 of them

This is what makes me suspect there is something deeper going on with his Jamie interactions. He has hardly given a shit about anyone or anything(including his own family) since he arrived at Winterfell. Now suddenly he is waiting in the courtyard for Jamie, reminding him of his past actions, and making sure he knows he could have fucked him in that pseudo-trial in the hall? What purpose would the three-eyed raven have for such petty personal resolutions as this, unless they are meant to drive someone important to their destiny? in this case Jamie becoming Azor Ahai.

Im curious, why do you people say that the picture is based?

the dothraki are horse archers it makes sense for them to skirmish in the open field

put wildfire on the ground, burn all the ice zombies

Get Dany's / jon's army to also retreat obviously. Out of the way of the NK army.

Better than certain death

One of them is probably Edmure so fuck off

I don't need a dragon. I need TWENTYGOODMEN

It never specifically stated he was waiting for Jamie

just get cersei to let off another bomb

Azor Jaime soon

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Imagine if they had a few hellstorm batteries.

in any case, the dragons should stay away from NK.

hide bran in one of Littlefinger's brothels and/or the sewage canals of King's Landing that Tyrion is very familiar with. That way Cersei will get fucked and bran with her, but it's worth it cause we get wincest babies.

If they cut down the trees and built a wall that would serve the same purpose.

Let the NK's army grow ten fold as he kills every peasant living in between the north and kings landing to get the support of 20,000 men. 4 d chess.

Why didn't i think of that!?

What I didn't get is why the dragons weren't in the fucking air as soon as Jon learned that the Night King was on the way. Put Jon and Dany up on the two dragons and literally fucking roast the army of the dead as it's making its way towards the castle. But no, everyone was too busy sitting around like it's the fucking Breakfast Club. Christ, they had multiple hours where they could have just soared around burning white walkers up. And if the Night King wants to arrive, it's two against one bitch, and the Dragon is a White Walker now so just stab it with some Valyrian steel.

This entire battle has no need to even take place at the castle, it should have been an aerial dogfight since they learned the army was on the move.

a bunch of characters were at the wall when it got exploded

ayo this night king eating beans

>What are you doing Bran?
>Waiting for an old friend
>Jamie shows up
>Bran eyeballs him and goes inside

Are you fucking kidding me, user?

This, just use a phalnax or something

Use the dragons as flying aircraft carriers, get a bunch of people with gliders and have them drop bombs on them

wait, the nk can't see where the real bran is?

it should have been in the riverlands, the swamps would fuck up the wights

Dabid pls

Beans nigga?

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kek'd out loud

get peasants to retreat also, spread word.

Plus Bran saw it with his rape-o-vision

Unironically a good idea if the NK can't determine the real bran

Or Irondrakes.

Orbital ion strikes would BTFO the night king just like they did nod.

but knocking out the NK and his undead dragon are literally the biggest objectives and primary obstacles to fighting the undead army

which is why any conflict involving the Others from this point on will be centered around the NK. Any possible resolution will involve either killing the NK or dealing with him in some alternative way. As much as I autismed out in my first post, the actual way the episode will go will be

>Jon/Dany catch the NK in a vulnerable position and beat him somehow, killing him outright or forcing him back
>everything goes to shit and the next phase of the story is how to beat the NK specifically because his army has grown too strong to overcome in the field, exemplified by a loss at Winterfell

Wildfire would make the fight so much easier. It's basically the power of dragonfire without risking the dragons. Making some sort of "wildfire mine" and putting them all over the field north of Winterfell would probably destroy most of the NK forces.

They have not mentioned is being able to use Bran's warging abilities to scout the surrounding area to find out where NK and Viscerion are. If they found that out, they could use 20 good men to take him out or potentially keep the dragons away from him. Then you could fully utilize the dragons, because you gotta watch out for the NK chuck.

No matter what, they've shown that they can't fit all the armies inside the walls of the castle, so keeping the Dothraki, Unsullied, and other united forces outside the wall is probably the only option.

Just some thoughts

1. get everyone a horse and make the entire army horse archers
2. circle around them and lob arrows into them until they all die

literally no way for them to counter it, name a better tactic

Crossbows were a direct counter to horse archers.

why the fuck are they in the field anyways? Castles are designed for protection, and you generally need less people to defend a castle than to storm one

Make a bunch of claymores with wildfire and dragonglass shrapnel. Easy peasy

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Does the NK btfo of Jamie after this?

They have too many people to cram into the castle so they've prepared outer defences.

But they literally all talked about it in episode 1. were you not watching?

>not just making a nuke out of wildfire and dragon glass

the zombie army has no crossbows though

Make the two dragons go high up in the air so the NK cant hit them and have them lob fire balls like a form of artillery

If they hole up then the NK will leave half the army to keep them under siege and then sweep south to murder everyone in the South. Then he'll come back up with another two million wights

Why does NK want to kill Bran? The 3er isn't an official position and there's no reason he's the only one and it isn't lineage is it ? The last one was a targ ?

>not making wildfire/dragonglass MOAB's and having the dragons drop them from way out of javelin range.

Honestly, I could handle this army pretty easily.

You don't have a horse.

Then why doesnt he just go around them in the first place then?

Castles were primarily used as supply and mustering points, with their control providing strategic benefits. There's a lot of reasons why it would be dumb to hole literally everyone up in a castle in real life, and some of those points apply double to an army of the undead. The other user's reply being a big one, too many people. Another being without access to outside of the castle you are liable to being sieged. In this case against en enemy force that doesn't need to eat sleep or drink. Having a pitched battle with a castle as a fallback point and force multiplier is actually not unreasonable here. I imagine at some point the alive people will suffer heavy losses and retreat to the safety of the walls at some point anyway during the episode.

you have 100k dothraki all with horses

No I don't. I just have a computer here.