
Comedy edition

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>CAPT’N! The reflux indicators are off the charts and the traction coils are all shot to hell and the transfusion receptors are acting up and the nacelle oscillators are all over the place and the metagenic bio-filters are all in pieces and the subspace inhibitor’s got sparks flying out of it and the transporter buffers are off line and the photon infuser is not responding and hull polarity is at 9% and the trilithium pods are unstable and the axionic transwarp carrier is down for the count and the magnesite-nitron grappler is about to blow and if we don’t get the electroplasmic buffers up and running, there’s no telling how long she’ll hold!

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they wouldn't watch movies

he hurt little girls in the holodeck

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That's a lie

it's the future. they have better things to do than watch movies from the 30s.

>they wouldn’t play jazz music
>they wouldn’t read books
>they wouldn’t perform plays

you don't fucking get it do you?

Says who? Classics never die


Working my way through Deep Space 9 on the horror channel. God I love this show. Sisco has gotten the beard and met Cassidy, and the Obsidian Order and Tal Shiar have been crippled.

>Computer, load program "/trek/ frens"
>Create 1,000 BFs and VFs in classic TOS attire
>Have them make out and cuddle and laugh at me when I try to talk to them
>Make them get hornier every time I say, "no bully plz"
>Disable safety protocols

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>tfw no trekkie gf

Who has the better ass between the two of them?

Could someone post the image of the teenage guy from a tos episode with the "no!" caption? Thanks.


You all promised me Picard was cancelled or at least in chaos and on hold.

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Why isnt Discovery talking about the 800 lb elephant in the room? The warp factor scale.

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dunno, never seen em

>when odo is all rotten and dissolving

that was fucked.

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High-concept television.

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WHO is watching Discoveru???

She's right you know. It's just dumb that they're doing 3 serialized shows and not one episodic one.

>dumb action schlock with bad writing
>high concept

>It's just dumb that they're doing 3 serialized shows and not one episodic one.
Um sweatie, because it's 2019 not 1989. Normies don't like episodic shows, not when they like to bingewatch an entire season in one afternoon.

>patrick stewart was very enamored with the concept of the episode "Disaster", claiming he "couldn't wait" to meet the children
>when meeting the actress that would play the shy ensign, Stewart allegedly said to Gene "You've cast a sexy little girl, Gene." who nodded in agreement. The two men went off to discuss something in private
>stewart begged the writer's room to add a character, played by the young girl that was actually a 3,000 year old alien that just happened to look like a human. her culture would involve wearing fetish gear and stewart provided the costume. When asked where he'd acquired such an outfit, Roddenberry allegedly fired the writer on the spot

What the fuck is up with Patty Stew?

Well, the episodic shit is due to the fact that you no longer need to make 25 fucking episodes to play the "we need 100 episodes for syndication" bullshit.

TV just isn't really done this way. The Orville is also questionable in its popularity. It seems to have enthusiastic and loud fans, but I have trouble differentiating "Fans of the orville" from "people that just fucking hate discovery"

I like that Red Letter Media was much less autistic in that regard, as they both mentioned on Patreon that they dropped the Orville after Identity because it was all samey bullshit.

There's literally nothing wrong with episodic science fiction though as long as it doesn't rely too much on reset buttons.

RLM are morons and anyone who watches them is even dumber. They're also some of the biggest shills on the internet.

Why did you spend time making this?

>RLM are morons and anyone who watches them is even dumber. They're also some of the biggest shills on the internet
I take it you like DC?

Oh boy, I can't wait for [Untitled Picard series] where he's written like a jaded old man like ̶L̶u̶k̶e̶ Jake Skywalker in TLJ, and he eventually sacrifices himself for some powerful womyn of color, as they're the true Next Generation of humanity.

>RLM aren't morons and anyone who watches them isn't even dumb. They're also not some of the biggest shills on the internet
I take it you like Discovery?

He's going to be a black woman of colours father figure screenshot this

Are you even going to provide any evidence for your claims? They're shills because it's a meme that they are so it must be true!!!

>giving a shit about nuTrek when we have more important isues to discuss
Did O'Brien end up resenting Data for not succeeding in ruining his marriage to Keiko?

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>Are you even going to provide any evidence for your claims?
They rated TLJ favorably. You're dismissed.

not that guy, but they didn't rate it favourably. They were incredibly confused by the tone of the movie and didn't understand what the fuck it was trying to do. To this day, they still mock it and it's obvious TLJ killed their what little enthusiasm they had for the series.

>not that guy, but they didn't rate it favourably
Lies. They literally said to go watch it.

They basically said that we, the viewers, will know if we want to watch it or not and don't need RLM to recommend it, but considering how Rich also said how the movie left him with no interest in the next movie and Mike cracks jokes about how they're going to have a new SW movie every week, you can easily say they were not rating it favourably and were just tired of it all (not a great reaction to a movie, in my opinion).

Also, who really gives a fuck? If you get pissed at some internet reviewers because they didn't like/liked a movie you had the opposite reaction to, then you're really fucking pathetic.

>Also, who really gives a fuck? If you get pissed at some internet reviewers because they didn't like/liked a movie you had the opposite reaction to, then you're really fucking pathetic.
You're forgot you're talking to Star Trek fans (losers)

People who care what youtubers think are the worst.

Why do people who live in a capitalist free market complain about the integrity of "shills"? Serious replies only.

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I'm not a loser I'm fucking awesome and liking Star Trek just makes me even more awesome
YouTube reviewers are hella gay tho and people who care about them are even more gay

That's the worst fucking cinema room in history, there's no way you can sit on those chairs for 3 hours, where do you put your drink? Also why keep the lights on like in autistic screenings? And T'Pol, turn off your fucking phone.

>Also, who really gives a fuck?
This is when you know someone has no bullshit defenses left. Yes, RLM are shills. They are clearly biased towards certain fanbases and movies. They appeal only to the braindead, much like Star Trek Discovery.

The only appealing thing about STD is Jett Reno: Space Ranger. All future posts about STD must include a pic of Jett Reno: Space Ranger as well as incorporate her into the body text of the post.

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>That's the worst fucking cinema room in history, there's no way you can sit on those chairs for 3 hours, where do you put your drink?
t. fat person

Because nobody has any actual integrity. We only believe that we believe things.

Please do not bully my wife who is Dick The Birthday Boy.

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>"trotsky murdered people in his supposedly for-the-workers-governement in order to perpetuate what was actually a totalitarian regime for the elite"
>"RLM are unintelligent shills"

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That's not true, belief is about making the leap from logical observation to unprovable speculation. Faith must inherently be out of reach or it stops being faith and becomes knowledge.
However, YouTube shills are not shamans with a connection to the unseen, just autistic losers with a webcam and too much free time on their hands. The issue isn't the quality of their opinions but the willingness of the fucking retards who shill here to take their videos about leaks and why blacks and women ruin shows as gospel.
Seriously faggots, it's just a rando on YouTube stfu already

Fuckin' Joe Piscopo.

I just think with current technology we can achieve a permanent global revolution and overthrow the 1%, but we are kept divided as a class by social issues that in the grand scheme of things dont matter as much as the pressing class issue.

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Star Trek?

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Cardies are gross.

T'Pol's white suit was her best look.

That's a Denobulan, you fool.

I don't think it was a Cardi, Denobulan or T'Pol. I forget which alien race it was, though.

It's awfully nice.

Looks like a Klingon's bum to me.

Not a Klingon.

Well it's not Andorian, either. Pink skin.

I just remembered. It's from Cogenitor, where Trip falls in love with the third gender sex slave. That's a Vissian bum.

>REED: Maybe you'd like to see the phase-cannon assembly.
>VEYLO: Please.
>(Reed unlocks and removes the hatch.)
>REED: After you.
>(He enjoys the sight of a tightly-trousered rear end.)
>REED: It has multiphasic emitters and a maximum yield of eighty gigajoules.
>VEYLO: Impressive.
>REED: I'm sorry it's so cramped in here.
>VEYLO: Don't be. I've wanted to get a little closer to you all day.
>REED: Really?
>VEYLO: I was hoping to spend some intimate time with you. Maybe we could sleep together tonight.
>(Reed stands up suddenly and hits his head on a pipe.)

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That seems right. I was going over my head what species ever even got on the enterprise. What a good ep of bad archer.

I come here to talk about star trek and because I'm tolerated here.

>(He enjoys the sight of a tightly-trousered rear end.)

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Was Wesley gay?

>it's a those darn kids are up to their usual mischief making and shenanigans at the shopping mall in outer space episode

DS9 sucks

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Secretly, you love DS9.

Everyone's gay, supposedly.

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gay as in happy, sure I am!

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How people can make popcorn last ten minutes into the movie?

Well, of course it counts.

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Based Gene


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>Ash Tyler is suddenly on bord of the klingon battleship even though he is supposed to pretend to be dead and nobody bats an eye

I'm only part gay.

just *inhales* just go with it, brah

what in the effing fuck am I reading

Which kinds of fruit do you find most tempting?

>it's a Trip fucks anything that moves episode
>it's a crew covers each other in soap episode

/trek/ has to become more inclusive if we're to maintain the general. The postnumbers have been dropping lately.

There's nothing wrong with having sex, incel.

>(He enjoys the sight of a tightly-trousered rear end.)

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As the designated gatekeeper I declare our general to be full up. Newcomers are not welcome.

Is this teh h0mo Owo

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hi bashirfaggot, you're my favorite

>(He enjoys the sight of a tightly-trousered rear end.)

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You said VF was your favorite. What exactly is your endgame here?

I never said that.

Turns out, Michael Burnham is the key.

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aw fegg

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>(He enjoys the sight of a tightly-trousered tripfag.)

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Who do I have to pay to get Pierce Brosnan to be Captain of a bridge crew of hot alien babes who all get fatter as the series progreses?

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I'd watch a show where you get fatter *unzips*

That plan got nixed after kirstie alley.

Does the Federation allow its citizens to lock their doors? It doesn't seem like it.

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I got banned from the holodeck once.

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What were you doing?

Made Geordi look like a first timer.

Details, user. Were you making your fellow anons do unspeakably lewd things to each other?

I told Barclay what I did and now he won't sit next to me in ten-forward.

>Computer. Run a new simulation. Location: Hawaiian beach. Daytime. Summer.
>Simulate senior staff members of the 1701 Enterprise-D, female only. Clothing: none. Placement: buried in sand from the neck down. >Computer, insert open mouth ball gags into each generated senior staff
>Release safety protocols

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Is that Jackie Aprile Sr.?

You can type it in spoilers if you're afraid of people seeing it. Come on... We're all anonymous here...

>Release safety protocols

reddit go back

>just once
What is this amateur hour?

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why would you bury them in sand then apply gags? I don't think you know anything about those fetishes
bdsm isn't about abusing people it's about surrendering control to someone you trust

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That doesn't even make sense, chomo.

It's Danny Vermin

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hi vf

>why would you bury them in sand then apply gags?
Sweet summer child.
>you're not playing the way I want
Who cares? It has nothing to do with you.

Let her post. It's content.

user, you haven't left the holodeck in three days...

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Hello /trek/, have you completed your klingon lesson today? Our course is in released beta.

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Hello frenly! No, I was bullied today so I haven't done my homework

Why do these threads always go dark after a while?

When people feel emotionally safe they share their vulnerabilities. Just let anons do how they do, it's much needed content.


Why are you so toxic?

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Getting constantly banned is not something to be proud of.

I'm having trouble with the declensions. What is the dative case of cho'?

Sometimes I make posts I know will get me banned because it feels like getting hugged by VF.

>(They enjoy the sight of a tightly-trousered rear end.)

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she would make a handsome boy

I've only seen the first season of STD and got distracted and shitfaced halfway through so I don't remember if Jett Reno: Space Ranger was in it or not but she seems cool
Might check out STD again if Jett Reno: Space Ranger becomes a main character

Forgot to attach a pic of Jett Reno: Space Ranger

Attached: Jett_Reno.jpg (600x800, 82K)

She really doesn't have enough material to hold an ensemble spot. She's guest at best which is unfortunate cause she's one of the few nearly watchable things in S2.

hmmmm sounds like Jett Reno: Space Ranger is my kind of woman

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Her doing her standup bit modified for use in the show is the only thing on the series that was actually scripted.

>Garak, what's his power level?

>hella tuff comedian as a space ranger in star trek
holly fuck yea why didn't you people tell me about Jett Reno: Space Ranger sooner

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Seth should bring in Kirk Fox as the all knowing ships janitor for The Orville

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She's a quipwhore.

Was jack crusher a cuck? Just got done rewatching Family and jack says how relieved he is that he can see everyone he loved in wesley.

There was an aborted arc early on that Picard had literally cucked Jack Crusher and was Wesley's real father, but they ditched it by season 3.

I thought I did but it turns out I was still in the holodeck lol
For all I know you are a hologram

>Sewage Joe in Parks and Rec
>Blade the Carnie in Community
Does this dude just take roles for the lulz?

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Probably gets a lot of callbacks for dirtbag roles, like Jason Mantzoukas (who could be The Orville Ash Tyler)

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What are you supposed to be working on, /trek/?

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Go back to work, veefers

this helps the creative process

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Meaning while pierce is healthy and thin.

You can't deny, /trek/, that you're still a dangerous, savage child-general.

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Damn Keiko hit the wall

Taking TNG from the top one more time and noticing a few times where Tasha blew her cover:
>Tasha gets frozen by Q, supposedly solid
>fingers visibly shaking, faking being frozen
>magically recovers once Q pushes Picard into suggesting a test
>only Tasha and Picard wind up in the penalty box
>both are released once Riker realizes he doesn't want to be a Q
How sure are we Tasha wasn't a scout for the Continuum and that Q didn't dip himself in black shit and call himself Annus and fake Tasha's death as a cover for calling her back in?

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Reminder that Q never removed Riker's powers and he practiced self control for the rest of his life.

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How many conundrums were caused by RikerGod getting bored with mundane surveys?

This only fits in with the case I'm building against Tasha. As soon as the Q make contact with a suitable recruit she is mysteriously "killed" by an omnipotent tar pit. Then in later series they keep encountering alternate versions of Tasha through time travel, Romulan trickery the Romulans being a Q illusion designed to accelerate the development of the galaxy, or direct Q shenanigans in the series finale.
Honestly who even believes Tasha's "planet full of rape gangs" cover? It sounds like something designed to prevent people from asking too many questions.

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Was the aluminum dildo standard equipment? Was it custom made? Do they have courses on crafting one at the academy? What was its purpose?

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Have you seen the man at the all you can eat seafood buffet on Risa? He doesnt know the meaning of the word self control. He just drank the scampi with a straw from a margarita glass.

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Imagine the friction

And people were so casual about the rape gangs, too. "Oh yeah, don't want to visit that federation colony, heard the rape gangs are out in record numbers this year!" and literally no one does anything to stop it.

Former Feddie colony

In Farpoint Tasha is repeatedly the first to suggest firing phasers and torpedoes, baiting Picard in taking aggressive actions. Literally every interaction with her is a prompt for Picard to deliver a more peaceful solution.
With Worf it makes sense because he's Klingon and autistic about his job as bomb boy. With Tasha, who is supposedly from a planet full of predators, it makes no sense for her to want to kill anything which approaches the ship unless she's intentionally trying to provoke Picard.

Also of interest is the fact Tasha chooses an immortal, ageless android as her mate, someone who will never fall to foolish fleeting emotions and who is also trying to find a way to transcend their current limitations. Either Tasha just wanted a vibrator or she found a soulmate in Data, whom she knew would feel no pain when it was time for her to leave.

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>Just found out /wsg/ has a Star Trek general with no tripfags
later faggots

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boring and samefag

What was the deeper meaning behind this scene?

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>"Fate: Protects fools, little children, and ships named Enterprise." - Riker
was it really fate or was Riker working with Tasha's spirit unseen beyond the veil?

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Mirror universe reference

The last time I went to the movies with him, he ate all of my crab legs

>little children
You were right not to try

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ya whatevs where's your award winning post user?

>It's not a real person, Lutan. It has no life. Everything it does is controlled by computer.

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Would you take orders from an Artificial Lifeform, /trek/?

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I probably wouldn't take orders from a regular life form. I'm very lazy.

You seem like a gentle soul who keeps it real.

did Odo identify as incel?

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He was admitted volcel in S1. He just wanted to catch bad guys.

>be odo
>could get your world rocked by the daughter of the Fifth House, the Holder of the Sacred Chalice of Rixx, and Heir to the Holy Rings of Betazed
He deserves all the pain in his life

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A brave face but clearly even he thought that was him coping

when was Steve Minecraft on Trek?

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He didn't have solid empathy in S1, he only knew them as an observer. I can't imagine the cardies would leave without testing if he was fully functional anyway.

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>tfw no one has a courage to grow a power mullet anymore

There are still some of us who remember the oppression of billy ray cyrus. Never again.

Why was Count Dooku in Star Trek?

Lwaxana makes me hard as diamonds

You can tell the world you never was my girl
You can burn my clothes up when I'm gone
You can tell your friends just what a fool I've been
And laugh and joke about me on the phone
You can tell my arms go back to the farm
You can tell my feet to hit the floor
Or you can tell my lips to tell my fingertips
They won't be reaching out for you no more

But don't tell my heart
My achy breaky heart
I just don't think he'd understand
And if you tell my heart
My achy breaky heart
He might blow up and kill this man

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fuck you

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Midnight's Edge have clarified that CBS were given two options - to reconsider their course and include more fan-pleasing elements, or to start production now and forge ahead with Secret Hideout/Bad Robot's plan. Midnight's Edge have made it clear CBS have chosen the latter to begin production a week late.

I would like the opportunity to add sounds to my webms but also fuck gookmoot.

Oh, cool, thanks! It's great to know that Midnight's Edge is never wrong, has never been wrong, and will never be wrong.

Maybe this Easter season it's time to consider that Midnight's Edge is the second coming of Jesus.

>Nog advises a teenage leader on negotiation tactics; O'Brien becomes a Bajoran village's unwilling guru.
literally me rn

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>"""""""""""high""""""""""""" concept shows

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/r/startrek are all assholes, cunts, faggots and niggers. I love you /trek/

Every series needs a cloudkino. The Storyteller is up there with Obsession and Hero Worship in the hierarchy of cloudisodes.

And yes, nebulae count as clouds. Otherwise we'd have to exclude the Voyager episode The Cloud.

When have they been wrong before? They just move the goalposts so they're never incorrect!

STD is legally not the Prime Timeline and cannot include Trek elements unless they're 25% different? Oh shit, they're using footage from The Cage! Well, STD is able to license individual elements whenever they want, to fool viewers.

Short Treks were laughed out of the room when offered to Netflix? Oh shit, they're on Netflix. Well, CBS must have just offered them for next-to-nothing, trust us.

Picard is in serious production trouble and may be delayed indefinitely. Oh shit, within 10 hours of us saying that it began filming? Well, it began a week later than we say it should have, so it must have been due to chaos behind the scenes and a hasty course that will result in a terrible show.

Never forget, if you're negative before anything even comes out, and then hate it anyway, you can never be wrong!

Any Treks to go on when the sun has set, you've achieved a perfect balance of your energies, the gate is open, and you can hear the screams of the spirits you're going to bind to your will rolling in with the roar of the ocean?

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He looks je- nice

Where my B-gurrl at tho?

I don't understand this post.

You read the posts here?

Baby, don't you play me cheap
I may have a heap
Of that junk called money, honey
Wouldn't you
Feel disappointed
If it's true

Don't you play me cheap
Because I look so meek
I might be that galaxy class daddy
That could go for you in a great big way

Don't you think I'm asleep
When you're wise crying
I play the game and I know it well
Can't you pull a fast one on anybody
But be going behind my back

Don't you play me cheap
Don't you make no grief
Oh you little sly mama
Don't you play me cheap

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Episode one of Destiny takes place on Picard's vineyard. Just fuck up my shit now

>[white privilege intensifies]

You're just ngry at /got/ being so big now.

Did anyone else tear up?

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the picard will suck chomo balls

its that race with the (((third gender))) that has the other two genders babies for them

Just the fun and weird ones.

Do you intend to
Put an end to
A sweet beginning like this, like this
You wouldn't dare to
Would you care to
Now that we've found so much bliss

Do you intend to
Put an end to
The only real joy we've known
You shouldn't try to
You know why too
Because we'd both be a-lone

Can't you see we belong together
Forever and not a day
And when I say forever
I mean forever and not a day

We get along now
It'd be wrong now
To let our dreams go a-miss
Do you intend to
Put an end to
A sweet beginning like this

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I've often seen people shitpost about how DS9 'ripped off' Babylon 5, which seems to be inconclusive.
How come nobody ever mentioned that VOY blatantly ripped off Babylon 5 in Living Witness, one of the best episodes in the series? Living Witness aired half a year after B5's season 4 finale, which also involved political partisans the better part of a millennium after the events of the show creating a holographic reconstruction of the ship and its crew with really faulty history for propaganda purposes. It even has the exact same beats with the Captain going on a comically evil 'might makes right' rant and the Doctor being a mengele psychopath, and one of the holograms thwarting the attempt at phony history.

I honestly assumed it was B5 blatantly copying VOY until I checked the air dates.

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Humans only make up less than 1% of the galaxy, yet they are represented in 100% of media. Explain this, shills.

There's no humans in Black Panther.

>chartfag spamming his gay shit
k im out

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liar, yu'll stay

Now I'll be glad when you're dead, you rascal you
I'll be glad when you're dead, you rascal you
I let into my home, you wouldn't leave my thread alone
I'll be glad when you're dead, you rascal you

Now I'll be glad when you're dead, you rascal you
I'll be tickled to death when you leave this earth you dog
When you're lyin' six feet deep, no more fried chicken will you eat
I'll be glad when you're dead, you rascal you

Now listen here, I'll be glad when you're dead, you rascal you
I'll be glad when you're dead, you rascal you
I'll be standin' on the corner high, when they bring your body by
I'll be glad when you're dead, you know I'm gonna be so happy when you're gone
I'll be glad when you're dead, you rascal you

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Can't post more without losing my job but remember this for when Section 31 comes closer to its release. This is the current cast/crew.

Michelle Yeoh as Philippa Georgiou
Shazad Latif as Ash Tyler
??? as unnamed Vulcan female
??? as Leonard McCoy
??? as the voice of Control 2.0

lose ur job i dont care. starbucks

>t. trigger tranny

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fuck /wsg/
the retarded faggot version of /trek/

>posting on /wsg/
the most incel board of all

>webm spamfag tries to get people to post in his faggy /wsg/ thread
>no one cares

No that's /tg/


Don't forget the Dilation Station!

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>be old as fuck
>get btfo by kids on Yea Forums for always posting gay shit
>start posting gay shit on reddit
>get btfo there too
>go back to spamming gay shit on Yea Forums

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circle of life, chomo

Which one will go first?

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the fanbase

Statistics say that Mulgrew will bury them all

the franchise

honestly surprised shatner hasnt croaked yet, hes ancient

>shatner still kickin
what a bull


What happened to old /trek/?

Stewart. Check my numbers.


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Chart tard spamming the same bullshit again and again every night killed everyone's enthusiasm to contribute OC


>tfw I always give chart-tard positive feedback to keep him going.

Avery looks a little thin imo

Chart tard's retarded charts are fun.

Looks like he got some lipo or something but its probly just extreme jazz overdose.

You retarded nigger.

How old is too old?
I often get the impression that an old fags aren’t wanted. At what age do you plan to give up shitposting?

I'm 54 and still going strong

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Since I'm sick of just seeing Star Trek series since the 60s exclusively being about Starfleet and Federation people saving the day.

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andrew robinson played garak as "omnisexual", as in he'll fuck anything if it serves his interests. or at the very least give the appearance he'll fuck you if it serves his interests. funny how nobody in the wokesphere has published a bazillion articles about "Star Treks First Pansexual". then again they also forgot about sisko and (brielfy) hailed STD as the first black-lead trek.

>Burnhams the key to all this. Because she's a more woke character than we've ever had in the series. Hopefully it'll work. We may have gone too far in places.

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