How do you think Peter Dinklage feels about the constant height quips in the show...

How do you think Peter Dinklage feels about the constant height quips in the show? How do you think he feels knowing that his bosses and coworkers all actually view him as a subhuman manlet?

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manlets get used to it

Manlet zone is 4’8” to 5’11”. Anything above or below is based

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I'm pretty sure he's the highest paid actor on the show and has been for a long time now, so he probably doesn't care.

The irony of this guy is that he says he never wanted to be typecasted as a dwarf because one of the reasons he pursued acting was to show how his skills could overcome his uncontrollable traits.

>mfw he's gonna be forever known as tyrion, the literal dwarf character

He just rubs his million dollar cheques and forgets about it all

He might be the only midget in the world who is rich and successfull and not in a circus, selling his body to fetishists or being hidden by his family in the broom closet so why would he give a fuck about some quips?

He meant he didn't want to play roles as the fantasy race of dwarves/elves/gnomes like in Lord of the Rings or Warcraft. Playing a human who happens to have dwarfism is not the same thing.

Because hes a actual midget,while manlets are just short

Didnt he play a dwarf in Narnia?

I liked how his dwarfism was never even mentioned in that X-Men movie he was in but it still had the irony of him wanting to kill mutants.

Do you think he and Warwick Davis are bros? Or is there some kind of rivalry between them as the only two midgets in Hollywood?

Probably happy he doesn't have to resort to this

Attached: CyN45m4UQAEcIuL.jpg (815x1200, 219K)

One part of the irony is that there's literally no difference. Not being casted as a dwarf but still playing a character that suffers from dwarfism has the same consequence (i.e. height quips, always mentioning your dwarfism in a backstory, etc.). Not to mention he played Trumpkin in Narnia. And Tyrion's dialogue is literally 85% of being a dwarf. Totally defeats the "acting transcend physical limits" angle.

After having his picture taken, he said "I'm not happy."

Me: "Well which fucking dwarf are you then?"

yeah that was really creative casting
Put it another way. There's a difference between a black person playing a black person in a setting where being black matters, and playing a black character that emulates stereotypical media depictions and he just goes OOGA BOOGA for 2 hours. Dinklage is a dwarf. There's no getting around that. He just doesn't want to play the token Dwarf roles where the silly dwarf sings and dances and haha he's so short what a silly existence

>"men" with bangs

I thought a little about this earlier, he seems to own being a midget and doesn't care about the jokes, obviously he could be clinically depressed and suicidal in his personal life, we'll never know unless he an heros . He saw that Hollywood was in dire need of a based dwarf so he became an actor.

>he wasnt even a good tranny

he's a literal dwarf. he's in a different category than manlets
tall people (over 6'2) > average height people (5'10-6'2) > dwarfs ( manlets (5'0-5'10)
manlets are absolute scum and disgusting. Dwarfs are just dwarfs

being this pleb

Except when Dinklage played roles of fictional characters that were historically portrayed as non-dwarfs (i.e. Bolivar Trask), his height wasn't an issue. because people were literally judging his character based on his acting and nothing more.

When he plays a role that's accommodated to be a dwarf I think it cheapens what he says. Sure, it's not a token dwarf but silly existence and height quips? nigga that's literally half of tyrion's dialogue trees and exclusively his dialogue in the first 2 seasons. It doesn't help that he's gonna be remember as a character that was fictionally a dwarf vs. a hypothetical tyrion that wasn't written as one despite peter playing the role