
Which costume was your favorite?

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The Arkham Knight one in the back

Affleck w/o armor

How did they make the video game in the back real?

Arkham Origins

Affleck's with West's color scheme

Artistically, Keaton's was purest kino


Clooney unironically

This. I like nipples

where is clooney's nipple suit?


bales is pure kino for aesthetics and functionality

Far left, but far right was cool too. Batfleck got the best batsuits.

They're toys

not picking Icemans Batsuit

Batman Begins not DK/DKR


Original Adam West

Where's Val Kilmer?

Attached: batman1.jpg (1179x1500, 210K)

theyre all shit

BatBale's head and neck look so weird, like a featherless chicken.

Batman Begins.

>"but it's not functional"
It's a fucking movie.
