So is he still alive?
So is he still alive?
No, he's the Night King.
my hero. he was taken from us too soon.
Unironically yes
No ones ever really gone
i shupposh
They can't kill Azor Ahai.
I will be wearing my mockingbird pin like an autist every day until he comes back.
Yes, he showed up in Dark Knight Rises centuries later.
>didn't get shot
Of coursh
He's alive in my heart.
literally the most based character of the entire series. turbomanlet z-list nobleman who manages to get most of westeros' great houses indebted to him.
If he's dead, then show me the body
Would be great without the watermarks.
I made it in 15 minutes and have probably 4 hours of experience in over the last 5 years, lemme try to clean it up. I have no idea how to make the soldiers look like they're actually standing in the scene though, any ideas? I tried adding shadows below the shoes on the left one but it still isn't great.
no, he got magic'd. a character like him can't get the upperhand anymore. useless, just like varys now.
Looks good as it is. Who the fuck cares about shadows.
Dr. user, i'm GIMP
How could he be and what purpose would it serve if he were?
He's going to win the game of thrones
...or live long enough to see yourself become a boring character.
Made a 2nd one
Paul Serene?
Pretty sure he died in the plane crash
>How could he be and what purpose would it serve if he were?
His entire character is centered around outsmarting, manipulating, and staying 4 steps ahead of everyone else. It's the only reason the character has lasted as long and prospered as much as he has. For a series about political maneuverings and strategy, he was an ideal candidate to be the one to sit on the throne at the end, further showing how far he had come from the "Littlefinger" days. The way he behaved at his """""fair trial and execution""""" were so completely out of character that it seems ridiculous that the real Baelish would have fallen for it. It makes more sense that whoever died was a Faceless Man or some other kind of magical body double.
>winter is coming - slain by characters who oppose an embodiment of ice
>the fire rises - destroyed by a force that wishes to rain fire upon the world
>"you won't last one day out in the Scorch"
Nurse GIMP, I am Photoshop
Nah, he got overconfident in his abilities and distracted by his lust for Sansa thinking that he was close to finally having the second coming of his oneitis, which was all he ever really wanted to begin with. He ded, the story isn't even about the political scheming anymore and never really was, that was just the characters getting bogged down in petty squabbles and self absorbed pursuits instead of seeing the true threat approaching.
Stop acting like what happened makes any sense for the character. They just wrote a retarded storyline to get rid of him and provide entertainment for bar watchers.
in next episode he is. they make it very clear the army of the dead don't leave any corpses behind.
and where is he now?
The scene where he tells jon he wants to fuck his sister is maybe my least favorite in the series. Like I know the show became fan fiction when they passed the books, and when most the viewer base hates littlefinger their gonna kill him off to please fans, but goddamn did they have to make him fucking full autistic retarded? Like that was so dumb from a character point, it was even dumber than ned stark going to confront Cersei, but at least Ned is a noble character, not a smart one. Jon snow killing him there in the crypts would have been a better death cause it would have made sense from snow's point of view and it would have still been better than that God awful "courtroom" scene.
Screenshot this.
He will usurp control of the golden company by outplaying cersei and then he will leverage it to rule over the survivors. Chaos will truly be a ladder.
I would give anything for this to be true ;_;
I unironically had a dream he was
Anyone have that copypasta with all the ways he could have saved himself - Trial by combat, taking black, no killing of guest, etc?
for starters he could have not made the guy who obviously hates his guts the commander of his army