Will it be better than Helm’s Deep?

Will it be better than Helm’s Deep?

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You now realize they're going to waste a whole episode on the "kill the NK, and the rest will poof" theory which will obviously not work.

Not a chance in hell, it won't even be better than the Battle of Blackwater
But that won't stop the retards from declaring it the best thing ever, just look at how they orgasmed over the disaster that was the Battle of the Bastards

GoT has and will never suroass LotR in any way shape or form

Who is the strongest white walker?

It will be as good as the but where legolas skates down the stairs on a shield yes

>which will obviously not work
except it will totally work, and then it will be as if none of it ever happened

I always hated this cliche shit

Every alien invasion movie ends like that with a “control ship” or something. even the first avengers ended like that and it made 0 sense there. And now even bloody game of thrones is gonna do it

According to the preview, no because it'll all take place in the dark full of fog to cover/hide the CGI.

the one with the biggest ice prick

I agree but that works fine for game of thrones. Actually that's precisely the situation where this works. When you deal with a necromancer you have to either kill him or make him cancel the spell to make the dead rest again, for it's his power that runs through them.

Why not just wait outside until dumb humans starve to death inside?

>the phantom menace
>Independence Day
What else had this trope?

Metal Slug

>army of hundreds of thousands of wights/white walkers descending upon Winterfell
>all we get is a quick glance at the frontline
>see pieces of wood on a table to get a sense of the defending army

with Helms Deep, you could SEE the massive scale of the battle. In GoT, they do every shortcut and budget cutting possible to avoid any grand visuals.

we've yet to see even a single shot like this, of a couple dozen archers preparing for the war.

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I just hope no import characters die off screen.
>such a shame that Theon went out that way.

helms deep is what sansa and royce are planning for the eyrie

>it won't even be better than the Battle of Blackwater
>implying it was even that good

>Budget for LOTR The Two Towers(4h runtime): $94m
>Budget for GoT s8 (7h runtime): $90m
GoT has around the same budget as The Two Towers but has to stretch that budget over 7 hours, whereas LOTR was under 4 hours.

it will work, maybe with some delay or side reason but they have no other way of actually besting the dead.

well we just had an hour of talking in rooms.

>Be Craster
>Be Wildling
>Spawn an entire harem
>Give the boys to the Others, since they're all defective and weak, due to incest
>Be told you're trash and subhuman due to being a Wilding
>Turns out your seed is superseed, even the rejects are oneshotting everything they meet
>YFW your discards wipe out everyone who ever looked down on you

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>twenty years of improved technology
>costs of costumes, sets etc. amortised over eight seasons
>most of it people being in a room creepily talking to each other in veiled threats

Yeah, this is one situation where it's actually part of the story and not just some last minute made up bullshit, because they've been teasing it ever since they showed the NK's creation, and you now know he created every walker. It just makes sense that killing him would cause, at least, all the regular soldiers to die. The other white walkers might still be alive and have to be killed, though, since they're not actually dead.

>people think the humans will win this battle

Lol they are obviously going to lose and have to flee south. This isn’t the big finale

I thought battlenof the bastards was fun to watch

I mean, as an actual battle being realistic it was retarded but I was cool to watch

Ancient warfare

The Lord of the Rings
Ender's Game but it worked and it was used only at the beginning. Read the books, they're amazing.

Nah, supposedly each episode was worth 10 million. They definitely splurged on the battle scenes because that's all GOT has left going for it at this point. With it being the last season and ultimate end to the story, it needs to go out with a bang. It already has the hype from that, so they can afford to throw money at this to make it the best is could possibly be, because no one wants this show to leave a bad taste as it ends.

This. It won't even be better than Spoils of War.

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Star Wars, they kill the Emperor and destroy the second death star and the Empire enacts some shitty protocol where they start destroying their own planets and collapse within a year.
While in the old Canon the Empire starts infighting, but still the individual factions control most of the galaxy, and remains a galactic power even 100 years after the original trilogy

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Battle of Blackwater was bad. Spoils of War, Battle of Bastards and Wight Hunt had way better battles.

God they dropped the ball so hard in Disney wars

They could have made an interesting story of a galaxy not dominated by single powers but several vying empires batting it out

Ya know, wars in the stars

All I know is that Jaime's duel with The Night's King will be nothing short of pure, unfiltered kino. It will make all retarded Dabid shit worth it, a million voices will shout KINGSLAYER in unison in front of their tv screens as Azor Jaime fulfills his destiny.

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I hope that happens but it’s have to happen later in the season

Preferably in the thrown room in Kong’s Lansing

>Stops riding
>"Winterfell. City of Winter Kings."
>Keeps riding

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It costs $20 to film misandei and greyworm talking and we’ve had about an hour and a half of it

It has already surpassed it.

>tfw asked to leave again

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It would also mean a larger variety in foes. Imagine a galaxy where one star system is controlled by imperials who believe Palpatine to be a God and fight like fanatics. While another warlord acts like a pirate or nomadic king, and has filled his ranks with cutthroats and mercenaries

I have a fantasy about dominating women who prefer to dominate men. Pushing her into a wall and making her submit would be so satisfying.

In the old Thrawn canon the Emperor is also psychically boosting/controlling the performance of the soldiers and pilots which is why the rebels aren't totally destroyed by the Imperial fleet once the emperor dies.

If I have to see this bullshit one more time I'm going to murder D&D. What a fucking waste of screen time. "See look we have black people and they feature prominently in the show we are so diverse," fuck off, they are fucking boring and no one cares about either of them even after four seasons of this shit.

this dumb unwashed motherfucker became the catalyst of probably millions of deaths

just like real life, bravo GRRM

>Thrown room
>Kongs Lansing

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>Kong’s Lansing

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Why would the Walkers descent upon Winterfell?
Now I am no tactician or anything but if I were a undead skeleton lord of a skeleton army I see 2 better options: Since my army doesn't need food I just let them surround the castle and wait.
The other option would be to ignore the castle and ravage the countryside a little. As far as I know, there is no way to kill any of my soldiers except with plotsteel and plotstone. Nothing would could stop me from ruining everything and maybe the peasants might even revolt.

Donkey Kong Country series by HBO fucking WHEN

Who should play King K Rool Bros?

based strokeposter

these battle scenes are all the same... crowds of people running at each other.. arrows.. fighting you cant even follow... its so cliche and boring

what smut do you read?

It COULD be what's happening. The dead army is just growing exponentially. Everyone they claim becomes another soldier. They could also be sweeping east and west of Winterfell, heading south, and will keep the castle surrounded while they multiply their army claiming all the unprepared lands elsewhere.

aaaaaaaaaaa yes please let it be real

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An full army of white walkers. Nights King has take the undead south with him

Low quality bait user.

thank god someone said the obvious
20 years of CGI
fucking DIGITAL video
improved materials
more skilled personnel (can be debated) mostly due to wider spread of arts due to internet\share of information
>still can't compete with LOTR

GoTfags should kill themselves, would make my work and the entire world a better place

saw 1 episode way back when and I refuse to watch it ever since

Legend of the Galactic Heroes

I mean if you're a necromancer and use your mana to bring back the dead as your thrall servants, it makes sense killing you will interrupt that bond.

Where the fuck are the dothraki? You barely see them and if you look at the strategy table, Dany's forces don't look much bigger than the north's. They are supposed to be the biggest group.

>No karl urban
Not a fucking chance.

it will work retard

night king just isn't going to show in this episode, he'll be too busy flying to kings landing, by episode 5 or 6 he'll be killed and that's when all the wights will get poofed

They're playing the role of the Light Brigade in this reenactment of the Battle at Balaclava.

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realistically half of danys army is either dead or deserted because of the climate
but since its nu-got they probably surf on burning horses or something similarly retarded next episode

So just 1 question, why isntead of swords,lances,axes,etc they didn't just build a shit-ton of dragonglass arrows and make it rain on the army, even assuming the worst case escenario with this tactic they would had wiped the 80% of everything coming closer to them and then outnumber(which is the main dificulty in this battle) the army of death.

Low quality post. Only S1 of this show was good. The rest is soap

It has definitely surpassed every single show in the history of kino.

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It won't even be better than Pelennor Fields and the bullshit ghost army.

Because once they run out of arrows they're fucking dead but why the fuck are they wasting glass on axes instead of making a shit-ton of lances and wooden shields? It's not like the zombies will do anything but charge at them.

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the budget for the helm's deep battle was was probably 3-4x the entire season's budget

Why are the flanks pointed inward? Wouldn’t that allow the Night King’s army to envelope them: the worst outcome possible?

LOTR 2- 94 mil
Season 8- 80 mil

Leonidas and his 300 men armed with Dragonglass vs 1000000 White Walkers, who wins?

The idea is that they charge and slaughter each other before the undead army catches up to then, thus sparing each other a grizzly death of being torn apart.
Just like sending the army OUT of the castle in the first place is a genious move.

Didn’t it work when they stopped one of the walkers and a bunch of the wights he raised all dropped?

But isn't dragonglass the magic killer just for the white one's and not the wights?

>D&D trying to incept the idea that removing an evil leader will eliminate all evil and hoping someone gets a wild hair up their ass

Yeah you can just burn the wights with regular fire but that's quite a bit harder in winter.

Do the white walkers have recoilless rifles for arms?

Mars attack

Well unless they have some kind off highly flammable substance they could use, hmmmm I am straining to think of one. But anyways, another question does dragonglass instagib wights? If so I see it's value.

>Star Wars, they kill the Emperor and destroy the second death star and the Empire enacts some shitty protocol where they start destroying their own planets and collapse within a year.
AAAAND then Sheev was still alive so nothing makes sense

Probably not.

where are the dragons in the battle plan

You'd have to be special kind of madman to transport the stuff from King's Landing to Winterfell.

This will be like Clegane Bowl but only half as hype which mean it's only far superior to helms deep.

They're not participating, they're hiding to attack the Night King when he goes for Bran.
Yes. The only thing that can obliterate an army of undead is NOT PARTICIPATING.


The night king isn't with them he's headed to kings landing. Remember Daenerys dream of snow in KL and Brans vision of a dragon flying over KL

Sure, but it is a mad situation. That or move the alchemists and their materials. Admittedly time is short and you would be better off not holding at Wintefell but Moat Caillin or somewhere else, but fuck tactics.

I seem to recall one putting a hole in a dragon at over a thousand yards...

My prediction without even watching the first episode of this season is that Craster's white walkers will lead a mission to Winterfell where they will lose. However, the Night King will invade and take control of King's Landing while the armies are distracted in Winterfell.

>winter is coming for like 10 years
>its finally over in 1 episode

is that suppose to be impressive or hard to top?

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I think they want to be longer

Big finale will be NK and his new Lannister army vs the motley crew

Looks like the golden company are gonna become Jobbers

The WWs have one horrendous weakness that if you kill one of them the wights under their control die as well. Same for the dragon, just shoot it with dragonglass and bang the dirt is gone. Pretty flawed

That was the Night King throwing a Lance.

it's flawed because the NK seemingly has no special powers and will die when plot demands it. yeah, he can raise the dead but other than he's what? good with the sword? get him 1v1 with a good swordmaster armed with valyrian steel and NK is fucking toast.

Yea so amazing that some random kid could invent tactics that have been perfected by the military long ago.

fuckin better be
helms deep was 17 years ago

The costumes look like shit compared to season 1. Also you dont stock costumes like that.

>Daario Naharis fist appears
>is a fascinating character and a really good actor
>next season
>replaced by some nobody who's so godawful and boring that everyone forgets who he is in 5 minutes
how do you fuck up so bad

>Seemingly has no special powers
That motherfucker froze the air around dragon fire to the point that he could casually walk through it and throw a spear made of True Ice like a goddamned Olympic javelin thrower into the jugular of a Dragon.

This stuff is so weird. Sansas marriage should be annuled by someone who claims to carey a crown asap. Then he should have someone from his house marry her or at least arya. Right now no stark is in a marriage. There are no heirs. This is not how feudalism works. Reee

Ed Skrein was fucked over by internal politics. He wanted to continue the role, but they had promised bland boy a part so they made the change.

To be fair neither is particularly accurate.

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Hot gates scenario? If they can only come a few at a time it's worth talking about but anything else is utter annihilation for the 300. They tire, walkers don't. They get rolled over.

S2 was okay ignoring the filler whore sub-plot.

Tolkien is to creative literary genius what Martin is to hack pulp idiocy. They both so far surpass anyone else in their field that they will be remembered 1,000 years from now as a kind of yin and yang of fantasy, a Manichaen duality of speculative letters. For every sublime, luminous beauty that Tolkien has gifted the world, Martin has cursed us with a tedious, banal ugliness. It is unfair to compare the two directly on any one point, because Martin is in every way the anti-Tolkien, patently sterile, parasitical, and inferior, but so much so that he becomes a monument in his own right, and counterbalances Tolkien. Could one exist without the other? Tolkien obviously could. But it is only by the contrast that Martin offers that we can truly appreciate the full depths and heights of Tolkien. Our understanding of Tolkien would be incomplete if Martin had never set pen to page. It is through only the abject failure and futility of Martin that we can approach an apprehension of the true scope and scale of Tolkien's hitherto inconceivable greatness. Perhaps this is what Tolkien had in mind when he wrote about the Music of the Ainur. If Tolkien is a subcreator in the image of Eru, truly Martin is like unto Melkor. It is only reflected in the awfulness of the one that we can fully see the goodness of the other.

If this is true why hasn't the branbot9000 seen it
He seems to think he can lure him to the godswood

>which will obviously not work.
lmfao you people are so fucking retarded. it will work because there is only 4 more episodes left in this dumb show. you can't have the nk win in the next episode and lose one episode later. If we had an entire 10 episode season you could do it but after next weeks episode there is only 3 more episodes. they need to wrap this shit up not have the bad guy keep winning

No, the budget for LOTR2 was about the same as Season 8.

liked it but it a bit repetitive, needs some work to become truly great

to me it's weird that they didnt even attempt to get someone close looking. people thought it was a different character.

And stupid ass dragons, and flying around on dragons and CGI ships, etc.

As someone whose only into S3 so far but I have to ask this: why are the sword fights so fucking shit in this series despite it having a massive budget for each season and each episode in said season? The fights, particularly the sword/weapons ones are just like early 90s tier Xena/Hercules low-budget level bad.

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So what happens if they do resolve the conflict with the Walkers in the next episode? How the fuck are they going to drag the King's Landing shit out for the other three episodes unless the other dragons die as well?

>Jaime in thrown room
>of Kong’s Lansing
So he's finally here, performing for you
If you know the words, you can join in too
Put your hand together, if you want to clap
As we take you through this incest rap.

Because they need to point to where the enemy is

Why don't the ice dudes just walk around Winterfell?

le meme

That giant, mag the mighty. More like mag the bender am I right

Based retard

well either two things. their plan to kill him will fail, or killing him will have unforseen consequences

Snow as in Jon snow

they want bran for some reason

2 episodes dedicated to night King/bran
2 dedicated to closure

If Battle of the Bastards is any indication, then no.
The whole using Bran as bait plan already sounds stupid as fuck. Why exactly would the NK need to expose himself like that instead of just killing everyone else first.

>he still firmly believes in disney happy endings

yeah when i watched the next season i was like who is this random fuck. surely i wasn't drunk enough to forget an entire character.

I'll not be reading any books by that homophobe

Haven't we seen the White Walkers controlling/commanding the Undead?

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Yeah because normies want it dumbass. The show doesn't cater to Yea Forums spergs

so far this season suck af
so a big NO

Why the fuck hasn't Jamie thought to ask Gendry to create a sword blade attachment for his right hand stump?

>Will it be better than Helm’s Deep?

>Comparing the greatest fantasy battle ever to this shit show

Bonce ronce

S5 and onwards is much shittier than Season 1-4 if you didn't know already, since they ran out of books

Ender's Game

when did they even decide to call that one white walker night king?

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Why don’t they WW go around winterfell? It’s not like it blocks the road to anywhere, they could just skip it and march south gathering more and more troops and then literally just starve every single person in winterfell out and not risj anything?

it was good until the knights of the vale showed up riding invincible horses and mowed down Ramsay's army. they had a fucking giant held at bay ffs. and we're supposed to think horses suddenly became stronger than rhinos.

In this episode Bran literally explained the Night King wants to kill him the most to erase his memory shit.

>someone made 200 white tiles just to show a mass of dead people in no particular formation.

It's silly to expect hollywood blockbuster tier battles from a tv show

Wrong. Night King will show up to kick the shit out of the Lannister army towards the end.

Calling it now there's gonna be a based cavalry charge by the Knights of the Vale. That's why we keep seeing Sansa meeting with Royce. Either that or the Eyrie becomes a fallback stronghold.

bran said it

Why didnt they dig a moat?

since s7 they've clearly had some fruitcake come in to redo all the costumes. there's this retarded change in style clearly visible. Everyone's gone from wearing age-appropriate gear to wearing tacky suits. You really can see it, even without a damn eye for it.
which means, the cost is still there.

Night King will show up at the end of the battle to wipe out the incoming Lannister army and add them to his own.

Yeah I get that, but why hit winterfell now? Why not wait a few months until you have 1 million wights, plus if you turn all of Westeros then it matters not if bran is still alive, what is he gonna do about it? I really hope that isn’t the actual motivation for the NK as that’s weak as fuck

so what the fuck holds the zombies back from surrounding winterfell? should take them less than 15 minutes.


If you know anything about feudal society you'd know that no claimant to the throne would willingly weaken their support by granting annulments to marriage which is seen as sacred. Henry the 8th only got away with it due to being king already.

i am pretty sure jon mentioned that name first after hardhome

>those candles placed on the parts of the map where forests are
is that a hint that they plan on setting them on fire to prevent the whites from using them for cover to flank around the back? that's what should happen at least since this is literally a final stand.

Yeah I see your point, that's why him and the dragon being at King's Landing next episode would be a neat twist.

Itll work. Its just destroying his body isnt enough. There will be some weird tree net battle inside the network where Bran self destructs to burn down the net. Mgiht need a simutanious attack on the tree from the outside at the same time from John. Also Dany will help on dragon back making the dragon have three heads.

to be fair, they're probably scared shitless of these one-man tanks who can literally throw a spear of instant-dead at a goddamn dragon.
seriously, nobody found it at all odd that that WW just hefts his spear, chucks it without effort, and it 1 hit KOs the dragon?

Yeah that would be good, if somehow the northmen win but NK isn’t among them, plus then he remains the big bad and they can have a throne room fight this making Fatty’s ice throne vision legit

Game of Thrones at its absolute peak (season 1-3) is not even half as good as LotR.

Season 2 cost 88m, I struggle to believe that the finale season would cost less.

>what is consummation?

>Saw one episode
>Makes buttblasted generalisation about entire show
So educated!

Didn't Cersei use all the wildfire blowing up the Sept?

Jon kills the Night King next episode. The preview shows him next to that stupid ass white tree with his sword out. It's such an asspull that the white walkers aren't the final boss of the show. The entire series has been framing the conflict over the throne as petty because of the impending winter. Now they're going to defeat all the white walkers in one episode, and spend the last 3 episodes fighting over the throne.

>yfw the golden company and euron’s ironborn will all die offscreen to the night king’s amphibious invasion while winterfell defends against a bunch of no name white walkers

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I Fucking Hate battle scenes. They’re always boring and unrealistic

They have to pay their dues brother -HH

>It's a "Fortified defenders march entire army outside of walled city to fight vastly larger army" episode

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>tfw everything will play out in the most predictable, safe way possible

This last episode got me hyped more than anything from s7 but now that I’m coming down its so obvious that its gonna end up dissapointing

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It won't be even close

pretty sure Yara will take out Euron's fleet. No idea why Theon didn't have a bunch of his men set Euron's boats on fire during Yara's rescue but I guess that would make too much sense.

it won't happen

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how else would you deal with siege weapons...oh wait.

If this is their battleplan then they deserve to lose.

i could shit vomit and eat it for seven years and it would still leave a better taste in my mouth than this post

That digital video is from an arri Alexa and it’s objectively better than anything shot on 35mm film. This isn’t up for debate nor am I going to argue about it. Film is an obsolete pure garbage format kept alive by nostalgic Nolan, that hack Tarantino, and short term Kodak discounts to studios keeping Kodak alive.

nah too fun

This never happened

>Feudal people always ask if a marriage was consummated and don't assume it was as part of things
>They definitely asked off screen
Mhm totally what happened.

>it's an user thinks defending against a siege of undead warriors that don't need to feed during the winter time when you're already low on food is a good idea

How do you envision a realistic battle scene?

did you see the piss-poor defenses they built? a bunch of wooden hedgehogs covered in dragon glass and some collapsible bridge thingy? it's like Sansa did fuckall the entire time Jon was gone.

Not really the same. They were all killed with music

>Undead warriors with about a dozen cavalry
>Against a fortress city that can famously hold against thousands with just a few defenders

All they have to do is send out both dragons to kill the ice dragon thing and the walls will be completely unbreachable.

>send out the dragons
yeah that worked out well last time

why dont the 2 dragons lift up winterfell and carry it to essos?

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>night king fucking floors everyone at winterfell
>dany, sansna, arya, and misaende are the only survivors and flee on drogon to yara on the island
>they cut off dragon peepee to make him a tranny
>title for Game of Thrones: Queen's Landing slowly fades in on screen while the cast screams YASSSSSSS QQQUUUEEEENNNN SSSSLLLAAAYYY


Lord of the Rings, ironically enough.

Doesn't the Arri Alexa top out at 2.8 resolution? While 35mm can resolve a full 4k.

This, it's really annoying that they don't even show Jon mentioning anything about the spears. Heck it doesn't even have to be against the dragons, the NK's spears are like missiles that can be thrown at the arches yet they don't fucking talk about it

Comparing the budget for The Two Towers and GOT s8 isn't fair.

TTT was done in 90's money and had deals in place to prevent budgets from exploding. (the production/actors were paid on set rates)

A LARGE chunk of the budget for the last GOT season is going to pay the actors. (Most of the main cast is making 1+ million an episode, with a few of the big ones making somewhere around 8-9 million.) That adds up quickly.

I was saying the exact same thing while watching the episode. Wouldn't that be just wicked epic?!

Seriously though it would be sick..


Also, big chunks of Fellowship actually came in under budget since so much of it is a travel movie. Most of that was funneled into the big battle scenes in TTT and ROTK.

>they kill the night king
>his crown falls to the ground
>the wights go frenzy mode without a leader and begin to overrun winterfel tearing every human apart
>they all turn and look at one another, knowing what needs to be done
>Jon picks up the crown and places it on his head
>the wight army, is now his army
>they use them to destroy the lanister invasion
>jon then retreats with his undead, back to the north
simply ebin

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Sub out Bran for Jon and I could see this actually happening.

Steve Carell should gain some weight and play Alex Jones in an Oscar-winning biopic.



Alexa Open Gate is 3.4K and it is much VFX friendly than a film scan which poses its problems. The LOTR shot 2 perf film which isn’t very high resolution especially considering it’s older film stock

>shot 2 perf film

This is a flat out lie. None of the LOTR films were shot with Techniscope 2 perf.

The new costumes look fucking terrible, how did it get actually on tv looking like this

i'm still amazed at how bad the dragon CGI was in episode 1

the green screen was awful

It clearly wasn’t anamorphic. Perhaps they captured 3 perf but framed for 2 perf which is essentially the same thing in finishing. At that point you’re getting much less resolution especially if you’re working with 500T.

>everyone saying if they kill a few commander wights more of the dead will fall
>surrounded by nothing but those commander wights

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nigga hit send on this post and really though this was it

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How would they be able to lose and still flee? By the time they are half wiped out and start to retreat they will be dead.
I predict they will have to kill off the undead army next episode with heavy heavy causalities

why are people retarded
also after photos?

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>winterfell gets worked up to be that great keep 500 men could hold for a year
>has magic walls n shit
>has magic in the crypts
>series/books will end with us never once seeing Winterfell under siege

3 - battle against undead for the whole episode, maybe cliffhanger
4 - closure of the battle, recuperating, internal struggles and planning/moving toward KL
5 - KL battle with definite cliffhanger
6 - cersei is killed and something about leadership and the throne... conclusion

Would not work anyhow. They are already dead. Well you could set them on fire I suppose.

Who dies next episode, lads?

>battle of the bastards, good
Yeah, no.

Why is dany waiting for them to come why not fly out and burn the army? Also why did bran say no ones ever tried that, didn't she do it last season?


Why doesn't GRRM go into the economic policy of the Night King?

>th-there is no economic policy it's fantasy!

No. Why would the White Walkers follow the Night King if not for sound domestic and foreign policies?

My friend has a theory that is going to be this.
And arriving in Kings landing he will make a deal with Cersei. If she helps him he wil ressurect her children


Why would the undead even attack Winterfell? It's not like they have a supply chain, so simply walking past the fortification should be easy and without any consequence. Let the human armies chase after them in the winter and exhaust themselves.

>not rooting for the Night King and his promise of racial cleansing
He’s going to Make Westeros White Again

90% of the budget goes to over paid and overrated actors, they can never compete with lotr

The real night king is actually chilling in the land of always winter. The current guy on the dragon is just a high ranking general. They're going to kill the general but the white walkers and wight won't fall.

I know army sizes are always fucked in this show but what the FUCK is going on with the winter fell army? Shouldn’t there be 10s of thousands of Dothraki (I’m certain 100k is mentioned in the earlier seasons,) at least 5-10k unsullied, several thousand knights of the vale and then maybe a couple thousand northerners as well? It looks like they have a couple thousand troops total. The battle plan makes no sense

Falling skies

Each province they reached while on the trek north to Winterfell, more and more Dothraki desserted to pillage the countryside. It's in the novelization of the shows.

is that a metaphor for the niggers ravaging Europe on their way north?

It literally did though.

how many episodes this season will have again?

You got a source for that?

you should be banned for thinking that's possible

You mean America?
>From 1951 to 1959, a secret ban was imposed by the Icelandic government on the stationing of black US troops in Iceland. This racial ban was disclosed in late 1959. The Icelandic government relented somewhat from this policy in 1961, when it declared that it "will not oppose the inclusion of three or four colored soldiers in the Defense Force, but hopes that they will be carefully selected". The number of black troops increased gradually throughout the 1960s, and all restrictions were most likely unofficially withdrawn in the 1970s or 1980s.

Also he fucking groped bran through a vision quest

They're completely fucked if it doesn't work. There are millions of wights if we're to go off the season 7 finale.

That’s false, annulments are specifically the catholic approved way out of a marriage. You’re thinking of divorce.

Still no claimant would grant an annulment, because annulments are granted by the church.

Dragonglass kills wights now. So a well aimed arrow can put down at least one of them. They'd better focus on the Giants and Mammoths first though

The fact people even suggest this is all sorts of retarded. One basically created the genre the other is average at best as far as fantasy goes and the author couldn't even figure out how to finish it.

GoT deserves a lot of credit for it's mainstream success. Fantasy doesn't usually do so well.

How contrarian of you, my fine user

>Turn King's Landing into an army of WW while his current army siege Winterfell
>instant win
Also Cersei is his undead Queen