Previous ones: and
/got/ - Sansa's edition
I have a feeling the end will be exactly like robert rebellion. Jon will end up the same as Bobby. Dany will die and he will have to marry someone who he hates. He will get fat, and depressed, he will reminisce of the good ol days on the wall. This is the bittersweet ending. It's like poetry. It rhymes.
What did Ned do with Dawn?
>king's landing is in the intro
>no king's landing in the entire episode
Azor Theon
gave it back to the Daynes
>EAST 500, NORTH 200, OUT.
Imagine dehumanizing a woman because she "aged badly". Have sex.
So wage your bets
Personally, Winterfell falls, Bran wargs wolf
They do a mass retreat where the y magically teleport to the nearest port town and board Ships Yahra has
Nights King marches down to kings landing
Bran learns of the wildfire wargs Cersei and has her screaming to burn the city, but also wargs the old king by mistake .
Nights King enters the city kills Cersei and the baby and then boom
Nights King doesn't die, but his army takes a heavy hit
They circle all the way around to dorn rallying all the survivors.
Brans warg ghost tells Jon the story of Azor Ahai
Mel prepares the ritual and lets Jon stab her through the heart
Jon gets beaten, but right as soon as he's about to be killed
Danny picks up the sword and pokes the nights king killing him.
Queue epilogue
>5 episodes left
>waste a whole episode on a 'final night' convo-thon.
this show is fucked.
My brother just told me:
>"the show is still good, maybe not as good as the first three seasons, but good"
Gave it back to Ashara Dayne I think
Why did Bran have his vision that led to the markings?
What was his game?
Azor Punished
Robert posting is the best thing about this board. Big guy posting is a close second
Returned it to Arthur Daynes sister Ashara dayne who was one of the candidates for being the bastards mother. But real talk Ned probably banged her
>When you can't write your own battles so you copy someone who can
It matches up with the books as well!
>In LotR book, you have troops outside at Helm's Dike defending against the initial onslaught. Eventually retreating inside once they start to get overwhelmed.
Who shows up to break the siege? Stannis with any luck. I guess Melisandre is the closest to Gandalf here, though.
I like it. any takes on who he will marry?
It's better than most things you see on TV. Not sure if 'good' qualifies, though.
>remember last seasons!?==!
>reemembr when we did all these other things?!ª
>remmbber when we said that¿?
>eembeer or past alligances¿!"
>now wer alll together and re diiferent lOL
Imagine saying you'd see her butt cheeks on the show to someone back in 2011
>you could have picked a better spot!
>[audience laughs]
Great cff but your weaponering is off, should be he/vt and wp/vt, the old ‘shake n bake’ since white walkers hate fire
>Bran didn't tell anyone about the ice dragon during the planning, so they have no contingency for it
>Arya didn't put on Bran's face and lay a trap for the NK
>There is literally no mention of any military strategy
How do you go from the battle of the blackwater to this? They really were just hacks ripping off GRRM weren't they. That's just sad, he's a second rate fantasy writer. So that makes D&D fucking fifth rate SHITTERS
Long con.
So I just started reading the books. 30 pages in The Game of Thrones and it describes Jon and Theon with dark complexion contrasting specifically with the other siblings describing them as fair. They arent black or brown so what does that mean?
Azor Night King
4, akshually. It's been 2 out of 6.
i'm calling suprise ending
Qyburn has the Mountain kill both Cersei and Euron, assumes the throne and directs the GC to Winterfell
Jaime dies next episode
>Sansa's edition
You mean... FAKE Sansa?
what the fuck happened to those two cunts?
Seriously even the scars
Venom Jaime edit when
>spend 6 seasons building Jon up, growing him into a Ned-like character
>immediately turn him into a cuck to be mocked by every character in the show
hmm yes just like the books, I loved when Val called Jon an incel
Sansa aged like milk.
Does anyone here actually like the show or is it more of a 'watch it to shit on it' sort of vibe?
Do you even watch the show?
Ramsay killed them fucking years ago
Women are only valuable for their looks and ability to reproduce. Imagine thinking of “women” as people lmao. Manlet mentality
Them copying something decent is better than making up retarded shit.
When's she coming back
S8:E1 was shit. S8:E2 was pretty good.
Oh wait, this is Yea Forums. Everything past the first trailer of the show has been absolute total shit. I have just been hatewatching for 8 years so I can bitch about it on a Taiwanese Fish-Fileting forum. REEEEEEEEEEE
ded & ded
oh fuck i remember, i mixed it up with the book. nothing to see here
>more of a 'watch it to shit on it' sort of vibe?
That is what /got/ is for.
Gillie got so fucking fat lmao
i was laughing so hard when she came on screen
So definitely dead
Who else? Definitely that is
they died in BoB
Cracking pair of tits
>>Arya didn't put on Bran's face and lay a trap for the NK
This will happen won't it. Fuck this show
got some bad news for you
dead. pay attention
The first two episodes were kino and if you disagree you're the zoomer trash that caused the show to imlode into garbage for the last 3 seasons.
Bran did tell everyone they have the ice dragon and used it to break through the wall s8e1, but I agree with everything else
they're gonna go
They are both dead, killed by Ramsey Sue
100% dead next episode
I wanna say Greyworm but he has the power of browness
>the absolute STATE of manlets
Ramsey murdered them.
I'm curious of the end
brienne and jaime talked about positioning a bit i think
It's pretty bad now but it has its moments. It's almost over and the fat fuck won't finish the books and I want to know how it ends.
I do, and every episode makes me miss her a bit more
1st for Ghost dies next episode saving Jon or some shit
What a disgrace of a scene, and a sword. Dawn is supposed to be a greatsword, and a funny white color no? And D&D went and made Dayne a fucking dual-wielder because that's the mark of a legendary swordsman, yeah? Utter disgrace.
>The first two episodes were kino
They were OK
Only good part of that episode
It used to be good, but is now dog shit. This is very very common in television and film, they even have a term for it, "jumping the shark".
Us watching it to shit on it is nothing new. You must not follow many television series.
Grey Worm, hopefully
Oh fuck this could happen- he has the other Lannisters killed then he usurps
The Golden company will teleport there
Fansa, Tyene and Melly are the holy trinity.
Claim your girl
Episode 2 was good, first good episode in a loooong time. E1 was trash.
Fucking this. Nothing wrong with ripping something off - just do it well and put you own spin on other elements.
Hoping they knock it out the part, the battle episode directors ususally have more all around talent than the TV directors they normally use, so I'm expecting some damn kino moments.
>Sansa gives birth to Gendry's son
>murders Gendry, Dany and Jon
>puts her son on the throne
>takes off her mask
That scene with him and Missandei telegraphed his death super fucking hard
Speaking of, can we talk about what bullshit this is? Davos is a hero and he's gonna die cause fuck thinking about his future
Last episode when she takes Arya's face off
In Need for Speed
>useless character has to serve as bait so he has screentime
Literally anime tier.
grey worm
Sansa aged like milk
>The Golden company will teleport there
If Euron and GC show in at the battle field I'm going to HBO headquarters and petition to have D&D arrested for crimes against humanity.
>all the women and children are in the crypt
>the crypt houses dead starks
You’re an idiot. Going way too fast was the problem with the last 3 seasons. You’ve gotta go back.
I have genuinely enjoyed season 8 so far. I think it may have to do with this Nutter fellow. His direction is quite tasteful and atmospheric.
That would be dabid being hacks and not having the books to make them seem halfway competent. The shows been in a downward death spiral since episode 10
I watch it cause it's a nice conversation starter with normies, and I get some enjoyment by sitting around with the boys and laughing at the show.
Also I want some closure, I've been on this ride for what, 10 years?
Missandei was pretty fucking good last season
there will be no one else to marry by the end of the fucking series they fucking killed so many people it's ridiculous.
>Father! Is it... over?
>At long last. No king rules forever, my son.
> I see... only darkness... before me...
>*Night King dies*
>Without its master's command, the restless Undead will become an even greater threat to this world. There must always be a Night King.
>The weight of such a burden... it must be mine, for there is no other -
>You hold a grim destiny in your hands, brother, but it is not your own!
>Jon! By all that is holy...
>The R'hllor flame sealed my fate. The world of the living can no longer comfort me. Place the crown upon my head Tyrion. Forever more, I will be the jailer of the Damned.
>No, old friend. I cannot.
>Do it Tyrion! You and these brave heroes have your own destinies to fulfill. This last act of service is mine.
>You will not be forgotten, brother.
>I MUST be forgotten, Tyrion! If the world is to live free from the tyranny of fear, they must never know what was done here today.
>Tell them only that the Night King is dead.
>*Voice Change*
>And that Jon Snow died with him. NOW, GO. LEAVE THIS PLACE AND NEVER RETURN.
>Sansa gives birth to Gendry's son
Do you mean Arya?
bad posy for me
I don’t want Theon to die just yet fuck
It's funny how D&D intended Mace's speech to be stupid and funny, because for them Mace was an idiot and comic relief, but it turned out to be pretty good.
i hope this cunt dies
>Night King approaches Bran in the weirwood
>gets close
>arya pulls off mask and stabs him with the valyrian steel dagger
If they show up they're fucked. They don't have dragonglass
100% dead next episode:
Grey Worm
50% dead:
Bear Loli
Jaime will die in the final episode along with Cersei.
Episode 1 yeah, but episode 2 was actually legit good.
tyene>that chink one>ellaria>obara
we are all watching it because of sunk cost fallacy, CGI-heavy budget-splurge episodes and occasional decent scenes.
Brienne also has feminism
Also arya will save gendry
>people already defending episode 1
Just go An hero after getting a score
They defeat the night king, and in doing so uncover something that will even the odds against Cersei
Only one of Jon or Danny survive, decided by fan twitter poll
Final showdown in kings landing and Cersei loses
>Arya didn't put on Bran's face and lay a trap for the NK
Nigger the night king has a psychic mark on bran
the best part is rickon didn't even get a SINGLE LINE and sansa was like
>here's your dead brother sansa
>WHERE IS RAMSAY???????????????????????????????????
fucking cersei had more emotions when their children died and they are supposed to be "the bad ones"
Episode 2 wasn't all that bad, but ep1 was just awful
quality milkers
>The Night King shows up to godswood to confront Bran
>Theon draws his sword ready to protect him from the Night King
>Bran uses his magic to knock out Theon
>"Now we can actually talk" says the King
>"You know, Bran, with great power comes great responsibility. Azor Ahai called it the Lord's duty. Myself I call it as I see it: the responsibility of the master to discipline the servant."
>The Night King looks directly into the camera
>"The Dothraki, the wildlings, the Summer Isles... It's our responsibility to civilize them. And if we can't? Then they shall dangle from the weirwood tree. The day of the rope is near, Bran. We'll have every Dothraki in this land dead or in chains in 10 years, and may the Lord of Lighthave me impaled by a goblin this very if I'm wrong. God bless the American Nazi Party.
oops, yeah
What did he do wrong?
If only they had a generic videogame's level of writting.
i was thinking this the whole time
they probably cant open the coffins tho
This is why you're a virgin sweetie...
She is cute in a very plain way
Who /teamnightking/ here?
Fuck the living cunts
I could see Bronn showing up next episode, saving Jaime or Tyrion, and dying in the process.
Formerly alive
sex have
I'm surprised he lasted this long desu
d&d could have killed him - to have one less character to write about - like three season ago
>e2 was good
>half and episode dedicated to stronk, smart wamen and dumb, useless cuckolds
>the other half is "lol now we're here guys, lets drink and fuck and shiet"
Truly kino.
please let this be a spoiler not a guess
Nah, after having seen and experienced how thots treat guys when they're younger, I have absolutely no sympathy.
>the last line
Fuck yourself
No he doesn't.
why dosent the night king just siege the castle lol its not like bran is going anywhere
i prefer northern women desu
Missandei does not look amused.
>Who /teamnightking/ here?
I would literally die for this man. I will follow him to the gates of hell.
Why did she look ten times better than she did in her first nude scene?
me but i also want bran to live
honestly i don't like the show at all since i read the books recently, they just cut too much content for no reason. but at least S1-5 were generally quite good. S6 had its moments too.
Don't you know they keep dragonglass shortswords on hand just for this situation?
scenes since the hound said a naughty word for no reason: 0
May his crypt read:
>He was generally displeased with everything
>What did Ned do with Dawn?
darkstar will show up at the end of the final battle between night king and then fucking kill him with it.
>Using meaningless buzzwords
Listen I think the show for the most parts blows after S4 but put up some valid criticism please.
Yeah, I'm thinking this is kino.
Give Obara the proper respect
Who's incharge of the other kingdoms, Dorne, Martells all dead.
Stormlands, Baratheons all dead.
Reach, Tyrells all dead.
Riverlands, Freys all dead.
Westerlands, Casterly Rock literally abandoned.
And where are the nights of the Vale, since Sansa controls that army
the fuck happened to the Dothraki? I haven't noticed them anywhere in Winterfell, only Unsulllied
Is this post satire?
he will die next episode
if dabid had any sort of aesthetic sense he'd die killed by his son's wight
Tan, olive, or any other shade of not-pasty white.
as far as I see it bros we got 6 possible outcomes
>"How far is King's Landing, Sam?"
>"About 500 leagues, as the crow flies, that is, you grace"
>"Well, how about as the DRAGON flies?"
>I-it's the same distance my grace.
>has a stroke
>valid criticism
Ok, here goes: go the fuck back to plebbit.
Is that good enough?
You can't fool us with that filename, we've seen her flaps
I knew the writing was getting shoddy but did they really need to bring Raimi in for the re-writes?
Excellent taste.
when will /our guy/ Robin teleport to winterfell and save the day?
Why is she so desperate to show her tits everywhere?
its the light guys
they always make women look much better than they are.
ugly nips
Was there ever a source on the multiple endings?
>ywn be grey worm but with a penis and take her to the beach
*king/queen is muttering with a courtier*
*messenger comes in*
your grace... i thought we might speak in private
*courtier looks disapprovingly at monarch*
*monarch looks aside at courtier, then slowly nods*
*courtier gets up and leaves*
this has happened about 10,000 times in this show
>this bitch has oscar nomination
didn't want to ship in a load of extras from wherever they filmed it probably
House Reed and Greywater Watch are still around, presumably. Just floating around the swamps.
Is ep 3 just going to be the big battle ?
end yourself
the scene in the godswood is already retarded before it's even happened, because NK has no reason not to nuke the whole area with dragonfire from above, and the area is surrounded by a wall so Bran can't realistically function as bait for a ground army.
Dany kills Jon then herself out of regret. Thus ending the Targs.
Tyrion dies under a pile of bodies and Arya takes his face, kills Jaime and Cersei.
Theon kills Euron after an unsuccessful nut shot.
Jon marries Sansa.
The Hound dies but is resurrected by Qyburn to fight in the Cleganebowl.
Melisandre uses Gendry's blood to resurrect Stannis.
they were hiding indoors from the cold until dany sent them out to die pointlessly at the end of the episode
They know about the dragon dumbshit. How else do you explain where the 3rd one went? Jon was there.
The second thing would be a lot better than what they're planning.
They literally had a war meeting but to be fair it didn't go into much detail.
Sansa's costume this episode was fucking hot.
Southern european looking
>tfw the dragons are starving because Gilly keeps on eating all the food
Whole episode 3 and probably half of 4
dark of hair
he is kinda cool
What would you do if you were Bran after he got the marking?
>dead in the crypt awaken
>ned's tomb pops open
>undead ned stumbles out
>picks up his head and screws it on his neck
>generic horror music is playing
>camera moves into a dark off
>screams, screams echo through the crypt
i kinda liked this EP, it had a melanncholic vibe that alot of people are dying and the series is actually ending
Mediterranean look instead of nordic look
Wasn't it just a shot of her standing naked from the waist up with a bra on and the CG'd the bra out so we get a fake sideboob?
I wish we could have seen her marry Ramsay but actually play ~the game~ instead of just being a victim.
The 'your men can't fight' one has stood behind her in a few scenes.
It means their hair. Although by now Theon should have white hair and look like he's on the verge of death constantly from the torture, but Dabid and Dabid have no balls.
so anyone else really dislike sansa and daenerys?
they got extra bitchy this season espacially daenerys
This scene was fucking hilarious.
i miss him so much
I just wish we would get more depth for the White Walkers because them just being this ancient evil that wants to kill everything for the sake of it is kinda meh.
You saw her bum for a second, but likewise she was wearing a thong and that was CGI'd out too
Worst Characters:
1. Stannis Baratheon (King of stupid. Should have bent the knee to Renly. Worshipped by incels)
2. Robert Baratheon (Stupid and cucked by Cersei. Indirect cause of everything wrong)
3. Jaime Lannister (Slave to her sister's cunt. Mostly a smug idiot)
4. Baelish (Always thinks he is smarter than he actually is even when truly smart characters like Sansa are involved)
5. Cersei Lannister (Ruined lots of lives. Stupid and arrogant. Foolishly opposes my Dany)
Best Characters:
1. My lovely Dany (Most deserving of the Throne)
2. Sansa Stark (Smartest Character)
3. Arya Stark (Based assassin)
4. Tyrion Lannister (Smart and funny dwarf)
5. Brienne of Tarth (Loyal and just to the end + bonus points for getting rid of the worst character)
My dad works for HBO and here are spoilers
Stannis is ressurected by the Lord of Light himself as a fire zombie, single handedly kills the Night King, puts on the ice crown and proclaims that there must always be a Night King[/spoile]
Amputate my arm
She was only hot around the time she was in that xmen movie.
They're just women
Only based woman alive is Meli, hope they bring her back soon
Watch the prequels! Coming soon!
Nothing besides Winterfell and King's Landing matters anymore.
Ep1 seemed like a reunion episode done poorly
Ep2 seemed like a reunion episode done comfy
>shits on tolkien, an infinitely better writer, for not having "morally ambiguous" villains, and for LOTR being too "black and white"
>writes the white walkers
What did he mean by this?
I remember the pedo threads from back then. I feel the circle is now complete. What an odd gloomy feeling.
Cause she's a homely-looking woman. Tits is all she has. Also checked.
I accept no other ending but his complete and utter victory.
Fuck the living.
>Theon kills Euron after an unsuccessful nut shot.
holy fuck please no
Alright, who will kill the night king?
Bran magic
Lyanna Mormont.
>i miss him so much
Why didn't you stop this?
The other cute Snek
>dead in the crypt awaken
>charge at the women and children
>"no more! i yield! i yield!"
They were in the background of the scene with Sam and Jorah
the fat goblin has no idea what he is talking about
>the comfy days when Robb was King in the North and winning the rebellion
Episode 3: Battle for winterfell and NK is defeated
Episode 4: Preparation for King's Landing
Episode 5: Cersei is defeated, Euron executed by the ironborn
Episode 6: Dany sits on Iron Throne, Jon is King in the North. This is the compromise.
>Attempting this bait again
Unforgivable. All for a pitiful manlet joke.
>Alright, who will kill the night king?
Night King dying? Yeah OK shill.
The plot this season feels ripped from Dragon Age desu
Evil monsters slowly creeping forward (White Walkers/blight), tertiary villain withholds army and won't support the good guys because of political posturing (Cersei/Loghain Mac Tir) battle is lost and it's a catastrophe (Battle of Winterfel/Battle of Ostager) survivors regroup, overthrow tertiary villain with some political manoeuvrings, either Jon (Alistair) or Danny (Anora) become king or queen, final battle with the main antagonist (night king and dragon/the dragon villain from dragon age)
i think it was lifted wholesale from the books?
it's fucking comical
Her and Margaery are best girls.
Alright, who will kill the night king?
The heat death of the universe.
saying E2 is better that E1 is like claiming that The Force Awakens provided a solid start for the new Star Wars movies. it's literally the kind of meme opinion that a shill would say.
Are revived lads bound to their ressurectors?
Also, why aren't fire priests reviving lads left and right to help on the upcoming battle?
>position your stump into my camel toe
Chad Edmure just casually takes the iron throne while i was busy defending against the nigth king.
Gurm's WWs are a bit more mythical and ambiguous. D&D couldn't write subtle if it fucked them in the ass.
>Dany kills Jon
>Jon marries Sansa
>nudity free characters
What prudes you are
Something wrong with Queuing?
>NK is defeated
Why don't they do this? Just chop off Bran's arm and have Dany to fly it to Essos or something.
he didn't shit on tolkein thoug
it's not the first one and probably won't be the last
Williams said it was left for her to decide how naked she got on camera. Following the episode, some viewers expressed distaste at the thought that Williams, who was 11 when the show began, would have had to undress in front of crew members who have known her since she was a youngster. Many were also forced to search for Arya's age on the internet.
"David and Dan were like: ‘You can show as much or as little as you want,’” she said, adding: "So I kept myself pretty private. I don’t think it’s important for Arya to flash. This beat isn’t really about that."
Reflecting on what the scene means for her character, Williams continued: “This is something she’s stayed away from, an emotion we’ve never really seen her engage with. David and Dan were like, ‘It’s the end of the world, what else would you have her do?’ This may be is a moment where Arya accepts death tomorrow, which she never does. It’s interesting to see Arya be a bit more human, speak more normally about things people are scared of.”
rickon should have zig n stead of zagging
I like this pic of them better
>Show ends
>Immediately after GRRM announces TWOW release date and says ADOS is almost finished
How do you react fellow bookfags?
nigga fuck you dont shit on whale rider it's fucking based
Remember me
yeah I want season one arry ass
I think they need to lose winterfell, too easy otherwise.
Has Littlefinger been revealed to be alive yet?
Is it possible to larp as the Night King in that mod?
>he got fat
>Jaime is the Warden
Masturbate with the marked arm
laugh and wait for the inevitable delay
this tells me she will get fully nude in another non-Arya role no problem
At the dawn of the third day
No, but Stannis was in the Ep3 preview.
>the dead are already here
Stark Wights in the crypt confirmed. Everyone hiding in the crypts during the battle is going to die.
Season 8 is only not shit yet because it hasn't had teleporting time bending bullshit, just wait, it's coming
if they wrap up the NK stuff by ep 4 then that will be a giant disappointment
It hurts because it is the truth.
even if you can't select him at the start you should be able to use 'charinfo' to get his ID and then use 'play "char id"'
sits down and has a meaningful heart to heart with jamie lannister about how they've both changed
was hoping bronn would rescue her
We don't want to get banned.
I picked Emdure in the Dance of Dragons scenario and managed to get him on the Iron Throne because the Lannisters never bothered to siege me and I went and captured Tommen who was hanging out in Darry for some reason being fostered by someone there.
>my lord night king
>do you sense the stark boy?
>yes, my mark is moving very quickly though
>maybe he's rolling down some stairs your grace
>yes, must be.
>Stark Wights in the crypt confirmed.
Based zombie Ned coming to save the show.
Creators of Dragon Age have said that they were inspired by Song of Ice and Fire.
>Someone asks an important question
>"My lady, sorry to interrupt, but..."
>Jon tells Dany about who he is
>Horn blows
for fuck's sake, just let people have a conversation that actually ends.
do people actually give a fuck about the NK? Jesus Christ
But that wouldn't let me go around raising dead gamers out of the ground to increase my undead army, would it?
I mean they never got nude, what's the point
>if they wrap up the NK stuff by ep 4 then that will be a giant disappointment
Literally the biggest fuck you in tv history. I will drop the show.
They were avengers tier quip filled garbage. 2nd wasn't as bad but still trash.
>not shit yet
Kek Theon teleported in one episode though.
Why are they allowed to get away with it?
The white walker invasion is mostly D&D's OC though. They have barely appeared in the books so far.
if only I could forget!
slow now will just mean a rushed ending later.
Am I a pedo for liking him? The actor was in his 20s...
Am I the only person that thinks it's ridiculous how much time they waste on beating around the bush and repeating themselves? In ep1 when Jon starts telling Sansa "the throne isn't important, whitewalkers!" I couldn't believe it honestly, how many times have we heard him say that? And then this episode, Danny talking to Sansa just blabbering for minutes about nothing just to say "I love your brother" Tyrion literally has the same dialogue he has had for 8 seasons, I think they copy paste his lines.
Actually I'm pretty sure they copy-paste everyone's lines because everyone says the same thing every episode until the action starts. The writing is dogshit, the only reason to watch this shit anymore is in hopes the battle scenes will be good and that the Hound and Mountain will FINALLY fight to the death.
I know it's shit, you know it's shit, everyone knows it's shit. Still, we know it's gonna happen.
Just make it quick, have it done on ep3 already
>Gillie got so fucking fat
No shit man, I was shocked. How can you let yourself go so much when you know you have such a role coming up? Not a recommendation for her future acting career, that's for sure.
>Kek Theon teleported in one episode though.
It's even worse than I thought.
I am as normie as they come, and even I can tell that Dany being power hungry and turning against Jon is going to be the Epic Twist.
Why don't they just amputate? He literally never moves his arms anyway.
when will the Night King take control over Jon, since he's technically dead?
You have to watch or have the books spoiled at this point.
Not that the books lost Storm are good anyway
Um, yes? The entire point of the show has been that the "game" of thrones has been a distraction from the real existential threat.
What an awful ending
just a fag no worries
Cersei is just so fucking lame. I don't want to have several episodes of this shit.
>tertiary villain withholds army and won't support the good guys because of political posturing (Cersei/Loghain Mac Tir)
>he hasn't initiated Loghain into Grey Wardens
top plebe
The twist will be that she won't, because her being power hungry is true to character.
>black hole sun
>won't you come
>Ending 7, winterfell loses, night king and one of Dany/Jon survive, NK marches south to King's landing
lol, it'll get wrapped up next episode.
The show is chock full of short fucks.
>Jon is 5'8"
>Dany is 5'2"
>Cercei is 5'5"
>Rob and Ned are 5'10"
>Theon is 5'9"
>Tyrion is 4'4"
>Arya is 5'1"
>Littlefinger is 5'9"
>Sansa is 5'9"
>Sam is 5'8"
>literally only the stereotypical Chad nights are above 5'11" like Jaime, his dad, Jorah, the mountain, the hound, etc.
GRRM is literally a hamplanet 5'6" god of the manlets.
That's what makes it believable
I think the final confrontation will be against cersei ( book "aegon") for this reason
My wife said "you can tell she's pregnant in real life"
How do I break it to her, lads?
Nah, you just have great taste friendo
also he was 25
Jaimie was taller than Brienne. He's got to be 6'5" at least.
Never been well written but the tits, sex, and violence is pretty well done. I think normies are starting to realise the writing isn't bad but that's mainly because they deluded themselves into think it was excellent early on.
kick her in the ribs
>Dany kills Jon then herself out of regret.
>Jon marries Sansa.
Just as consistent as DnD
Thot got wrecked, Rickon couldn't dodge a singular arrow in a field despite it having a 20 second flight time
>Something wrong with Queuing?
Queue is what you play snooker with,or what you have to stand in for three hours if you want to buy a roll of toilet paper in a socialist country. He meant "cue", as in "signal to do sth."
Most based man alive in that universe.
Literally spent MONTHS suckling those behemoth teets
she definitely can rock the Kurgan
Missandei and Melissandre and the boner champs of the show. So, so fucking hot.
God I hope so
The part where Dany kills the night king. She's insufferable and I wish it would be the other way around.
I see them as a reset button for civilization.
That kid got absolutely justed by life
>be just a small kid
>Grandfather gets killed in a war
>Father allies with flaying madmen and life in the north becomes hard
>Father gets killed and you get summoned to Winterfell
>Get bullied by the other lords and told that your family should be torn to the ground
>Become Lord of Last Hearth by swearing allegiance to the guy who killed your father
>Become the first line of defense against an ancient ice zombie army
>Embarrass yourself in front of everyone by not knowing who to address since you're only 10 years old
>Don't even get enough wagons to ship your men south
>Get killed by ice zombies
>Get resurrected by ice zombies
>Don't even get to kill the people who bullied you into this
>Just get hung on a wall to serve as a message by burning to death
She's one inch taller than him according to the internet
>Jaime 6'2" (he literally is Chad)
>Brienne 6'3"
Truly the ultimate JUST
rest in peace little lord umber
>a cute spic threatens me with knives
that's just a tuesday for me
She's Italian, not Spanish
Still not as bad as that one fat Frey
you're right, not nearly enough t&a to be considered a spic