Tv-show/movie has strong female character (such as Star Wars, Captain Marvel, Charmed 2019 etc.)

>tv-show/movie has strong female character (such as Star Wars, Captain Marvel, Charmed 2019 etc.)
>Yea Forums hates it


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because they are typically virtual signalling shitstorms.

There are good films with female leads that Yea Forums likes because they are not pandering mary sue bore-fests, which you avoid mentioning

but it is ok when movies have male leads that are gary stus. they are basesd!

Yeah, that one part of The Force Awakens felt really forced when Rey looked straight into the camera and said "the only thing more evil than the empire is that 1 in 3 men are rapists, and that the pay gap still exists in 2018. We need to end the patriarchy"

What is Alien-Aliens then? Yea Forums loves it to death, and it stars a female protagonist.

Yea Forums hates everything.

>tv-show/movie thinks that itcan get away with bad writing because muh feminism
>Yea Forums calls it out as trash
This is how it actually goes.

im assuming this is bait. If not think aliens and kill bill. They are both good films where the leads are strong women but are presented naturally, rather than forced. Nobody likes gary stues but they arent as prevelant as with women due to feminism encouraging the latter

never said rey did that, rey could of worked but she is boring and good at everything without a reason for it. Even without her the fils are terrible so im not sure what you are trying to get at

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Gary Stus are less irritating by virtue of the fact it’s okay for people to point out a character is a Gary Stu. This is not the case with Mary Sues.

>not sure what you are trying to get at
It's a terrible straw man. Not surprising coming from a director who tries to make a pro-feminist propaganda movie but actually makes the female goddess character a complete fuck-up that no one likes and gets everyone killed.

very true
more commonly though it's because it's an original movie where the whole story is designed around the Gary Stu and so kind of works. Rey and Captain Marvel enter pre-existing settings and the plots contrived around them wind up being retarded and breaking the lore of the setting (which is honestly a pretty fucking impressive feat to accomplish for the MCU which has a very flexible and inconsistent setting to begin with).

and this

Like Alien or Terminator 2?

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Women are fucking retarded crybabies. What planet do you live on? Women are strong now? Bahahah

except Yea Forums loved it

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Yet it sucks my balls. Ironic.

There's literally nothing wrong with Gary Stus and many much loved characters are Gary Stus to some extent.
>James Bond (at least the Connery and Moore versions)
>Sherlock Holmes (in the original books)
>Hannibal Lecter
>Special Agent Dale Cooper (in season 1)
>Donnie Darko
>Rust in True Detective
>Captain Sternn
>Captain Kirk


>Shoehorning in overpowered Mary Sue characters for the sake of feminism like Rey and Captain Marvel.
>Not having strong female leads who are good characters who just happen to be women like Ripley and Sarah Conner.
There is a very big difference.

from the ones ive seen from that list they arent gary stues.

>james bond
>sherlock holmes
all three have reasons behind being good at everything, like jason bourne who is good at shit because hes been trained to be. Rey is some roastie living in a desert who apparently knows how to fly the millenium falcon better than han solo in the originals and who beat ben solo in her first ever 1 v 1 lightsaber duel

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>alita has a strong female character
>Yea Forums loves it
Yea Forums has good taste

>be an orphan scrounging for scraps on a desert planet your entire life
>instinctively know how to swim as an adult despite never once seeing anyone do it or experience it yourself
>know how to not only pilot the Millenium Falcon, but be knowledgeable in troubleshooting its warning signals on the fly
>use latent force abilities to do jedi mind tricks the first time she focuses herself on doing one
>be a crack shot with a gun
>use a light saber effectively enough against a trained and highly powerful dark side force user
>her one literal flaw is that she just wants to try and help Ben

I can't speak for the rest of the faggots on this site but I hate a lot of shit movies whether or not the lead is female. It's not about the female leads, the problem is probably more with strong independent female writers.

Yes, everyone loves gary stus

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>underrated strong female character

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They aren't well written characters, my dude. These movies are just like jangling keys for adults.

Facebook and Twitter tourists aren't Yea Forums

>write a man
>cast a woman

Because "strong women" in media are all so artificial and films with this kind of writing all suck as a result

because Yea Forums is full of asspained virgins that can't cope, so they blame the kid's entertainment they consume for making them feel shitty about their life, instead of just improving their life and embracing adulthood.

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how so?
please explain in what way she is "strong"

if those movies came out and Yea Forums existed they would have eaten the exact same shit

Alien was BLATANT feminism propaganda. One of the most feminist movies ever. And then they doubled down in Aliens. And then they tripled down in T2.

If that shit wasn't already around before your balls dropped and everything in your life became political, you'd have hated it like you hate everything now.

>please explain in what way she is "strong"
she didn't die

this list is why Gary Stu is a retarded term.
Mary Sue refers to a specific archetype with specific implications around why that archetype is bad for the story. Even when examples don't exhibit ALL the traits of a Mary Sue, the spirit of the criticism is usually clear and is absolutely applied properly in the case of Rey from Nu-Wars.

Meanwhile overpowered characters in a story that's specifically designed with them in mind, either to challenge them or focus on some other angle of storytelling other than dynamic character growth.

The mystery/detective genre is a perfect example of retards trying to use the term without understanding why it matters. A mystery is often a plot-driven story, with a heavy focus on the details of various victim and suspect characters. The protagonist is often an eccentric/colorful character with deductive super-powers and the idea is that the audience tries to solve the mystery faster than the protagonist, and if they fail they can be impressed by how the super-detective figures it all out in the end.

Rey meanwhile is not an eccentric super-detective or anything like that at all. She goes through the motions of a traditional hero's journey but without actually undergoing any of the character development normally associated with that type of story.

Aliens is good. Alita is fine. I can’t think of other examples...

>Gary Stus are less irritating
because I related to them! I like to feel special and I like to think that my unearned self-importance is valid! Of COURSE it's ok if they're a Gary Stu!

Mary Sues are trash because I'm not a girl and I don't care about girls and I don't relate to them. I kind of hate them. So everything they do is bullshit.

You are so fucking clueless it hurts.
You know what the difference is between something like Alien and Farce Awakens?
In Alien, Ripley is NOT a strong woman. In the beginning of the movie, she is as terrified and confused as everyone there. She is struggling to survive, preyed on by something stronger than her and dangerous. She suffers and overcomes. She becomes strong, through growth and being tested.

In Force Awakens, Rey does not struggle, Rey does not suffer. She merely falls ass backwards into power-ups and can just do whatever the plot needs her to do, all the time, faster than anyone has ever powered up in the entire history of the franchise. Luke lost his hand and trained for weeks? Rey trains for a couple days and loses no limbs. Rey can even fix the Millennium Falcon, a ship she's never seen before, which is generations out of date and made before she was ever born, even though mechanics was never something she was shown to be good at. Because why not?

>b-b-but Terminator
In Terminator 1, Sarah Connor was a load that had to be carried by Kyle Reese. A complete simpering useless piece of shit who could barely do anything but run and cry until the end. And when we see her again in T2, as a strong woman, she's not strong because of feminism. She's strong because we saw an entire movie where she was forced to ensure misery and terror and pain and she has developed from that.

Modern "strong" female characters do not have character arcs, they do not suffer, they do not grow, they aren't even likable. They all have the same "badass bitch takes no shit" personality and they all are just super strong, from the beginning, for no reason, and only get more capable.
It's garbage. And nobody even tries to dispute it, because it can't be disputed.

i mean he literally gave a reason that is completely different from that but you do (you) arby's

>rambling incoherent essay
>same generic talking points since before TFA came out
>rey does not struggle guise not like my sexy boy protagonists do

keep shucking and jiving
pic related

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It's telling that you retards can't make arguments without straw men.
Criticizing something for being propaganda is different from criticizing a character from being complete shit.
Also, Alien is supernatural survival horror. Making Ripley female is an inspired choice because it makes people better subconsciously feel helpless and vulnerable with the protagonist.
Finally 80s stories like this still fit perfectly well within the legitimate "NAWALT" mentality where you just have a portrayal of an exceptional woman and aren't trying to deliver an underlying assumption of full biological equalism.

kill bill. Im sure you could find other more niche films


>i mean he literally gave a reason
you can justify your feelings all day m8 you're not kidding anyone

this is just virgin messaging strategy for people that essentially only think about movies in terms of how they can be politically spun.

Endless consumerist polcel circlejerking

1/10 bait

>>rambling incoherent essay
>posts rambling incoherent web cartoon
um sweaty

>It's telling that you retards can't make arguments without straw men.

literally projection and strawmanning in a sentence about it LOL.

Why is everything about political messaging and ad hominem and strawmanning for you? You're talking about movies. Why is this your politics? Why do you shitpost about this shit the same way that religious people defend their autistic dogma?

crouching tiger hidden dragon

In the movies of the past we saw women and even men being vulnerable. Like look at Die Hard, one of the most masculine and beloved action movies of all time. Bruce Willis gets his shit kicked many times in that movie and is a total wreck, by the end he can barely move, and him talking to himself seems like he's doing it to keep from completely losing his mind. Ripley was shitting herself throughout Alien and in Alien 2 she wept because she woke up in a time when her daughter was long dead. Sarah Connor had severe PTSD and was in a mental ward because she was now permanently stuck in a combat mindset for a war nobody else believed in.
Female characters now lack any kind of believability or arc or anything, they're pretty much just inhuman avatars of some bullshit social agenda rather than actual characters/people.

>too illiterate to read a cartoon




Don't worry >ma'am, you're more likely to be killed by yourself than the scary natzees.

It's telling that you retards can't make arguments without straw men LOL

and terminator. crouching tiger is probably the best example though

you didn't address any point in the post.

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>relating yourself to nazis for some reason
what was shis endgame?

Fucking ur mom with no survivors.

just because you take up space doesn't mean you have a point. much less that you're worth taking seriously.

sorry bru

Reminder a 'strong female character' doesn't have to mean she's literally powerful. Emily Blunt in Sicario is a good example of an actual realistic female character that's put in tough situations

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None of you know what a Gary Stu is rofl.
Almost none of the characters you listed is a gary stu.
Gary stu's, like Mary Sue's, have unearned abilities and no flaws.
James Bond was trained since he was a child to become effectively superhuman, he's Captain America, but for Britain, and uses guile instead of his muscles a lot of the time.

James Bond is also a notorious womanizer, which is quite a big flaw and often times gets him into trouble, by falling into the enemy's traps.

>not worth taking seriously
>still makes a butthurt reply about projection to that user
how embarrassing

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no it's about how she didn't die at the fight at the end
she used a jedi mindtrick and we didn't see her learn it
who cares about the narrative or characterization? We're literally just focused on how the character is too strong

But Yea Forums liked Sicario
What's your point?
She was a good character, doesn't matter if a character is strong or weak, if it's a good character people will like them. If they're a shit character people will hate them.

>I'm not embarrassing haha no u
there's only losers here newfaggot

when you kill youself literally nobody will notice

Because "strong female characters" often lead to lazy writing. That is to say, the writer lazily thinks the character being a "strong female character" is enough to make the character interesting to the audience, and while that might be true of some people who only care about "progress," to most people, it's not terribly interesting or exciting but, rather, something that's been done before.
As far as Rey goes, she would have been a more interesting character if they'd given her a goal and purpose. With a character like Luke, he's given reasons to go on the mission with Kenobi, one of the biggest being his father. Luke never knew his dad, and it's a source of conflict and pain for him. Kenobi reveals he not only knew Luke's dad, but reveals there was more to Luke's father than the story he was originally told by Uncle Owen. When Luke finally agrees to go along with Kenobi by saying "I want to learn the ways of the Force and become a Jedi like my father," there's a lot of emotional weight there, and the audience feels it. With Rey, there's just a lack of purpose and reason, a lack of connection to the story, a lack of emotion. It's hard to feel for Rey as a character when even she barely cares what she's doing in a story she's sort of not even really a part of. She's just along for the ride, which isn't that compelling or interesting.

Theres more to the rest of that post that changes the meaning of the snippet you quoted you disingenuous tranny.

Because /pol/cels automatically think a strong female character is a jewish conspiracy now, so they must hate it.

Yeah that's kind of what I was getting at. We need more female protags that are actually flawed and not advertised as being stronk

The whole problem is that we don't have that, and instead we get these inhuman caricatures like Captain Marvel who are boring as fuck, never struggle, have no flaws, and are dull and unlikable, devoid of femininity, just awful. Then if you complain about it people just say you need to get sex.