Will Adam do an episode on trans kids to make up for his appearance on the JRE?

Will Adam do an episode on trans kids to make up for his appearance on the JRE?

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he has a faggot face

An episode on applauding them or proving they are mentally ill? I forget on whose side he is on.

Would be kinda fun if he did one where he goes to trans kids and ruins their transsexuality for them. I mean, he claims to ruin everything, right?

David Peter Reimer (born Bruce Peter Reimer; 22 August 1965 – 4 May 2004) was a Canadian man born male but reassigned as a girl and raised female following medical advice and intervention after his penis was severely injured during a botched circumcision in infancy.[2]

The psychologist John Money oversaw the case and reported the reassignment as successful and as evidence that gender identity is primarily learned. The academic sexologist Milton Diamond later reported that Reimer's realization he was not a girl crystallized between the ages of 9 and 11 years[3] and he transitioned to living as a male at age 15. Well known in medical circles for years anonymously as the "John/Joan" case, Reimer later went public with his story to help discourage similar medical practices. He committed suicide after suffering years of severe depression, financial instability, and a troubled marriage.[4]

Reimer said that Money forced the twins to rehearse sexual acts involving "thrusting movements", with David playing the bottom role. Reimer said that, as a child, he had to get "down on all fours" with his brother, Brian Reimer, "up behind his butt" with "his crotch against" his "buttocks". Reimer said that Money forced David, in another sexual position, to have his "legs spread" with Brian on top. Reimer said that Money also forced the children to take their "clothes off" and engage in "genital inspections". On "at least one occasion", Reimer said that Money took a photograph of the two children doing these activities. Money's rationale for these various treatments was his belief that "childhood 'sexual rehearsal play'" was important for a "healthy adult gender identity"
Money wrote, "The child's behavior is so clearly that of an active little girl and so different from the boyish ways of her twin brother.
By the age of 13 years, Reimer was experiencing suicidal depression and told his parents he would take his own life if they made him see Money again

On July 1, 2002,[20] Brian was found dead from an overdose of antidepressants. On May 4, 2004, after suffering years of severe depression, financial instability, and marital troubles,[21] David committed suicide by shooting himself in the head with a sawed-off shotgun at the age of 38. Reimer's parents have stated that Money's methodology was responsible for the deaths of both of their sons.[22]

Money argued that media response to the exposé was due to right-wing media bias and "the antifeminist movement". He said his detractors believed "masculinity and femininity are built into the genes so women should get back to the mattress and the kitchen".[23]

John Money was critical in debates on chronophilias, especially pedophilia. He stated that both sexual researchers and the public do not make distinctions between affectional pedophilia and sadistic pedophilia. Money asserted that affectional pedophilia was about love and not sex.

If I were to see the case of a boy aged ten or eleven who's intensely erotically attracted toward a man in his twenties or thirties, if the relationship is totally mutual, and the bonding is genuinely totally mutual ... then I would not call it pathological in any way.[27][28]

Money held the view that affectional pedophilia is caused by a surplus of parental love that became erotic, and is not a behavioral disorder. Rather, he took the position that heterosexuality is another example of a societal and therefore superficial, ideological concept.

Money made the concept of gender a broader, more inclusive concept than one of masculine/feminine. For him, gender included not only one's status as a man or a woman, but was also a matter of personal recognition, social assignment, or legal determination; not only on the basis of one's genitalia but also on the basis of somatic, behavioral criteria that go beyond genital differences

Just a reminder that this is the man responsible for the current views on trannies.

Do you have any good sources against trannies? My friend insist in supporting those degenerates

go back to the basics, love yourself and your body. cutting yourself up and dressing as the other gender only reinforces those stereotypes. why need to drastically take pills and surgery when there are no more rules on what a boy is.

then just let your friend be you obsessive fuck

literally this simple. Why is everyone insane

>why need to drastically take pills and surgery when there are no more rules on what a boy is.
this is what confuses me; on one hand they say that gender is a social construct and not defined by your genitals and then on the other hand they advocate cutting your dick off to become "female"

why sjws let this chubby privileged white fuck mansplain things to them?

no idea, what made the switch from sending these people to therapy to surgery is our best option

Why is it wrong to try claim back my friend from the delusions of mentally ill people?

I actually agree with most of what he was discussing up until the trans kid part of the JRE episode. It was rather odd how he shifted from presenting at least some form of empirical evidence for an argument to a series of anecdotes while criticizing joe for doing the same.

How many people go on JRE and come out looking dumber than Joe?

Is he not gay?

>Just a reminder that this is the man responsible for the current views on trannies.
Not really.

Exactly. Joe legit agrees with every half assed idea anyone throws at him.

Yes please. The world must know the truth.

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That is so crazy. Literal child soldiers kill themselves on a lower rate than these mentally ill trannies.

Joe just accepts anything that's presented to him in a convincing manner.
He doesn't seem to follow any principles at all.

Suicide isn't a simple issue. The countries with the highest rates aren't the poorest or most war-torn.

best part coming through
>uuuhhh can you rephrase that question

I've seen a handful of episodes from his show and didn't mind him at the time. I'm sat now trying to watch his JRE podcast and I want to punch him as hard as I physically can in his face, not sure why. I'm only 6 minutes in.

A bare minimum self-awareness like saying “wait, is that actually true?” after some outlandish claim is enough to make shitlibs break down into “w-well probably! Let’s just assume!” and look like the liars they are because normal media has really become that bad.


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Sure, but to explain the high suicide with trannies because they are bullied, or not accepted in society loses a bit of steam here. Hell I thought blacks in America had it the hardest and yet they are not killing themselves in mass numbers.

Religion seems to be a protective factor against suicide

Trans suicide is objectively not an issue of "social acceptance", and I'd actually be fairly confident in wagering that almost no suicide IS. Trans suicide is specifically due to depression, and there's a reason that until very, very recently body dysphoria was listed in the DSM as a subset of depression. Because it's both directly correlated with major depressive disorder, and like most major forms of depression is not remotely affected by physical changes like surgery, or by social experiences like people calling you a new name or pronoun. It's caused by a major chemical imbalance, and throwing a person's horomones into wack only exacerbates this issue.

The people who say the best medicine for a depressed trans person is social acceptance are just doing it for momentary empathy points and they're not looking at any of the data that specifically shows the opposite is true.

Makes sense and it frustrates me when people take issue over misgendering. Sometimes they equate it to killing them if you call a him a her.

Tell him it's media and unscrupulous doctors preying on vulnerable autistic kids.

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There are potential treatments for dysphoria but they remain unstudied.

Attached: The successful treatment of a gender dysphoric patient with pimozide - PubMed - NCBI.png (850x377, 59K)

I'm not steeped in literature on this, but I can be fairly confident that if I dove into it I wouldn't find a single case of someone killing themselves because they were misgendered

I like Joe in this case, care very little what an adult does to their own body. You wanna take horomones and dress up like a girl? Sure whatever I don't give a shit. You're legally allowed to do that an I have no issues. Hell, if you're someone I respect I might even call you a different pronoun if it really makes you happy.

My issue is with this huge push for younger and younger indoctrination into these ideas. A little kid is no more "trans" than they are capable of devoting their life to Jesus or really going to be an astronaut because they saw one on TV. Kids are influenced 100% by the environment around them and specifically what the adults around them tell them. Which is why a fucking 8 year old kid can be the most evangelical Christian in the world despite barely being able to feed himself cereal. Nothing a young kid thinks or feels or understands is real. And yet these new SJWs treat emotion so fucking highly on the totem pole that if a kid is surrounded by trannies, and then says "It's normal to claim you're a different gender than you are, so maybe I am too because I'm normal", they treat that as if the kid is making a declarative, fact-based statement about who they really are and the rest of their lives.

Fucking no, this shit is horrifying and it's the most blatant and obvious undermining of society by the marxist ideologues I've ever seen. This shit is beyond abuse.

ive had a chronic depressive disorder my entire life (not a fag though) and people babying you doesnt help at all. if anything it makes it worse. people need to stop taking themselves so seriously and especially stop pretending there is shit wrong with them that isnt. it makes me furious

>Rate of suicide is higher for members of society that are consistently mocked, harassed, and otherwise marginalized

Wow. Who would've thought?

Critical thinking on this website is nonexistent.

Have sex.

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thats not how it works and you don't know anything about mental illness retard
if you have a brain problem it doesnt matter what other people do or do not do to you. you need medication to correct the issue and playing into the delusions it causes will just make your condition worse and worse

That fakun is no beta, he is THE GAMMA male;


Yea, white adult men need our help. Lets make laws to make sure we treat them right.

top fucking kek. his brain literally stops working at that moment

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I'm aware. That's sort of my underlying point, is that emotions aren't facts and the SJW assholes are more interested in being "nice" and "accepting" than they are helping anyone. Giving a depressed person surgery on their dick doesn't stop depression. It just locks this depressed person into a lifetime of living with a potentially-harmful choice that they cannot possibly change.

I'd actually put money on more trans people committing suicide specifically because their hormones/surgery are a permanent thing they can't take back than just generally being depressed and deciding to end it all.

Don't get trolled.

yeah i was agreeing with you broski

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oof, Sôy man advocates drugging and mutilating children to make degenerate pedophiles happy


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I’ve never seen somebody get so btfo and by joe rogan nonetheless. I think the reason joe is popular is that he’s patient, there were times where I would just have to go off on the soiguzzler for just how fucking stupid he is. His gay little “everything is a social construct” commie shit is cancer too. This little fag doesn’t even admit that men and women are biologically different or that evolution has anything to do with attraction.
>you should ask my friend contrapoints
fucking brainlet

Is that the faggot that fakes crying when he shoots the M4 carbine / whatever?

Yeah I’ll go with eric weinstein over this basedfag when it comes to evolutionary attraction. Sorry but your trans friends aren’t a source.

This rings true if you look at any interest population that has a higher seeming incidence of tranny bullshit (eg MTG, speedrunning, videogames). All of those interests have the same type of minutae fascination and social ostracism that would attract the autistic.

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Gee, it's almost like trans activism has nothing to do with science and everything to do with an unverifiable, unfalsifiable series of assertions.

The dude seemed to have one major tool in his toolbox, and its one that a lot of Betaboys tend to do in almost any discussion, which is carve out their own space on the side of the figurative stage, and then constantly make room for other people they want to see platformed in their place. So when you bring them on to defend their own positions or talking points, they just constantly fall back to "Well you should talk to trans people about this" (or black people, women, etc. whoever the discussion is about), and then they can spew whatever nonsense they want and just couch it in "But I'm not an expert on this topic, you should talk to a trans person."

Nigga, a trans person is not a fucking expert on trans people. Just because they had surgery doesn't mean they know why the fuck their community commits suicide so much, or when it's actually mentally and physically harmful to put a kid on puberty blockers and horomones. They're not clinical psychologists and medical professionals. Why don't you defer to REAL experts instead of spending so much time trying to get your friends in the fucking limelight? Why don't you own the things YOU say, instead of just couching every sentence in "This is just what my trans friends tell me, not my opinions. You should have them on your show."

These fucking people infuriate me.

>blacks are not killing themselves in mass numbers

They shoot eachother, sure, but they don't actually take their own lives particularly often.

I need to read whether they consider drug use as 'suicide' or not.

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It’s funny how he projected his own methodology for why he keeps these san francisco beliefs onto sean hannity or whatever for not believing in climate change. The only reason he believes this non-verifiable, egalitarian utopian bullshit is because if he came out against it he would be shunned from his in group for wrong think. It’s crazy how much you can tell about people’s insecurities by the way they project onto other people.

he should do an episode on how MMA turns you queer

what happened to jazz generals? haven't seen one of those in a while and i still dont know whats going on with amirs mom

>Critical thinking on this website is nonexistent.
so go back to the discord

I can't say if that's his personal issue, but I do know from my own life that when SJWs take over and you're caught up in the tide, you're forced to say and argue for things you don't believe because they are always, ALWAYS, looking for an excuse to tear you down. They will turn on their biggest champions in an instant if they say something wrong.

Don't play their game, and especially never pretend you're a hero to the cause or championing their ideas because it makes you a righteous person with a crowd of supporters behind you because inevitably they will turn on you for something you say and everything they allowed you to build for yourself will be torn down.

The show ended its season

>you need medication to correct the issue
yeah its called hormone therapy

It’s called lithium

I wouldn't trust Adam either, he has a team of researchers. I'm quite conflicted personally on the trans stuff myself and can see where Joe is coming from.

try harder next time bait-kun

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Why are you /pol/tards so desperate to colonise Yea Forums? Is it because you are all normalfag vermin?

He does ask for sources, or at least places where he can read more about it. It's when the guest doesn't come with answers prepared that they come off as jackasses.

My brother died of an OD, after months of taking about wanting to kill himself. Because of the drug he was using (GBH) it didn't show up in the toxicology screen so his death was ruled cause unknown. For every suicide there have to be at least five like this.

nice argument faggot
the reality is that there is no other working treatment for dysphoria except for antipsychotic drugs working in one (1) very specific and uncommon case
and even if they worked they are objectively way more dangerous than hormones or surgery

>normalfag vermin
says the "people" who destroyed r9k

>more dangerous than mutilation

I know this is a troll, but is your argument really that "There's no current conclusive study on drugs that treat dysphoria, so let's just encourage hormones and surgery which don't fix the issue but also don't show any marked affect on suicidality?"

Like we don't know how to fix this, so let's just fuck the person up for life because they're gonna kill themselves anyway so we might as well let them look the way they think they want to before they do it?

>Argumentum ad fastidium
and yes pimozide is literally notorious for very commonly causing awful side effects and basically one of the worst medications out there, not to mention that its not even proven to work at helping gender dysphoria at all

>but also don't show any marked affect on suicidality
(not true by the way)
the suicide rates go drastically down (around 8% from 30%) though they are still higher than general population
horomose are the most important and they are very safe and reliable treatment

no they don't. provide citation.

Well there are gays, and then there are faggots.

"A New Way to be Mad" is an excellent primer before starting a deeper search.


Gender identity concepts increase gender stereotypes. If they disagree just tell them gender stereotypes are just a made up meme

There's gotta be a lobby behind this. Big Pharma finally got the left under its thumb?

>Very low quality evidence
>All the studies were observational and most lacked controls.
>improvements in Gender Dysphoria
>by playing into the dysphoria
that's not an improvement.
you're kidding right?

Look at that faggots face. Are you really that unsure?

this also says absolutely nothing about suicide rates.

When are you retards going to realize that he is an interviewer and that his show is about promoting whatever the guest is selling? Joe is an advertiser not an interrogator. Yes, he has his own political views but he's not going to intentionally bash guests and potentially scare off others.

Can I get a quick rundown on why everyone is so upset with his interview with Joe Rogan?

Can someone explain something to me? Why is the body considered the wrong one by default? Like the cells replicated according to the plans given and built a working body. All those systems are perfectly functional, why isnt, then, the mind or the brain considered off? Why is the kneejerk reaction to mangle the body which is working fine to fit the mind which clearly isnt?

>Pooling across studies shows that after sex reassignment, 80% of individuals with GID reported significant improvement in gender dysphoria (95% CI = 68-89%; 8 studies; I(2) = 82%); 78% reported significant improvement in psychological symptoms (95% CI = 56-94%; 7 studies; I(2) = 86%); 80% reported significant improvement in quality of life (95% CI = 72-88%; 16 studies; I(2) = 78%); and 72% reported significant improvement in sexual function (95% CI = 60-81%; 15 studies; I(2) = 78%).
>Very low quality evidence suggests that sex reassignment that includes hormonal interventions in individuals with GID likely improves gender dysphoria, psychological functioning and comorbidities, sexual function and overall quality of life.

The study says that due to self-reporting of less-than-ideal observational and non-corroborated studies, gender surgery and hormones SEEM to correlate with a slight increase in quality of life and some reduction in psychological symptoms.

It says nothing about suicidality in any way and your claim that the study shows in any capacity that it reduces to 8% is completely fabricated.

>Very low quality evidence
>All the studies were observational and most lacked controls.
this are fair critiscisms but i doubt you can post anything more credible
>improvements in Gender Dysphoria
>by playing into the dysphoria
this literally doesnt mean anything or makes sene you utter retard
its like saying you played right into the cancer if you get chemotherapy
from the study:
>Significant decrease in suicidality post-treatment. The average reduction was from 30 percent pretreatment to 8 percent post treatment.

This makes a lot of sense, because one of the aspects of autism, is seeing patterns and similarities, among things that aren't quite related.
Like how autists will arrange objects by size. or stack in a specific order. Often times, the arrangements they see, are only obvious to themselves.

They even do this kind of stuff with their own identity, and how they perceive the identity of others. They will read the traits of a person and assume that their personality traits need to be arranged to fit a mold. What that mold may be, is whatever the autist deems fitting.

So in short, autists pretty much mind fuck themselves, into thinking they should be women, due to their odd methods of pattern recognition.

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cause theres no existing tratment to fix the mind while fixing the body is pretty easy

>you can’t use anecdotal evidence and apply it to everyone
>ALL my trans friends say feeding little boys oestrogen is the right thing to do

What an insufferable faggot


Actually, I'll add to this. This study basically confirms what I said in because it proves that SJWs and people who buy into this gender dysphoria stuff are basically looking for quick solutions that err on the side of just giving mentally defective people what they think they want, so they can be released into the population and everyone can cheer about how they're progressive and solved the problem without being bigots or something.

It's the opposite of scientific rigor. They're just saying "Well, fuck it. Let's just let these people ruin their bodies and fuck them up for life because it's better to cater to their emotions rather than worry about the potential harm this may cause long-term, to the individual and society."

I don't know, he swings back and forth a lot more than you would expect for a basedboi

so whats a more effective solution that you recommend?

>its like saying you played right into the cancer if you get chemotherapy
if you walked in with a bunch of cancerous tumors and chemo turned you into a cancer elemental, sure you might be right. thats not the case though.
to put it another way: if someone is anorexic you dont cure it by helping them lose weight. when they get skinnier, it is not an improvement on their condition even if, in their delusion, they think it is. you cure it by helping them to see themselves as they really are.
similarly if some guy thinks hes a woman you dont cure his delusion by cutting off his cock and balls, altering his brain chemistry to even more abnormal levels, and telling him he was right all along. you give him therapy to help with the personality disorders that probably led him to this conclusion (and which are causing his depression, etc.) and medicate whatever is an actual mental illness to bring his brain chemistry to a normal state.
i can tell you have no actual experience with mental illness.

not him, but see my post right after yours

Why are you all so obsessed with transsexuals?

Left out the part where Money coined the term 'gender' which had never been used medically or otherwise before this case (which proved his theory wrong) but is still somehow seen as actual science.

can i get a quick rundown of some of the cringey shit he said on JRE?

the problem is that, using the old dsm definition of gender dysphoria as a mental illness, there are no effective treatment options. medicine doesn't work, therapy doesn't work, and clearly surgery doesn't either. i think the people who publish the dsm just didn't know what the fuck to do about gender dysphoric people, so they just booted them out of the mental illness category

>the reality is that there is no other working treatment for dysphoria except for antipsychotic drugs
It's called puberty

>sex is your sexual identity
>children can choose their sex
>children understand let alone being aware of sex
the fuck is wrong with the left

Reminder that this is the long con
Endgame is making pedophilia legal

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Anyone notice how there’s considerably more mtf than ftm trans people? Probably to do with there’s more men with mental illness, learning disabilities, sociopathic/psychopathic tendencies

so we should just stop trying anything and let them be delusional and kill themselves? ok chaotic evil guy

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what a faggy face, I can't believe he said it's a "character" he does for the show, he seems to be as unhinged outside of the set as much as in. that interview was disgusting

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aboslutely retarded agrument
anorexia is completely different thing with completely different causes and treatments than gender dysphoria
they literally have almost nothing in common
again, show me a treatment thats proven to work where people with gender dysphoria are cured by "accepting who they really are"
you cant because no such thing exists

You act like tv hasnt had pol posting ever. You're the newfag leftypol tranny fuck

i don't know what to do about the grown ones. it's the kids i'm worried about. when i hear about them being put on hormones, i think about how ~15 years ago, doctors were giving adderall to kids like it was candy, and how that practice is viewed negatively nowadays. i think medicating kids for mental disorders rarely works out well

>Do you have any good sources against trannies?
Wait until the new season of /comfyjazz/ threads starts. Those are a great source of information about the perils of gender reassignment surgery, i.e. "bottom surgery".

no, puberty is the thing that usually fucks it up even more to the point where it might be irreversible

most nazi's were trannies. What's the problem?

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this has to be autism.
anorexia and GID (at least insofar as the trannies who actually alter their bodies go- and if they dont lets be honest theyre just pretending) are dysmorphic disorders. theres a problem with the individuals brain that cause them to see their body in a way that it isn't in reality. in the case of an anorexic, they see themselves as fat when theyre actually a spooky skeleton. in the case of trannies, they see themselves as having a body that doesn't match with their soul or whatever and both wish to change their bodies to match the fucked up version in their heads.
and the reason you dont see any effective treatments is because no research into them is allowed to be conducted. psychology has completely caved to the social """"""""""""sciences"""""""'""" on this issue. (side note psychology is a joke and is hardly a science in and of itself)

>cutting off your penis
>doesn't reduce suicide rates

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trans kids arent normally put on hormones until they get through shitton of therapy and are older
try again retard

>>Rate of suicide is higher for members of a society
Really makes me think.

bruh you have at least 10 images of supposedly gay nazis and youre calling someone else a fag?
>implying dressing up in drag as a gag with the lads in a time before the poz is the same as being an actual raging homosexual with mental illness

So what you're saying is that we gotta start permanently transitioning them before they hit puberty so that if they find out it was just a phase their life is fucked forever? You honestly just need to off yourself.

He pretty much says women are bad at sports because sports are designed for men.
Tried putting words in the mouth of celebrities saying they didn't believe in climate change.
Advocated for children receiving hormone replacement therapy.
Doesn't know the difference between training facilities and illicit dangerous steroids

trans kids dont exist.

they're put on hormone blockers to prevent puberty quite young, and then estrogen/testosterone as a teen.
therapy doesn't really help gender dysphoric people much, and i don't think a child in their early teens is capable of understanding the consequences of such a decision

Puberty is not fucking anything up, you idiot, you clown, it is a natural body process. Over 80% of "gender dysphoria" cases were solved by simply letting the kids go through puberty without filling their heads with bullshit about how they're something they're physically not.

You literally cannot change someone's gender. If we had the super advanced technology or ancient magical spells to do this, then this horseshit about gender identity and the like might have some merit. If you want to see the horrifying results of child abusers trying to prevent puberty by getting the kid on a cocktail of drugs at an early age, go ahead and watch I Am Jazz. They made a documentary series just for you.

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Can I get a quick rundown on what happened in your life that has led you to regularly coming to a scandinavian goat fucking forum for incels?

>I like Joe in this case, care very little what an adult does to their own body. You wanna take horomones and dress up like a girl? Sure whatever I don't give a shit. You're legally allowed to do that an I have no issues. Hell, if you're someone I respect I might even call you a different pronoun if it really makes you happy.
Don't be so obvious, kike.

1. this doesnt actually happem
2 if it did, the worst thing that can happen is that the kid isnt actually trans and would get dysphoria from being on the wrong hormones, so literally the same thing as if they were trans and went through normal puberty except insanely less likely to happen

>1. this doesnt actually happem

oops try again

hormone blockers are pretty safe, reversible and commonly used in lot of other treatments that have nothing to do with being trans

>so whats a more effective solution that you recommend?
Ongoing therapy, anti-depressants, and a heavy dose of actually living in reality are all pretty good ways to keep people from killing themselves and don't involve chopping off their dick and humoring their delusions.

>if you put a non trans person through transintion they get gender dysphoria and want to transition back
oh yeah who whould have though

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no drug is safe. long term studies just haven't been done yet

Seems obvious, doesn't it? Maybe calling kids trans and making these kinds of decisions for them should be illegal.

>i guess it sounds reasonable so it must be true
post citations dumb faggot

what happened to david reimer is literally the same thing that happens to actual trans people when they dont transition

what is the final solution for the tranny question?

yeah better not try anything if you ever get cancer, i heard chemo can cause cancer

No it isn't. :)

cancer is fatal and is correctly classified as an illness

I mean there are a lot of pics of nazi trannys, yeah

what's your point? Not my fault therte's so many


understanding they were nazis and teaming up with Russia to exterminate them all again

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>a baby who had a botched genital mutilation and is raised as a female by morally bankrupt parents and a pedophile, until he's old enough to realize that something is incredibly wrong, and commits suicide after realizing his parents turned him into a frankenstein
>a person who grows up naturally
Are you just some falseflagging /pol/tard? Tranny supporters do not need any help in making themselves look like fools.

>Over 80% of "gender dysphoria" cases were solved by simply letting the kids go through puberty
[citation needed]

What happened to Reimer is a boy being raised as a girl until he had the mental faculties to realize that he was a boy who had his cock chopped off and put in a dress.
What happens to "trans people not transitioning" is someone who thinks he's a girl just growing up.

I stopped watching him after college humor went full s o y after all the talent left.
He's a centrist at worse and left leaning.
I love jre but cbf watching this faggot larp about how sensitive he is when in reality he's just a fucking c u c k Parot saying what's cool and popular to get rich and famous not because he cares hence the flip floppy
If the majority popular socially acceptable trend was to shave his head and bash niggers with anime swords while screaming jap memes he'd do it

Hate hipster brainless sheep

again, anorexia and gender dysphoria have nothing in common dumb faggot
you literally jsut pulled this shit out of your ass, cause they seem similar at first glance if you are an uneducated retard
>and the reason you dont see any effective treatments is because no research into them is allowed to be conducted
there were lot of differnt treatments, mainly therapy recommened for decaded, none of them actually worked though


Kenneth Zucker has been a leading researcher and psychologist for patients with GID(Gender Identity disorder) which is now referred to as Gender Dysphoria. Since the year 1972 he has worked with more than 550 patients with the disorder. Thanks to his research, and the research other experts in the field, he was able to PROVE that the majority of children experiencing gender identity disorder, or Gender Dysphoria, will grow out of the disorder if they are simply allowed to go through puberty normally.
Let me repeat that for you, Kenneth Zucker did not HYPOTHESIZE that, he did not THEORIZE it, he PROVED that the majority, about 80% of children with the disorder who go through puberty WILL DESIST WITH THEIR DESIRE TO TRANSITION.

By default that makes puberty blockers a proven breach of ethics. It is child abuse in its worst form.

His studies on this are numerous, but here is a recent one. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21216800

Another good study on this by Thomas Steesma is here: pinktherapy.com/Portals/0/CourseResources/de_Vries_Puberty_Suppression_in_Adolescents_with_GD.pdf

The June Memo for the Centre of Medicare and Medicaid said the following in 2016, and this was BEFORE TRUMP WAS ELECTED, in case someone tries to claim that.

Please note that it says that there is NO PROOF WHATSOEVER that there are any ACTUAL benefits to sex-reassignment surgery, and that the studies that have been done have been INCONSISTENT AND BASICALLY SHOW NOTHING.

That means that to put a child on puberty blockers and to give him a "sex change" surgery, is EXPERIMENTAL and UNETHICAL because they have NO IDEA what that is going to do to him psychologically, let alone the possible medical and physical risks.



>People who have self-esteem issues bad enough that a higher proportion of them than normal will commit suicide.
>Just placating and tip-toeing around these extremely unstable people all the time is a "solution" to such a severe underlying issue.

Oh, okay. No point in fixing the individuals then. Clearly it's just easier for EVERYONE ELSE to walk on eggshells around them for the rest of all time.

and then they kill themself cause the dysphoria becomes unbearable just like david reimer did

>posting wikipedia
>trying to pass off transphobia as science

Reimer didn't have dysphoria

>Anorexia and Gender Dysphoria
>they literally have almost nothing in common
Except for crippling self-esteem issues? Self-Harm? And both being Dysphoria?

Do they? They might not. They might simply cease thinking they're something they're not. They might also get help in accepting who they are. This is no reason to destroy a child's life.

yes he did
if you are not trans but get forced into another gender you will most likely develop dysphoria

>Can someone explain something to me? Why is the body considered the wrong one by default? Like the cells replicated according to the plans given and built a working body. All those systems are perfectly functional, why isnt, then, the mind or the brain considered off? Why is the kneejerk reaction to mangle the body which is working fine to fit the mind which clearly isnt?
We can charge $20,000 for genital mutilation surgery.

>ignoring the entire rest of the post because it's headlined by a wikipedia link
I literally only included that to humor your [citation needed] shitpost, but thanks for coming.

>I don't have a counterpoint or an alternative source so I'm just going to piss on yours and declare myself the winner.
Wow, great debate. much socratic.

I honestly have stopped caring about this shit. No matter what I do or what I think I'll be fucking wrong somehow. If I'm in support I'll be called a tranny and if I'm against I'll be called a bigot.
My stance is that I don't fucking care what people do to their genitals, what pills they take, what kids they convert. It all doesn't fucking matter. I don't partake in it, and the place where I live I won't see anyone taking part in it.

>This is no reason to destroy a child's life.
yeah, which is why they should get the help they need and transition

>help they need
Choose one and only one

He wasn't forced into another gender. Refer to
You cannot change someone's gender. We simply are not at the level of civilization or science fiction/fantasy to achieve this.
He knew what he was and killed himself because he couldn't stand being mutilated. There was no dysphoria because he was not a girl, he was a biological male who was ripped up by knives and scalpels.


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i choose both cause i dont want them to kill themselves

>adam spends 40 minutes trying to argue hormone replacement with a guy on TRT
somehow rogan is a better anti-tranny debater than anyone on the right

Attached: soy latte.webm (640x358, 1.91M)

>tfw your life is ruined because of some 3000 year old jewish tradition

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I wish they'd gone into that a little more. Like showing the pre-op and post-op suicide rates.

I honestly can't wait until furries become the next trannies, mentally ill/pervs who demand the right to do degenerate shit and force it on children.

You know what makes you kill yourself? A festering rotting wound between your legs for the rest of your life.

It's not a treatment, you're just giving in to their delusions, not treating them.

He might actually gain a little bit of respect if he went against the bullshit narrative for once

Attached: 52641BF8-867E-4D17-87FF-2EEAF331E732.jpg (1024x609, 80K)

>use a wikipedia meme
>get a wikipedia link
>get upset at it
None of the rest of that post is even in the wiki link

>early christians mocked, kicked, spit on, beaten, crucified
>none commit suicide

Attached: elephant.png (273x262, 57K)

he was circumcised because he had phimosis

forget the trans athlete stuff, this guy was seriously saying that he disagrees that men have a physical advantage over women

gender is not sex retard
non trans people can get dysphoria
david reimer was raised as a girl but he still identified as a guy

Attached: vinceh.gif (200x150, 725K)

[citation needed]
also nice argumentum ad fastidium
not to mention hormones are way more important and most trans people dont go through surgery

post a peer reviewed study proposing a better treatment

>gender is not sex retard
The clown concept of gender identity was introduced by David Money, and became widespread by feminists.
Do you know why the "I identify as an attack helicopter" meme is still around? It's no different than being a man and "identifying" as a woman. The brain is an organ, a part of your very male body, like any other.

Welcome to critical theory where there is no such thing as empirical reality and the points don’t matter.

You got citations. Many. You even got a wikipedia one at one point, where you pulled [citation needed] from.
Fuck yourself.

Too bad pop science and socially acceptable mutilation don't reduce their rate of suicide compared to the rest of the population

Furries are 95% gay man user.

if gender identity was not real, david reimer would just accept hes a girl and lived happily and wouldnt kill himself

Don't have to kill yourself if other people are doing it for you

Did you even read what that guy went through?. He didn't want any of it.


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exactly just like trans people dont want to be the gender they are assigned at birth

He was born a boy. That’s not his “gender identity”. It’s literally who he was. Then his crank had his brother hump him and shit. No wonder he was fucked up. Idk how people think this situation is remotely analogous to or otherwise somehow validates men who enjoy roleplaying as women.

except thats objectively not true

>blacks consistently mocked and shit on
>suicide rate is nonexistent

>1 wikipedia link
>rest is not wikipedia
go dialate pls

> It’s literally who he was
so it was his gender identity

>everyother group gets mocked for their race, religious views, or ideas
>doesnt kill themselves except trannies
Literally the kkk and the black Israelites are more mentally stable than you guys.

A man having his genitals horrifically mutilated, being subjected to perverted humiliation by a doctor with the permission of husband parents, and being forced to take drugs that permanently changed his body is just like trannies who is just unhappy with the normal bodies they were born with. Sure thing.

They are walking bags of unnatural and unstable hormones. That is why they kill themselves and make a spectacle of everything they do.

His sex was male.

Yes but did they test his gender identity? That's whats inportant

phimosis can be treated without circumcision

his gender indentity was also male, which is why he was depressed from being forced to be a girl

>rampant r*ddit spacing in every post
Back to discord, skinwalker

And a faggot voice. And faggot opinions. Also he thinks and acts like a faggot.

Gender identity doesn't exist. He was always a boy. Having his penis horrifically mutilated beyond repair doesn't matter. Same goes for any tranny.

>He was always a boy.
he didnt know that though

*attempted suicide
It is also much higher in women than men (even if in the end less end up actually killing themselves). It's not surprising that trannies are pathological attention-whores.