Every single fucking man in the show is now beneath a woman. Every fucking single one

Every single fucking man in the show is now beneath a woman. Every fucking single one.
>Theon is beneath Yara
>Jon Snow is beneath Daenerys
>Varys, Tyrion, and Jorah, also beneath Daenerys
>Gendry is weaker than Arya
>Cersei commands Euron
>Jaime serves Brienne

>Theon: no dick
>Varys: no balls
>Grey Worm: no balls
>Jon Snow: small penis
>Tyrion: midget
>Jorah: old and also had the equivalent of an STD
>Grendry: bastard, never did anything other than work
>Jaime: lost best hand
>Gregor: beaten down into humbleness by women
>Podric: needless to say, squire to the only female knight
Meanwhile the QUEENS:
>Cersei: Crowned QUEEN of the Seven Kingdoms
>Daenerys: claimant of title of QUEEN of the Seven Kingdoms
>Yara: QUEEN of the Iron Islands
>Sansa: QUEEN of the North

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Other urls found in this thread:


but I'm on top of your mom

Have sex, incel

Mgtow is so mad right now.

Also this show is shit.

yikes, have you tried having sex?

It's because God and Jesus are men and the atheists/satanists want to subvert that authority

also, satan is a transgender goat person

You know you're repeating an unfunny meme that started on Yea Forums by 14 year old wrestling fans who constantly discuss a rape that never happened.


Yea it’s pretty annoying. I wonder if that’s how the books will end. assuming they get finished...

Have sex

Hey fucker you forgot about real man

Attached: tormund.jpg (1280x720, 180K)

Yeah that's the one.

What's even funnier is the books are way less feminist than the show turned out to be. At least the first 3, I haven't read the rest.

Just watched the episode where they correct danaerys on the prince or princess prophecy thing. Cringe.

The Night King's defeat will be symbolic of the complete end of patriarchy - even his stealing of children is symbolic of toxic masculinity, which also shall end in this new Age of Queens


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How can you be so painfully insecure that a fiction show filled with ice zombies and dragons affects your masculinity? Serious question.

Yes. You are correct. When onions boy editors are hatwere able to condense the works of George Martin had to go and think for themselves they turned the reigns over to sjw weirdos.

Attached: 7F271CE8-823A-4465-A430-8E25720E618B.jpg (480x416, 56K)

That's pretty normal in fantasy settings.

A lot of those "women" are actually children, that makes it even worst.

They might be kind of similar, but Martin has the decency of making his female characters have flaws and weaknesses

Yara, Brienne and Cersei play their tomboy parts well. The rest are shit.

Yeah, they're pretty much using the show's popularity to cram in as much YAS QUEEN as they can. That's all there is to it now.

I hope incels do more mass shootings.

No it's not. The books are the same shit.

>y-you too b-brienne

>cripple dick
>ice cock

Embrace the Shekhinah, goy

Attached: jew_looks_at_you_like_at_a_boypussi.jpg (1200x630, 137K)

Oof...OP...maybe you need to consider coitus with a female?

What is this "incel" "have sex" bullshit? Is it just baiting for replies or is it actual shills/brigading?
It's not even funny and I don't know where it came from

It unfortunately is impossible now to have a male telling a woman something or having a female be wrong or a poor leader or anything.
Thanks twitter.

Satan was an angel who seeks to be superior to God. Why would he make himself look like a monster if he wants to be perceived as grand as God? The bible says he resembles a righteous being of light in order to mislead the masses of his twisted, serpentine intentions.

It’s a force meme like sneed

It's bait for incels. It's also basically pasta for user too lame to create their own responses.

The books are so non-feminist so that the most feminist thing in it is that brienne can keep herself from getting raped most of the time.

>muh masculinity is under attack!
for fuck sake grow a Pair
Jon is going to be on the throne. Cersei will die. Danny will die.

>fucks YOU

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Get fucked

The Night King is the true man westeros needs!

same, but I don't them to target schools anymore, kids are innocent. They should target wealthy communities. Especially non gated ones that pretend they aren't wealthy (despite owning mulitiple sail boats and 3 cars).

kek, you just reminded me user, far and away the most feminist part of the story was Brienne of Tarth, and I found it fit just fine. But when you watch the show she is like a blip in a sea of other strong women, it feels fucked.

well it is a FANTASY series after all

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theon's gonna eat her out good, if he survives

Yup. It's an easy way to score moral points without creating quality television. This is such a HUGE divergence from the book in which GRRM highlights many truths about women being the weaker sex while wielding soft power. Basically the shows creators are appealing to simple minded normies with cheap girl power skits regardless of how it clashes thematically with the source material because the normies don't care about quality and will line up to watch in their soi-milk bars every Sunday anyway. Fuck this retarded 2 step captcha!

what happened in the book to these main characters? whats the book's version of them?

>Theon is beneath Yara
Theon has pledged himself to Sansa, but is welcomed by her as a brother, making him equal

>Jon Snow is beneath Daenerys
Jon is above Daenerys, as a male Targ he has a better claim to the iron throne than her, Daenerys also admits to Sansa that despite being queen she is wholesale serving Jon's agenda.

>Varys, Tyrion, and Jorah, also beneath Daenerys
Varys serves the realm, Tyrion and Jorah serve Daenerys but also serve Jon via proxy

>Gendry is weaker than Arya
Because he let her go cowgirl? You're really reaching to support your agenda and you're already factually wrong on one point, not a good sign.

>Cersei commands Euron
Euron controls the balance of power in the relationship which is why he ultimately gets to command that pussy without earning it, Cersei is only above him in title.

>Jaime serves Brienne
Jaime offers his sword to Brienne but she doesn't accept it, later, Brienne allows herself to be knighted by Jaime, putting her in a subservient position initially and then making them equals.

It's not worth addressing the rest of your rubbish.

You're actually brain damaged.

I can't accurately answer that question as I haven't read the books in years and haven't watched the show. But I can tell you that reading books almost feel like a different story, there was much more focus on the grey aspect of everybody and much, much less focus on the women, and if it did focus on them it was just to point out more grey. The show is like a Marvel version of the books.

>that belly hang

How do you know Jon Snow has a small benis


>masculinity is under attack!
It literally is though.

GRRM is pissed D&D rushed the ending, he's going to completely change up the book ending to spite them

You got time? I'm not gonna long post for no reason.

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manlet detected.

>He believes in a fantasy book written by sand kikes
You might as well make a religion around the A song of ice and fire books

guess again, that fat piece of shit has not written anything in years because he's a hack. Now he gets to copy the tv ending word for word.

>Jon Snow is beneath Daenerys
That literally ended in this episode.

Manlet detected.

iirc giants bane said so

>what to you mean some women on this show are not submissive anime waifus??

have sex

this bait doesn't deserve a (You)


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And that's a good thing!

it won't. we already have 10 Jon is Night's Watch CEO chapters in ADWD. GRRM likes his tax policies and historically accurate gender dynamics too much.

actually the books ARE feminist, they're just not the lobotomized version of feminism that is currently being pushed in every hack franchise product the US entertainment industry is producing.

You haven't read the books stop lying.


haha yes, Lena with her rich range of facial expressions

This. GRRM female characters are actually fully fleshed out characters with strengths and weaknesses who respest the men in their life(think Catelyn Stark and Yara Greyjoy) not parodies of Rosie the Riveter.


All her children are dead, was tortured by religious clerics, marched naked through town.
Raped, childless, starved in the wilderness.
Couldn't stand up to Euron, got the shit beat out of her.
Tortured by Joffrey, tortured by Cersei, raped by Ramsay.

U dumb as hell nigger, everyone gets fucked with. The core of damaging a man is diminishing his manhood, the same way that the core of damaging a female character is diminishing her womanhood.

you forgot fucking lyanna mormont. what an anoying cunt of a character


No, because the Mannis is going to win.

No it’s clear denarys is insane and Cersei is still being the drunk queen mother while king tommen and Margery fuck err day

Lurk more

>Gendry is weaker than Arya
Have sex

>the autism in here is so powerful it changes search engine results

srsly have sex dude

>denarys is showing early signs of being a crazy entitltled Targaryen. Can’t keep control of mareen and is too busy tucking Dario to do much

>cersi is drunk and paranoid while tommen and Margery fuck session all day. Jamie already told off that crazy bitch and left, the worst thing she did was have uncle kevan murderd.

>Arya is just training to be a cool assasin

>Brieanne and pod are in the clutches of a vengeful zombie Catlyn

>Sansa is the broken manipulated idiot under littlefingers control

>Doran has the sand snakes in jail before they do anything stupid

So basically nothing like the last 3 seasons of girl power nonsense

Honestly the most retarded scene was the grown ass men going "w-we are not s-soldiers sir" followed immediately after by the little girl going "yass I slayyyy". It was fucking filler, useless to literally any plot point whatsoever. Were they afraid there would be one single fucking second of the episode without a yass slayyy queen moment? Jesus Christ I cringed so much this episode, I can't wait for this shitshow to be over.

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>huge fucking wars happen over and over again
>all the manly man lords go fight while their wives sit around at home
>the men all die
>"huh dude wtf how come there's so many women around??????"
i cant imagine how a show as simple as GoT can confuse people, but I guess incels are involuntarily celibate for a reason.

The hound doesn’t answer to any woman, neither does Bran

Goes against the natural order and everything we can observe in our historic record. We have thousands of years of men building civilization and women rearing children. A woman's domain is, and always has been the home.

>Have sex

I just came deep into my wife's womb about 5 hours ago. Trying to bring a fourth boy into this world.

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m-most of the time?

>Theon has pledged himself to Sansa

Still beneath Yara and every other woman in the show. Sansa is the lady of Winterfell.

>Jon is above Daenerys, as a male Targ

No one but a select few know that. Even if it were revealed to everyone else she could still just GRRRL POWER MUH DRAGONS and take the throne like everyone else did if she wanted. As for admitting she is serving Jon, she admitted she was serving love which is just sappy nothingness for the female viewers.

>but also serve Jon via proxy

They are under Daenerys. Proxy my arse.

>Because he let her go cowgirl?

Because the show has made Arya a super ninja master killer.

>Euron controls the balance of power

Show Euron is a clown. He commands nothing and is clearly subservient to Cercei.

>and then making them equals.

He literally serving under her command when, unlike him, she's never commanded before nor has as much battle experience.

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>everyone gets fucked with

And everyone of the females you listed came out on top.

>the worst thing she did was have uncle kevan murderd.

I thought Varys did that with the fucked up goblin kids?

its just a common trope to show how bad things really are. here we have a little girl who instead of hiding is so vicious and numbed by brutality and desturction she just snarls and wants to fight; her brothers are both soldiers, the parents probably long gone and killed in a previous fight with the Lannisters or rival houses.

Jon is the top dog right now tho

Ah well maybe I hardly remeber read the book many years ago

I know, right? It's great! MGTOW BTFO!

>its just a common trope to show how bad things really are.

That grown men don't want to fight but two separate little girls actively want to? lol fuck off.

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wasn't this a period piece?
when in our history were we lead by 8 year old girls

Seething /pol/shitter

Grrm is a retarded feminist if you stupid niggers forgot

His feminism is no where near the braindead shit the show and tumblrina viewers spew out.

Yikes and fedorapilled

And yet still retarded. I have no doubt youll still have all the women being queens anyway

Idk, long time fan of the show and books, I've just fallen out of caring in the last couple seasons. At first I was curious whered they go after passing the books, but after season 6 it started setting in how bad the writing became post book seasons. S7 was killer for me, as good as the battle of the bastards was visually, the writing was still just going down the shitter. Every scene with littlefinger for example was terrible, I thought that character was supposed to be a brilliant manipulator but I guess when enough show watchers hate him they gotta write him as a bumbling idiot who cant do shit anymore.

I just turned my brain off, I enjoyed the fan service mercenary squad going north of the wall, but this show was basically just a bad fanfic at this point with how off so many of the characters were handled.

Just dont care anymore, that's my advice, watch it for the shlock it's become and you'll be happier.

>“You take great offense at dwarf jokes, but love telling eunuch jokes. Why is that?”
>My people are peaceful. We cannot protect ourselves.

Just embarrassingly bad dialogue solely constructed for the "pithy" payoff.

>on top
Cercei's power is rapidly degrading, all she has left is using her father's money and whoring out her body.
>on top
Dany just found out she got longdicked by Rhaegar
>on top
Yara lost the kingsmoot.
>on top
Sansa is middle management.

Imagine having sex with a literal bear haha

>Cercei's power is rapidly degrading

And yet she's still on top.

>Dany just found out she got longdicked by Rhaegar

And yet she still has dragons, an army of eunuchs, and ungodly smugness.

>Yara lost the kingsmoot.

Theon didn't even enter it. In fact he did the most subservient thing and promoted her for it.

>Sansa is middle management.

And yet even middle management on this show makes you above men.

Bronn works for himself. Jon is becoming independent again now that he knows hes the true King. Sam is focused on his family and is undermining dany. Cersei literally just prostituted herself for Euron. Davos, the Nightswatch, and Tormund are all following Jon not Dany. Beric and Hound are independent. Sansa and Arya are retarded STRONG WOMYN characters but there are still independent male characters, however they are probably all going to die in the battle of winterfell.

that's how I am too

for me got is only a femnist fan service ending for a series that will never get an end
I'm sure there will be better adaptations in the future
who knows how soon with how quick they're relaunching franchises now

So Tyrion pulls up a chair beside Brann at the fire and says they have all night to chat. Cut to Tyrion sitting by the fire with Jamie. Who's best to protect Brann from the Night King? Why Theon and the useless Iron born of course!

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Seems you got some weird mom issues to work through user.

Jon snow literally btfo Dany last episode and is now rightful king.

Incel virgins are the worst

>Jon snow literally btfo Dany last episode and is now rightful king.

oh is btfo being really moody and sad? He's now the rightful king because his ancestors killed the last king with their dragons and took the throne, gee I bet Dany can't do that.

they spent so fucking long building Jon up to be like Ned and then they instantly disregard that and make him Sansa and Dany's bitch

fucking hate this shit show

How the hell is Reek gonna defend Bran with only 60 men? Why didn't they put someone else on there as well?

The wildings can access that tree from literally all sides

>someone taller

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Have sex.

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Is this why they don't show Edmure or Little Robbin?

I feel exactly the same


No they think "YAS QUEEN" is what the audience wants
and unfortunately they seem to be right

Imagine being such an insecure beta faggot that a woman becoming queen in a fantasy show destroys your self worth. Holy fuck you retards are pathetic.

user in the middle ages if a noble woman order you to lick her feet you better do it or else.

imagine the emaciated basedboy claws that rattled out this post

I find it funny that you lot are the same type of people to attack lefties for being "triggered" and making a big deal out of nothing. And yet you faggots are literally having a mental breakdown and claiming your masculinity is under attack just because a show has a female cast as leads.


>period piece


It's a fucking fantasy, who gives a shit if some female characters are allowed to play a bigger part in it than they would have historically.

>And yet you faggots are literally having a mental breakdown

Imagine being this melodramatic on a Chinese Pachinko machine discussion board.

Because it isn’t done as part of the story it’s done for easy female fan girl points

she fed her rapist to his own dogs alive. that's about as justice as you're gonna get

It is pretty transparent and manipulative though. The whole story is basically, "men fuck up the planet. Women fix it."

quads of semantics

pretty cringe, try harder. name one masculine person that's in some kind of power and has any kind of respect from rest of the characters

glad you grasp the concept

The Night King.

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A fourth? You hate your kids that much?

Don't mistake hate for respect. Also the night king clearly represents the evil masculinity.

Yasss queens

In S04e10 it's revealed that Jon's benis is very girthy but "childlike in length"
basically he has a massive chode

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>Don't mistake hate for respect.

And yet you mistake fear for hate. They absolutely respect his power and you'd have to be a pea-brain to think otherwise.

Nah, the message is more that the parents fucked up the world and it's up to the new generation to fix things.

Like Dany did in Mereen.

>I just came deep into my wife's womb about 5 hours ago.
This is a disgusting way to describe having sex.

It's 2019, what did you expect? Be thankful. In 2030 men won't even on television or the internet, it will only be white women and black men. non-stop 24/7 blacked porn. Anyone who objects will instantly be labelled a Nazi and fired from their minimum wage cuck job.

Roasties on their way out as movies are slowly becoming more nigress infested than roastie nowadays.

Imagine actually believing white women won't be turned on instantly. And then the 'not black enough' crowd.

That has nothing to do with it, all lanklets are dicklets

wasted quads

have sex

You have sex first

>Every single man is beneath a woman

Not all of them user.
Join the good guys

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Does he still have his dick

It rises on his command.

>he does not know that white females only play nice with the sjw crowd just so they can be on top
>he does not know white females will turn on sjws the moment their power is threatened
>he is not preparing for the future in which white females become fully demonised

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Remember when it was a plot point that women couldnt rule or hold any power and this was hard for Ned to convince Arya of? Remember when Cersei had to shut her mouth and marry Loras because her father said so? How did all of Westeros transform from medieval tier patriarchy to full feminism in 5 years?

Ok Yea Forums screencap this. On the greentext you will see a list of names of people who are insufferable enough to survive this last season:


I will post my dick if anybody of this list dies

That's because every good man already died. Stannis, Tywin, Littlefinger, Ned stark, Robert Baratheon, Jon Arryn, the Blackfish, who else ah Doran Martell. So the wymyn took their place and do their half ass rule. The only alpha left is Euron and lots of people think he'll end up in the iron throne.

If ANY of them was alive and had the resources of one of those three incompetent bitches (sansa, cersei or daenerys) the series would be over already.

Not /OURGUY/ the night king

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I don't think any camera has a zoom function that goes that high

have intercourse

>has sex with incel
>regrets it

>samwell not dying
If they wont even kill him while he defends the pudgy best girl this show is lost

who was the disgraced kings guard that died in a back alley in some shithole defending danny?
he was the best desu

>euron alpha
>euron getting the throne

After watching "A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms" last night, I'm absolutely floored at how terrific it was. I can say that I believe it to be the best episode we've had in ages, one of the best non-battle episodes, and a standout home run for everyone involved. Last night, it felt like I was watching Game of Thrones again.

The writing was instantly better, the dialogue was natural and not inane, the scenes seemed to work perfectly; plenty of breathing space (despite how much they fitted in!) but always seemed to end at the exact moment. Whilst the premiere was a sudden jolt back into these lives, Episode 2 is a smooth and unblemished look at these characters which made me fall right back in love with all of them. In my opinion, every character beat hit and stuck with me; I laughed, I smiled, I teared up.

T. Mummies boy gentle femdom is cute natural and comfy
It's only a fictional show user separate fiction from reality next time

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(((David))) wrote it that way because those hollywood jews are all homosexual women worshippers. They love to be humiliated. They hate strong male leadership and competency and reason in power. So they idealize whimsical women to be in charge

>I laughed, I smiled, I teared up. I ctrl P'd.

This guy gets it

>If they wont even kill him while he defends the pudgy best girl this show is lost

He's obviously they guy who ends up writing down all the events in the history. He'll live.

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yeah he too, Barristan Selmy. A wasted character, had a shit anticlimatic death while taking part on the second worst arc.
>euron getting the throne
it's a possibility. he doesn't give a shit about cersei herself, he wants the throne and is kinda smart. He only needs some legitimacy.

Except he wrote Sansa being raped. Big mistake. The female social media mob didn't like that. So from now on Sansa is the smrtst person in all of the lands. Powerful smirk.

Brienne of Tarth is the only woman on the show worthy of respect for her success in pretending to be a man. Daenerys is already wanting to chimp out all the time, it would only take a little push to turn her into another mad king. The mormont girl is going to soon regret pretending to be both an adult and a man, when an ice zombie shows her the difference between a 250 pound man and a little 90 pound girl. That's the real difference between men and women in the "modern" world. Jon Snow spends all of his time thinking about how to be a good man and honorable, meanwhile all the women think about how they can pretend to be a man better: by being cruel, ruthless, how they can better become skewed caricatures of the thing they are not. Tom boy Aryia Stark has given herself PTSD in her pursuit of pretending to be a man.

brienne and arya have both earned their skills. what spoils Arya is her show-off attitude. The rest of the women had everything handed to them.

left can't meme

Have a sex

>The mormont girl is going to soon regret pretending to be both an adult and a man

That character was cute in the sense that she was trying to be an adult for the sake of her people but of course the show writers had to take it to the nth degree of retardation and put her on the battlefield. She'll probably cut down a few whitewalkers at this point.

Being a magic ninja is not an earned skill

Aryas autism ruins it, she failed to become a faceless man yet still acts like one
Its jarring

Brienne is super stoic and knightly whilst most of the male cast get to have way more depth than just "im a knight"

They live in a world where being a weak will get you ripped from power and being powerless will get you shipped of to marry some guy and promptly raped

Being a hardass is only natural

Bit retarded they let her in the front lines
I liked her when she was involved in the politics tho

She has literally been training daily and without heed of location since she was a little girl, has been in a number of fights, and has assassinated an entire great house and a good number of individuals. She may come across as a magic ninja, but she's actually developed her skills.

If we got someone fighting like, say, Danaerys, that'd be genuine bullshit.

yeah it is, why would you think it's not? if a wizard teached you how to cast a fireball while doing a backflip, wouldn't it be a skill? remember this is a fantasy story

Yes I agree they just went to far with her because the DNC wants to lower the age of voting

We actually watched her be trained by the faceless man. She had barely started her training before she ran off. The idea that she is now a master killer who can easily beat knights in combat is preposterous.

>criticize wymyn
>retarded soibois warms in
>Ctrl+f "incel"
>Ctrl+f "have sex"
the left can't into intelligence

I still can't believe they are having AoC on playing a "badass Latina" Legolas.

The faceless men teaching her to assasinate niggas and change face was alright

Her 1v1ing a knight with infinitley more combat experience was too much
The minitue she fucked brienne pornhub style was the minute we all learned she invincible

She reads actually looks like a self insert

you respond
they win

>she failed to become a faceless man
i think the show heavily implied that she became a faceless man with a face, as she would not leave her identity behind, and jaqen h'gar accepted it. I think it was a pretty nice character development, not gonna lie.

And you're still watching.

Where does that put you?

>you respond
>they win
I know, /pol/ always win

She'd been training in swordfighting, chicken catching, and other shit as early as season 1, and since then, she's killed a number of people up to the faceless men. They just molded her to learn how to assassinate people.

have sex

Lucifer =/= Satan.
That shit isn't canon anyway.

>Jon Snow: small penis

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false quads

>She'd been training in swordfighting, chicken catching, and other shit as early as season 1

And knights have been training longer than that.

>I think it was a pretty nice character development, not gonna lie.
I agree
Her personality however and the waifs are almost exactly the same
If shes no longer a faceless man at least have her act like a real human

Shes not fucking season 1 Jaime lannister
how the fuck is she fighting off brienne 1v1 without the use of a surprise attack


Forgot the erectile dysfunction

Attached: Untitled-2.jpg (1857x1023, 131K)

besides, the water dance is implied to be more advanced than the westerosi form of combat. Syrio Forell beat up three lannister guards with a wooden sword, a water dancer nearly killed Jorah Mormont (before he was ex-machina'd) and for the hound what mattered was not quickness, but armor and a big fucking sword.

Worst Characters:
1. Stannis Baratheon (King of stupid. So vile, burned his own kid. Should have bent the knee to Renly. Worshipped by incels.)
2. Robert Baratheon (Stupid and cucked by Cersei. Indirect cause of everything wrong. Has no character but memes.)
3. Jaime Lannister (Slave to her sister's cunt. Mostly a smug idiot. Forced redemption arc that doesn't make sense.)
4. Baelish (Always thinks he is smarter than he actually is even when truly smart characters like Sansa are involved.)
5. Cersei Lannister (Ruined lots of lives. Stupid and arrogant. Foolishly opposes my Dany. Doesn't know when to give up.)

Best Characters:
1. My lovely Dany (Most deserving of the Throne. Best girl, best khaleesi, best queen. Most pure and beautiful. Cute dragons.)
2. Sansa Stark (Smartest Character, defeated Cersei, Baelish, Ramsay. Greatest characted development. Keeps up with my Dany.)
3. Arya Stark (Based assassin, suffered the most out of everyone but always pulls through. My savage little wolf cub.)
4. Tyrion Lannister (Smart and funny dwarf. Removed Tywin, another nonsensical patriarchal archetype that was shitting up the plot.)
5. Brienne of Tarth (Loyal and just to a fault. Completely destroyed the hound who exemplifies toxic masculinity. Justly executed the worst character.)

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Yep. Don't give the people what they want, show them what they want. Dabid is too jewish to understand this, he'll chase his shekel off the cliff

low quality bait

>Sirio Forell was killed by a knight .
Jorah killed a Dotraki
The montain killed oberyn

Dont feed the troll

>best character
stopped reading right there

Either you are a woman or a faggot or both

Literally kill yourself

This! (if she wants)

Sirio was unarmed in a 4x1.
Oberyn died because he was stupid.
Jorah won thanks to his armor, which caught the arakh and surprised the bloodrider.

i know its bait but this is the reason i hate got now. Dany char development was awful. She only flex her bloodline to get what she wants.

>>Doran has the sand snakes in jail before they do anything stupid
More like they do anything MORE stupid, like teaming up with Darkstar again after that hothead cut Mircella's ear.

i thought grey worm had no dick either

thought for sure redditors made it up. now i dont know what to think

>lists 3 valid examples and 7 unrelated facts

huh, what u mean

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Thirsty for the hag
OP is right

based Yea Forumschads living inside this /pol/tardetty's head rent free

>he wouldn't want to fuck the tallest woman he's ever seen
>he wouldn't want to make babies with her
>babies that would conquer the world

Brienne was deathflagged big time in episode 2. I doubt she survives episode 3. Having muh stronk wymynz demands that at least one of them get a heroic death.

I know this is b8 but medieval warfare had comparatively low casualties compared to most other periods of war, especially amongst the knighthood and nobility. Generally battles would end with one side fleeing and then most of their army deserting or being captured. Massive casualty percentages are a relatively modern invention.

You chimps are so fucking boring and uncreative.

It took you that many seasons to notice ?
My fucking sides.

MFW You'll never fuck a lady of winterfell despite being a true born member of a nobel family

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But he never denies reality, which is the main thing libcucks and feminists do today that make normal people despise them. But yeah, the characters are slightly feministic but also more realistic.

>The Testosterone Hypothesis
Redpill me on this book plz, it sounds really interesting

I hope NK wins and purges the westeros degeneracy

Yeah he did. But Cersei did kill everyone else useful in Kings landing. Killing Kevan was just to to avoid him fixing Cercei's mess, and oh boy is she making a mess of things.

As much as I don’t care for everything about him, think about long term... imagine the fucking children him and Brienne would have. Huge, strapping, broad shouldered mother fuckers with access and connections to the most powerful people on the planet.


Me again. They’d be the Cleganes but educated/refined.

She preggers with the next generation of Baratheon's

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Smol Pecker - Giantsbane

You forgot :
> Jon is midget too. Just 5ft8. Heheh, incel.
> Jorah : turbo cuck
> Drogon : cuckold and incel. Second dragon is incel too.
> STRONG QUEEN of House mormont

Every M-F conversation basically
> Sup bitch, make me a sword
> Yes please, may I serve you, please if you have me.
> Stronk wymen rolls eyes and walks away.

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emcel detected

Sorry bro, but
> Orbiter
> Literally giantess femdom titsucking for 3 months
> Reason why he is so strong
> Giantess' husband was stupid cuck to get killed by a human.

ya no

discord tannies

>Every single fucking man in the show
Night King


In fact I think there's a much higher standard for men in this series, they all have some amount of complexity and are generally good actors, but for women they just have to act bitchy, skulk in front of a window, frown and voila

imagine having a dick so small to post like this

They fear the wizard, so they attack the source of his power. They try to goad him into having sex, in order to blind his 3rd eye.

That's the truth sweaty, women are in control from behind the shadows. They are the true puppeteers, the jews.

laughably bad analysis

>>Sansa: QUEEN of the North
lol she's the Lady of Winterfell but Jon is the lord and Warden of the North.

Sounds wholesome, actually. Hope she's fertile and loves her children.

You forgot the smug smirk. Never forget the smug smirk.

The future is female. Incels BTFO

why did they spend so much effort walling in a fucking tree? i dont watch the show


The future is female. I, for one, welcome our new overlords.

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Why the fuck are you in this thread then?

Yeah all of the actually interesting characters are male, but the female audience is too stupid and shallow to reject pandering in favour of something more challenging so they don't realize what they are missing

I didn’t even think of this. Is your masculinity so fragile that a show with fucking dragons and zombies doesn’t bother you but queen monarchs holding power do? How are you this much of a pussy?

>commandeer beloved IP
>inject it with obnoxious identity politics
>claim that anyone who objects is in fact the party guilty of politicizing their humble light entertainment product

You Jews are smart I'll give you that

>Jon Snow small penis
Never had a problem with sex
Has had sex with 4 women
Still virile
He's not humble he is a zombie and raped Septa Unella
Apparently magical in bed, prostitutes give him his money back
She is only a Lady.

Reach harder, will you?

He is reborn

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what about the nights king

Thats why im rooting for the Night King

Winterfell looks pathetically small
and absolutely nothing outside the walls?
no town? nuthin?
too much dragon budget