The Last Jedi was kino.
The Last Jedi was kino
ill take your word for it
stop trying to make kino happen. Kino isn’t a thing.
It's pure kino if you remove about 2h and 33m of runtime.
What was so kino about it?
I didn’t hate it, I just felt nothing watching it, just a soulless hollywood cash in on nostalgic manchildren
Based thread
>*That scene in The Last Jedi was kino
This post is unkino, my dude
>That shot in The Lad Jedi was kino
>That frame in The Lad Jedi was kino
Its a nice looking shot undermined by the fact that the events happening werent real and had no weight.
>What are emotional stakes
Don't be an idiot user. Just because nobody is getting physically hurt doesn't mean there are "no stakes". Especially considering we didn't even know that until the scene was over
you now remember this
no one cares, so:
a. watch Ep 9
b. have sex
Why do the proportions look off?
>visually pleasing shot composition = kino
Get off this board you pleb retards
>it's salt not snow
>yet it snows
Explain this
Those are salt particles raining down after the battle
the last jedi more like the i bypassed the character development
No it wasn’t.
it is a very good looking movie if you ignore the casino planet sequence, that could be said.
the story itself is a clusterfuck.
the only excuse is: its was already bad on the first movie. less bad, but bad. because since them they make all the effort of the first trilogy a absolute waste of time and failure.
i also think rian is a good bitch and pretend it was all his responsability but i doubt that the diversity hire team of lucas film wasnt there to offer and or order him some stuff.
looper was a nice movie, he did some great breaking bad episodes, it is hard to imagine that he could do such a shitshow alone.
last jedi sucked lole