Guy you never met approaches you

>guy you never met approaches you
>"please listen to me about the war"
>know from early childhood that Jorah bought and traded slaves then fled from home, forever dishonoring your entire household
>abandoned his father who died alone beyond the wall
>have capable men you trust all around you, ready to give advice and protection
>people on Yea Forums don't understand why some girl wouldn't want to deal with her scumfuck loser uncle

Strangk wyminz and shit sure, but she shouldn't have even given him the space to talk to her one on one. She even wished him fucking well. Imagine your uncle fucks over your whole family and then tries to lecture you. 100% justified and correct.

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have stronk wymin gone too far?

>that fucking costume design

she probably doesn't even remember that about Jorah, she's a child, he could just easily say "lol no"

it didnt bother me that much, the mormonts barely have any influence so having a legendary leader who fought in the most important war when she was a little girl could be a big boost

They are cousins he isn’t her uncle

I think she looks cool desu

all the the guards advisers and minor lords around her would remember I think. It's kind of a big deal though everyone in the north would know of the only person to ever trade in slaves and got banished by a person they would willingly die for.

That scene was alright, it's the scene with triple chin Gilly and the 5 year old "I WONNA FOIGHT TWO!" girl that got me cringing.

I unironically liked that scene more, because it was about how not all women are capable of shit.

So even less deserving of her attenion

Legendary Lord of Bear Island famed for fighting in the Greyjoy rebellion proved himself so much that the King of the seven kingdoms knighted him personally. His fleeing Westeros after being caught selling slaves is the sole reason your mother his auntie became Lord of Bear Island and now you are Head of House Mormont.
But she doesn't know that simple story and background because she is young? But being young is fine for ruling the island and making important decisions.

Nah fuck you your a cunt making excuses for a character you like.

Realistically, she would get impaled by a white walker's javelin or trampled within the first 10 seconds of the battle, but knowing this show, she'll most likely go full Rambo next week and mow down the dead like it's no big deal while somehow surviving until the end of the battle.

Why doesn't someone deflower Lyanna before shes goes on what might be her last battle?

was he trading slaves in westeros?
theres no evidence of slavery n westoros

He caught some poachers and sold them to a trader. Eddard later found out and ordered his death.

Let's be honest, she took a servant into her quarters and went to town with a wooden strapon

Still hoping terror freezes her and she runs away.

Isn't it amazing that every noble in westeros always has a spare group of pretentious liberal arts college graduates around when they need someone to design their armor or costumes?

yea it's more cooler than it should be.

unironically best girl

'Member when every character didn't dress like a Sith?

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It's more like scorpius

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What did she do to earn a maesters ring? I guess she smithed it herself after informing the blacksmiths of winterfell how to add leather.