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Three days in the dark, do scholars think he masturbated in there with nothing to see, do or eat?

>That scene where he tells the audience to spread his word
could have walked out of the cinema t.b.h

Probably, the divine hand needs no other stimuli

>When you get to heaven say "hi" to my dad.

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LaVeyan Satanist here. I've learned to love Christians, now that we've all seen how gay the world has become under rampant Atheism and now the rise of the Tranny Satanic Temple. Things were just better under the more common sense Christian values.

According to Ascension of Isaiah he went to battle with sky demons and uncork the giant hole that let's human souls travel to heaven.

>rampant Atheism and now the rise of the Tranny Satanic Temple
Fuck christcucks are getting more and more desperate, aren't they? Pope is down with the globohomo, protestants are caring only about aid for Israel and their mutt grandkids not being picked on. China-style state atheism would now actualy improve situation.

Deepest Lore
As the carrier of all sin the sight of him was repugnant to God. He spent 3 days in hell paying for the sins of humanity. What a mensch, huh? All so you could jack off to mommyporn and not burn forever. Top lad.

>LaVeyan Satanist here


>LeVeyan Satanist here

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LaVeyan Satanism is Atheism with a rulebook.

You’re probably a Luciferian

>LeVeyan Satanist

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He's a christian spreading pious lies.

true story

>LaVeyan satanist here

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kek at the gif

LeVeyan Satanists for Jesus

Do you mean Yeshua?

sounds like a stand up

>LeVeyan Satanist here

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Tagged for the most retarded post I've seen so far. On every level.

>LeVeyan Satanist here

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>LaVeyan Satanist here

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> yfw you realize Jesus was real and died like a bitch

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chinese are taoist