Movies with this aesthetic?

Movies with this aesthetic?

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I don't get it.

It's your average normie who has no sense of fashion style and doesn't have a gf

the one where ryan renolds makes a sad face

Silver Linings Playbook?

Taxi Driver

>Wearing the comfiest clothes


fight club

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i wear jeans a tank top asshole
you're waaaay off

literally me

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I can only relate the stare everything else is what keeps those white dudes single

How do you people not know someone like this?

I used to have some chubby 6/10 female friends who'd get hit on by guys that looked exactly like this every time we went to the nearby sports bar. After they got shot down, they'd go back to playing darts and blast Staind and Nickleback from the internet jukebox.

I will not, sex is scary

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Here is what I wear. Judge me.

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kinda boring desu m8

manchild larping as an adult

Fuck you I wear whatever is most comfy and easy to choose, plain t-shirt and sweatpants master race. Buzz cuts are also easy to do yourself at home. No valid reason to have a broken phone screen, however.

Very preppy, similar to my own style and I like the paisley, though I tend to wear dark blue jeans and long-sleeved shirts a lot. I wear dress shoes a lot, though I'd really like something more casual to supplant them, since I don't want them getting worn out.

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lmao hey wonder bread

This is such a great answer

>Implying most people here get out and do such things

Any insult at a type of man on the internet is automatically taken as an insult against them because they identify with all men women hate.

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>wonder bread

Just get a nice pair of casual oxfords or a nice brown leather pair of sneakers. Not some basketball american type shit, something that actually looks nice.

Hi dad

>t. reddit

literally this

Whats wrong with the way I dress? I'm 30 years old and work in Finance.

Got it

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You need to have sex to post here.

>Burberry trench
>Black merino wool sweater
>Black wool suit trousers
>Black Church's oxfords
The so-called "four Bs"

Most of you are basement dwelling neckbeards who never leave the house. I have to dress like this in my line of work.

Don't listen to them. There is literally nothing wrong with anything you posted. It shows that you not only have a job but you also actually give a shit about being presentable.

Nothing wrong with this lmfao

>It's your average normie who has no sense of fashion style and doesn't have a gf

good one, now have sex

You're really dedicated to the larp, respect.

I already have. Can you say the same, discord tranny?

looks like a poof

Of all the responses you are actually somewhat accurate as a girl I'm friends with told me she thought I was gay before she got to know me better.

Bottom left Jacket is extremely dad. My dad used to always wear a jacket exactly like that

That belt is cringe

there's nothing wrong with it, it's just not very exciting unless everything is fitted properly

why did you delete your post nigger


Well what should I wear?

guys that wear shirts and pants are horny? so insightful

>Not wearing your finest white sweatpants, the ones with the least stains that your mom ironed so they have that crisp line so they look dressy, and your finest anime t-shirt to the theater

You'll never get the hot babes like I do. 2D of course, 3D is pig disgusting and laugh at me because they are all whores who know nothing of fashion and the value of a man like me, and probably watch the english dub when they watch anime.

Theres nothing wrong with this. Why are so many of you talking shit?

That's your "average dudebro having a dayoff from work and goes for a pizza buffet" starterpack

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they are 15 year olds user, dont worry about them. they dont leave the house anyways so prolly all they wear is stained white t shirt and sweatpants

This is the watch I wear. What does Yea Forums think?

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Anime t and sweatpants for life. Why bother with anything else?

>stained white t shirt and sweatpants
My younger brother dresses like that and I'm embarrassed to be seen with him in public.

Which shirt color matches best with dark blue pants user?

By dark blue pants do you mean jeans or chinos or suit type pants?

Because this place is filled to the brim with reddit9k permavirgins and zoomer rejects.



you should help your brother to become a better person user go for some shopping with him, show him what a normal person wears

Sometimes I feel like I don't fit in here anymore. I'm 30 and have been coming here since I was in high school.

A light blue shirt would be good. White could also work well.

If you have been here for so long you would realize it was just bantz and stop being a pussy, sounds like your test is already dropping you old bitch.

He's not interested. He just sits around playing video games all day long most days. He's studying software development in college.

literally me too

sup Yea Forums, rate my fit

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30 isn't old

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White or very light pastel colors (blue, pink, purple)

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rate mine

missing generic leather wallet and belt and shitty cracked windows phone from 2014

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I never wear T-shirts, looks weird with chicken arms

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Hey that's me except I don't have a phone.

cringe, trying too hard

>Heckler & Koch USP Compact 9mm

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based doppelganger bro

Same. I was already a normie and having sex and going to parties when I started posting here in 2007. Now I can barely spend twenty minutes a day here without wanting these fucking losers to stop dragging it out and just kill themselves already. The reddit9k invasion is real, and it's no longer people larping as losers, after moot closed that shithole board and they flooded in here it was the death of this place. Then election tourists filled the rotting corpse with retarded diarrhea. The only reason any decent person comes here anymore is in the hopes that something they post might cause one of the reddit9k scum or shit meme spouting zoomers to kill themselves.

fucking annoying zoomer leftist bitch

>I don't have a phone

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Pretty much me but i'm average height (5ft11) and /fit/ so I can rock bland tshirts.

I don't wear joggy bottoms though, mainly jeans and boots so I can be 6ft

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broken cellphone glass indicate subhuman

what about cracked phone case but intact screen?


massdrop for gentlemen