Downloading movies

>Downloading movies
>See this

How the fuck is this shit even LEGAL?

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Other urls found in this thread:

why are you complaining about what a private company does?

HEVC encoded 720p movies aren't that large

oh nonononono hahahahahahahahahahahaha

Because they are the only option for internet in my area.

If there was government funded unlimited internet you'd have a point.

>Limited plans
You deserve it for being a pleb

>data plan
This hasn't been a thing in my country since DSL came along and ended the dial-up era. It's still there on 4G though

This is my ISP, Xfinity is the only thing offered here. If I want 'unlimited' data apparently I have to pay an extra $50 a month, which is completely retarded.

>got comcasted
i feel your pain brother this is TWC territory though and AT&T gives them the business. also my town got another 3rd party they pipe into peoples homes shit's still overpriced for what it gives though

I'm in the same boat as you (Comcast is my only option). Take advantage of the two courtesy overage months. Plan your downloading ahead of time (torrents, direct downloads, streaming, downloading large games from Steam/Origin/etc and so on) and start on a month with 31 days. Depending on your speed tier, you can download 15TB or more in that month. Hopefully, you have a good VPN so Comcast can't see what you're doing.

They can't do shit about it except send you an alert/email telling you "this is one of your two courtesy months." They reset your courtesy months every year. I unintentionally went over the limit late last October and ended up stacking 2TB in the last 5 days on top of the original 1TB.


I miss Cox Cable so much bros... they were the best internet providers ever...

>fast internet
>unlimited data
>reliable service
>never sent me letters for torrenting

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I thought limited internet plans are gone. I am from eastern europe.

Imagine getting only 1TB of data each month

I use that much in a day.


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Hahaha jesus man.

This is gonna get real ugly when they start lowering the caps and jacking up the prices and ongoing use of normieflix starts costing you a hundred bux a month.
It's already happened in Canada. There's no uncapped Internet anywhere now.

>americans have caps on their internet

what the fuck lmao is this real

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Depends where you are

Boy I love being a slave to monopolys fuck the free market.

Last time I had a data cap on my internet at home was a couple of decades ago when I had a PSTN connection.
Burgerland is a strange place.

free market creates monopolies

my sides no you fucking dont stop pretending you need 4k movies

How do you justify rationing 1's and 0's. The internet isn't a physical thing lmao

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>hits 1TB cap
>"You don't need 1TB!"
He very clearly does retard.

lol this shit takes me back to the 90s -early 00s when we still had caps here (netherlands)

>government plows money into telecommunications infrastructure
>(((some guy))) bribes some congressmen to sell said telecommunications infrastructure to them at a discounted rate because its communism for the government to operate it
>proceeds to jack up the price, continue to lobby the government to not make any further public investment, and do everything possible to prevent further private competition


>yfw Americans have their internet circumcised

think of the poor trillion dollar corporations

>government creates monopoly by selling infrastructure to private company and impeding every other company from participating
>this is a free market somehow

>Its okay to limit an unlimited digital non physical data

>if the government ran the internet your point about private companies running the internet would be relevant

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It sucks; I know. Comcast used to have a 250GB cap ten or so years ago then removed it completely for a few years before introducing the 1TB cap. I miss that golden era.

>mfw I first learned that the majority of americans have to deal with data caps

How IS that shit even legal?

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Cox sends me letters for torrenting all the time. They are just appeasing the watchdogs groups that collect torrent IPs.

Large swaths of America are essentially third world. It’s a big country.

Market regulations are communism

>data caps
sorry i don't live in a shithole

>sign a contract
>get upset with the terms of the contract after the fact
>cry that the government needs to hold your hand
You are the worst sort of person.

This. All the people bitching about data caps must be the poorest niggers. I have never hit a data cap, even on my fucking phone where it's like 10GB. But then I'm not watching N*tflix on my phone during lunch like your typical subhuman.

>having time to watch 1024 Gigs of movies a month
fucking NEETs

The only people who dont have unlimited in Canada are unironically weak pussy men. All you have to do is call the support and tell them to fuck off and give you the unlimited free for the length of your contract dont take no for an answer. If they try to give you some lip call them a poo in the loo and repeat your request. They always back down.
(Canadian with unlimited 750mbp internet for $40 a month. Also my cellphone is $50 for 12GB) just take what you want from those greedy fucks.

>replacing my collection with based V:10 A:10 YIFY
>never have to worry about this

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>Watching movies
>Using the internet at all
By the way before anyone thinks its smart to point out how I am also using the internet, I mail my posts to 4channel.

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Mid America Cox is pure ass

Nobody's stopping you from starting your own cable company, investing $50 billion in infrastructure and paying off lawmakers to allow you entry into the market. So stop whining, you fucking commie.

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>limiting something intangible

>50 for 12gb
lmao scammed
€27,50 for unlimited nationwide 4G+ 14gb EU wide

>bitching about data caps
>must be poor

nigger what was the logic here, you would have had a point if you listed pirating media but then you brought up netflix

guys guys you dont get it, if they dont put caps on the internet its gonna run out and then no ones gonna have any

You have such a shitty data plan is that fucking mobile you zoomer?
I download hundreds of gigs a month worth of shit

Shut the fuck up. Obviously you don't just jump straight into running an ISP, you make a success of other businesses first and then move into cable

As an American, this is my biggest shame. We created the fucking thing. Corporate shills trying to justify this behavior like the ones itt are probably the only thing that legitimately triggers me

>just kidding haha did you really think that we'd abide by the contract? YOU KEK


Surely your billionaire businessman/ real estate developer president will take the side of the people

This has nothing to do with capitalism.
It's government regulation to blame.

This is a great premise for a buddy movie in the vein of Dirty Work.

Is there a way to check if your internet is being throttled?

>Step 1: look outside and see if you live in America
>If so then yes.

Then this isn't a free market then.

If there's a lot of people who face a similar problem why not just start a business and compete with them?

>lose your mind when caps on a limited resource such as fossil fuels is proposed
>fine with these cuckcaps on a communication resource
heh, americans

>Literally the only ISP in your area so you're forced to use it whether you want to or not
>"Huh this contract is dumb, I'm not signing it!"
>Ok, have fun living without internet
>"Yea, that'll show em'!"
>"Now, it's time to log onto that Indian basket weaving site I always use and post some memas about how I beat the big man..."

Think before you post retard.

Should have said fax

Unironically start your own ISP, if there is real demand for it (there isn't)

Why do you think they created it? We allow our government officials to take unlimited bribes and the telecom companies (correctly) assessed it'd be cheaper to regulate to the point its impossible to compete than actually have to provide a better/cheaper service


>pay 60 dollars a month for 300 mb/s unlimited bandwidth

I though Canada was supposed to be bad for internet access.

>Doesn't understand what a monopoly is
Go suck a kike bootlicking mutt

Because fuck you socialist, I know how you think you slimy fucks. You wan't to slowly creep in government regulations on markets until government has total control. Fuck you.
>He will deny he is a socialist now

This wtf I love the free market now. Mr schlomo we will not redistribute your wealth by force you just keep doing you!

get unlimited data pleb

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That's the point.jpg

Certain industries like the cable industry are being dominated by very few giant corporations, and legislature [purposely] makes it near impossible for competitors to set up shop. To top that off, the few companies that do control 100% of the marketshare acts very much like a cartel, where they don't undercut eachother on price. Either due to [illegal] backroom deals, or because they all know that it'd be bad for their profit margins if they began to compete on price.

Then he should just pay or it. That's literally how capitalism works. You get what you pay for.

Only five years ago I was on a 10GB internet plan, five years before that it was 5GB. It was shitty but I also didn't want to pay more.

>just start your own ISP bro

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Why do stupid people keep pretending this is a free market?

Not an argument

You've got it backwards. I want to know why people aren't allowed to just make their own ISPs right off the bat. There needs to be more competition because right now it's obvious all of the big companies are colluding.

the struggle is real. I have to limit my usage

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hehehe hahaha hohoho jejeje jijijiji kajjkakakajkajkjjjkajkkjakja huehuhehuehueheuehuehue

That's why we need a free market.

Thank God for God emperor for giving the power back to the corporations

And thanks for citizens united to make sure our terrific representatives pockets stay nice and full to make sure they work for us!

>article from 2013
Is this still the case, 6 years later?

That's how capitalism works, get on with it tiger



I never said and i don't care if its a free market because i'm not a free market cult zealot like you
Now go watch Ben Shapiro and fuck off reddit tourist

This. Who cares what kind of market it is? I just want my unlimited fast internet at a cheap price. Get it done!

I easily manage on 900gb per month and I have a 6tb collection of high res movies and shows. What the fuck user

Unironically this

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>I easily manage on 900gb per month
Maybe because you're used to being cucked. I'm glad I don't have a cap. I'd legitimately go ballistic. We have guns, don't we? Use them!


another shit website to add to the blacklist

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The cable industry is a kinky situation. Legislation that kills the chance of competition is driven through by lawmakers because they're being given campaign funds. Meanwhile the lack of regulation is what simultaneously allows the few top contenders to act like a cartel.

A market without regulations is pants on head retarded, especially in the globalist economy we find ourselves in. But so is having corrupt politicians form legislation to benefit campaign donors.

don't a lot of companies offer unlimited? my cap is 200 gb but I don't download movies. I could get unlimited for another $10 though.

you live in Alabama or some other third world part of America i have xfinity and don't have to pay extra for unlimited internet

What is reasonable for Internet

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>if there is real demand for it (there isn't)
There always is. Current internet is expensive and doesn't need to be. Literally just have it go faster and cost 10 bucks less and you'll cuck the entire market. But (((they))) won't let you make your own ISP.

Cringe and corporate-shill pilled

don't you need like...more electricity to send more 1s and 0s?


You're the shill for wanting companies to keep doing this.

But it's the regulation itself that allows for monopolies like this.

Read the article, it's actually legitimate.

>baaaaaaaawwwww I hate the free market
Enjoy being raped by corporations and the state then you third worldist sociopath.

Log into your account; under "Devices," scroll down a bit until you see pic related. Does your page have "___GB remaining of 1024GB"?

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someone start a go fund me to fund their internet company. Imagine how hard current companies would try to fuck that person over if they got the funds.

Those better be yearly prices...

Is this REAL?

LMFAO, I'm dying.

Those are monthly prices for business customers not residential.

The companies pay politicians to create those regulations retard.

No I think that’s per month for a 12 month contract

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This is literally my fucking argument.
That's why we need a free market.

click that user's link

Why are business prices more expensive for lower speeds than residential rates? Really makes ya think.

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Must be a Memeneux cult member
Ignore him, they feed on attention

If you were torrenting, you don't really have any right to complain. And damn dude, find some more hobbies. A terabyte a month isn't enough? I have unlimited and I don't use that much.
Otherwise, I agree, it's pretty shitty. Parts of the US and Australia get reamed on the internet.

>But it's the regulation itself that allows for monopolies like this.
The point was, regulation is both the cause of the problem due to corrupt lawmakers, and what keeps the problem from being a thousand times worse.

Scrap the regulation, and nothing stops these giants from tripling down. Who's going to stop them? Will Joe the plumber be willing to gamble away $50 billion to build infrastructure in order to attempt to compete against a few giant corporations whose only goal in life is to destroy him? Not to mention that without regulation in place to keep that from happening, it's an absolute fucking certainty.

Businesses don't have caps I think

Holy shit it IS real!

I'm fucking dying of laughter. How are they still in business?

>"If you were using the internet you paid for you have NO right to complain!"

Comcast please.

>who cares about-
>child labor
>where toxic waste gets dumped
>unsafe working conditions

Yes let's throw away that baby as well as the bath water. The free market will save us all.

I mean, he did push for faster 5g rollout. As someone in a rural area with a house all by it's lonesome way down an empty street, I appreciate that.
It would take a decade of me paying to even start to cover the infrastructure to bring a line to my house, so I can't even blame the ISPs too bad for not doing it.

That would make you a total hypocrite, as you consume goods that you didn't pay for.
I'm not defending ISPs, but use a little critical thinking.

Having said this, if [legalized] corruption through campaign funds and PACs was suddenly made illegal, and these already giant corporations were broken up into pieces, then getting rid of most regulations could actually work to introduce competition in the market.

But the first part is never going to happen. Lawmakers will not make legalized corruption illegal when they're the ones to reap the benefits.

We arent talking your country Im aware that price is shit globally. Canada bros still know I got a deal. That plan is regular in store price $175 a month. Yes Canada is a third world shit hole inflated like 1930’s Germany.

Free market cucks are just as autistic as commie cucks. The correct solution is always different regulation, not none at all or infinite regulation. You just have to figure out what the rules should be and implement them.

>300 GB bandwidth cap
God Bless America


how the fuck is this shit real

how is it allowed

what the fuck dude

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Good point user let me reach under the mattress and pull out necessary the capital to lay internet pipes nationwide

>How the fuck is this shit even LEGAL?

Keep voting Republican, see where it takes you.

> 720p

Found the guy who watches movies on his phone.

Vote Patrick Little

>tfw everyone is laughing at the american with the 1tb cap
>tfw live in rural australia with a 12gb monthly cap
People posting 3mb pictures is pain

My DSL was unlimited, then got capped once streaming took off and the normies clogged the pipeline.

>He thinks it's a Republican/Democrat issue
>He doesn't realize the Rep/Dem establishments are basically one and the same when it comes to corporate policy, besides a few minor differences depending on which corporation was the biggest donor to either party

Wew lad.

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See Don't listen to this size queen cuck Stop downloading those massive x264 movie files & switch the HEVC. Same quality, just a lower file size. I have Xfinity & I download on the daily and have NEVER gotten one of these data cap messages

At best you would raise enough to service like 1 town

It's like you don't even know what's going on in the FCC and Net Neutrality. Keep telling yourself Dems and Repubs have the same stance on net neutrality. Whatever helps you sleep at night faggot.

>have Verizon Fios
>shit is tight yo
>all of a sudden now its called Frontier
>internet speed drops to an old Chinese woman driving in the fast lane
>what the fuck
>Verizon sold the local service to them
>try and call to talk to someone but Im on hold for 2 hours
>finally come off of hold and get hung up on
>literal class action lawsuit because they suck so bad
>drop their stupid asses and switch to atat

You're just proving my point. Net neutrality being a minor difference in corporate policy, when you consider the full picture.

>Democrats in big tech corner (Alphabet, Facebook, Netflix, etc)
>Republicans in ISPs corner

At the end of the day, you're going to be left sucking corporate cock either way.

Based capitalism just based

Based Elon will save us with his constellation of satellites.


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>Net neutrality being a minor difference in corporate policy


Cox isn't unlimited. They have a limit but bury it deep in the terms.

This country is such a shithole in some ways

Literally buy a plan for unlimited internet you fag


>Government checks on businesses so they don't fuck over the public
>Amerilards are so brainwashed they don't want this
The red scare really did a number on your country didn't it?

Stupid Obama was supposed to classify cable providers as common carriers and end this bullshit

You are aware the government regulations are what is allowing this to happen to begin with right?

>corporate shills on Yea Forums
fuck off retards
even shithole countries don't have data caps

It is, though. It essentially just boils down to the Republicans defending the interests of AT&T and other mega donors, while the Democrats defends the interests of Alphabet, Facebook and other mega donors.

The very foundation of corporate law and legislature is largely agreed upon by both sides, where the goal is to always keep the donor(s) happy.
That's when happens when there are only two parties, and corporations can legally buy politicians through campaign funds.


I remember that for a couple months in 2012 I had a 50/5 connection with a data cap of 250 GB and it was like $60/month.

In general, it's understood a business can afford to pay more for a service than a citizen. Comcast, for example, rapes their commercial customers and locks them into contracts, whereas the majority of residential customers don't have contracts. What might also apply, too, but it's not guaranteed.

Let's say a business only needs 25mbps for one year (for instance, a construction company's HQ trailer while a building is being constructed on-site). Comcast can charge them $400 for the installation plus $100/mo.

In another scenario, a restaurant has Comcast but is being turned over to a new owner. If the new owner doesn't inform himself that the Comcast account can be signed over to him for a small fee along with using the existing Comcast equipment, Comcast will fleece him for the installation charge on top of the regular monthly costs without shame or guilt. You read that right: Comcast will charge an installation fee to a business that already has their service and equipment if changing owners.

The installation fee depends on the length of the contract. Less time equals higher fee and vice versa. Comcast uses shit modems (pic very much related) that die at the weakest power surge then charge the business an unwaivable $100 charge to send a tech to swap it out. During hurricane season here in south Florida, that can mean 7-8 modem swaps in a month.

Attached: COMCAST-BUSINESS-Xfinity-Cisco-Modem-Router-Wireless-Gateway.jpg (300x400, 24K)

And just to underline the point of the post;
While I agree with the Democrats on the net neutrality issue, I'd have to be fucking retarded to believe that they're doing it out of a moral sense of justice. No, in this case the corporations that donates the most to the Democrats and I happen to have shared interests.

On the next issue of corporate legislature it might be the other way around. But in the end, both parties are whores to corporations.

>What *said* might also apply

What I meant is that the government should take a more active role in stopping predatory practices that anons have talked about in this thread, data caps alone sound fucking ludicrous with internet access being so needed these days, as much shit people here give Britain we at least have a choice and caps are unheard of

what are you even doing?
I just checked this month's data and I'm at 850GB 22 days in
and I stream 900p60fps streams 10-12hours/day

like what the fuck are you downloading

>he doesnt routinely download 100+ GB porn megapacks, watch 2 videos and then delete the whole thing in shame

>same quality
How do blind people use the internet?

Watch how aggressively they defend capitalism itt in spite of this.

They are literally mentally deficient.

>delete the whole thing in shame
There are some packs worth keeping, user.

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Nothing about network neutrality is minor.

Yeah, so they should be changed to actually help the public.

I live in the midwest and have literally never heard of a data cap on anything but a cell plan

Why doesn't anyone stop these Jews?

Well not really under a capitalist system there should be competition. The problem is the way broadband internet is set up each company carved out little exclusive fiefdoms with the local government where they eliminated all competition seemingly indefinitely for the price of laying cable through that area, then the larger service providers went around buying up the smaller ones and now we have the current American broadband landscape of local monopolies doing whatever they want.

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Cell plans shouldn't have data caps either. And even if you buy "unlimited" they still throttle you after a certain point. Really autistic.

In the grand scheme of corporate law, it is relatively minor. The only reason it blew up the way it did was because two immensely powerful industries stood in opposing corners, and had each of their little pet parties front their interests for them.

Ya'll dumb, just call them every 12 mo and threaten to cancel.

I've had unlimited Tb speeds for 5 years paying $30/month with Comcast

fuck you faggot bitch. kill yourself

Complacency is my guess.

>tfw paying 35usd/month for 500mbps without any data cap
>tfw living in a third-world country
Dabbing on Americuck

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What do you have to say exactly to make them comply? I've heard this strategy works but I don't have the luck to pull it off.


That literally only works if you have another provider you can reasonably switch to. Otherwise they'll know you're all talk.

Have you seen Taken?

Just repeat what Liam Neeson said to the guy who took his daughter.

That is the inevitable conclusion of free market capitalism. It's a feature, not a bug.


you are such a naive human being.

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I hate corporate jews
How do you cap and meter this shit it's not like we're going to run out of internet in the future


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Not him but certain urban areas in my country have free internet provided by the governemnt. It is capped at a lowly 1mbps but it is unlimited. You can see migrant workers watching their country's tv show around the street stealing from the people.

When the lawmakers are corrupt, it doesn't really matter whether the market is "free" or not. The end result is exactly the fucking same.

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Based and redpilled.

Shut the fuck up, goyim. Just cough up those shekels.

>hey let’s pass a law that would make most politicians poor and eradicate corporate control of government
>wtf why is no one voting for this

This map is wrong, Alaska belongs to Canada, I'm not sure who made this and put it with America.

>It's a feature, not a bug.
It's not really a free market when they have exclusivity deals with local governments now is it? If these companies actually had to compete with each other they'd have to offer competitive prices and better service. The fact that the market isn't free is the root of the problem.

Moderation? Heresy.

you are aware that the govt could literally say data caps are illegal and they become illegal?

You're just repeating what I said

>But the first part is never going to happen. Lawmakers will not make legalized corruption illegal when they're the ones to reap the benefits.

>If these companies actually had to compete with each other they'd have to offer competitive prices and better service.
Not to mention the fact that there's no risk of new competitors showing up. It's a mess.

>same quality
Do you have a brail computer or something

How else do you expect them to reap massive, unwarranted profit off of a service that is becoming faster, and cheaper by the year?

I have only 50gb a month. How the fuck do you use 1 tb a day?

The last time the US government attempted to curb the predatory nature of a massive industry resulted in the recession of ‘03

Unironically a cuck.
Reposting this
>The only people who dont have unlimited in Canada are unironically weak pussy men. All you have to do is call the support and tell them to fuck off and give you the unlimited free for the length of your contract dont take no for an answer. If they try to give you some lip call them a poo in the loo and repeat your request. They always back down.
(Canadian with unlimited 750mbp internet for $40 a month. Also my cellphone is $50 for 12GB) just take what you want from those greedy fucks.

Reading this thread as an Australian makes me wanna neck.

There is competition in every market, even faggot dsl, you don't actually have to switch. Just be angry at first, calm down a bit as you're talking, imply that you don't need discounts you just don't see the value.

If the first few went do it keep calling back, eventually you'll get a sales guy that needs one more for his bonus

Wouldn't it be uncircumcised since it has a cap?

So you just end up paying 50 bucks a month extra gotcha

Fuck off, no one likes you.

Get a job

Circumcision removes up to 70% of the sensitivity, and thereby pleasure, in the cock.

Removing the regulations wouldn’t suddenly spawn new corporate entities with a billion to spend on laying/hanging cable.

Dont listen to that other guy, this American here loves Australians. I feel your pain on bullys acting like we have control over where we were born

Yep, thanks for the constant fucking reminder that I was mutilated at birth and had no choice in the manner. It's really funny to laugh at cutties, it's not like they're fucking victims of literal baby flesh money ring

So who's fault is it? Your parents or the Jews?

>it's a pampered Europeans who pretend to be fascists on the Internet discover what American capitalism actually looks like episode


Doing what? 1tb a day is unreal dude. Are you streaming 5 movies st once?

Dems literally want to shut down the internet. Open your fucking eyes.

Uuuuuh.... bandwidth ain't free, sweaty......... so give us our money and stop using your internet connection, little paypig

>circumcision has not only caused his penis to be less sensitive but his brain to lack function too

Considering every corporate entity of just about every size relies totally on the internet, thus, network neutrality, Comcast deciding they require a premium to communicate with another ISPs networks is anything but minor.

>Talking shit about rural areas that save Republican asses

>democrats want their largest donators, Amazon, alphabet, etc, to fold


Yesterday I downloaded a movie that was 70gb. The fuck kind of bullshit isp you have, op?

>he has a circumcised penis
How does it feel to be less of a man? Hows it feel to have not nearly as much pleasure and amazing feeling as we do? Kill yourself, cutfags. Honestly pathetic.

Can you imagine being a cutshitter?
Even worse. Imagine being a mutilated dicklet AND a manlet.

>Some retards on Yea Forums said it so it must be true!!

Please make fun of me more
I'm dead fucking serious that this is driving me to suicide
I cant fucking take this anymore

Why don't you get revenge? Are you a cuck? This is what child trannies should do too when they grow up.

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No but it will allow the ones that currently exist to compete with eachother. I know you're like a Marxist or whatever and you think corporations are nothing but bloodsucking vampires that hate their consumers but when these bloodsucking vampires have to compete for the same blood chattel and that chattel can choose which vampire it wants to suck his or her blood now these bloodsuckers have to clean the cobwebs out of their castles, they have to provide a hot meal before their meal because that's what all the other vamps are doing the end result is you get a better experience even if they're still sucking you off of your precious blood.

Post cock let us check

just cut the rest of it off and become a femboi

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If you do, livestream it and make it perfectly clear you're doing it because you were mutilated.

>tehe, sorry sweetie we can't afford to expand our infrastructure :^)
what now?

You seriously keep a digital collection!? Lmao are discs too expensive for your broke ass? I’ve got a collection I can show off.

The ones that currently exist don't want to compete with each other, they make far more money with the current system.

Not him but I'm the suicidal one

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Libertarians need to face the wall. You are subhuman scum.

>tfw unlimited 4g

i can finally leave the house

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I pay 50/10 because I don’t need faster internet for anything. I don’t understand the need for downloading a terabyte a second unles you’re going to brag on Yea Forums about it.


>I torrent tv shows, porn, movies all the time
>download 2-3 steam games per month
>my brother plays online games all day

We still only use 500-600gb per month. I'm not at all defending data caps (my isp doesn't have one), I just don't understand how some people go over over a TB per month.

>not even close to average

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I’d fool around with you
You look nice cheer up

Well maybe he
>torrent tv shows, porn, movies twice the amount you do
>download 4-6 steam games per month
>his brother plays online games all day all night

Businesses are provided dedicated priority lines home connections are not. Corporations pay top dollar for a system of dedicated connections because time is money.
Not all bandwidth is the same, unfortunately. Private monopolies on internet infrastructure is a cancer that just won't die.

I like Australians
You guys seem alright and your slang is fun and your girls are cute and your country is beautiful
t. American

It sucks, but there is more to life than sexual pleasure. And you could always opt for prostate stimulation unless they removed that too.

Because Americans are retsrds who vote for conservatives who block any efforts at municipal internet

6/10 would suck desu

>Private monopolies on internet infrastructure is a cancer that just won't die
Any form of monopolies are cancer but who has the capital to actually compete with them.

>but who has the capital to actually compete with them
Governments. What the fuck, user?

Only Democratic states allow public internet, which is the only thing that can compete with the ISPs. Republicans have been literally brainwashed by corporate shills into believing all politicians are as evil as theirs, and that the only differences are shit like gibmedats and abortions. Willfully ignorant fucking morons

Governments are not businesses, they are here to serve the people.


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All corporations have an intensive towards growth year over year, investors want returns on investment. In the current system the only way to make that growth happen is to find new ways to fuck the consumers and take more money for less service. Under a system where those limitations are removed suddenly that insentive shifts to taking customers from your competitor the smaller fish like Cablevision, Midcontinent, Charter, Mediacom, Frontier and CenturyLink might find it adventitious to expand into areas where only the bigger fish are dominant by offering better service than big fish like Comcast, Time Warner or Cox are currently offering. Then that intensive for year over year growth shifts from benefiting only the investors to aiding both the consumer and the investors. This drives innovation, better service, better prices, it's how capitalism works, as they strive to get an edge over eachother they end up making eachother better as a result or die.

Obviously they're going to fight tooth and nail to stop this from happening (they are vampires afteralll), but the problem isn't capitalism it's the lack of capitalism.

That's a dry cock, m80. There are ways to moisturize for cutfags. At least then you'll have a nice looking cock.

4/10 on the cumshot. Nice amount, but it's too thick. You need to stay hydrated, both for the quality of the cum and your skin.

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I may be blind but even I can tell you responded to the wrong person. Also did you know that despite being only 13% of the population, African Americans commit over 50% of all violent crimes in America?

Sent from my iPhone 7 Speech to Text

How do you even prove this and why does it even matter to you? Stop thinking about circumcision so much, it’s not healthy to obsess over penises.

HitReply Based fellow blind fag. Poach. Mom, can you come up here please? Can you fill the tub with water? Yeah, I will be down in a second, I just have to make a few more

>be new isp in the newly freed market
>go to hire people to lay line
>all the contractors are hired by the current monopoly
>all the local equipment is owned by the current monopoly
>all the line manufacturers are either owned by or in exclusivity contracts with the current ISP


Jesus fucking Christ how do you faggots survive when all you do is think and talk about dick all day?

Capitalism(Corporatism), Circmcision, Capeshit. Is there any reason why America should still exist?

It's nice not to have caps anymore in Ontario. Most companies offer unlimited now for like 50-60$. Too bad phone bills are still astronomical

There are a fuckton of medical tests to measure sensitivity levels in every part of the body, not just the dick. The science of measuring pain/pleasure [sensitivity] is even its own medical subfield.

One of the easiest ways is pic related, you seething mutant.

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We do the same thing as you, just threaten to leave until they give us what we want, they inevitably cave. Helps that I have multiple providers in the area and I can just use their offers against my own company and threaten to refuse to renew the contract until we get what we want again. It's worked for years.

A big number of proud white nationalists live there, so it's the last bastion of white purity in the world.

>literally spend $100 per month for 25Mbps internet

Are you fucking serious?

>not having unlimited data
Ok neanderthal

But it's 56% white, while the worst shitholes in Europe are ~75% white. Even Sweden is 87% white.


Who are you quoting?

>s-s-stop reminding me that i was mutilated at birth

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This, its kinda expensive but i had to switch to century link for a little while once and i wanted to kill myself. Cox is so fast.

am i being baited or this a forced attempt at a meme?

your home internet has a limit on it like its a fucking mobile phone LMAO , when an america comes to europe are they not just blown away by how much better everything is

White nationalism is the death throes of a dying nation. It won't go anywhere. Besides the WN in America tend to vote for the same neoliberal corporatists that are bringing about their extinction. Now let's get back to talking about films. Why are the most popular movies and shows so soulless?


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i'd get 1000mbits for cheaper than that if i wanted

>having traffic limits
>in 2k19
Which cucked country are you from?

>dying nation
Nope try again, its just when certain people fail to adapt that they cling into their dying "tradition"

i know americans in germany, denmark and norway. for them its like living on another humanoid planet that is like a century more advanced than what they are used to



I don't think the pleasure of orgasm comes solely from your dick. Actually the nervous system in your dick is only used to stimulate it. The actual orgasm comes from your brain and testicles.

no more jokes post your country and converted USD price of internet as well as avg speed:

UK: 35 USD 120mbps no limits


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>buys your small company and dismantle it
what now nerd? who you're gonna call the gubmint? you dirty commie

>fail to adapt to being ethnically replaced

Wait, why did European countries stop practicing colonialism and slavery, if the only thing wrong with it was the non-whites inability to adapt to their conquest?

oh n-no n-no no

how have they been keeping this so secret

RDJ looks like a turbo faggot there

If you're using that much data you need to seriously re-evaluate your life and what you're doing with it.

>comparing muh jewish great replacement to literal slavery
Fuckin' based.

absolutely nobody will ever advocate a complete lack of regulation. the question is how regulation is implemented, and government is fucking garbage in every single thing it does

What if that data is used for work?

It’s another European obsessed with every little thing that happens over in America. Someone mentions dicks and he wants to talk about his “superior” turtle head. Someone mentions infrastructure and he wants to brag that his village just got a second cobblestone road.

175? jesus fucking christ have my sympathies

It’s not and you know it. It’s some disgusting troll violating copyright protection on licensed porn and jerking off and bragging about it.

>fail to adapt
America isn't dying because some people failed to adapt, America is dying because powerful corporations are manipulating every facet of society to maximize profit at the cost of public good and the government that should limit this is complicit. Public good including racial and cultural harmony. just look at the state of basic internet, then food, healthcare, housing, education.

Post yours. I pay ~35$ a month for this.

Attached: muhstats.png (504x99, 15K)

Why not make your own government?

>mfw 1000/1000 AT&T fiber, no cap $70/mo
get dabbed on xfinicucks

tfw banned in off topic thread

>create huge Playlist on YouTube
>all 4k videos
>play and turn off monitor
Take that AT&T

I heard americans have to drive to the store, do americans really do this?

>paying 2000 dollars a year for internet
what the fucking fuck

>It's happening in Canada

Canada never hand true unlimited internet. They would call it unlimited if it was over x amount of data. I know this because one time I went over the limit so I called the provider and was like "I'm on an unlimited plan" and the lady basically said "when we say unlimited what we really mean is limited". So I asked isn't that false advertising? She said "no".

twice as a expensive as the uk what a deal

Imagine being THIS upset about your mutilated cock.
Man, just relax, there are other things to life than sexual pleasure.

I heard Americans have to wash their dick AND balls for penis inspection day. Can you believe that?

this applies where i am (uk) for mobile data , its reasonable usage and if you go over they can end the contract but its a really high amount

>Big business sodomizes me, but that's ok because it's not the government

LMAO those crazy yanks, what will they think of next

>Removal of ethnic groups is less cruel than enslaving them

I'll keep that in mind.

Yikes you’re the one obsessed with cock my dude. I mean, oof, how do you live knowing people do things in the world you’re not okay with?

Where do you live? I pay $70 plus tax

>Everyone in this thread is just shittalking me because they're jealous
>"Haters gonna hate"

Cope, little man, cope.

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>women not wanting to fuck your neet dick is ethinic cleansing

what is the limit? I don't think I'd ever reach it but that's still bs

Why not? If a company is better served by bribing politicians to create those exclusive deals than making a better product or lowering the price for consumers, why wouldn't the company do that? And wouldn't making it impossible for companies to do so be a regulation? Or is the regulation only acceptable when it leads to your definition of "free" market?

For home internet or phone? I posted prices for both I have.

My internet is with TELUS in BC normally $160 or something but I negotiated discounts down to $40 for 2 years. It’s 750mbps I could have sprung for the google fibre 1 gigabyte stuff but it would have been more. They also threw in a basic tv package for -$5 a month. The tv bill literally says $20 plus -$10 credit -$10 credit -$5 credit you pay -$5
based deals.

Playing online games doesn't use much data. You can play online with fucking dialup. Falling asleep while streaming 4k movies is what uses a shitload of data.

>Comcast uses shit modems (pic very much related)
I can always tell they are internally REEEEING when I tell them I will be using my own modem, and no thanks. providing high speed, uncapped internet?

Wasn't he supposed to be based? Didn't you guys tell me this guy was going to save the internet? Why dd I ever listen to you people. I thought you guys said Net Neutrality was a liberal meme and once it was gone ISPs would be free to send money on infrastructure again. What the fuck happened?

Why can't you spell the word incentive correctly? Triggering the fuck out of me. Also your post is retarded.

>He fell for the AT&T shill campaign

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>This is me

You in Nevada?