Honestly, how did these become so critically and commercially hailed as the best movies of all time?

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Because they are the best movies of all time.

Also, how the fuck are these sometimes referred to as "guy movies"

Mafia money.

The mafia needed a way to make their crime look cool and sympathetic. So they turned to the Jews in Hollywood for MAXIMUM EFFECT.

marlin brando sounds like he's drunk in the first one. it's pretty funny

you need a certain level of intelligence to understand these films. low iq peasants will not appreciate them


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By being some of the best films of all time.

People were more intelligent back then. They didn't pretend capeshit could be best film of them year

Godfather is one of those movie series that only you can truly understand as you get older as a man I don't think females really understanding Godfather like a man would.

only romcoms can qualify as chick movies. Everything else is fundamentally a guy movie

It insists upon itself.

For some reason crime dramas are really popular with critics

i've only seen the first one, is the second one good?

A s.oiboi would not place the Godfathers as the best films of all time.
Nice try though.

The second one is better than the first,if you can believe that. They truly are the greatest movies of all time. All those who disagree are wrong.

sure they would. Godfather, Kill Bill, Pulp fiction, Star wars, Goodfellas

It's better than the 1st by a significant margin

>The second one is better than the first
very sick of this lie. First one is far superior

No, too problematic. They would unironically say something more like Get Out.

that's something a zoomer fag would say

that's good to hear, the first one is one of my favorite movies of all time, its just so good, even being 3 hours long you're always paying attention to it. never a dull moment.

It's also the only good book that Puzo ever wrote. Everything since has been absolute drek. Also Godfather III was a crime and should not be acknowledged in any way as part of the series.

That's exactly why an aging s.oiboi would love it. You're confusing pleb tastes with s.oiboi tastes. Joe sixpack, jose sixpack, and jamal fourtyounce will all put Godfather and Goodfellas in their top 5.

So nobody would watch this movie

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White elephant effect. It's a Olymphian movie, with large escale, just like Ctizen Kane. It has massive effect to the eyes, on multiple levels.

They both are incredible movies, but DeNiro as Vito in Sicily and Michael coming into his own as the ruthless psychopath he was gave it to II for me.

I've seen it. Wasn't bad

I'm still sad we didn't get more young Vito, and also sad that old Vito seemed to have completely abandoned the idea of improving his neighborhood

I think it has to do with acting, lighting, style that was really groundbreaking at the time. Not a fan of it though

Seeing him take vengeance on that old Don for killing his family was epic. Giant knife across his torso. Unbelievable talent went into both films.

>Seeing him take vengeance on that old Don for killing his family was epic
this shit is why people think the 2nd one is better. MUH ACTION. FIRST ONE IS TOO BORING. It's like people who prefer the 2nd alien and T2 over the originals. The first ones are just better movies at the end of the day

Forget the story, Did you see the way he killed that guy? EPIC

>morons like mobies so mobies bad

the action in the first one is better though, it's just that dumb zoomers fell asleep before that

The killing of Vito's mother was the best kill in the Godfather movies tho.

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You definitely have a pulp fiction poster in your room

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nice try, poser

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Very underrated movie, I don’t know why it isn’t discussed more often.

There is a chronological compilation of both movies that include a lot of deleted scenes, including more young Vito. It is only available on VHS. I don’t know how it has yet to be released on DVD or stream.


because its over 4 hours long

They're a really good example of no bullshit filmmaking, just a lot of great acting and scenes.

read the book, first it's great, second it has everything you require in this post
Old Vito didn't abandon the idea of making his neighborhood a better place, at all, his mansion is located in Long Beach, where he owns several properties, and he gave Sonny the mission to clean the place of all small time burglers, dishonest plumbing companies, etc. as one of his first assignments when they moved in the area. It's not in the movie, probably for lack of time, but don't get sad about that because he didn't forget anything.

Are they edited together coherently? Often enough, deleted scenes were obviously deleted for a reason (i.e. not fitting in with the rest of the story)

I 100% forgot the movies are based on a book
Thanks for the recommendation, friend

In the books, young Vito received a wound on his throat. Brando tired to emulate that with his nice.

You now remember that Brando cucked himself out of millions of dollars from the Godfather franchise because he literally needed cash for fast food

What's pretty great is that they aren't so much based on the book as they were written pretty much at the same time, the book came out a couple years earlier but Coppola was already working on the project, and Mario Puzo worked on the movie as well.
There are also a few kino scenes that are sadly not in the movies, like the death of Genco, Vito's lifelong Consigliere before Tom, thoroughly recommend it, it's a great read.
I'm pretty sure he doesn't, it's Fanucci who gets his throat sliced (which Vito witnesses and Fanucci survives).

Yeah I'm sure he was destitute without that money

I'm sure he cared a great deal about that
oh wait

"I spent my whole life trying not to be careless. Women and children can be careless. But not men."

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You're overusing "pretty", most of the time you can just straight up leave it out
I know it feels weird to state absolutey without a softening adverb but it reads better

He did
He was supposed to be in part 2 but wanted to be paid all the money he didnt get for part 1 so they wrote him out

who gives a pretty shit

state absolutes* durr

You're 'pretty' retarded user

That's not really why I feel II is better, it was just a good scene. I don't share your psychotic passion about the topic either, so let's just agree to disagree.

What a pretty post

Go fuck your pretty self, fucking moron.


Also all the Hollywood and Las Vegas subplot with orgies and pussy tightening operations.

there are no orgies but pretty accurate representation of pedophilia and sex-for-work in hollywood
pussy tightening is the pleb filter.

It was purposely buried. The original release cut it down from 6 hours to 1.5, making it almost unrecognizable. The 4 hour release showed what a masterpiece it was.

You cant make a movie about the Jewish mafia without pushback

my bad i had forgotten that someone was banging cocktail waitresses two at a time