For the last time...

>For the last time, babe: Robert is the manager who often works as a concession stand worker when things get busy at the kinoplex which is just a special kind of movie theater. They sell really good crab legs and punish virgin customers and manlets. The popcorn is mined in the popcorn mines which is where they sometimes send the offenders. Customers can bring their pet falcons and anvils and there is a designated shooter for every showing. What’s so hard to understand?

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It's fun explaining Yea Forums memes to my wife.

Get this, babe: there's a correlation of Sneed, feed and seed all ending with the suffix "-eed," meaning Chuck's former ownership would imply the "-uck" suffix instead. Leading to the store being "Chuck's Fuck & Suck" if following the initial starting letters.

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My ex was pretty intelligent (architect) and said Bane was one of her favorite villains, but when I tried to explain baneposting to her... blank stare. Never mentioned it again.

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explain it to me


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>ex was an architect
So you're a fatass?

Did you tell her about the penis inspection and the singles policy?

Fourty keks! Based oldfag robert! King of the kinoplex!

For me some kino corn for my falcon and someone get me some crab legs with extra butter!

Hope I pass penis inspection in the showers this time and dont get sent to the manlet pits kek

Designated shooter missed and got escorted to the popcorn mines for a 3 month sentence

Cant forget my theatre anvil kek

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Giga chad would never show his power levels to normies, hes not a try hard

Imagine being so fucking clueless you try to mention internet inside jokes to normal people irl

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Look babe, this is a "gynoid" everybody else calls them femcells or fembots but that's stupid and not as correct as "gynoid" that is the classic term and I'll show them, I'll show them all over.

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>Me? Heh, I don't participate in your lame "meme culture".

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I wish I had a girlfriend

>tfw reciting Yea Forums memes out loud with my brother, a fellow memer

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Haha, funny meme. _no

Imagine being so autistic and stupid that you can't explain something in a way that is both entertaining and accessible to your audience.

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you like the Joker bro?


don't bully me

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No I prefer the Jester

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>trying this hard to not have fun

I love the memory of me explaining baneposting to my ex. Eventually, she learned to love it as well.

Okay guys Robert said if we all go together we can bypass the singles tax! Pick your Endgame seats my dudes!

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love that memory

>tfw I'm at the bottom of the evolutionary ladder and look nothing like a Chad

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Is this the 3rd Bogdanoff ?

>and then i shidded and farded and camed in my my own mouth

>one copy of stardust please

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