Look at it from Dany's perspective here. She's gone her whole life believing she was the last of her House...

Look at it from Dany's perspective here. She's gone her whole life believing she was the last of her House. Her whole identity has been built around her being the rightful queen to Westeros. Jon being revealed as a Targaryen effectively shatters everything she had ever believed to be true about herself. Everything she has done, everything she's worked for, sacrificed, and risked has been in her quest to become the Queen, to fulfill what she thought was her destiny. Only now she finds that destiny was never hers. That she was never the last, that she was never alone.
It's as much a crisis of identity as Jon had. Both their previous identities have effectively been shattered and they're left trying to redefine their place in the world. Right at when the world is coming to an end. Truly kino writing.

Attached: f638fbd7-2144-4626-bcd2-508069e54f37-got-danyjon.jpg (970x546, 107K)

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Shame both the actors are atrocious and can't form emotions.



those two and arya / sansa drag the show down so much

>She's gone her whole life believing she was the last of her House
no, only the last 2-3 years

The lesson here is that destiny is bull shit, fate is a sham and you should never believe you deserve something because of some arbitrary reason. Earn it. Take it. Kill for it if you have to, but don't ever believe you have 'rights' for anything.

Except in the books she never really wanted to be queen, she just wanted to go home to the house with the red door. However she feels she has to return to Westeros and fulfil the destiny everyone is telling her she has.

They were good actresses when they were cute little kids, probably because they were just being themselves. Now they've grown up into boring old roasties.

I suppose there is also a chance that the god awful writing isn't helping them.

If she's the rightful savior D&D tried to make her, Jon being higher up the pecking order wouldn't matter that much eventually, he's trying to avoid power as much as possible anyway.
If this is about "muh throne", she's no different from Stannis.

>She's gone her whole life believing she was the last of her House.
Except she hasn't. Viserys was the legitimate heir to the iron throne and she had him killed.

>tfw you predicted the Dany heelturn back in season 2, and no one believed me

GRRM started sowing the seeds for this early if you read between the lines. For every act of justice, she had to do something questionable to achieve it. Crucifying the slave masters of Mereen for example. Her entire career as a ruler has been the result of her advisers steering her away from obvious mistakes, while she built an army pillaging the cities of Essos.

And her relationship with nearly all of her advisers, the people closest to her, has been a constant ping pong of trust/distrust and affection/resentment. Begrudgingly accepting their advice, and holding guilt over their heads for every time they got something wrong.

She literally has ZERO Veritas the highest virtue of a leader. Every deal she makes she double crosses. ‘I’m gonna give you a dragon for the army.’ Etc

this, so much this.

>being the rightful queen to Westeros
That's bullshit and everyone knows it. She didn't have rights to the throne from S01E01.

Are you Patrick Morris from the comments section OP?I highly doubt it

yeh huh

Attached: dany yikes face.png (543x557, 534K)

Viserys was crowned king on Dragonstone after the Mad King died. Daenerys was named his heir, officially. So when Viserys dies (after being an insufferable cunt), Daenerys is the one with the rightful claim. Jon has a claim, but he has to actively press it.

jesus fucking christ that comment section is the most normie ass female shit i've seen

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Whoever sits on the Iron Throne is the rightful monarch either by blood or right of conquest. Therefore everyone has a claim to it. No such thing as rightful King without a throne

>everything she's worked for
What excactly did she work for?

Drogo liked her ass
backstabbed unsullied master after trade
Second suns fucboy liked her tits
Jorah liked her tits
Jon wanted that pussy

But somehow she recalls her 100 titles like she did anything at all

Jon doesn't even want to be king, he could have made that clear.

Just another case of women fucking their way up to the top. How can they call this show “progressive”?

Jons gonna cuck to dany because ITS HER TURN.

The only way dany's character can be saved is if she goes batshit insane within the next 2 episodes. Maybe she'll leave Jon to die at a crucial moment in the battle.

What are the chances that Dany dies next episode? Like, she seems pretty redundant at this point and she has nothing going for her anymore.
On the other hand, normies would be upset. Also they can milk a lot of drama from her not accepting to be a cool wine aunt

That will probably what will happen, but played in a way so Daenerys comes out still likable as a strong woman who needs no men so she had to let Jon go

>What are the chances that Dany dies next episode?
literally zero.

Maybe she should stop being so power hungry

and Jon?



hanging guilt over the heads of good men who are trying their best in order to try and make them do better and capitulate to her wishes

yep, typical woman.

>INB4 found the incel.

also insanity is hereditary and her father and brother were insane already. however if she starts showing signs of dementia now it will be lame as fuck because she was not shown any before

>if she starts showing signs of dementia now it will be lame as fuck because she was not shown any before
That's how dementia works actually. It gets worse as you age. Most sufferers aren't straight out of the womb crazy.

Dany walking up to John in the crypt and just taking his hand was the most warmth ive gotten off these two the entire series.

I can't keep a straight face, when he says "it's true Danay." If the world was just, that would be the most memed phrase of 2019.

This is literally a non-problem since they can just unite their family-branches by getting married, as they were planning anyway, and co-rule.

Unless Jon is going to be a fucking cuck and let a little bit of incest stop it.

The problem is that Jon is male, giving him a greater claim. He'd be considered the true king, and she would merely be his queen.

She has shown many times before to be crazy hungry for power, and all her dillema is that the “righteous queen” act is just an excuse for her wish to be a tyrant.
In my view she could easily snap and betray everyone just to be on the power, she just didnt until now because things went her way.