ITT: we fix season 8, one change at a time. To start: Arya really is the Waif

ITT: we fix season 8, one change at a time. To start: Arya really is the Waif

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>Arya really is the Waif

>Ramsey comes back as a white walker and beats Theon to death with his own cock

Little Finger paid a faceless man to die as him.

I think she is the waif. Arya is dead. It will be a reveal in the final episode.

mr freeze comes to help the walkers in the next battle

As long as he says "Ice to meet you" I'm find with that.

What purpose would it serve? Unless there is some twist involving Stark blood and she’s not the real Arya so it doesn’t work. Or something dumb like that. It would serve no purpose.

The only way this would work is if the wait was Arya all along and a figment of her imagination

>you wanna know how I got the name mr freeze.

If so why whould they go and show us Alya disgusting naked body when they had the opportunity to show a qt Waif barebutt instead?

>thinks the point of the scene was to see a naked woman

Imagine being this incapable of relating to other people's feelings

No woman will have sex with you. lol
stop trying to whiteknight so hard

lmfao that doesnt make sense

that was a body double anyway

it's too late in the game for any of that to make sense.

This entire final season is slow-motion car crash. You think D&D won't find a way to go full retard?

waif did nude scenes before

she smoking hot

>the Waif

That was her name? What the fuck were they thinking?

Stannis is still alive

Winter actually arrives with 50ft snow

That's dumb you're dumb

Ned wakes up and says "haha it was all a dream"

Bronn gets his castle

My girlfriend has sex with me, actually.

Jaime is Azor Ahai

you can't fix season 8 without fixing 5-7

5 was fine 7 was bad but 6 was the worst television ever produced.


And Im sure she loves you for your inteligence and kindness, user

So when will Littlefinger come back guys?
Episode 3 or Episode 4?

episode 7

Global warming kicks in

>Arya is actually the Waif
>Randomly has all the memories of Arya despite being on the other continent god know how long
dude, no

forgot all about the bitch on the right. crazy how forgettable this show is.

show dany shitting herself

At the end only Brienne survives.
The dead are about to kill her, when first order stormtroopers arrive and save her. She decides to serve the first order as a gratitude.
GoT is just Phasma's backstory.
Bran is a jedi, the white walkers are a sub-species of dhatomiri.

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he cute

Bran is Syfo-Dias actually.

because then the reason behind her complete change to an insufferable mary sue character will be partly resolved

>doesnt know what fanservice is, and thinks tits are shown just because

Plebbit get out

>Reanimated Ramsay then fucks Sansa to death
>Bran watches

This unironically

NK sees fortifications at Winterfell and instead avoids direct besiegement and starves them out while he sends some of forces south to further turn more of the living into his army.

Edmure comes to save the day