Based Centrist cap
> The actor is launching a website called A Starting Point, which focuses on featuring political discourse from both sides of the aisle with the ultimate goal of helping create "informed, responsible and empathetic citizens," The Hill reports.

>The big venture helps explain why Evans was seen roaming the halls of the Capitol building earlier this year, posing with several different politicians. In a launch video for the site, Evans says, "Why isn't there a place I can go to hear both sides of an issue in a succinct way that I can trust?"

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Sounds like a good idea, we'll see how it's executed.

That sounds like a good idea, I don't know why you're knocking Cap down for it, OP.

I'm not knocking him

>focuses on featuring political discourse from both sides of the aisle with the ultimate goal of helping create "informed, responsible and empathetic citizens,"
>It shows again that the jews are behind of everything
dam you reality stop doing the same thing everytime

Finally a website where the far left and the center left can voice their opinions, how we've waited

That actually sounds kino. But why do I feel this will turn into a salon 2.0?
>My fact check says you're wrong, PANTS ON FIRE!

I'm taking a wait and see approach. I def. want to see what the right thinks of current issues.

Because right-wingers often lie and in trying to see the point of contention, they will inevitably find some issues where the right is just straight up being disingenuous and creating a problem where there isn't one.
For example, if the subject were immigration, then the right's point of contention would be "The left wants illegal immigration to not be against the law", to which this website would presumably say "No, they don't".

Finally, a place to voice my opinions around other sane adults

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>"The left wants illegal immigration to not be against the law"
It's true tho

lol, ya see what I mean?

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Both sides of the centrist establishment, I doubt commies and white nationalists will be invited

I'm on the "left" and that's not true. Republicans had 2 whole years to fix the issue but they didn't do anything to have something to run on.

>he thinks America is far left

Bernie Sanders would be center left in Europe, Hillary center right

you provided no evidence for your claim either retard.


Based and truthpilled

Why would you want racist people in that discussion? white racists, hispanic racists, black racists, you don't need racists anywhere near anything important.

left and right are meaningless terms in the 21st century. There are only globalists and anti-globalists.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I heard that Bernie Sanders would be considered center left even by American standards if we were back in the 80s.

I never said repuplicans cared either. most of them really don't. but you're a liar if you think there aren't leftist elements that are all about illegal immigration housing and education etc.

Does this website even exist?

>The actor is launching
based retard

How long before it's flooded by children """"""ironically"""""" advocating for genocide?

>he thinks we can feed and supply 7 billion people without global trade

I know, I know

>da joos

But globalisation is the only thing keeping us from ww3. Doesn't mean we have to cucked by corporations hiding their money and using slave labor, but still.

Great :)
So he just wants another generation of brainwashed, lefty goys obsessed with feefees?

Since when is he a centrist if so far he expressed nothing but open hatred to mainstream conservatists sounding like a typical regressive?

I don't think the website is gonna be about user submissions.

bait, the post

This definitely feels like it's going to be genuinely centrist and not wildly slanted in favour of the left

That is from an article written almost a month ago you faggot.

Yes because listening to a nazi is worthwhile for me... No fuck that, centrists get the bullet too. Socialism is the only answer to defeat fascism and nazism.

Looking back on the post, the only thing I wrote that I regret is that I said "would" when what should be there is "could". My point is that a website concentrated on trying to see what the actual point of contention is between both sides is inevitably gonna have to point out if one side or the other is being disingenuous, as it often tends to be the case, and there will be people pissed off on being called out on their lies.

Bernie is a standard pro-union Democrat and America has seen a massive shift to the right since raegan/fox news so yeah, probably. The "democratic socialism" stuff is a meme, compare him to fdr and he's fairly moderate.

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>both sides
>both sides
>both sides

Yikes! Oof! Not a good look. So this is the hill he chose to die on. Racist nazi sexist transphobe! I can't breathe, I'm literally shaking.

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We're not robots. It makes sense to have empathy be a part of policy.

sounds like he's giving hate a legitimate platform

Why are you against empathy so much?

>Bernie Sanders would be center left in Europe
Bernie is a straight up crypto-commie only slightly moderate to sucker in the fence-sitters

>The left wants illegal immigration to not be against the law",
But this is true. This is why we have sanctuary cities. This is why any caravan that shows up, the left demands we take it. For God's sake they turned "Illegal immigrant" into a slur term and ostracize you until you say "undocumented citizen". You guys are disgusting lying sociopaths and the world is slowly starting to see this

I always find images like this funny, because both the left and right pull the same joke that their own ideology is so self evidently correct that someone in the political middle must be an idiot by definition for not agreeing with them

"empathy" is code for white genocide

Why do people even care about shit like this? If you want unbiased news just watch/read bloomberg and sky news. CNN international is also quite good.

>eat a bag of dicks
This "insult" is homophobic and exactly what I would expect from drumpf supporters. Where is that wall btw?

Based Nomad

>slang for "ignore facts and reality to placate the bad behavior of degenerate psychos"

You really don't understand how much food America can produce totally on it's own do you.

Then he will interview some meme leftist scientist and say SEE? WE KNOW WHATS BEST FOR YOU

>uses drumph non ironically

hows that dilation going btw?

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>This is your brain on fox news/infowars/Ben Shapiro

I bet if we started over republicans wouldn't even want child labor laws.

Empathy is not a code word you autists, it's just empathy.

Oh yes lets dehumanize trans people too while we're at it... No we won't... and you incels won't win.

I didn't realise America was home to 7 billion people

In my experience, "white genocide" is code for "white people having kids with non-white people", which seems perfectly acceptable to me.
You can have too much empathy and ignore logic, but I doubt that's what the website intends to do.

Nice meme, Amerifat. What do you mean by "Europe"? You don't know anything about Europe. A lot of European countries are more far right/nationalist than America has been in 100 years.

ohh honey, trannies gave up being humans a long time ago sweaty

stop getting into arguments on the interwebs and go have sex

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>7 billion people live in America

If America shut down all it's ports and trade with other countries the world would literally go apeshit. There are no true anti-globalists, and the closest would probably actually be Bernie Sanders.

>no refutation but a deflection, insult, deflection

Good job retard.

If it were up to republicans today they wouldn't want schools funded by government, police funded by government, no social security, no medicaid or medicare and so on. They only care about me, me, me

i thought fox news already did this? what happened to the no spin zone?

If there is no category going under the name "IT'S THE JEWS" then I wont care. Besides, Kialo is(it turned to trash lately) better.

europeans dont even care about europe you dolt

The ones that matter, lol. Slavs don't count.

running for president in 2024 as a shillary puppet
electing actors/entertainer is on the rise
it get the sheeple real excited

if the whole country was white people then that would actually all be fine. also, if the whole country was white then socialism would be fine too, coincidentally.

whats your resetera name?

not really. Nobody buys US food or cars outside the states, and all our tech and apparel are made in chink sweatshops

Kek. This thread is getting raided by trannies.

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But it's not. So my point still stands.


Now please refute my unfalsifiable claim pls

>I don't know what "trade" means

Okay dumbfuck, good luck turning America into shogun-japan

trade is fine, migration isn't.

>spent YEARS bashing Trump and republicans

Sure, pal

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>make any argument
>low IQ people resort to calling the other a kike, tranny, bait, etc

I know 4channelers like to be edgy and all that, but society is impossible without empathy

What even is this thread? We've got leftists wheeling out dusty old rhetoric I haven't heard in a coon's age. Even acting like Fox News is Far Right. This reminds me of 2004 again.

>almost 2020
>people are STILL confusing empathy with compassion

This guy isn't a centrist, he's a blatant leftist creep.

Being a centrist doesn't mean liking everyone you retards, the Repiblican Party has abandoned any semblance of centrism in the last years.

>not having both

do they allow alt-righters such as myself?

Ah it's the old 'pretend the Left is actually the Center so we can gatekeep rubes and shift the Overton Window further Leftward' tactic again. Wew. It's not like we haven't seen this our entire lives.

Most people use the term 'Centrist' as an insult nowadays. It make you sound ironic.

and if we provide a permanent life long social safety net to anyone that gets even on toe on american soil then a wave of third worlders is going to wash over our country and we're going to cease to be the country you thought we were and become the same kind of 3rd world hell hole of their own making that those people are trying to escape. which is the irony of it all to be honest.

And democrats are so far left that they're all but erecting statues of Karl Marx now.

Empathy is a meme based on emotions and is usually a total waste of time. Compassion allows for logical, ethical thinking.

You say this, but go to any left leaning part of the internet and they'll say centrist are just right wingers in disguise

But we won't.

Imagine being this deluded lmao
We've reached peak amerimuttie

The Left for the past 3 years: "All Republicans are nazis and we need to kill nazis"

But yeah, it's totally the Republicans who have abandoned any semblance of centrism.

Republican and Democrat is such a false dichotomy. They're both the same.

Yet it's true. The sudden hard shift to socialism even has "moderate" psychopaths like Schumer and Pelosi disturbed.

>the old "pretend the Overton window is shifting the opposite direction of what it actually has been for 40 years now" schtick

>being a racist
Where did your parents fail you?

Ah yes, I'm sure we can reduce contemporary political discourse with a single hyperbolic phrase
Thanks for your opinion, I will throw it in the trash where it belongs.

The idiots and lunatics believe the rhetoric while the clever ones know it's a cynical tactic.

>the right for the last 3 years " the left are a bunch of communists who want to turn the country into stalins russia"
This isn't hard to do...

>but that's true

we give people tons of benefits just for being poor and shitting out kids. any dumb spic that can manage to get to this country with a couple spicletes in tow gets carte blanche to claim asylum and access to the interior for basically ever unless we are willing to deport them or detain them which the left doesn't seem to be. the lenient policies are making things worse, because more people are incentivized to come

maybe he watched his parents be robbed and assaulted by niggers

and raped in my case

what if someone was robbed and assaulted by whites, would it make sense to hate all whites for that?

It's not my parent's fault niggers are shitty failures who act like savage subhumans.

and the left say that we have the ability to have all these social safety nets but if we become a country of poor dumb spics then guess what, we won't BE the safe prosperous country able to afford the stuff that we once were. its really quite funny, clank clank etc

and your problem with hispanics and asians is....?

Which works completely against your argument, virtually every country on the planet has self-avowed socialist parties in important political coalitions, and nobody bats an eye.
In America, on the other hand, even among "the left" the word socialist is taboo.
In any case, it's unlikely Bernie will win the primaries, most likely it will be someone close to the centre, once again working against your argument.

I lived in a nice white country. Things were good. Then we let niggers and mudslimes in and they started raping, murdering and ruining our country despite receiving preferential treatment and benefits. Simple as.


yes. if whites acted like blacks, I would hate them just the same (ie wiggers).

Cali and TX has the most amount of "dumb spics" in the country and they're the most prosperous states in the union, what gives?

Which one?
New Zealand?

>Chris Evans
>Not a complete Hollywood leftie
Thanks, I needed that laugh this morning.

>If America shut down all it's ports and trade with other countries the world would literally go apeshit.
the fuck are you talking about, user? if we shut down our ports, prices of many stuff will increase and people will start to riot

>finding that funny
You need help.

everything south of the border is 100% poor dumb spic. why are all those countries such shit holes?

oil, you retard.

Yes? And the countries that were selling things to us would lose money, also creating havoc.

You can't call yourself a centrist while bashing the republicans and ignoring the idiocy of the left.

and california has silicon valley

does anyone have his tweet about the convintgon kids that he never apologized for


Said like a true hollywood lunatic ideologue.


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>centrist gatekeeping
Kek, the left is only idiotic about meme shit like identity politics and trans people.

>massive shift to the right
maybe in terms of economics, but USA used to be
>white nationalist
in those respects the whole country has had a huge leftward shift, which really illustrates that leftists don't actually care about economics, every one of their actions are an attack on straight white men and normalcy in general.

Have sex

Based and actually redpilled

That's why leftists (including Evans) were threatening kids on Twitter right?

I don't see how people on Twitter reaching hasty conclusions makes the GOP centrist

kek I bet you also consider that yourself a centrist

It makes nobody centrist

Because we need whites running things with Hispanics as the labor force.

ugly trannies trying to pass as actual women are a lot more funny

The point is chris is not a centrist.

Or maybe, just maybe, it illustrates that the right never gave a shit about any of that and just wanted to line their pockets

if you're talking about neocons, you're completely correct. both of those statements are true. leftists hate themselves (white people) and neocons just want to line their pockets.

isnt evans a left wing faggot? all this time it was just a larp? most likely this

basically the only right wing opinions they're going to allow is lower taxes and free trade.