Brazil had its own Game of Thrones and even brazilians agree that it sucked.

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Other urls found in this thread:

It's a day time soap opera, what'd you expect?

The girls are cute at least.

Damn, those girls are cute!

Russian Dexter

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>this obsession with european culture
christ, when will the global mixed race folk invent their own shit? fuck off from europe

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Why do they look like that? I thought Brazil was the land of borderline niggers


A few years ago they announced some "huge" female version of Game of Thrones coming to another network based on a book series written by a woman. I tried looking up what that show was suppose to be and what happened, but that's just too fucking generic for Google. Anyone happen to remember this?

>brazilians in middle ages show

breaking bad

complete with the main character being named walter blanco

Attached: MZJ5dOyg.jpg (728x582, 73K)

Robert Kelly as Henry

>Bruna Marquezine
>Marina Ruy Barbosa
based globo

Attached: marina.jpg (200x300, 17K)

My mom watched this shit every night.
It was shit but more of a average shit.


>even brazilians agree that it sucked
To be fair, shitting on national product is one of our country's favourite pastime.

Not really. The southern states are quite white. The rest of the country varies a lot and there's a lot of race mixing, but it's not so different from the US or Canada: land of immigrants from all over.

Mexican Skylar looks better than the American one.

Did it have nudity/sex?

To be fair, it's fantasy middle ages, like Westeros, not hardcore history.

Attached: Monarchy.jpg (624x800, 68K)

Yes. Redhair fucked mixed girl (she was secretly male)

russian homeland and prison break

Nah, it was a 7PM soap. Only the 9PM soaps get sexy scenes and risqué plots.

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Brazil has people of all races, just like Burgerland.

Britbong Married with Children

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Is that Хaбeнcкий?!

the important question here is does it contain fart porn?




Better costumes than season 8

Stromberg (German The Office)

Attached: stromberg.jpg (617x349, 40K)

Too bad they can't act for shit

>Dat Peggy

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spanish Black Sails

spanish Peaky Blinders

This is SO fucking shit and it made me not want to watch The Office because I thought it couldn't be possibly good

to be fair, any mutts here in canada are quite demented.

It's a common practice in evry fucking country. Remember that shitty ABC Ugly Betty sitcom? it was originally made like 25 years ago in Colombia and it was reaired and remade countless times all over the world.

it's not. they're trying to meme you like Friends

So does it take place in some sort of weird fantasy Brazil that has a medieval age?

no, its only common practice in 2nd world shitholes

I already watched it ya goober and it was great
Both the UK and US version are top tier

there are shit loads of terrible costume dramas like that, netflix has so many awful shows like that its not even funny.

Too bad they can't act for shit

>Not a single Turk
Nice meme

but who watches this? and more importantly, why?

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me head's status = done in, bruv.

okay, retard.


Yeah, it's set in two rival kingdoms located within a fictional continent called Calia.

Production for this was so troubled that by the end the Cersei-esque evil princess everyone hated in the beginning (both for being a manipulative bitch in-universe and poorly written/acted in real life) became the most popular character.

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check Autum Falls if you are in the mood for a wank

"Who was you date with?"

"The HMS Invincible"

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Brazil also had a weird soap opera/X-Men/X-Files/Battlestar Galactica mixture, which actually guest-starred Lance Henriksen for an episode or two.

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Jesus christ those tits are way better than the American ones

well 3rd world shitholes too i guess but that goes without saying

based florida mom. But she's also a woman and inherently evil so I guess this just means a broken clock is correct at least twice a day....

broken clock > broken cock

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based retard

"Pepe! Cuchi chuchi!"

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>German IT Crowd

Attached: IT_Crowd_Cast_German_Version.jpg (351x283, 22K)

That's a pretty excellent Kelly

america is foreign to anyone who doesn't live in america, retard

Oh, look, Anton!

Not a knockoff, it's an original story.

>Jane the Virgin
>Ugly Betty
>Chasing Life
>Hollywood Heights
>I am Frankie
>Devious Maids
nice try.

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this has to be poland

this could've worked if they were northerners

Man that takes me back

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French The Office

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>dark haired girl with blue eyes

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The shoe part always gets me

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all i want to know is how much tiddies are in it are any of it the girl on the right

Anyone who doesn't live in america is irrelevant though retard. The word foreigners is exclusively reserved for non Americans. America is the main character of Earth.

This can't be real... please?

Is this guy gay? Why isn't he banging his wife literally asking for sex?

Just wanted to say the Colombian Ugly Betty is based as fuck

zoomers OUT

Middle aged women. You know why.

The Office

Bolsonaro even bent the knee to Trump

>red head is a whore
imagine my shock

>tfw no readhead Brazilian qt gf

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>America is the main character of Earth.

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As of right now yes. The last 5 seasons at least. Way better than the British saga.

But overall Roman saga was the GOAT

wow looks better than black sails. costumes more authentic for era.

Had a similar themed show called potato something. One of the first Latin shows aired in my country. Usually aired late at night. Despite being a "teen show" the lead antagonist bitch was crazy hot and didn't skimp at all. Bitch was probably a whore irl, was dating Carlos tevez twice her age at some point.

It really wasnt

Found her. Shame she looks like a ex cocaine addict now

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im trying to look for it. having trouble finding it can i have a link or at least some names or episode title or something?

we had our own ugly betty in Germany
we also had our own German The Office but it was different enough to work and actually good

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How was this allowed It used to blow my fucking mind

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who is she?

not knockoffs but licensed american tv shows had their argentinian counterpart like pic related is the argie version of "the nanny" and we had argie version of "married with children"

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The Office has been remade in several countries and it kinda makes sense, as workplace culture can be quite different from place to place.

Probably is the reason i have latina fetish

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Shame she looks like this now

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LOOL. Pic related, an actual Latina

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>Manolo Family Guy

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Its a remake of the british version like House of Cards, Skins, Shameless and Inbetweeners which you Americanized and ruined

Shameless, Turkey edition

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american shameless its 20 times better than the bong version same with the office but agree on HoC and skins

Maybe the men, definitely not the case with women.

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You are now remembering The Theorists, a Belarusian version of Big Bang Theory that was literally a shot for shot remake for which they paid Chuck Lorre 0 royalties

Couldnt be more wrong, shameless uk shits on shameless usa and the office went on way too long than it should have.

I am sweating

Also this

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me on the right

Lmao they dont look like any Turks I have seen.

My dream is that Globo makes a horrible Sci-Fi Soup Opera so I can watch and make fun of it.
They're close to it,last one they did was about Reincarnation and some Cult behind a waterfall.

Good god

It was wild back then

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>walter white
>walter blanco
Holy shit, my sides. Just go all out and give me a German version
>walter weiß
>himmel weiß

Geh ins Bett Junge, morgen ist kein Feiertag mehr.

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I hate this shit with passion
I would still fuck Luisana with passion


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If Earth was a TV show it would be like Friends.
America would probly be Joey.

Is there a British one?

Lass mich, ich hab zur zeit eh keinen job, also gucke ich grad kack pro7

Dumb amerifat.




Don’t Americans do the same thing?

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Why were Americans such fucking weebs back then?

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OK, this is epic

No tits, it's PG-13.

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Yojimbo (1961)
Fistful of Dollars (1964)
They didn’t even wait for Kurosawa to die when they made this. Why Leone just skip to Good Bad and the Ugly

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Eu quero arrombar a buceta rosinha da Marina

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Please explain the boat joke to a yank I don’t get it.

That's not the Brazil I know and fap to.

did you ever see the turkish knock off they did? apparently theres loads pf videos of boomers waving swords at the tv because of it

Gives you an appreciation for the production values of Got, the sets/costumes/makeup here just looks so cheesy and lifeless by comparison

>He doesn't remember Kubacanan

Time travel, alternate realities, evil doppelgangers, the end of the world, it had it all.

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Mustzka is a tranny now?!?!?

based retard naming retard

It's a big ship.....

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You must be Young then, they had multiple ones about reincarnation, ghosts, evil revenge spirits, demons, people that see the Future, werewolfs the list goes on

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Don't forget Beijo do Vampiro with all the vampire faggotry.

Marquezine was at her peak in that weird soap where she cucks her mom with their cousin who was also gonna be her father.

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the fuck brazil?

No it was kino. Bruna is a fucking shit actress, though.

Way better than the Burger version

>people that see the Future,
O Profeta was absolute kino.

Why are so many Brazilian soaps Spiritist propaganda?

because all kurosawa films owe a debt to john ford ;)

How is it any different than burgers in the middle ages?

>juan nieve

They are shit though. They are inaccurate as fuck.

Spiritism is surprisingly big here, no fucking clue why

>America is the main character of Earth.
That's Britain. You're more like our autistic son that frustrates us but we love you anyway.

Prolly bait but yeah the original was British

She looks egyptian.

Do you have a loicense for that national pride?

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You can make fun of this

>America is the main character of Earth.
That's Israel. They were here before any of you, they'll still be here after you're far gone,.