>let's let a fucking girl that's the heir to a house fight on the battlefield because she's feisty
How many of her men is she going to her killed while they attempt to protect her scrawny ass?
Let's let a fucking girl that's the heir to a house fight on the battlefield because she's feisty
Other urls found in this thread:
what are your intentions with this thread?
She's a stronk wamyn
you seem to be implying that she isnt going to defeat multiple armed men singlehandedly
cute and funny
Lady Mormont's hands have crushed testicles across the Kingsroad, the dying sperm and whimpering wails the only evidence of her might. Or am I the only one who appreciates loli femdom?
Did anyone else notice her face in the background in the introductory scene of the first episode this season where Jon rides in?
She's standing there and trying to scowl and look fearsome but she's looking away from the camera when doing it, and the effect is she just comically juts her jaw forward like some ugly little goblin. Hilarious.
Same as any GoT thread: to shit on women
this, strong women don't need no man
she cute and stronk
plus her clothes looked cool
Throwing women into the meat grinder is stupid considering their wombs are needed to continue propagating the species. Women have been kept out of matters of war cause 1) they don't make as good as soldiers because they are weaker/slower 2) they are, as a matter of fact, less expendable than men
she dies and new bear island king is jorah
Easily the most reddit character in the show
>if a boy did it
>such a young boy but already a courageous soul ready to die for his people even if it's not the smartest thing
>a girl does it
>ummmm actually she's the heir so it's not realistic and ummm like this is unwatchable and ummm
>This has definitely never happened in real life where children who happen to be the king or whatever are on the battlefield
>Jorah, a disgraced exiled criminal, should be allowed to tell the Lady of his house what to do regardless of her age
>What is a symbolic, inspiring presence
No, it must be what Sargon of Akkad and based faggot Milo told me about on YouTube. Feminism and marxism etc.
Definitely not that Lyanna has proven since day 1 she is actually pretty alpha and serious. This is totally out of character because she's a she right op?
Why did they write Maege Mormont out of the script? Ynkow, the actual adult female lady of Bear Isle. Or Alysane, the actual heir apparent. Lyanna is never even seen, she's just offhandedly mentioned once as being left back home by the rest of her family who are actually leading the troops.
>on top of this character they also had another girl go "AI WONT TO FOIGHT"
What the fuck is their problem?
If season 1 Bran was let onto the battlefield everyone would be just as against it and you know it faggot.
A little thing called the Red Wedding. maybe u missed it.
The issue is they need every hand they can get, and seem to have more than enough weapons. Fact is, she has battle experience and men who rally behind her. It would be kind of dumb not to have her in the fight.
Game of Thrones is nothing but women acting all smug and badass while the emasculated men go "yeah yeah queen slay etc"
>if a boy did it
>it would be more realistic
Though obviously a tv show doesn’t have to be realistic, so this issue doesn’t really matter
Almost like one is a light hearted boy that liked to run around and climb shit and one is a hot headed bitch and leader of a house in a time of war.
No shit people would be against it because the characters and the context are not equal.
and that's a good thing.
The problem with Lyanna isn't that she's a kid, it's that she's a kid who we are being brow-beaten over the notion that she is somehow super ultra wise and courageous and knows more than everyone else. Hilariously her introduction scene sets up a strawman to demolish "Grrrr the old and the women and children will fight Rarr teehee" But come this season and Sansa bitches that she has nobody to feed all these armies.
Also she's really ugly and unpleasant to look at
have sex.
I'm almost sure there will be a scene where she's briefly back to back with Arya moments before they cut their way through a horde of wights.
What if they replaced every character with a little girl
Modern feminism loves throwing basic biological facts to the wind in order to pretend that women and men are exactly the same.
Except her men are going to prioritise her safety over winning the battle. At least in the heat of the moment. She can have all the experience she wants, she's still a little girl that could get her ass kicked by even an untrained peasant. She's nothing but deadweight
>Definitely not that Lyanna has proven since day 1 she is actually pretty alpha and serious. This is totally out of character because she's a she right op?
Everyone in the North has been shown to be forthright and serious. Yet they all shrivel up when the little girl speaks.
why is she fat though
Let's be honest, she would have been RAPED dozens of times by now if this was reality
It honestly feels like everyone is afraid to just tell someone "NO" anymore. This mirror's the liberal mindset perfectly, saying "NO" and denying someone something is problematic.
Do you remember in the earlier seasons when the patriarchs actually told people they CAN'T do something. When people actually gave ORDERS.
With loli mormont? Don't mind if I do.
People in the middle ages were really superstitious and believed anything was an omen.
What about Alysane? She's not supposed to be killed at the Red Wedding. Where is she?
damn that kid looks like a potato
And that has... no relevance to what I just said?
Wrong person sorry buddy. Just read what you wrote and you're a crazed person
The feminist bullshit with GOT has peaked alarming levels. The scene where Davos is giving that scared dude something eat and tell him to face his fear. Then a 5-year girl comes right after showing more heart saying she wants to fight. Come on with this shit. They cut of dudes balls, hands, pride, promote midgets all to make women look stronger than men. I see why the execs signed their souls to the mouse. Kathleen Kennedy is fine with emasculating men for her strong powerful female protagonist. I'm just waiting for the war to begin. Let this leftist propaganda end already
>hotheaded bitch and leader of a house in a time of war
Which is also retarded. The first time we see her she's actually done pretty well. It's clear she doesn't know what she's doing and is relying heavily on her advisors while still trying to keep some control and not be used as a puppet. But now she's just right about everything because YASSQWEEN
it can sometimes prove beneficial-Joan of Arc was a massive morale booster
Any leader's men are going to prioritize their leader's safety in the heat of a battle. And an untrained peasant could beat anyone, even the most seasoned veteran, if the situation favors them. Life isn't a video game where you gain experience, become level 60, and then level 1s can't possibly kill you. A peasant with a rock could murder a knight. At the same time, I get that this is a story, but it's also a story where great swordsmen like Syrio Forel and Barristan Selmy were bested by lesser men, and hell, even Ned Stark lost his fight to Jaime because some no name with no honor speared him.
Why isn't Jorah restored to lord of his house?
If this bitch kills a white walker I swear to God man.
she is the lady of the most irrelevant house in the north. at most she provided 50 men to the cause. she should have no say in anything.
Everyone in the crypts is going to die because the dead bodies are going to come to life
>Trant was lesser than Syrio Forel
Trant was described as belonging in the Kingsguard by Jaime. He's for sure one of the top swordsmen in the realm, top 10 at least.
how the fuck does this little goblin boost her men's morale?
>And an untrained peasant could beat anyone, even the most seasoned veteran, if the situation favors them.
What is this low quality bait?
Thats like saying a salesmen can beat an athlet everytime, if the athlet sits in a wheelchair!
A man can actually contribute to the battle and defend himself. Sure he can't take on an army by himself but he can at least 1v1 and average soldier (or whatever the wright equivalent is). But if even a single thing comes near he she's just fucked. Or at least she would be but D&D will probably make her nearly invincible
She has a big forehead.Yes I am forehead shaming but she a cute though
I'd place money on her killing at least 1 white walker. She's going to be like Yoda in Attack of the Clones. They had a good idea with her at first, but she should have only been in 1 episode.
If they win she promised she'll step on each of their balls after the battle
Women who are actually stronk and not stupid whores should be given rights, I like this cunny gal and I'm glad she told her cuck-cousin to fuck off.
But what if they are the 50th most beautifull men in the north?
Being a knight doesn't mean you're good with a sword since it's also a political position. Lancel was a knight and he was absolutely useless.
Before the fight they get a little cuddling. And after the fight a kiss!
This is what happens when you take memes too far
>little girl is talking shit and calling out grown ass men, haha that's cute
>other characters adoringly play along
>Lady Badass, about to go fight the living dead in her toddler sized armor
>other characters unironically take her seriously
Fuck D&D and fuck women
But he was good acording to Jaime u fucking brainlet stop posting
More feminist propaganda. I don't get why guys are so keen to having their balls cut off just for the validation of females.
Jaime describes him as "adequate" not good.
When Jon needed her most, she could only provide 12 men at arms lol. House Mormont will not be a big loss to the seven kingdoms, or even the North.
Jaime is an actual swordsmen and Lord Commander. That was his opinion of Meryn Trant.
You've posted a scene where he's trying to mock Arya's idols to keep her in line. He also didn't like Trant as he half-stripped Sansa at court because Joffrey wanted to torture her. Makes sense he'd shit on him if he could.
the infantry in most armies prior to gunpowder weren't disciplined and often levied. They would flee at the drop of a hat. Having a little girl(or women in general) nearby and in potential danger could cause the men to stay in the fight. At various times in history, german, bulgar, and arab women were present on battlefields blocking the camp in an effort to prevent their men from retreating
>"heh you might have a tank and all i have is a pistol but i'm a level 100 soldier and you're just a level 1 so i'll win"
In the heat of a battle, an inexperienced peasant with just a rock could get the drop on even the most trained, experienced fighter. That's just how real life works.
What has she been right about that matters to anyone else? She told some guys that they were wrong to hide instead of defending the north and she was right. She told them her people would all fight, and she has every right to do that. She told them she would fight, what are they going to do kill her to stop her from fighting? Most of her proclamations are just "I'm doing this you don't have any say if you're not my king".
>adequate for the Kingsguard
You forgot the context of the quote.
aka, he's fucking good. Bare in mind Jaime served with Dayne, Hightower, Selmy.
He can’t. That’s why he made this thread.
Jaime calls him only an "adequate fighter" so you still have an adequate fighter beating First Sword of Braavos.
>wew look a meet all sexist and agist
have sex
Becoming a member of the Kingsguard isn't based on merit. It's based in politics. If it were merit-based, someone like Brienne of Tarth would have been a knight of the Kingsguard, and someone like Meryn Trant (who gets killed by Arya Stark) probably wouldn't given he is only an "adequate fighter."
>Brianne in Kingsguard
Lmao maybe in the show. But you're right about the politics part. It's the only reason Brianne was able to be part of the Rainbowguard
Yep, they just let total bams into the Kingsguard as long as you're from some nobody house like Trant lmao
Brienne beats Sandor Clegane, a member of the Kingsguard, in fair combat. Clegane actually is depicted as a talented swordsmen, able to hold his own against his brother and in a bunch of other fights. Clegane, the demonstrably experienced swordsman, is also the one who calls Trant a garbage swordsman, and the highest praise Trant receives is that he's "adequate," which ain't exactly high praise. Trant is also said to be really skilled at beating little girls, although it's a little girl who winds up killing him so I guess he's not really good at that.
You're being sarcastic but you're correct. If you're of house, even a small vassal house like Trant, you can get into the Kingsguard with zero skill or talent.
Somewhat related but I was reading somewhere that because the nobility had much better nutrition throughout their lives that they would naturally grow much taller, as well as become much stronger than the peasants. The knights and what not really would have a massive advantage against peasants.
I still agree with your point that anyone can kill anything given the right moment though, just thought it was interesting.
>let's keep ignoring the context of the quote "adequate" and hope no one notices
Why did you make this post as if it was real? It's fucking completely fictional. And yet you're so concerned about it. It's pathetic my man
That's why I said in the show dumbass. Book Brianne was average or maybe slightly above average when compared to other knights.
>Hurr show is fictional
>that means u can't discuss it
Her bow and arrow skills will impress.
Children can't fight like adults. Full stop. And they are not fighting people here.
It's beyond irresponsible to put a child in a swordfight.
inb4 she gets backhanded by some random white walker, stabbed in the gabber and then gorged upon
Nah, who am I kidding. She'll probably get to cap one of the undead but very likely will get cornered and almost killed just before Jorah comes and sacrifices himself to save her
fookin 'ell