Yea Forums doesn't have twilight threads

>Yea Forums doesn't have twilight threads
>Yea Forums doesn't have fortnite threads
>Yea Forums doesn't have Naruto threads
>/fa/ doesn't have forever 21 threads
Yea Forums doesn't have 69 or Drake threads

And yet Yea Forums is filled with normie capeshit and GOT. Holy shit you guys are lame, are your tastes really that simple? The only comparably shitty board is /ck/ with the endless fast food threads. Capeshit and GOT is the fast food of film.

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sick hot take. You truly are an le epic gentleman of explicit patrician taste. May I have your letterboxd user name so i can follow you and read all your epic reviews of obscure movies? Thanks and upvoted.

Yeah the mods are really doing a bang up job, fucking 27 GoT threads up right now and someone makes a Truman thread just to get a break from the monotony od D&D shit and the mod runs in like the hero nobody ever asked for and 404's the thing in a millisecond. No wonder the only way you fucks can get paid is by selling out to Disney and HBO, you're too autistic and socially broken to hold down a real job. Did you enjoy spending easter here 404ing any threads that are even slightly off topic while letting GoT fags shit the entire board up and make it nearly unusable? Of course you did, and you did it for free too. Could have spent easter with your families and friends oh wait that's right your families are disgusted by you, and the only friends you have are the other cuck faggot mods you talk to in the irc chatroom


Absolutely triggered GoTard

Yea Forums has garbage taste, as does Yea Forums


>Yea Forums doesn't have Naruto threads

This. It's absolutely hilarious how pretentious fags get triggered when nobody gives a shit about their obscure Tony Stark dies Hulk wields the Stark Gauntlet Avengers from 50 Universes appear to fight Thanos Captain Marvel defeats Thanos' army Thor is a massive bum Hulk is Professor Hulk now

tv shows and movies is not art and never will be art

Stupid seethoid.

You’re wrong about Yea Forums, Yea Forums, and Yea Forums. And the only reason Yea Forums doesn’t talk about popular trash is because most people don’t read nowadays so they can double down on the illusion of being patrician.

Hey, babe. Love your concern. HUAYE LAAAAADY.

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The problem is r*ddit trannies thinking they can post here


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>missing the point this hard

You're so deep in capeshit that you don't even realize that it's all bad. Comics are fucking dumb and for children, no matter how obscure.

>>Yea Forums doesn't have fortnite threads
>>Yea Forums doesn't have Naruto threads
>Yea Forums doesn't have 69 or Drake threads
I don't know about that but they have Kpop threads...

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Yea Forums doesn't need fortnite threads to have absolute shit taste

This used to be true until reddit moved in

in the beginning was for the memes, but then came the reddit/normies and dont got it

wew who would have thought Yea Forums is a normie board?!

Link me to a thread on/v/ where people are discussing how to play fortnite or strategies. No one talks about the game itself, they just use it as a proxy to dab on zoomers. tv on the other hand unironically discusses GOT like a bunch of middle-aged boomer women

what a shallow and blanket observation

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Yea Forums is top 3 worst boards, the others being Yea Forums and /x/.

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>dat underage board list
>complaining about a board not being patrician

you're not wrong though, but it's a symptom and not the cause. GoT is the fotm right now, just as capeshit has been for the last 2-3 years, and SW will be again soon, it's all cancer and the jannies defend it, yet delete otherwise good threads for no reason. Same across every board, everything's gone to shit except /out/ and /o/, blame gookmoot for turning this FBI cartoon honeypot into a free advertising platform and mobilefags tbqh, they can't make OC so it's just the same pics and threads over and over without anything ever being booted

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Fortnite aside there's plenty FOTM threads that are taken seriously.

based pink ice cream

It's just a list of media boards. I for one think there's some value to contrarianism or hipsterism, they've become such buzzwords but what it comes down to is that there's a benefit to a community that always tries to introduce it's members to new things. I used to be able to come to Yea Forums to broaden my horizons and see some cool new shit. Now it's all normie junk. You can talk about GOT or marvel shit on Facebook just the same as you do here, so what's the fucking point?

Now that Yea Forums is just porn central, people need a populated enough board to shitpoast.

Yea Forums is just overly cynical, at least the DMC threads are solid.

>Yea Forums is the fuckwit, normalfag containment board
Every user knows this already. Better keep this trash here rather than spilling elsewhere.

>Yea Forums is overly cynical

Nothing wrong with being cycnical and having standards. It's about as stupid as vewing elitism is a pejorative.

Yea Forums has DBS and MHA threads

Yea Forums is the shitposting board. Anons from other boards will happily say that they use their home boards for "real" discussion and Yea Forums as their dumping grounds. You can thank swaglord for this.

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It's because of the plebbit takeover. Nothing but capeshit and got threads. Makes me fucking sick.

It actually does though lol.

>>Yea Forums doesn't have Naruto threads
I wish

A false earned sense of elitism is the essence of Yea Forums. A million people claiming something is shit without actually understanding it. Yea Forums proves this constantly when a new game comes out and people complain that it’s too hard.

Yea Forums doesn't have a fortnite thread because the video game generals go in /vg/. Yea Forums is full of more normie shits than any other board

It's "normalfag", you normalfag

Yea Forums gets flooded with threads every time there's a Nintendo thing going on, and even then there's a fucking sticky for it.

Those fucking digits, bro!
I'm behind you on this one, OP.
Just for the digits, not 'cause i like you or something.

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mu is fucking garbage now.

How did superhero movies gain so much economic power in the movie medium? Who is pushing this? Ever since the early 2000s hit it never stopped.


Yea Forums doesn't read anything wrote by an author that isn't dead for at least 30 years

That's because Yea Forums doesn't have an influence like Yea Forums had p4k or Yea Forums the hundreds of years of literary criticism; the most influential are imdb ratings and the very few movies that Armond White liked. Also the average fa/tv/irgin is insecure as fuck

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Yea Forums is worst board

Kelly C made it to the front page of reddit and from then on, screencaps of us were all over reddit. When something of ours hit their front page, millions of normies were seeing it. They loved us, and other boards. Yea Forums and Yea Forums just so happen to be the most accessible boards.
What a coincidence that in the next few years, a bunch of retarded anons campaign to get Yea Forums moderated. Feet? omg ur weird lol. Banned. Pedos? Banned. Oval? Gone. Actress discussion? omg waifuists are weird. Banned. Movie discussion? Ignored. They begged for moderation. For anything not forced memes to be purged.
Reddit came here to spew their shit. This was their place where smear shit on the wall and not get banned. They get off on smearing shit on the wall, waiting for the home owner to come home and laughing when the owner freaks out. Why would they discuss movies here? They discuss movies on reddit, their home. Yea Forums is for memes and memes only. Yea Forums to them was a place famous for being shit, so they came here to shit.
Once the teenage reddit mexican Yea Forums and Yea Forums faggots realized you could create any meme by spamming it for months, this place died its final death.

Everything bad about Yea Forums is because of bane tourists and swaglord

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Based and checked
Cringe and weak digits

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Yea Forums - hot topic is closed and mom won't let me stay out late

they can for the same reason you do
ginger killed off this boards old userbase so you and them would feel welcome here

Sad. Stuff like Truman threads are what made this place unique.


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Yea Forums is filled with pseudo philosophy bullshit and circlejerking around the same five authors forever;
Yea Forums fairly recently went through a wave of almost nothing but 69

As someone who reads loads, listens to tons of music and likes movies, tv is the most bearable
Which isn’t saying much, though.

reminder that on Yea Forums these opinions are generally agreed upon:
>"I only come to Yea Forums to shitpost. My serious posts go to my main site only"
>"We're all split between reddit and here"

Lmao kek ayyy rofl kik kak keke chortle

You're so funny and le based

how do we save Yea Forums at this point? people like lgl and kaiji won't come back and replacement versions of them will never be born on current 4channel

This is your brain on >>r/eddit

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Ironically have sex.

>posts reddit frog meme
Woah so contrarian

capeshit and got would be fine if they kept it to a single general each


We have a moderator who made a new board called /film/ and opened it by linking to it on Yea Forums. That's the sort of person who decides which threads on Yea Forums stay and which go. There's no saving Yea Forums without a bona fide effort on the part of moderation, which is never going to happen because they're on a marketing team's payroll.

Yea Forums has fantasy and sci-fi threads
Yea Forums has threads about whatever FotM game comes out but also recurring threads about the most popular games in general, when it's actually talking about video games
Yea Forums has shonenshit threads en masse, which is the literal equivalent to capeshit and GoT
Way to out yourself as a colossal newfag you fucking retard.

>Yea Forums
>not having naruto threads

>Yfw the corporate shilling of Yea Forums isn't just conspiracy theory
>Capeshit threads are salaried WB and Disney marketing interns arguing with each other

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You clearly haven't watched a lot of shows discussed there, they sit through plenty of bland shows troped to high hell just to see sone concealed anime tiddies that look exactly like other anime tiddies.

the fact that you can browse all those boards and not agree that Yea Forums is a uniquely bottom tier shitfest for retards just proves you're the one who doesn't have a grasp on how bad it is here compared to anywhere else. Either that or you actually like capeshit (lmao)

I agree.

Cringe. What an absolutely retarded post and completely out of focus of what is being discussed


it doesn't, true, but neither does liking popular stuff, so your point is entirely irrelevant. If anything, disliking popular stuff makes you slightly more interesting than someone who likes everything popular.

>unironically posting liberal twitter memes

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>>Yea Forums doesn't have fortnite threads
Only because /vg/ exists my dude

Fucking based

This. Despite being annoying af, contrarians are a neccessary evil for good discussion and more variety in taste.

>hurrr let me eat my bowl of shit in peace

Kpop threads are the Alita threads of Yea Forums just a bunch of autistic waifu fags. I dont mind them though, since they are contained in one thread and not shitting up the board.


naruto and wheel of time threads on Yea Forums are the comfiest threats on this site

>>Yea Forums doesn't have Naruto threads
You're right, now it's nothing except BnHA, Boruto and SnK. WOW what an improvement.


Please Run through incoming traffic.

there was a time when mods would help with gatekeeping so normalfags posting unironic shit would get publicly banned

Everyone in the GoT thread should be hit for being underaged

fuck off?

DMC is souless since they changed the characters to make them ugly to appeal to the AAA audience.

>t. hotglues his funkopops

based AF

terminally unbased

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there's certainly no such thing as nostalgia nor simple associations that can come from/connect you with some trash pop-culture stuff. it's also clearly impossible to realise that something is a degenerate scum-piece of tasteless work yet be detached to it due to definite reasons. i'm feeling an immeasurable sorrow for those mainstream brainlets, user, i do. my well-bleached elitist sphincter is already sore so he suffers painful shrinks everytime i think of those unworthy bastards. normie infestation has fully invaded this place. it's too late. they're everywhere. why is this happening, user? are we finally lost? what /ourworld/ has come to?

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if Yea Forums was like the other boards we would circle jerk to pretensious shit like Tarkovsky and David Lynch all day. i'd rather have authentic conversations about non-pseud movies


Things being popular doesn't make them good.
The creator of this image was extremely insecure.

You can talk about Iron Man anywhere on the internet or in real life. I'd rather come to Yea Forums and learn something instead of powerranking the Avengers.