Who will play her in the inevitable biopic?

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who is she?

The child of a self-righteous swedish celeb who she doesn't share a surname with, who the swedish media memed the world into elevating as the champion of the climate.

Imagine treating a nordic child as an authority on the climate.

The one who will save our planet.

That's her mother:

KYS pedo

a dinner plate

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does asberger affect your looks or is she just ugly?

She is just ugly. Its down syndrom who affect your look.


16 yo and looks like cunny, thats pretty good. too bad about the moonface and the fact that here teeth are already crowding, disgusting

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it’s that aryan beauty

The first goblin they find.

do swedes really do this?

A kid who consumes shittons of energy to travel all around the world to tell to people to consume less energy.

some mongoloid, it will be super PC too that way, imagine a retard on the big screen.

I don't think a kid with fetal alcohol syndrome is that hard to find in hollywood.
She one of those "awareness" victims that goes around and give speeches on it?

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they can get that little kid from game of thrones since the characters are both insufferable cunts

got goblino

Cute and funny


>asking who will play a literal kid in the future
Fucking retard. How are we supposed to have pictures of some cunt in Hollywood that isn't even born yet?

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Eurovision is truly a sight to behold. I watch it with my buds every year. We sit down with beers and watch western civilization go up in flames.

I want to fug greta so bad bros

Say that to my face and not online see what happens SoiBoy

>Global warning
Yeah, that will be a yikes from me

Really?She looks american

>no philtrum
How much booze do you think her mother consumed?

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Not enough apparently since it wasn't a stillbirth

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That's because she has apsergers.


She needs to catch onmydickers


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Is that what the average Swedish girl looks like?

CCH Pounder

She looks very sami.

She should go to her Rally's on a reindeer and waiving a Pukko