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>implying kit has literally any reason to give a fuck about his height when he's a multimillionaire and is living a happy married life
Making fun of manlets isn't a problem but at least look who you're doing it with.

When they have literally no other issue in life then all they can focus on is the height. They seethe harder and harder.

don't tell me you guys got triggered by this line? i'm 5'11" and i chuckled at it.

I've yet to see anyone triggered at this, all I'm seeing is cancerous "hehe manlet seething" spam.

>don't tell me you guys got triggered by this line?
Do you really think its manlets making all these posts? Momoa is like 6'4, he's taller than pretty much everyone on the show except for the Cleganes. The bigger problem is that it's shitty dialogue. GoT is basically just nonstop Avengers quips now

nobody that shitposts on Yea Forums is in touch with reality


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not funny at all

Sifting through twitter and reddit has been a goldmine this morning, so many seething manlets

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Legit imagine being under 6’ tall I’d probably kms


I've always wondered, do people list their morning heights as their true heights (peak) or what they are at the end of the day?

Not that it matters for me because my peak height is 182 and min height is 180, so basically manlet status either way

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Manlets are dying inside

I was laughed at when I tried to apply for disability because I’m 5’6”

wonder if it's as bad that im 5'7 from asia

at least it's average around here, so I'm technically not that bad of a mablet

Manlets should be able to opt in for euthanasia.


no I'm like 5'6-5'7 and I thought it was an okay line. Literally no one but absolute retards care.

lmao, jesus dude

Manlets are fucking scum. They deserve to be ridiculed

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He is a manlet but those are tall women in heels. Not the most fair comparison.


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All I've seen is projecting fags like (you)

Did you chuckle the last three times they did the same exact quip too?

t. 6 foot Chad

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reminder that if as a man you're below 5'9 society is literally telling you that youre a genetic trash that should be removed

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based and skee-lo pilled

Cool story kit.

That was literally the only good part of the episode. All the manlet impotent rage.

Honestly thought she was going to go into a monologue about her arranged marriage

didn't he already fuck her in the last series? who cares then

Khal Drogo height: 6"4

Xaro Xhoan Daxos height: 6"6

Daario height: 6"1

Jon Snow height: 5"6...possibly smaller

How did the showrunners allow the son of Rhaegar to be a manlet?

carl drogo wasnt going to give her anything besides babies

she is a fool

He didnt have the milk of his mothers breast to feed on. He was malnourished by Ned Starks abusive wife

Height doesn't matter. When a waitress came to deliver a short stack one time I immediately said " what'd you call me?" As a joke. I make more short jokes than anyone. I'm comfortable in my body. That's what's sexy to girls. I'm not jacked. I'm actually very skinny. I would say I'm good looking but my biggest plus is humor. I'm very funny. Funny and confident.

I can imagine how ugly those tall men must look if they still can´t get a girl

Wait isn't she his auntie? Are they gonna talk about this?

Any busy thread I browse always has multiple posts from multiple people tauting some grade A, entitled, sexist bullshit.

I'm 5"5', which is almost tall but I feel your pain, this is not a short person's world. That doesnt mean you salt the earth by giving legitimacy to the nepolean complex stereotypes placed on us.

Work on yourselves. Love the women around you and if they don't want it find ones that do.

what was the exact line for context?

She was talking to sansa about their best sexscapades before they die.
>Sansa: who was your best? was it jon?
>Dany: No. Someone taller.

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>the scene in the crypt with Dany.
I can't stop imagining him standing on a huge box.

This is embarrassing, I'm sorry user

>I'm 5"5', which is almost tall
>almost tall

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>I'm 5"5', which is almost tall
This HAS to be bait

You're gay and pathetic

Kys, manlet


decent bait, worth a (You)

>you need to be tall to be a good warrior and leader
Cringe lanklet propaganda

You could tell who are the manlets in this thread

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whats this

what kind of mutt is this? like, polish and rumainian or something?

Hooked up with russian whore

fake news

>British aristocracy grows taller because more money for food
>British underclass grows shorter, but with more muscle because they adapt to their labor
>British aristocrat kids get their asses kicked by brutish little underclass kids for being the cunts they are
>the "manlet" meme is born
Bongs have so many strange hang ups that nobody else seems to have for some reason.

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People who argue over this shit are NPCs. They are programmed.

>tall people come from british nobility eating more
Manlets say the darnest things. Tall people come from woman not fucking manlets.

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b8 better

Learn science.

why do you think he's brooding?

"someone thinner" - Jon Snow

i dont think most people know their height that accurately, or even that it changes

haven't seen shit about this on reddit, link me.,

Dude, I'm the same height and we are unironically short. There's nothing "almost tall" about us unless we go back to a high school, and even then lol.
Personally I really don't care, I knew I was going to be short so I just decided to focus on my career and money. Now I'm my 30s wealth trumps everything else.

>I'm 5"5', which is almost tall

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