It's all so tiresome
It's all so tiresome
It's all so tiresome.
you're right, i'm tired of fragile /pol/ bitches getting triggered the moment they see a black person in a trailer, then come here and whine about it
Be careful. You'll end up like me and so many others here, as the evidence piles up in front of you. I was a shitposter when I first came to /pol/ for some "epic Nazi trolling" and, within a year, found I agreed with about half of what was discussed. By the end of the second year I was indistinguishable from the rest.
The terrible truth of /pol/ is that it's as liberating as it is horrific.
You lie to yourself less, but you begin refusing to accept the lies from others - even well-meaning others. Your personal relationships with the few people you can stomach to be around, will suffer and degrade under the stress of the constant need to suppress your power-level. In the truth you'll be sickened at the world, yet constantly drawn to seeking this same truth. It's a counter-"hugbox".
/pol/ is the Hurt Box.
Instead of locking out reality in your "hugbox" like a progressive, you'll force yourself into this hurt-box on a regular basis. /pol/ is a self-inflicted and intellectual masochism, as the price of placing the truth above all else.
You could have prevented this.
>Incel see black woman?
Have sex
Why do you have to immediately go " its /pol/ reeee" like an npc?
kys asap
Based kitty
Do white devils US policemen actually shoot nigs on sight like that?
>muh npc
you confirmed it
haha thats epic my guy (sorry for assuming your gender) you really dabbed on that incel! have an upvote! xD
Not my future
Do you trannies literally hang out on this board 24/7, refreshing every 5 seconds to target threads and post the same shit over and over?
This the new twilight zone? Also why would you ever point something to a cop during a confrontation lol
>no u
Sticking out like a cancerous sore thumb. Probably bots desu
Running at a cop like that and pulling out something fast is a really fucking stupid thing to do. What is he supposed to do, wait and let you shoot him? Life isn't a turn-based RPG.
This dude don't use VATS. LMAO@YOU
the interesting thing is the long term change
for a long time, the cliche has been an awkward old white man with glasses and a lab coat
now the cliche is gonna be a sassy young black woman in streetwear
what lengths will they have to go to to keep the "whizz kid" archetype plausible and/or fresh?
what is dialogue going to be like between the science bitch and the hero?
what are they going to do when it's time to counter-cliche again?
it's not because she's black
it's because of the progressive stack
Imagine thinking this is your huwite echo chamber.
do people really believe this is how police shootings go down? 99% of the time it's a previous felon doing some stupid shit and getting shot for it. could the police use more discretion? sure, but after the media and BLM blew up the whole "hands up don't shoot" mikle brown thing and then later didn't apologize when the evidence showed that brown was literally trying to kill the cop, i have no real sympathy for the movement
>Do white devils US policemen actually shoot nigs on sight like that
I wish
Using VATS is for faggots. Just aim, retard.
I mean.. is there really anything else left to say?
Based cops
he's supposed to wait and see what you'e pulling out
life isn't a spaghetti western
in civilised countries, shooting people doesn't fly
>no u
you're confusing your meme answers. your use of /pol/speak was not an accusation on my part but a confirmation of what you are provided by your own silly person
What would be more interesting is if she went back in time, only to find out her brother or whatever was doing shit he shouldn't have been doing and that he pulled a gun on the cops first. Of course, they'll never tell an interesting, multilayered narrative. If it's not dirt simple "cops bad blacks good" then it's not on Netflix.
This isn't a YLYL thread
It doesn't matter. You keep repeating the same lie long enough and it becomes the 'truth'. Propaganda 101
lmao the cop looks so casual shooting him, he doesn't even put two hands on his gun or get into a proper shooting stance
But seriously if she can go back in time she should go back to colonial times and prevent the white man from destroying Wakanda
>"i think i'll wait and see what he has in his..."
and you're fucking shot and dead.
cultural marxism is in full effect right now
it'll swing back around
lol blck wmyn smart
>do people really believe this is how police shootings go down?
Depends on your definition of people. I grew up in San Diego and the cops there will blow you away regardless of race, color or creed. Shit, when I was a kid a white guy was plugged 7 times trying to take his seatbelt off and there were no charges filed against the officer. Nigs sit around and tell each other nig fairytales about how oppressed they are until they start to believe it over any evidence to the contrary.
English doc
>netflix literally using the death of niggers to make money
hella based
It's an organized patrol.
They're attracted to Yea Forums because it's one of the few places you can say something that doesn't exactly follow liberal ideals.
I remember that. The fucking journalist made out he was Einstein. The little nig did good for an 11-year-old, but the low expectations of the journalist were horrifically racist.
>NYPD, don't move!
That's all companies do these days, especially in entertainment. They act all "woke" hoping it'll get them exposure on twitter, then take that money to the bank. Imagine being some liberal and having all your anti-capitalist politics monetized by major corporations.
>gun pointed at you
>"don't move!"
>reach into pocket
>pull out literally anything
>get shot
why are nogs so stupid
>the low expectations of the journalist were horrifically racist
and there's the ugly truth about all this catering to minorities, ultimately it's just super racist
>making money
I'm not a boot licker by any stretch, but if you're dumb enough (read: a nigger) to make quick moves towards a tensed up, gun wielding officer, your just doing us all a favor by removing yourself from the gene pool. Keep all that yapping and whining for court. Hell, you might even get compensated
Answer this question...would you care if the person in this particular pic wasn't black? No? then, that fits classification of you getting mad because of race, moron.
Exactly, why doesn't she go back in time back in Africa before dem white devils?
So when u whities gonna gib us reperations n shiiiet
Don't worry! They go back in time and show that no matter what he did the cop would have killed him because he's a political cartoon who somehow made it into our world and has a driving centered need to live out the singular over the top punchline that is his existence. He had to track these people down, wherever they may go, and shoot that guy specifically. But it turns out his political cartoon wasn't very popular, and the one thing that could finally bring him down was his image and situation being shared across social media. By fulfilling his duty of providing an over the top joke for someone to laugh at, he no longer had any reason to kill the black teen and was free to return from whence he came, a black and white image on the web with a little bottom text that someone somewhere thought was profound.
Same reason people get tired of the child hero being some scrappy white boy with blondish hair. It’s tiresome cliche by this point.
>netflix making WE WUZ SCIENCE for nigs
who cares really? as long as they're not replacing white characters or pushing racemixing propoganda they can do whatever they want
>invent, or more likely steal, a time fucking machine
>only use it to save some nog lives
This looks fun
I love time travel
Finally a Netflix movie I’d want to see
bix nood muffugas we sciences now
>Why didn't they just reprogram the synapses to work collectively? ...
no you're not
it's not always a gun
and if people know you're not in a hurry to shoot them then they're not gonna be in a hurry to shoot you
>tensed up, gun wielding
if this describes your cops then you've already fucked up
do yourself a favour and actually look up "progressive stack"
lol that's a very nice computer you got there Tyrone
>ould you care if the person in this particular pic wasn't black?
Obviously not! You know? It's like, Hey, remember how a Quiet Place was about creatures who hunted things based on sound, and then like a year later Netflix releases a movie that also has creatures that hunt based on sound? Nobody ever made the connection and laughed at it, and why? RACISM! That's why! But just because some black folks wanna do the same thing as the really bad Twilight Zone Episode from the same year, which came out just this month, everyone gotta be bringing them down! Also there's a black person in the picture, so even before they saw it was yet another 'innocent shooting' narrative again they'd already made their minds so your whole 'this is way overdone' rebuttal doesn't count, racist!
Have sex.
So it's american stein's gate, but garbage.
Wasn't that the nu Twilight Zone episode, where it turns out cops are these magical monsters who will kill blackies no matter what, even if you time travel? And didn't that episode do really poorly, with people shitting on it for being so heavy handed and one sided?
god i fucking hate this character. EWW
Damn forgot that cops are superhuman
The problem is that a Hurt Box is not reality as well. It's as skewed as the Hug Box. The user chooses to subject themselves to a version of altered reality. Really it's all a spectrum, with SJWs and /pol/tards on the ends, thing is that the specturm has the ends touching to form a ring. The hug box and the hurt box are the same thing.
And when it is a gun, you're fucking dead. I'd rather be wrong and alive than wrong and dead. If you would rather be dead than alive, well, you can make that happen for yourself in a number of ways. Go for it.
Unironically I would love a Twilight Zone episode of a political cartoon coming to life and trying to enact its hyperbolic message at all costs. That would legit be both unique and timelessly topical so long as people used hyperbole to describe their opponents.
So, forever.
But that would mean the nu Twilight Zone had a unique idea.
Does she have a white bf?
>And didn't that episode do really poorly, with people shitting on it for being so heavy handed and one sided?
I fucking hope so, though the producers will likely see such outrage as hitting "the right buttons."
Yes, some people truly believe. They're willfully ignorant. Even when the truth about Mike Brown and other such stories came out, people refused to accept it. They just don't want to accept the facts.
Yes. Even Reddit hated it.
I genuinely don't get the movie from the trailer. Why is she time travelling so soon prior to him dying. Like at least travel to the morning of that day and tell him "Yo don't go down this street today, you'll get shot." Why is she warning him he'll die seconds before it happens? It seems so convoluted.
Shit nigga that's actually a pretty dope idea.
What's it called again when the media deliberately displays certain social issues that in reality do not exist to form a narrative that benefits a political movement?
>Hurt Box is not reality
Lets hear it.
>if this describes your cops then you've already fucked up
Nigger encounters tend to be quite a stressful situation, my sheltered friend
statistically 1 in 2 nogs will murder someone. its no wonder why a cop would tense up when trying to deal with one
It is tho nigger
It's sad because they have the opportunity to do a story where, say, a black man who lost his father when a police shooting is taken back in time, but he's put in the body of the police officer that shoots his dad, and he's forced literally to see his father for who he was: a guy who went around beating innocent shop owners and who charged at the cop (to take the Mike Brown story as inspiration since it's been mention in this thread). But no, way better to bury your head in the sand and scream "DINDU NUFFIN" over and over.
>we went back 1000 times and couldn't save marshawn some things can't be changed i guess we should change racism and fix white racist cops instead
It's like that one picture of those black kids doing homework on a subway train that blew up on social media. Every single person tweeting about how amazing it was were just enforcing the stereotype of dumb blacks by pointing out what an EXCEPTION the kids are to the norm.
you might actually be retarded. imagine the police officer's heart beat at that moment. 140+? 180+? do you really think he'll be able to think straight in that situation?
all I'm asking is for trained professionals
no you're not
that's what kevlar is for
if you think it's sensible to shoot people any time you feel threatened then you should not become a police officer
because the movie couldn't happened if she did the right thing
>Spike Lee
It's a black movie for black people, these have always existed. Imagine being such a sensitive pussy
Probably due to the hypothesis that you can't time travel before the machine was first invented and she probably made it the same day he was killed.
not in countries where the cops know how to de-escalate a situation
if you threaten to shoot an idiot, of course he's going to want to shoot you first
shoot people less, get shot less
>Every single person tweeting about how amazing it was were just enforcing the stereotype of dumb blacks by pointing out what an EXCEPTION the kids are to the norm.
It's why Sanctuary Cities are groaning so loudly about Trump trying to ship "migrants" into their borders, because they want all the benefits that come with having a cheap source of disposable labor (somebody's gotta pick those almonds) but only on their own terms.
What the black equivalent of the Bechdel test? As in, what black films aren't focused on the character blackness and WHITEY BAD?
There isn't one. Maybe you should pioneer it with a comic of your own that highlights the trend.
lefty-pol is so, so much worse than regular /pol/. You're always second or third reply in threads like these, you go on an on about /pol/ but all I ever see is lefty-pol shitting up the place.
Kevlar doesn't make you impervious to bullets.
This is the end of our discussion, at least on my end, because you've now shown beyond a shadow of a doubt that you have no clue what you're talking about, and I have nothing to gain from talking to you. My parting advice to you is to just stop posting, but I doubt you'll take it. Bye.
Trayvon Test.
>/pol/ is the Hurt Box.
>Probably due to the hypothesis that you can't time travel before the machine was first invented and she probably made it the same day he was killed.
Then such a thing should have been made clear I'd say. In a time travel movie, the laws of time travel need to be clearly established. And if they are on a time crunch why time travel so far away? Why keep being late? I get that there is probably more explanation in the film, but the trailer really doesn't make me care.
There's something deeply comical about seeing a black person in a lab coat, handling flasks, doing "science".
I don't get the hate for black characters doing scientific things and shit but why is it always some ghetto chick and not the sort of nerdy motherfucker or bitch that would actually be interested in this sort of thing? The sort that got called white in grade school?
Black people should stick to comedy.
>85 IQ
Definitely not your future.
That blonde haired blue eyed hyper-patriotic genetically-perfect super soldier is the perfect opposition to everything the Nazis stood for. Choke on your infantile capeshit escapism Onions
>Wow he was only picking up his phone because he promised his aunt to pick up medicine before the pharmacy closed and she would call to remind him. He simply cared too much about his family. Love killed him
What is the percentile of black women that are over 140 iq? Like 99.99999?
I don't mind this itself but when STEM isn't filled with blacks in 20 years they'll still complain.
exactly. if nogs didn't shoot so many people cops wouldn't be on edge around them
Let me tell you this-- Yea Forums is one of the most malevolent, cruel, coldhearted online communities you'll ever find, and even as a supporter of free speech it appalls me that would allow such a vile, festering hub of bigotry and sadism to exist. You think [slur]town was bad? That imageboard, if you pick up on the dog-whistles (and many don't even bother with that-- say want you want about Stormfront, at least it bans "n[slur]"), will reveal itself to you as net's number one hub for the web's most hardened Nazis, Klansmen, Fascists, and Gamergaters. You'll notice on the sidebar that it encourages members to be as 4chantic as possible. That's intentional. They encourage arguments in the comments section. That's intentional. You know the Three Minute Hate (it's from this underrated book 1985, give it a read, it's scary how much it parallels our society)? It's like that, they want to stoke the flames of reactionary rage so they continue to dogpile every progressive and minority who enters the imageboard, normalizing these evil feelings. They brigade from imageboard to subreddit, having an entire cabal of mods spanning hundreds of communities, gaslighting lived experiences of the oppressed and unashamedly bolstering imageboard's homegrown white supremacy movement. They've kink-shamed hundreds of people too, some even... to death. I fear that Yea Forums may be producing an entire army of Dylann Roofs and Elliot Rogers, and I highly suggest that nobody dares visit that horrible imageboard, lest you potentially fall victim to its corruptive aura.
I unironically would buy this
They literally don't understand the idea of cause-and-effect.
I would posit that 140 IQ black woman doesn't exist.
full black? add a lot more 9's. probably doesn't exist though. part black you're probably right though
of course it doesn't make you impervious
but it makes it a whole lot harder for someone to kill you
if you're going to talk a big game, you should at least know the easy stuff
i'm a fag for diy shit, can't help but to find this neat
Can we just give ghettos unlimited money and remove police for like 10 years to just see what happens so they can realize this la la land they live in where they are all victimized rocket scientists is finally put to bed and in fact they literally need whites to survive?
if cops didn't shoot so many people
people wouldn't be so on edge around them
blacks hate blacks more than whites do, just chill and let them eat thier own, cry when the make superman black or something
Not an invention, but crafty AF.
These would go well in a studio apartment, like the ones with the overhead industrial vents. Aesthetic as fuck.
How do you prop up model examples without making it look patronizing or like they are some bizzare outlier?
The Big Bang Theory?
Are these people serious?
Kenan n kel were based
>he's supposed to wait and see what you'e pulling o-
>movie about time travel
>"give it some time"
officers in sweden shot a retard (down's syndrome) dude who was running around with a fake gun at night
where are the films about retard oppression?
Netflix don’t raise your prices no more bc you been spitting fire films lately and a girl is onna budget k thanks
tbf these "fusion reactors" are basic highschool science fair projects now that you can build from the internet
The video description literally sounds like what someone here would write as a joke
Why do you think they screech about systematic and societal racism?
It has been more or less tried (and failed).
>ways to not get shot during a police altercation
1. Follow directions
2. keep hands visible
3. stand still
that's it. literally 3 steps.
Nickelodeon kino.
nigger dindun nuffing
super smart negress builds time macheen
niggas gon save the dindu to get justice for sons and daughters
Imagine being such a deranged polcuck that a black girl being into robotics in a fucking fictional show makes you this hysterical
Czeched and pastapilled.
I'm a cop, can confirm we spend 6 mos learning how to spot nigs at 45 mph from the car so we can pull over and shoot them.
We need better training though, obviously we're not getting enough.
have sex. for all of our sakes. :)
>Get down on the ground!
>proceeds to act suspicious
>doesn't get down on the ground while gun pointed at him
>takes out a black-looking object that could be anything from the cop's point of view
I mean, how hard is it to get down on the ground when a cop yells it out and points a gun at you?
>getting triggered
That would would be (You).
He invented a chair?
Have sex.
Funny how it's only tiring to poltards. Maybe just stop being racist little snowflakes so irrelevant things like this dont upset you so much lel
Checked and chucked and fucked and sucked
oh sweaty... pleas go dilate. for your sake :^)
i hate black people so much bros
American negro worship
how does (don't remember the amount of money) sound?
sound like grgshshsghrg
These trailers seem more like parody or for something fictional than a real thing for some reason.
oh shit it's the yellow king actor, he did a pretty good job on maniac
nice to see him in more projects
scroll up
oh no a black person I'm so triggered reeeeee. Yawn
OPs trailer is a bad example because it really seems like pushing of agendas. But once you go hurt box mode you see agendas in the smallest fucking thing. Even a black man being happy in a two second shot starts to repulse you and you go full "oh weeew I already know where this is going" even though nothing happens.
You start to witch-hunt. This exact mindset is being parodied on Yea Forums with shit like the black coffee line from airplane. It's just a joke, but for someone who has been exposed to pol for too long and who can't actually rationalise themselves, they'll just get lead by their pol created senses and assume there is an agenda for cuckening or whatever. It's like when you successfully expose a man of being an alien in a human suit, but instead of re-checking every suspicious human , you just shoot every human out of paranoia
niggers have no fathers, so they either run or chimp the fuck out when confronted by an authority figure because nobody taught them how to behave.
YIKES. Come back when you're over your /pol/ phase, kiddo.
>The hug box and the hurt box are the same thing.
Baltimore unofficially legalized drugs for close to a year and cut the murder rate down by 80%. I'd be careful about fucking with too many modern social myths, both political extremes have a lot to loose.
wtf I'm a poltard now
>nigga time travel movie
sounds fun
>its about dem white cop shooting nigga and we gotta go back and undo it
jesus fucking christ how the fuck do you people live under this constant propaganda
A 140 IQ black woman would be quickly promoted not just to the top of her field, but to a position of national prominence. We would know her name and there would be a major news interview with her at least once every 90 days. Therefore it's safe to say there aren't any.
The famous black female intellectuals we do know of are all in the humanities: novelists and essayists. When they do trot these women out in front of the cameras they sound no more erudite than Whoopie Goldberg. In fact I'd say Whoopie represents the black female peak.
Wait, they can time travel and they're black but they DON'T undo slavery? Fucking LOL
Isn't this just Run Lola Run
Remember that one nigger who the news reported as "just pointing his fingers" at a cop after "illegally trying to acquire pharmaceuticals"? Shit is hilarious like nothing
These are based though?
"invented" is clearly the wrong term, but they look genuinely nice, would purchase
Have sex.
and they look thrilled
This is pretty stupid looking racebait. Hopefully they at least make it interesting and they go back even further in time to pre-abolisionist America then even further back to see where the slaves came from (African tribes selling war slaves). That would be interesting since that could fit the possible theme of this show/movie that the preacher mentioned, "where is the justice" (or rather that there is no justice).
They aren't exactly the same, but they are equally stupid in their NPC ranks, useful idiots.
The left just has more of them appearantly because they are mainstream
>if cops didn't shoot so many people
Total people killed by police so far in 2019 for an entire nation of 350+ million
Really quick go see how many people were murdered in Detroit alone. Detroit ALONE.
It's sad, but this is 100% accurate. Our society is desperate for the black scientist superman. The closest is Neil deGrasse Tyson who turned out to be a rapist. Even then, he' not rally a scientist so much as he's a science promoter. Apparently he's only published a few actual scientific journal articles, none of which have been of any significance.
Mk11 already did this?
not gonna lie I was in for the first few seconds when it was about a black qt inventing time travel
>"illegally trying to acquire pharmaceuticals"
I love how shit the news has become. "Instead of muslims yelling 'allah akbar' they're asians yelling 'god is good'." There's all these fucking codewords and bullshit now because the facts don't support their shitty, retarded beliefs (which should be the first sign that they should abandon them but oh no, it's REALITY that's wrong, not them).
If the media didn't overhype ever deadly police encounter people wouldn't be so edge. People actually think police killing people is common.
>The famous black female intellectuals we do know of are all in the humanities: novelists and essayists
Women in general don't prefer STEM fields and the statistics are consistent enough that it looks like a genuine biological gender preference. There have been notable women mathematicians but few and far between.
Apparently some European countries pixelate brown crimes to make them look white.
>from producer Spike Lee
Well imagine moi shick
The greatest pattern-recognition expert in the entirety of history, and one of the greatest human minds ever, didn't recognize an agenda at all, oh no, oh no. But you just keep your ostrich head buried in that sand because you aren't intelligent enough to connect the dots, bucko.
the problem is unironically the media. they take 1 in 1,000,000 events and make it look like it's happening right down the street in your town right now. school shootings are tragic but they way they're portrayed in the media you'd expect that every elementary school in the country is currently getting shot up.
Probably true. Yet it's the women who complain that there aren't enough women in STEM fields.
Instead of these "intelligent" women going into STEM fields... they go into something where they can complain about a lack of women into STEM fields.
It's like poetry.
Movies like this are not actually made to sell agendas.
Not anymore anyway. It's made to pray on the pc culture, everyone FUCKING LUVS black culture now and a movie about this kinda stuff is just made to attract niggas and wiggas, not to bluepill people.
wow so woke
shame about your digits
A lot of people do that type of shit as a hobby. They didn't "invent" shit
Oh hell yeah, they up the brightness until they turn into fucking ghosts and do everything to avoid talking about how the invaders that they welcomed into their homes are now burning the place to fucking ashes. Meanwhile in America they're not "illegal aliens" they're "undocumented migrants." They just don't have some silly little papers, guys, don't worry about them killing and raping you!
Blacks are notorious for pulling fake weapons on cops in the middle of confrontations.
For one thing you shouldn't even be having confrontations with police. Why is this woman screaming and having a mental breakdown in front of this cop ? The luxury car and her upper middle class clothing are signalling she could not possibly be a dangerous street thug, but her behavior says otherwise. This is the black way of understanding civil society. If you have money and bling you can behave as you please, and "as you please" means violent and hyper-emotional. They don't understand behavior as right or wrong. Only low status is criminal.
Why is this the filename called Twilight Zone? It looks nothing like the show? Isn't it supposed to be a bunch of one off sci-fi what if stories? That's what I remember it being back when I watched it as a kid.
pretty much this. I'm tired of all things politics on Yea Forums.
>types yikes
>then calls someone kiddo
Libshits are so lacking in self-awareness that its hilarious.
fuck off tranny.
that cat is absolutely adorable and doesn't have time for this shit
bend over bb
God you’re a fucking virgin
have sex
You don't get the point. There is obviously an agenda , but some dots just don't belong in the picture. You're not intelligent if you see the same shit everywhere just because someone told you so.
Fact is, if you needed the "BE AWARE, ALWAYS" advice at all to "truly see" you're probably that category of stupid tryhard. You're a tool.
welcome to nu zone
lmao this post is real fucking gay
Does your mother know you're an incel?
Looks cool af
There's a direct statistical correlation between high IQ and mental illness with significant parallel outlier's in both. Bobby was a genius but also fucking crazy.
Which isn't to say he was entirely wrong. There's a reason the Jews rise to prominence and destroy their own society six times in the Bible, that same correlation between high IQ and mental illness means as a people proven to have a higher than average IQ they also have a higher than average propensity to psychological and social aberrations. But of course any hard science on the subject of real, honest eugenics has been slandered for sixty years as racist and anti-Semitic.
If black people didn't act like they were the sole victims of police violence (more white dies to the police than blacks) and didn't act like they're innocent 100% of the time and never provoke the cops, then you'd probably have a lot more people on board, and actual positive change would come about as a result. The simple fact is that BLM just shoots itself in the foot (and then blames "da po-po").
Because Hollywood knew nobody would watch it if they gave it some hip, modern name.
Does it have any moral to the story? Is there some sci-fi shit going on like the police all being brainwashed? I don't get it.
Give me strength, Lord
You in carcosa now
>mood: constitutional
Fuck you counter-hugbox. Fuck your Hurt Box. It does not offer true liberation, only a lie. Fuck your clown world, fuck your narrative.
I'd rather touch the heavens.
Not him but I hope you stay off /pol/. I hope you stay naive and young and optimistic, and blissfully unaware of the true world.
Can't touch the heavens unless you cleanse the world of Hell, Freddie.
>shows inject politics
- terdimensional pedophile vampires
>reads the truth
>types "fuck your narrative"
>then immediately goes into an actual narrative
You are incredibly stupid.
What are all these webms from?
Reversepsychology only works on retards
De-escalating niggers involves brute force in 99% of cases
>I'm tired of all things politics on Yea Forums.
If this were true then you would hate all the recent movies and their painfully obvious political agendas. The truth is that you agree with the agendas and are tired of people actually calling it out.
What the fuck.
blm has always been cynical donation mongering
Oh no, did [[[they}}} cast a black person in a movie again? You know, something that's been perfectly normal for at least 40 years? Why the fuck is this suddenly a problem now?
I'm not doing "reverse psychology." I'm legitimately, unsarcastically, unironically telling you that you should stay the fuck away from /pol/ and the truth of the world because you're clearly not capable or willing or able to handle it at all. Stay dumb.
You just know thier not going to go into hard science a la Primer. It's all SCYNES MAGIK YO with these morons
Black woman discovers her cam-corder can rewind time and uses this ability to relive the day her son is killed by a racist cop. No matter what she does her son is still killed until she realizes that the only way to stop the killing is to involve as many other people in recording the racist cop as possible. If there is a moral to the story it's that community action and public discourse is the only way to change society (as opposed to singular action by an individual.) The racist cop is as much of a macguffin as the camcorder and as such isn't really a character at all so much as a plot device.
In an unrelated note I've started shooting and six weeks later I'm still pretty shit. Does /k/ know when I turn into Jason Bourne because I would literally butt fuck the queen of England in order to shoot as well as that racist cop.
I've been there. Your narrative is hardly objective truth. Now gtfb retard
ayo das y dey gibn us free cellphones an shiiet
>fuck your seeking of answers
>contrarianism is the only way
>no stance is the only way to win an argument!!!
You do realize people who genuinely want truth, don't want an argument? Let alone win fights. They just want the wisdom of the answer. And people who rather try and counter a valid concept rather than improve upon or give a better idea to pivot to, are just as bad as the people making up lies for the sake of ego.
>I've been there.
You should lie on the internet, friend.
twilight zone episode replay
In reality civil rights organizations are petitioning to have body cams removed from police equipment. Filming police interactions with blacks never turns out well for them.
niggaz be having hard time with binary choices, and you tryna throw that tertiary shit at a nigga oh hell naw
She cute
>There have been notable women mathematicians but few and far between.
Name three black ones.
Because the truth on film prevents them from lying.
Trith is subjective. How sure are you that last week was last week. What if I were to tell you it was all a lie? History becomes even murkier as the progress of time conti ues.
Don't cling to a meaningless search for truth when you can embrace other perspectives. One German knew this, which was why the national socialist valued him so much. Write new laws on new tablets. Make you own truth.
It looks well done, though. And it's Spike Lee, what did you expected? I'd remove the bad police aspect, but otherwise I don't have a problem with this.
it's not a choice, you have to do them all
but muh white genocide
I know it's a meme phrase now, but whoever typed this pasta or reposts it unironically really does need to Have sex.
yes, because the issue is the black cast and not that its blatant propaganda about how blacks are randomly gunned down by evil whites
Take shooting lessons or at least watch a youtube video on the subject.
>You do realize people who genuinely want truth, don't want an argument
>They just want the wisdom of the answer
People believe what they want to believe, not what's true. The actual number of people seeking enlightenment or open to changing their beliefs is always smaller than the people prepared to defend their lies, that's why propaganda is so successful and why modern society has fractured into 'narratives.'
>that spoiler
Oh, okay. That doesn't sound as bad as I thought it would be then. At least it has some sci-fi elements and a moral. Is it at least good enough to be watchable?
Fuck, beat me to it.
I can't even imagine getting triggered over a movie trailer. This is like that star wars guy in reverse.
Just think, this was written and shot to paint the police officer in a negative light
>I see evil conspiracies everywhere
Pretending there is no solid ground for any claim is a standard for a contrarian. It helps you avoid the self, while pretending you mean something in it all. You are dirt. Be proud of that, for in nothing you have a chance of something but pretending your world is actually defined by you and you alone is to pretend you are not human. And you are typically human, with your glory to ego.
shut the fuck up faggot. i dont give a shit, racist fucks like you need to be removed and thats it
History has always been about narratives. There is no such thing as objectivity. If photographs can be doctored, if autobiographies can be nonfactual, aiming for a truth is futile and actually an excuse to chase a particular narrative.
>Oh no a thread calling out a political agenda I agree with.
>look at me pretend not to care
This pasta still speaks to me.
Belief is not truth, it's a feeling, feelings are opinions.
People give /pol/ shit but it's one of the few places online where you can discuss politics without getting banned for saying the wrong thing.
>"but they'll call you bad names!"
Sure, some people on there will, and some won't give you the time of day and won't listen to you, but then others will actually engage and talk with you (whether they agree or disagree), and that's more discussion then you'll ever get from some site that would outright ban you for saying the wrong opinion.
>countries with less nigs have less nigs getting shot
Really insightful.
Isn't it so funny that when black people try to sound smart, they actually sound retarded because of their accents? Like AY NIGGA PASS ME DAT BISMUTH FOR THEY PROJEKS N SHIET. Clown world. Literally nobody can take them seriously.
Good to know that you see yourself as dirt. Maybe you should stay there.
>Is it at least good enough to be watchable
No. That's the rub with the whole series, you can see where they wanted to go with it but it's just heavy handed and cheesy. It's not that it looks cheap, it's very obvious somebody put enough money into it, it's that it feels like a second year film student watched two episodes of 'the outer limits' and went "Yeah, I got this."
>there would be a major news interview with her at least once every 90 days
There aren't any smart people on the news. Smart people avoid the toxic world of the public eye. See Bobby Fischer.
Can one of you incels explain to me how perpetually being angry at dumb shit like black people in superhero movies is epically pwning the libtards? I'm sure you don't see it this way, but everybody else does fyi.
Considering how the Nazis were hell-.bent on killing blonde-haired blue-eyed people (the slavs), intentionally made the hyper-patriotic people (the burgers) their sworn enemies, and had some of the worst soldiers in military history, and how they were massive hypocrites, I say the comparison actually stands.
This image sums it up perfectly
>Pharrel start playing
That's called "radicalization", pal. It isn't exactly a good thing.
They weren't notable and they weren't mathematicians. They were "computers": women who performed tedious calculations whose formulas had been written by men. Their jobs were made obsolete by early digital computers.
>you're right, i'm tired of fragile /pol/ bitches getting triggered the moment they see a black person in a trailer, then come here and whine about it
Taking time between looting dollar stores in a quarter inch of rain to invent time machines.
>sees it's a phone
>had it been a gun, it'd be too late
>stills unholsters weapon and shoots
Typical white Americans.
I got a million dollar idea for netflix and it's new target demographic.
Take payments in food stamps.
based and redpilled
>black women
I think this is true, but I also think it's people just growing the fuck up and having life experiences that illustrate their naivety about the world. The only people that keep this mindset are rich boomers that never had to come out of the womb, socially or financially.
Thats cool and I get the message. However you have to think is the retarded 75% of the world going to pick up on that.
>aiming for a truth is futile and actually an excuse to chase a particular narrative
Multiple sources. History as recorded by people is indeed for people and biased as people all are but you can compare and contrast multiple viewpoints of a single instant and find 'a truer narrative.' I'm of the opinion that seeking to perfect the imperfect has a value despite it's impossibility and so seeking truth isn't futile.
>Belief is not truth, it's a feeling, feelings are opinions
Yeah but we're not robots, we're people. At a certain point all we've got is feelings, our brains are biological chemical-electrical computers and reality is just what sensory information we can filter through a screen of previous experiences. How we define true defines us, one hand washes the other, and since we're all trapped on this floating ball of mud with other people it behooves us to nurture the ability to reach a consensus about 'truth.'
>The hug box and the hurt box are the same thing.
>He still believes that the average person globally is a nice person.
Ah, I was that naive once.
>it's another episode of white cops do all sorts of shenanigans against black young men
>mfw there's literal white on black rape at minute 20
>mfw minute 40 shows a literal cumshot entering African nostrils
Jesus Christ.
>People believe what they want to believe, not what's true.
Imagine believing that the “truth” could ever be knowable and not solely bolstering your preferred ideologies until they become reality
Do you know how nervous you have to have already made a cop just to get them to draw their sidearm? That’s not a routine part of their jobs. Why don’t we ever see the five to ten minute-long confrontations where people aren’t complying with their instructions that necessitate their drawing their weapons in the first place? When a cop stops you, it doesn’t matter whether you think they’re justified or not. They’re not there to negotiate or argue; they’re trying to decide whether or not you represent a danger to them, yourself, or the public at large, in other words, their fucking jobs. Not cooperating with them is taking your life into your own hands.
You know what would be a refreshing surprise? Her going back in time, witnessing it firsthand, and realizing he acted like a dumbass and it cost him his life.
Fat fucking chance of that happening, though.
Why doesn't she time travel to the reality where blacks were never exported out of Africa and are all still banging rocks together around in mud huts
Nah, that would require personal responsibility and introspection. Nobody wants that.
Yeah man you can't like know the truth so me pretending to be a dragon is just as valid as any of your "truths" it's all like relative and stuff.
>I'm of the opinion that seeking to perfect the imperfect has a value despite it's impossibility and so seeking truth isn't futile.
I think its a laudable goal. I'm just of the opinion that you should consider looking into other perspectives, cultures and values aside from the one you identify with the most. Achieve a synthesis.
hesitation is death
wait to see what he's carrying and if it turns out to be a gun you'll be dead before you can defend yourself
Because Mortal Kombat 11 does that already.
>It's all so tiresome
Then why did you start a thread about it?
>OP is always a fag
Oh yeah, that's right.
> Looks like a dumbed down version of Primer.
It's never 'what if we go back and just not do nigga stuff that necessitates police involvement'
The entire east was bolshejewish already, and wanted Poland on his side. He only attacked Poland, because (((Polish))) attacked German civilians. German soldiers literally didn't have proper tanks and anti-tank weapons, till they took over france by karate chopping them into submission. Which wasn't hard since most of the natives sided with Germans.
Both of you need to grow up and stop worshipping pussy
No “white” Aryan waifu if going to help you save the white race and grow a good stable family with you when most girls in general are disloyal self centered thots. Your dumb ideas of a long term purpose will never change the fact that marriage is the biggest scam out there for men
And women aren’t angelic beings; no girl is going to have sex with you if you continue to white knight, regardless of how often you check your DMs in the hope that maybe some chick has acknowledged you. They are actually the most toxic people out there and will fuck you for everything your worth if you stop being useful to them
Just love yourself