Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

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that adam guy couldnt persuade anyone

rogan: "X" is a proven fact
adam: mmm i dont agree
adam: i just dont

>be adam
>larps as an intellectual who "destroys" things with facts and logic on his scripted show
>gets utterly ass raped by joe "jaime, pull that up" rogan
When Rogan asked him about trannys on sports, he started to stutter and couldn't come up with a decent answer. Truly a fraud!

Adam was absolutely in the wrong. He had no business trying to talk about things he had no knowledge about. It doesn't matter one bit if his heart was in the right place, he should have taken a knee and said I dont know enough about this.
It makes it extra pathetic because Rogan is not a smart man and asks basic questions. Adam is an idiot.

>When Rogan asked him about trannys on sports, he started to stutter and couldn't come up with a decent answer. Truly a fraud!
They dont have an asnwer for this. And its weird because its really one of their sacred cows so expect them to reach beyond logic and comprehension to justify it. I actually heard Scot Adams claim trannies in female sports was ok because Lebron James exists and they would all get destroyed by him anyway so it doesn't matter. Even otherwise reasonable people have gone insane on this one issue.

I got a better idea.
We just make the league gender neutral. All the athletes will be men, even if they identify as a woman, and you get rid of the WNBA

>im not an expert
>i just talk to trans
The guy was a fucking moron that confused facts with tranny feelings. When you have to keep repeating you are not an expert its just a way to try and convince yourself you are not part of the dunning kruger effect.

Sounds like Brendan schaub

thats not whats its about. its about the poor juco girls teams, and high school and college and otherwise that have to put up with some 6'4'' fully developed mentally ill man.

lmao just imagine pitting a woman against actual athletes.
I'd pay to watch that.

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Joe, for not realizing everything he is arguing is just a social construct.

>We just make the league gender neutral
Aren't most sports leagues already gender neutral by default? Women just can't compete so they make their own leagues where men aren't allowed. Even in things like chess and video games.

Its honestly like the two of them live in completely different worlds
Adam would say things as if they were facts and then Joe was ask "is that really the case though?" and adam would crumble unable to answer

I hate the fact that people now need muh sources to be able to form an opinion on anything. Like use your own fucking head.
Joe pressured him on whether it was ok for kids to take hrt and adam was like um yes because of muh sources.

Joe is wrong about Alphas and Betas, or at least doesn't understand why they're wrong.
Adam might be wrong about giving kids hormones (needs another 50 years of study minimum).
Mixed gender sports/toilets in contention.

Imagine getting BTFO by a baked meathead

sources being anecdotes from his friends

The fact that Adam only had female "friends" during childhood and couldn't find any connection with boys really shows. What kind of a woman will fall for a guy like that? I'm 23yo virgin (not kissless though) andI never been friends with any female because they all seemed shallow to me and I had nothing in common with them. Guess I just didn't meet my type

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Isnt that a good point though? Like if men are banned from womens running because of a massive biological advantage, why arent kenyans in aleague of their own? Surely their more numerous fast twitch muscle fibers give them massive advantages over most men

You're a fucking idiot. In the real world we look at things emperically

I know this sounds crazy to you because you argue with feels over reals, but if there was irrefutable evidence that gender was really a thing and that kids knew about it at a young age and their decision to take hrt had posotive outcomes for their lives, why wouldnt we do this if it were born out of the data?

We rarely make laws or have moral beliefs based on "i-its just wrong!"

These days we tend to do whats practical, at least in the first world

Neither Joe nor Adam are experts on the subject, so anyone giving definitive answers in this thread is just a poltard

Why even bother to compete at this point and not just running. Sports for dumbasses

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if there was irrefutable evidence that gender was really a thing and that kids knew about it at a young age and their decision to take hrt had posotive outcomes for their lives, why wouldnt we do this if it were born out of the data?
Is there though?

But this whole tranny movement and hrt has only being going on for a few years, there isnt years of research behind it at all. There isnt much research into why trannies are more likely to commit suicide. We havent had generations of people who have had het as a child and gone on to live a long life and die of old age. There is no evidence that this is helping children whos frontal lobe isnt fully developed yet. The only evidence is a few trannies saying "i knew when i was 4 i wanted to be a girl". Ask a 4 year old if then know what a girl or boy is. They have no fucking clue.
Why advocate irreversible treatment to a child that cant make their mind up on whatto have for dinner? They cant vote, gamble, drink etc so why would you give them an important choice like cuttin their dick off or starting hrt before puberty?

>I actually heard Scot Adams claim trannies in female sports was ok because Lebron James exists and they would all get destroyed by him anyway so it doesn't matter

Lebron James doesn't juice. Lebron simply being better at the game because of his leadership abilities and playmaking is different than if he was simply better at the game because his bones were denser and he had more muscle growth. We ban injecting hormones in sports for a reason, because we know it gives an inherent advantage to juicers that has nothing to do with getting better at the game by refining your technique. If you want trannies in female sports, then you should also be prepared to allow female athletes to roid out because that's the only way it's a fair competition anymore.

Leftists know that challenging the prevailing progressive narrative will kill their career. Joe had this fag by the balls. No, your anecdote and your friends aren't a good enough reason to inject healthy children with hormones.

Allowing men to compete with women is also wrong. Scientifically men and women aren't the same no matter how many hormones you shove up their butt.

Take this from me as scientific FACT. This whole letting children choose hormone treatment is a front to try and prove that children can make decisions. This is a movement by pedophiles trying to legislate that since children can make choices about their sex then they understand sex and can therefore be with an adult in a sexual way. This is the fall of society.

They were arguing two different things with alphas/betas. Both were right, they just were not seeing eye to eye on the conversation.

Dude, it's a fucking podcast, not a presidential debate. One of the worst impacts that Joe Rogan has made is creating a subculture of pseudo-intellectuals that want to turn every debate amongst friends and colleagues into a college paper where nobody is allowed to state their opinion without citing the proper sources. People have a lot of opinions about shit they're not experts in and haven't really done more than surface level research on. That's normal.

Sources doesn't mean shit though. Science is a new religion

>leap as rick and morty high IQ intellectual
>can’t even btfo an actual NPC who’s opinion is whatever his guest’s opinion is

>be kid
>have no right to vote until 18
>have no right to form contractual bonds until 21
>have no right to make a will until 4
>have no right to consent to adoption until 8
>have no liability for criminal offenses until 18
>have full mental and legal capacity to inject body and mind-alterning hormones that change your life forever and place you in a demographic in which 40% of those who belong there attempted suicide


sure tranny, im sure denying kids puberty when puberty is one of the most important times of a kids life is not harmful

doesn't take years of research to see the outcome of that you retard

>People have a lot of opinions about shit they're not experts in and haven't really done more than surface level research on. That's normal.

I'd agree but this faggot has a show where he "debunks" the status quo. Therefore, he should know the effects of hormones on the body as well as the relevant scientific research. He did not.

>Science is a faith based belief system.

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>it entirely depends on whether the kid actually wanted the HRT or whether the kid will regret it.
Kids don't yet have the capacity to even understand that the choice isn't a reversible one and how much impact it will have on their development. It's not even comparable to dying your hair a funny color, or even getting a tattoo. It's even more of a lasting impact than forcing a child into an olympic training regimen for gymnastics. Which everyone recognizes as rather damaging over the long term physiologically. Especially if done without concern for the well-being of the child.
You're talking about deferring to the will of a child for a decision they cannot even grasp the full meaning of. They won't understand how it will impact their growth, their mental health, their social development, their reproductive health, and even their basic self esteem. Fuck, they don't even know how their body even works yet, or how babies are made, and you want them to decide between potential sterility and just having a slightly awkward development.
It's absolutely daft to support it if you know anything about childhood development. Let alone basic human physiology. All for the sake of some sociopolitical fad that will get you recognition or applause from a collection of deranged loons who will move onto something else to champion in a decade from now.


Nobody. Both men earned, and the world kept turning.

I can't accept that faggots likes him exist
I unironically believe we should lynch each and everyone of them for the good humanity

He has never said he loved me. He is a bit old school like that.

It unironically is
Science is 90% theories and for all we know the earth could be actually be 6000 years old and cavemen had pet dinosaurs

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well i mean why arn't africans banned from civilization because they are so bad at it? we could have that conversation. but how about this instead, if you do the gender neutral thing, and everyone gets ordered according to where the are on the ladder, then the top of the ladder looks exactly the same. its all the same nba/mlb/nfl players playing against each other. and the top half would be near 100% men, and somewhere in the middle it would change over to 100% women. and so the amount of people that would be affected by the change are incrementally small. and you know, gender is a social construct etc etc its true. the universe doesnt ordain that there are two genders. but at some point the kids have to go to the locker room to change out of their gym clothes. how do you do that? how do you order that? I postulate you just divy it up by boys and girls because thats easy and it works for 99.999% of the population.

>What kind of a woman will fall for a guy like that?
>I'm 23yo virgin
Astonishing lack of self-awareness.

>Postmodernism hits the wall

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Adam. Instead of admitting he didn't know what he was talking about, he was too deathly afraid of stepping down from his virtue signalling pedestal .

the kids go to doctors and therapies to determine if they have gender disphoria. the kid does not decide anything.

this is exactly it but thanks to equalism, hyped up narratives about historical male chauvanism (eg Jock Semple in the Boston Marathon) and feminist brainwashing about everything being a civil rights issue like blacks (Feminists all want to LARP as the "female Jackie Robinson"), nobody seems to be able to understand this blatantly obvious point.

Is there anyone here that doesn't understand Adam is gay?
Also is there anyone that unironically believes that Adam wasn't embarrassing?

>why would you give them this choice

Because its possible you could prevent future mental stress. Your whole argument is basically WE CANT HAVE THE DATA FOR THAT YET

Im saying hypothetically, if we did, it would be stupid to not utilize that as a solution

>Take this from me as scientific FACT.
The epitaph of the transphobe.

Retards need something else to believe in now that Christianity is so thoroughly BTFO.

Sorry there is a shift happening that will prevent you from holding strong opinions of things that you arent informed about

he could not pass Joe's very low quality dipshit filter, that's like taking some random internet browser IQ test and failing

yeah and Adam is the one whose position starts from preconceptions and a dishonest straw man while Joe actually tries to understand the world.

giving kids hrt is perfectly fine because by the time they're 18 they'll have the most gorgeous pink little boy pussys :)

So you bash trannies.

>now that Christianity is so thoroughly BTFO.
Oh I'm sorry. Was there a new finding in the last 5 years that """"btfo""""" the last 2000 years of philosophy?

And what if your opinion on something is demonstrably false?

>low quality dipshit filter
Come on, Joe doesn't have a dipshit filter.

>born out of the data
So you're fully in favor of human testing of spurious medical theories in order to obtain said data? Because getting that data involves intentionally stunting the development of hundreds of children in order to see the outcome. Even when it's already been shown that adults that transition using hormones DO NOT OBTAIN AN IMPROVEMENT IN SUICIDE RATES.
>but if there was irrefutable evidence that gender was really a thing and that kids knew about it at a young age
You're never going to get that data though, because you're operating in a complete fantasy in regards to the capacity of children. Because kids don't develop the ability to understand complex chains of causation until they're roughly 10 or 12. They also don't have enough experience or knowledge to understand the full impact of the decision. They're not the ones making the decision as legal agents, their parents are.

Let me know what your opinion is on Anti-Vaxxers. Last I checked all progressives hate their guts for making that kind of decision for their children because it will in most situations negatively impact the lives of their kids and that of other children. It's the same situation with saying HRT for kids is normal. It will have similar repercussions the children don't and can't understand.

>One of the worst impacts that Joe Rogan has made is creating a subculture of pseudo-intellectuals that want to turn every debate amongst friends and colleagues into a college paper where nobody is allowed to state their opinion without citing the proper sources.
Hardly. But the fact is that if you're having an argument and your argument depends on disputed facts than you need to make a case for the validity of those facts whether it involves citing sources or whatever.

>everything is a social construct
>except things that are actual social constructs like ideas of fairness for example

what does the left mean by this?

Both and neither.

Americans need to learn to change or die. You cant spout nonsense without getting fact checked and this is Chinas century.

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On your end, yes.

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Its the new religion.

Not really idiot, science gives us reproducable methods and reliable evidence

Science so far had been an excellent indicator and predictor of future events, religion has not

you’ll never be a woman m8

yes but then those people try to use the 'data' to bear out the idea that mentally ill people with gaping holes where their junk used to be and who have to take time out of every to dilate it to keep it from healing somehow not only should be able to serve in the military and actually make it better

Trannyfags can’t even hold an argument against Joe Rogan. Just lmfao at the state of them

>So you're fully in favor of human testing of spurious medical theories in order to obtain said data?
How do you think such data is gathered in the first place? Some generation has to provide the guinea pigs, why not this one?

Also, we don't know it's spurious yet. That's what we'll find out.

Rogan schooled him on the trans shit. I could tell Adam was petrified about saying the wrong thing and feeling the backlash so he just kept doubling down

Factually incorrect

We can say with certainty that transexuals have male brains. Some of them have minor variations but none of them have female brains. What they do have is a mental illness.

A lot of science is based around our best guess about shit we could not possibly know.

>reproducable methods and reliable evidence
Religion too if you believe in God

I would agree with you except for the fact that advocacy research exists and is increasingly used by the same surface-level knowledge retards who a few years ago would be using no data at all. If they used some kind of logical proof instead at least thered be a basis for discussion, instead it just turns into shitflinging about sources. It's lame.

>A fag in denial trying to convince the world that giving hormones to little kids is a good thing because he has a friend that does it
I wonder what could possibly go wrong

Prove that science doesnt exist. You cant.

Rogan is low IQ, but Adam denying undeniable shit like women being attracted to athletic, masculine men was too much. Couldn't keep watching.

>o take time out of every to dilate it to keep it from healing somehow not only should be able to serve in the military and actually make it better
What the fuck happened to this sentence?

You didnt go to college, did you? They explain the scientific method.

Another brainlet that suddenly swallowed the ''subjectivity'' pink pill and thinks he finally understands the world
If you are over 25 just consider killing yourself

Where did you get that retard picture?
China has a gdp nearly 2/3 that on the US, and half of the value on your screen grab.

What world do you live in?

>We can say with certainty
I can say with certainty that that's no longer agreed to be the case, and that your opinion is uninformed.

>In the real world we look at things emperically
Yeah but the problem is that people like you and Fat Adam don't actually understand what that fucking means. You dumb fucks are all going around quoting scientific papers that study some tiny minuscule hypothesis that, when viewed upside-down and cross-eyed by an idiot, seem to supports your retarded worldview. Or worse, you don't even quote a scientific paper and instead you just quote some ridiculous postmodern opinion piece disguised as an academic philosophical paper and claim it's science.

Thus you force every single debate participant with you to give you a basic fucking education on how empiricism and reason actually works and what controlled scientific studies actually say and more importantly DON'T SAY. It's dumb as fuck and people are right to call you out on it.

It's clear that they hold their beliefs for different reasons.
Joe holds his beliefs because he looked at studies and saw how it plays out in the real world when you let this sort of "open-mindedness" run amok (e.g. the man transitioning months prior to a women's weightlifting competition and breaking world records). The studies he's read show that hormone therapies and surgical procedures don't necessarily help people with dysphoria and that perhaps it shouldn't even be encouraged because many "grow out of it".
Adam holds his position because of people in his entourage and because it's the correct belief in our current political stream. I mean, he can't go onto his very liberal show and slam trans people.
When both these positions clash, it's evident what will come out on top.

It gets way worse
I'm in 1:40 and it's painful to continue

I expected that poor fucker to bring up pot and then Joe losing his shit on him

People who use the first person plural when referring to human endeavors to which they have contributed zero should shampoo my crotch.

They both took opposing stances (less so rogan) and stuck to them despite the truth being shades of grey. Lots of women are attracted to men who arnt what you would call athletic. That doesn't mean those men dont have other masculine qualities. Adam was trying to say that women arnt generally attracted to athleticism at all. Which is stupid.

Adam had to stick to his ideology which put him at a huge disadvantage. Rogan could state things that are obviously true without needing to be careful that he didnt undermine his ideology.

>Joe holds his beliefs because he looked at studies
Get real son

Empirical evidence in not nearly as important as you're making it out to be,especially for moral/cultural values

Another tranny bites the dust

>Feminists all want to LARP as the "female Jackie Robinson"
well said. it’s just like how all commies think they will be in charge after the revolution so they can continue their cushy lifestyles while the rest of the world changes

Are you retarded? It says it all right in my picture.
>GDP comparisons using PPP are arguably more useful than those using nominal GDP when assessing a nation's domestic market because PPP takes into account the relative cost of local goods, services and inflation rates of the country, rather than using international market exchange rates which may distort the real differences in per capita income

The US is now the no.3 economy in the world.

>if possible hypothetically

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>Rogan could state things that are obviously true without needing to be careful that he didnt undermine his ideology
There's that lack of self-awareness again.

>I've spoken to experts, like my trans friend who used to be in the military
>remember, Joe, whenever we have these discussion we should have them with trans people themselves.
>here's my position that I support absolutely in you disagree with it actually I just relegate this to the experts, such as contrapoints and my trans ex-military friend who writes books
>we have to include trans people in these debates... ya know... coz like good science is involving literally the most emotionally invested people in the discussion and holding the feelings of the marginalized and oppressed group above all else
>oh, we should ask trans people about this because they used to be those kids
Literally everything I hate about basedmale reasoning.

What is Joe's ideology?

Look at these virgins trying to have the last word on a world that doesn't want them.

But this isnt a hypothetical situation you autist, this is actually something that is happening now and letting kids cut off their dick and there could be a high possibility that they would regret that later in life and suduko, all because yesterday they wanted to be a fire fighting tiger and today they want to be a girl

Pretty much the entirety of the medical field, yeah. As far as terms of importance go.

I liked Joe's argument.
If the kid already thinks that they are a girl, why pump them full of hormones. These people argue that gender is not a physiological issue yet they would change a kids whole development to accommodate to their perceived gender. The kid doesn't even comprehend what they are saying because they are a fucking toddler.

yeah but i dont want my 14 year old daughter to have to play basketball against 16 year old Jamar who now identifies as Janelle

The only people I know who say they like Adam are genuinely like 80 IQ.

you guys are right, I'd jumped in mid-conversation and missed some context:
Here's my response to the previous point:

While you are debating this your elite are importing millions of third worlders to grow the economy rather than increase the living conditions of the citizens of your country. That is the real point of this.

A distraction.

USA is number 2 because Chinese people can purchase stolen tech and gutter food cheaper than people in the US can?
I'm laughin

Toilets is barely worth arguing to me. Reasonable people are uncomfortable in a public restroom with anyone, regardless of gender. It's just something we do reluctantly when we have to.
More importantly, it's not like we're going to start posting guards in front of restrooms to check for proper credentials before allowing entry, so I'm not sure what the best case scenario of trying to make laws restricting them is supposed to be anyway.

Libertarian capitalist with an opportunistic seasoning of conservatism, he'll say what he thinks will hold the largest % of his demographic, and swerve to liberalism if he thinks he's getting too redpilly for moderate listeners.

I was friend with a bipolar Jap girl in high school. we would talk about idie films and bands and shit and sometimes go to the movies was pretty chill. wasnt like I was paying for her or anything.

But user, I am a third worlder

That's what happens when bullying stops

You have to passively just everything he says is fact when he promises you it is. Its for children but we have always thought children to be PC.
Adults can then decide for themselves what is reality and what is just PC.

Adam was in the wrong about trans athletes
Joe Rogain was in the wrong about the alpha/beta thing having biological (rather than social) roots

Opportunist isnt an ideology you mong.
Neo liberal is an ideology.

So what you personally can do you about it?

>He had no business trying to talk about things he had no knowledge about.
What an absolute double standard. This is every episode of JRE

>if there was irrefutable evidence that gender was really a thing

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>Joe makes the world a worse place by encouraging the world to hold people account for their opinions

holy fuck are you a woman?

who cares?
when that’s all you have to point out, consider not posting at all

No. 3. And capitalism has always been a race to the bottom, don't be surprised that someone worked out how to do it even more brutally.

Idiot, the scientific method alone is a greater predictor of future events than any holy book or prayer. Please feel free to prove me wrong

Nope, no amount of religious practice gives you a reliable way of predicting future events, unless of course your religion is based on observation and recording of the real world

Well then carry on. We have abundant minimum wage jobs, extortionate rents and welfare class white girls for you.

I want to fucking kill these people for what they're trying to do to science.

No, your tranny friend who wrote a book and cites research you yourself have not read is not science.
Reading an article about how experts in the field agree with X is not science.
Pulling up an abstract of a paper you fiund on your first google search, knowing nothing about the methodology, and using that to prove a point is the absolute bare minimum of research and is not science.
Watching atronigger on television talk about black holes with pretty graphics is not science.

just curious, do you consider yourself woke af?

>men arent better at women than sports
>okay they are but only at the sports we made up
>okay men do have an advantage in sports that involve speed and power but we could easily come up with ones that dont
nigga you two just tried for 15 minutes to come up with one and didnt

what a bizarre person, the way he build himself a self identity as an unindoctrinated all questioning intellectual is just strange

Studies dont work like you think they do

Read the other words in the sentence.

I support immigration. I have a ridiculously good state pension and I own property.

>reliable way of predicting future events
That's actually what scientcucks belive in lol

Had to say if as a caveat for retards that dont believe gender is real or that its labe is used incorrectly or whatever the fuck people think about that word today

That looked to me like the kind of post you get from people angling to be told how "based and redpilled" they are, breh.

>Some generation has to provide the guinea pigs, why not this one?
Because I don't want to abuse children in order to find the answer? My sociopolitical opinions don't need to be validated at a price that is so ridiculously high as that. And yet here you are asserting that it's a small price to pay for social progress.

So you're just as insane and Anti-Vaxxers in my mind. Better risk having my kid get a debilitating disease so I can avoid some extremely insignificant chance of a mild side effect. You're gambling on a narrow potential for an outcome that has yet to prove itself positively in the long term in any case when evaluated objectively.

Why don't you put some fucking effort into communicating? If you're serious about discussing it, act like it.

damn... I literally can’t.

I've been told he only tells the truth on his show because they put the source up on the corner of the screen (which nobody then checks they just assume if a statement has a source it's 100% a proven fact)

>doesn't juice

>I have a ridiculously good state pension and I own property.
You should give it to poor

>Opportunistic conservatism
Not wanting children pumped full of hormones isnt a conservative view point

Tell me, what reliable medicine has reigion given us? Not religion funded science, but religion itself

I said what you can do about problem you bitching about, not what you have


>We rarely make laws or have moral beliefs based on "i-its just wrong!"

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hey senpai, i just did this study where I poked a lion in the eye and got my finger bit off

I wonder what will happen if I pole a tiger in the eye. This is totally unpredicatable because sceince be damned

this adam faggot got famous for "debunking" circumcision so the uncut fags flock to him. it's ironic, because he's one of those cut fags who have penis envy; it would be like if jews started worshiping the pope

>Tell me, what reliable religion has reigion given us? Not religion funded religion, but religion itself
Kinda hard question

my bad, do you consider yourself based and redpilled?

It stops HIV pretty good.

In high school my close guy friends were pretty shallow. Literally only talked about girls and video games and shit. Very rarely did we get emotional with each other. I kept up with a number of the guys and now in our late 20s they are more emotionally available to me than the girls ever were.

it's really sad when you see some researcher who has produced some unauthorized results try to sugar-coat and disguise the conclusions so progressives don't lose their shit and start a social media witch hunt to get funding cut.

Gender is a social construct.
Anyone can be any gender whenever they feel like it.
But trans folx are women in a man's body.
And trans folx can have a brain that resembles their actual true gender.
But there Are no differences between men and women mentally.
And there's no such thing as a man's body because you can be woman even if you have a man's body.
So trans folX require gender reassi... gender confirmation medical intervention to confirm their gender as the gender they identify as.
But this is not necessary for one to be another gender

Understand now?

>I can say with certainty that that's no longer agreed to be the case, and that your opinion is uninformed.
Show a source. Every study on the topic so far has either been extremely narrow in it's evaluation, conflates a small difference with a larger differentiation, or worse still has a garbage methodology due to a tiny sample size.
In sexual dimorphism you can't provide male chromosomes and gestation that supports complete development of male biology and have an outcome that results in anything other than a male.

To increase the living conditions of the citizens of your country

go outside
have friends (real friends that you can go hang out with in physical reality)
you’ll never be a woman m8

pick one (or all 3)

It actually spreads it due to the prevalence of abstinence only education in more religious states.

In a few month, my country is going to require people who watch pornography to register themselves to a database because viewing people fucking does some ephemeral harm to children.
We also have an epidemic of knife crime, but there's no calls for banning media that glorifies the lifestyle that leads to this measurable harm.

your post says literally nothing

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If you follow the religious rules it stops it excellently.
If you dont take medication correctly it wont work either.

I've seen inaccurate abstracts in everything from economic to social to nutritional studies.

Abstracts that seemingly directly conflict with evidence presented in one section. People have to understand that research (especially when it comes to soft sciences) papers are just like any article written by a human. What differentiates them is the experiment and factual evidence they can create and present and offer to be replicated.

Thats not my responsibility. It IS the responsibility of a government to increase the living conditions of its citizens.

Every virgin I've met over the age of 22 I'd a leftist
Leftists have less sex than right wingers, and hatred of trannies is increasing

>Thats not my responsibility
Well well well, look how we talking now

The vast majority of religious people don’t follow their religions rules to the t. Religion is not compatible with human nature, this example kind of proves that.

Thanks user, I understand now

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>Because I don't want to abuse children in order to find the answer?
It's not abuse, or at least is no nearer to being abuse than can be avoided. The sooner we start, the sooner we'll know. I'm not in favor of it or against it, I'm looking at it, to use your word, objectively. The desire to do this isn't going to go away, and the techniques of gender reassignment procedures have improved since they were pioneered in the 50s (iirc). They got better through trial and error. The demand now is higher than it was. To try to block its development now would only mean that future generations would suffer. Realistically, if America or wherever isn't doing it, other countries will, so it becomes an economic issue too: can America afford to throw away an entire sector of its medical industry for ideological reasons?

Honestly, now is the time, and this is the place. It's not a small price to pay, but it will have to be paid.

>Not wanting children pumped full of hormones isnt a conservative view point
Yes it is. Deal with facts, not emotions.

Typical Yea Forums siding with Joe Growthgan Hormones. He is a little manlet cuck who roids and takes growth hormones, this is a well known fact in the trans community, we have this shithead figured out. He is transphobic and scared of what trans men and women are capable of when we unite, as we are more balanced individuals due to understanding both genders.

The 'trans people can't play sports with women its unfair' argument has been debunked so many fucking times its unreal. The main 5 reasosn it is bullshit are:

1. Trans women dont have more hormones or test than women on average. Any seeming performance advantages are because when they were men, they were more welcome in gyms due to society being sexist against females who want to work out. If women felt less intimidated in gyms trans women wouldn't dominate sports like this.

2. Trans women tend to be more determined than normal women. Normal women haven't face the hardship we have. Therefore we are stronger mentally and perform better

3. Trans women tend to be less concerned with make up and clothes and more concerned with our core femine traits like body shape. So we tend to wear less make up and focus less on this giving more time for training

4. Trans women tend to intimidate regular women. So we therefore get the best training equipment at the shared gyms and such. This is womens fault for being fucking cowards

5. Women are overconfident that trans women wouldn't be excepted so didn't prepare for points 1-4.

Joe Rogan is a fucking retard

Joe Rogan needs to sip some Apple Cider and take a fucking break already. What gives him the right to dictate how other people should treat their children? If the child's parents believe the child and medical professionals believe the child, then support the child. Worrying about regret is stupid. Look how many things there are in life to regret? HRT remains the BEST therapy we currently have that helps trans kids who would otherwise be miserable. This is so fucking stupid to focus on. Only liberals do this to their children anyway. Good fucking riddance. More white boi faggot fucktoys for niggers and Jews. Maybe then the White race will RISE UP and DO SOMETHING. Who cares about tranny shit when barbarians are invading Europe? Who gives a FUCK bout competition in sports when the Jewish brainwashing program approaches its apex? This is all a fucking psyop to distract you. FUCK THIS SHIT

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I'm curious, do you know what IRB stands for?

If you have to preface every sentence with "I'm not an expert" then you've already lost

wasn’t me, I just wanted you to know how to fit in a little bit better.
you should even ad a typo or too, it gives it a more genuine feel.
no one is impressed that you think someone’s writing skills are bad, literally no one.

I wish.

Pedophilia is primarily a male sexuality and WILL NEVER be accepted by the mainstream as long as women have any shred of power.

Trannies want to give kids hormones because they are horrifically insecure about how they don't pass as a woman and don't want kids they empathize with to experience that. They want to be the kid who got on hormones early and grew up to be passable as opposite sex... They're all fucking fetishists though.

Are you American? Did your parents sacrifice your foreskin to God's chosen people because of their moronic belief in Joseph's wife's son?

>Show a source.
I don't think you understood what I wrote, read it again.

Nigga its only a few sites that will effect. You think anyone will go to the paki shop and ask for an age id card or do you think people will just save the embarrassing conversation and just use a vpn instead

It's exactly as I thought, Adam has a team of researchers who tell him what to say on each show, he himself doesn't know much. I would like to see a doctor or researcher who actually studied trans people or looked at the effects on the show. It was quite clear that Adam was taking a side without much backing and Joe won the argument.

By your logic all experts are experts because they're call themselves such

for this particular instance, it seems like he's looking at it objectively

> I wish

Based. One day my brother.

The Lebron James argument is basically Adam's argument too. He's basically saying that because there are already some unfair factors in sport, men beating BTFOing women shouldn't matter.

He wants to throw the baby out with the bathwater

There's a meme where a guy is reading the paper then slowly fades into becoming Hitler.

I need one where he fades into becoming the clown.

you’ll never be a woman m8

>fast twitch muscles
Kenyans run far, not fast. There's a reason people like you don't make the rules.

>science gives us reproducable methods

Not so fast, fedorafag.


>Not wanting to watch women to get pummeled by their pet freaks they enable

Modern scientific literature relies on statistical methods that require 95% likelihood of accuracy. 1/20 results are false positives. And that doesn't even take publication and study design biases into account.

GTFO Contra Points

Yes, I don't really see what relevance that has? There's no way to test these procedures that doesn't involve actually doing them.

essentially that is what Adam and his "sources" are saying

His tranny friends are pissed they didn't get pumped full of estrogen as children because when they did it as an adult it was too little too late to make them look like anything other than a freak

We found out that Adam is the contrapoints shill

I would have discussed his point if he could have been bothered to communicate properly.

guess what still a man

>listening to and enjoying joe rogans podcast.

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Which is why you shouldn't do them

No. Not one day.

Like I said, it's a male sexuality. It will Be literally the only sexuality repressed when in 50 years your local mayor will be a scat beastiaphile who had his election celebration event at a gay club where he stuck his elbow inside another man's intestines and spread HPV to three others.

>Listen Joe, you need to consult the pedophiles. All my pedophile friends are telling me, kids being sexy is a good thing

Since we've established that alphas and betas exist.
Who's the alpha out of these two ?

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Stopped clock, plus it crosses over with physical training, one of his two interests.

Figures Adam is a wojackposter


Governments have a stated responsibility to the welfare of their citizens. I do not.


Rogan is too short to be an alpha.

This. If a prodigious female talent came along in any team sport she'd be snapped up so quickly if she surpassed male players. The chances are so low its practically physically impossible.

if it was possible to influence humans as hard as tricking 99.9% into thinking they are one of two genders. Why doesnt it work for polital parties? Why doesnt it work with religion?
Why doesnt it work with marvel movies?

It seems like in anything that doesnt have a bilogical explanation, there is giant variation between people. Parents and society trying to influence kids from a young age can work out 1 of 3 way.
1. it works
2. it has the exact opposite effect
3. no real effect

honk honk

In the real world, however, they are going to happen. These people aren't going away, so we may as well get the years of teething problems out of the way now. That's science - and the medical industry.

>My God said so, we should obey!

There have been plenty of heavyweight champs at his height, you're wrong

>admits to having no close male friends
>outs his father as having no male friends
Not only was he wrong, no one in his personal life should trust him under any circumstances. People are often outcasts for a reason.

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I don't worship science or the medical industry.

Exactly. These fucking leftist faggots will never apply their logic universally.

Black feelings are fact.
Trans feelings are fact
Women's feelings are fact
Immigrants feelings are each
Trendy group I feel virtuous for defending's feelings are fact

Mass delusion is possible. I think the best argument is looking at distinct civilizations before they interacted at great lengths and seeing what was consistent and despite there being exceptions in some cultures with the idea of a third gender, male and female has prevailed throughout all of human history... to the shock of nobody.


>Joe Rogain was in the wrong about the alpha/beta thing having biological (rather than social) roots
Adam says there's no alphas and betas, then says a jock is the alpha in the gym but a beta at a D&D table, which is contradictory to it not existing at all.

>choosing friends by their sex

Men are better friends for men than women. I say this as someone who has mostly female friends.

>it's not abuse

David Peter Reimer (born Bruce Peter Reimer; 22 August 1965 – 4 May 2004) was a Canadian man born male but reassigned as a girl and raised female following medical advice and intervention after his penis was severely injured during a botched circumcision in infancy.[2]

The psychologist John Money oversaw the case and reported the reassignment as successful and as evidence that gender identity is primarily learned. The academic sexologist Milton Diamond later reported that Reimer's realization he was not a girl crystallized between the ages of 9 and 11 years[3] and he transitioned to living as a male at age 15. Well known in medical circles for years anonymously as the "John/Joan" case, Reimer later went public with his story to help discourage similar medical practices. He committed suicide after suffering years of severe depression, financial instability, and a troubled marriage.[4]

Reimer said that Money forced the twins to rehearse sexual acts involving "thrusting movements", with David playing the bottom role. Reimer said that, as a child, he had to get "down on all fours" with his brother, Brian Reimer, "up behind his butt" with "his crotch against" his "buttocks". Reimer said that Money forced David, in another sexual position, to have his "legs spread" with Brian on top. Reimer said that Money also forced the children to take their "clothes off" and engage in "genital inspections". On "at least one occasion", Reimer said that Money took a photograph of the two children doing these activities. Money's rationale for these various treatments was his belief that "childhood 'sexual rehearsal play'" was important for a "healthy adult gender identity"
Money wrote, "The child's behavior is so clearly that of an active little girl and so different from the boyish ways of her twin brother.
By the age of 13 years, Reimer was experiencing suicidal depression and told his parents he would take his own life if they made him see Money again

Except it's empirically true you moron
One of the greatest heavyweights of all time, Vovchanchyn, is 5'7"

Being good friend is practising being good friend, not being men or women

On July 1, 2002,[20] Brian was found dead from an overdose of antidepressants. On May 4, 2004, after suffering years of severe depression, financial instability, and marital troubles,[21] David committed suicide by shooting himself in the head with a sawed-off shotgun at the age of 38. Reimer's parents have stated that Money's methodology was responsible for the deaths of both of their sons.[22]

Money argued that media response to the exposé was due to right-wing media bias and "the antifeminist movement". He said his detractors believed "masculinity and femininity are built into the genes so women should get back to the mattress and the kitchen".[23]

John Money was critical in debates on chronophilias, especially pedophilia. He stated that both sexual researchers and the public do not make distinctions between affectional pedophilia and sadistic pedophilia. Money asserted that affectional pedophilia was about love and not sex.

If I were to see the case of a boy aged ten or eleven who's intensely erotically attracted toward a man in his twenties or thirties, if the relationship is totally mutual, and the bonding is genuinely totally mutual ... then I would not call it pathological in any way.[27][28]

Money held the view that affectional pedophilia is caused by a surplus of parental love that became erotic, and is not a behavioral disorder. Rather, he took the position that heterosexuality is another example of a societal and therefore superficial, ideological concept.

Money made the concept of gender a broader, more inclusive concept than one of masculine/feminine. For him, gender included not only one's status as a man or a woman, but was also a matter of personal recognition, social assignment, or legal determination; not only on the basis of one's genitalia but also on the basis of somatic, behavioral criteria that go beyond genital differences

Just a reminder that this is the man responsible for the current views on trannies.

>on of the greatest overcompensators of all time is manlet

>Being good friend is practising being good friend
You're very obviously a young person. 99% of the good friends you'll have in your life will be men, maybe two or three will be women.

This logic is so idiotic.

You put an attractive, fit, tall man with a little charisma or some popularity in a D&D environment and girls are going to think everything he says is gospel regardless how much he knows about need stuff.

I'm 5'7".
I admire the short fighters and hope to be one myself some day.

Vovchanchyn was The exception and not the rule. The best fighters today from middleweight up aren't shorter than 5'8". The only disadvantage of height in fighter is making weight class.

I think a better way of putting it is that science is being treated by a lot of people like a religion despite such going against the intended nature of science in the first place.

Science is about doing research and asking questions, but a lot of people treat it like a religion when they simply take everything a study says at face value and treat every theory as dogma rather than the likely outcome of a certain series of events.

HRT does not help trans people be less miserable, the suicide rates are pretty much the same with or without.

>so they make their own leagues
the biggest women's sports league in the world was made and is run by russian men as a complicated form of betting

>mix martial artists are overcompensating
Beta cope

You need to be more than tall to be alpha. I can think of plenty lanky weirdos. Physical ability and personality is going to make up for not being the tallest person in the room.

That sad history isn't relevant to my post or the issue.

Manlets deserve the rope.

>Just a reminder that this is the man responsible for the current views on trannies.
That's manifestly not the case, though. /pol/ Wikidrops will just lead to threadshitting.

t. traitorous, bitching roastie

We also don't directly test the nature vs. nurture divide, as valuable as the data would be, since it would require manipulating the lives of humans during their formative years in permanent ways. Research involving this methodology is known as the forbidden experiment.
And you're right, it does still happen. We have examples of a baby who wa raised in the wilderness away from any humans, or who was locked in to a chair by her parents her whole life and never taught to communicate. And we take what data we can from these examples.
But this is hardly a new policy.
Let me ask you this, what advances do you expect to come from hormone experiments on children in a scientific environment that our economy can't afford to lose out on?

>outlier determines the gradient
Bro, I'm 5'7". You make us sound fucking pathetic when you say shit like this.

>This direct example of children being abused to the point of suicide in an attempt to prove gender is a social construct has nothing to do with the issue of whether or not we should abuse children to the point of suicide in an attempt to prove gender is a social construct
state of you, mentally ill discord tranny.

>n-no! p-please ignore the truth and just listen to what we tell you!
I'd tell you to kys but statistics tell me you won't need the encouragement.

You aren't able to rope us, if you were being rational you'd know that but keep feeling secure

Disapproving of actions you can't prevent is a waste of energy.

You're either naive or a psycho bitch with good friends. Men are better friends than women.

Women are alright for casual friends or what you might call an acquaintance but it'll be pretty rare to find one who wouldn't throw you under a bus to get something they want.

>i MUST punch people to feel manly

Critical theorist should die. It’s literally just semantics games and metaphysical “nothing is true brooo dude weed” bullshit.

That's apply to mens as well

ESL opinions don't matter.

Are trannies more nature or nuture?

The amount colleges spend on those teams vs the benefit that the students of that school recieve are not lined up at all.
Nobody joins a school because of their women's rowing team. Nobody watches their states college rowing team unless they are friends or related to one of the competitors
It's money down the drain

a priori + deduction > empiricism + induction

>you see men literally betray you because he's men
That's your argument

I expect that those who buy gender reassignment procedures thirty years from now will be more satisfied with the outcome than those who buy those procedures currently. What can be achieved and how, what to do to and what not to do are all going to be better understood because of what's happening right now.

Neither when they are putting 8 year olds on hormones.

No It's not.

Critical theory IN THEORY is supposed to derive absolute truth, which most likely will result in a form of existential nihilism.

In practice, it's used selectively to convince braindead morons that they're enlightened by pointing to things you don't like and asking them to continually ask "why?" until they ultimately conclude that it doesn't matter. It's a fucking magic trick and it is used CONSTANTLY with great success.

Again, ESL opinions don't matter because you can't comprehend what's actually being said and you come from a culture without honor.

>literally can't betray

no, it gives you elaborate justifications for your progressive religious positions

90% of cases are literally just unchecked autism and an internet connection.

>i'll just gonna ignore reality because it breaks my myth about honorable mens
That's just pathetic

No, it really doesn't. Honor is a male abstraction.
Look at how women fight other women. Biting, scratching, hair pulling, shots to sensitive areas.
The cultural institution of a "pussy male" exists for the benefit of male relationships.
A man will almost never betray a man he considers a friend. It's not in their nature.

He isn't so smug when someone challanges his bullshit
Squirmed like the weasel he is

>"Again...I'm not an expert"

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>Honor is a male abstraction
Exactly. It's not actually exist

>A man will almost never betray a man he considers a friend
You don't believe that this bullshit yourself

It isn't relevant because it's the story of an unwanted and categorically inappropriate course of treatment.

I don't doubt that honorable men is a myth in whatever 3rd world country you're from.

Experts are experts because they have done extensive peer-reviewed research in the field, have published research, have some type of degree relating to that field, are usually employed in some manner relating to that field.

Someone who keeps saying "huuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrr im not an expert this is just me and my opinion and my trans friends hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr again im not an expert, hurrrrrrrrrrrr" probably shouldn't be taken seriously at all.

>if something doesn't happen 100% of the time it never happens but only for things i don't believe in
Autistic tranny alert

>Trans women
>men with mutilated undercarriage who have to take full spectrum antibiotics for the rest of their lives to not die out of sepsis are any kind of ''''women''''

Back to your lysenkoism classes, comrade.

>genital mutilation
>raised as a girl despite biological fact of being a male
Not seeing how this is any different than the current "treatment", discord tranny.


>>if something doesn't happen 100% of the time it never happens but only for things i don't believe in
That's literally your arguments against being friend with women

The whole things felt like Adam expected Joe to just give him a pass. Was pleasantly surprised to see Joe didn't go easy on him.

>It's not actually exist
>unironically ESL
No, it exists because people believe in it and adhere to its principles. That's what makes it real.
>almost never discredits belief
Are you huffing gas? Outliers are an intrinsic fact of statistics. There are no unilateral truths of human nature.

retarded discord tranny

>It exists because people believe in it

You should have read the text you were cut-and-pasting. I'm not trans myself, I'm just talking about the situation rationally.

Rogan is Beta
Adam is Delta as the majority of homosexuals are

>im a stupid underage ESL nigger from an irrelevant island nobody has ever heard of
Literally your argument

>tfw took me this long to realize you're just an assmad woman
LOL gtfo bitch, bros before hoz

>No, it exists because people believe in it
Might aswell start to defend 99 genders

Do you have a dollar in your wallet, user? Is there fiat currency in whatever shithole country you come from? Value and existence aren't always immediately tangible things.

Adams entire interview was about how he feels he should give people whatever is most progressive and he was surprised real life facts exist. His show sucks and rides off the confirmation bias formula. Even Joe Rogan took his a part. Rogan isnt really an interview show and rarely actually griils people. Just the lightest pass of logic. Thats why its a fun show you get weird opinions and non mainstream points of view and then get to decide how much you believe.

>these replies

Transexual 'allies' always come off like idiots in debates

If the tranny community was smart they'd just stay on twitter and only send out Contrapoints to push their shit

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>fiat currency
hola /pol/

Are you implying physical dollars in my wallet are abstractions?

How is it possible to be so bad at arguing you make a CIA-controlled dolt like Joe Rogan look smart?

I did read it. The only difference is the part where he had them diddle each other. But gays do that to tranny children anyway, so in practice, it's no different to the way children are abused currently on the path to being tranny.

Best theory based on the available data =/= best guess

>constitutive determinant of human behavior
>doesn't exist because I can't touch it
See Shoulda stayed in school, user.
Absolutely they are. What are they worth without the faith of economic institutions that maintain their value? The dollar has value because people believe it does.

"I'm not an expert"

Gee no shit

Everything is a social construct. There is still a physical reality beyond it. The social construct is our conception of that physical reality.

Because people like Steven Crowder and Adam Conover are cut from the same cloth. They're pseuds who only surround themselves with people who'll just agree with them and never have to worry about being wrong because they think they're rightthinking and everyone else is wrongthinking. So even if they get something factually incorrect it's still the correct opinion.

Joe at the absolute bare minimum, will try to put facts over opinions.

If you're trying to discredit opposition to these procedures by making yourself seem pathetic on purpose, you're going the right way about it.

>dude nothing's real bro checkmate open your mind sheeple!

Human beings are fucked up. We know this. Which is why we figured out how to get objective evidence to avoid humans fucking things up as much so things can be better.

This is the average SJW intellectual.
>I have a minority friend therefore I have an understanding of the finer details of society.

bone structure doesn't change
men in general are more decisive than women
that's because women don't have to do anything to be feminine, they exude femininity just by their mere existence
Probably because you're taller than most women. Have you ever seen girls talk about tall girls? Most are spooked by them. Now throw on the fact that you're "impersonating" them by trying to be female
more like they don't think obsess over you like you obsess over them

This was seriously the best you could muster? In the face of actual evidence? No wonder you trannies kill yourselves so much. Can't handle any sort of confrontation or adversity at all.

Yeah because religion by itself does fucking nothing to advance anything medical, technological, even philosophically

Hfw Adam couldn't even gloss over his reasoning on any of those issues

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>>doesn't exist because I can't touch it
It doesn't exxist because it doesnt exist. You yourselves call it abstraction.
>The dollar has value because people believe it does.
No, every dollar is attached to little ammount of gold. They didn't teach you that in your country?

>Joe at the absolute bare minimum, will try to put facts over opinions.

"Weed doesn't cure canc-"

Joe needs to have a transwoman on so he can absolutely destroy their identity

>No, every dollar is attached to little ammount of gold. They didn't teach you that in your country?
No dumbfuck, the gold standard ended on August 15, 1971.
If you don't even care enough to google it don't waste anyone's time by continuing to post.

Attached: i_googled_'retard_pepe'.png (200x299, 14K)

Show me when that actually happened and not your memetext of what you wish happened.

He'll just nod like the fag he is.

Thats not the main point of religion autismo. If you only care about materialist goals than obviously religion falls short

>It doesn't exxist because it doesnt exist. You yourselves call it abstraction.
Learn some fucking English or leave. Jesus Christ.

user, the gold standard hasn't been a thing for a long time and it's why inflation is skyrocketing

There is an analogy to the falsified LGBT minor stats in there somewhere but it's not going to change the minds of any child abusing trannies here so why bother

>when he cites contrapoints
Honestly, every tranny needs to be put in a camp

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>There is an analogy to the falsified LGBT minor stats in there somewhere
This is one of my favorite essay collections, user. It seeks to investigate the causality and withstanding effects of societal and economic abstractions like the ones you're talking about.
I think you will like it a lot.

So ameriatards destroyed legit economic system because they were poor in some moment? Ok, women can't be friends and all men are perfect friends is objective fact because it based on believing in it and ignoring counterexamples. That's depressingly horrible argument to stand for

I bet this tranny is brazilian

>That's depressingly horrible argument to stand for
>hurrr I'm too retarded to engage honestly with any of the points I've been confronted with I'll just say it's bad that means I win
This is why nothing you think matters.

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No, I was given a medical procedure because my foreskin was tight.

Are you Muslim and your parents made sure to keep it intact so they could enjoy the cheese while they molested you as a child?

>you sould believe in perfect male friendship otherwise it doesn't work

>No, I was given a medical procedure because my foreskin was tight.
You realise you can literally just stretch it, right?

>Are you muslim
Muslims circumcise too. What is wrong with your jewish country?

You know if you spent as much time learning english as you do seething on a chinese cartoon forum you might have been able to move out of your favela by now.

>shifting goalposts
Fitting that honor would be such an alien concept to you.

>you wrong because grammar

and spelling, and being a moron and being wrong

>JUST believe in it and ignore everything else

>Dollar basically is God now


Make me go away

The fact that Adam wasn't entirely sure that women as a whole are more attracted to tall, muscular, handsome men for evolutionary reasons rather than social ones, sealed the deal for me. These people don't believe in nature, or even evolution really for that matter. Humans just came from heaven as clean slates.

>women as a whole
WTF it's supposed to mean

>don't remove your appendix, humans clearly evolved to have them for a reason
>it's okay to give your children hormone blockers prepuberty to turn them into a girl
>women should be allowed to abort pregnancies at any time they want

Fucking liberal

Friendly reminder that jaggofs like him insure a Trump victory in 2020

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I added "as a whole" so you don't get dipshits replying with
>I know this one girl who totally isn't like that

Don't reply to 113317757 it's a seething ESL shitskin that got btfo earlier this thread.

So it's abstraction

Where the fuck did you pull literally any of that from? Did you just make up 3 separate quotes to attribute to me just so you could strawman about circumcision? Are you okay?

>it's normal and safe to cut a little baby's dick and sell off the mutilated parts to be made into anti-ageing cream
Being against circumcision isn't "liberal". It's quite literally conservative, since the aim is to conserve the baby's body that you want to mutilate. Your dick doesn't function the way it should because your parents were retarded enough to fall for jewish propaganda. And now you feel the need to defend the practice at all costs, because if you don't, then you need to admit to yourself that your parents mutilated your genitals and you aren't normal like everyone else.

If you only stopped after your first sentence.

Yeah, it doesn't fit our ideology now. We can't use it to defend our abstractions :(

The only openly gay person in my class only had female friends. I had always had a hunch and got excited and they were like "WTF?" So I told them:
>I always knew he was gay, he only had female friends!
True story

I remember talking to him once because he liked anime and started going through the hentai fetish dictionary and asking if he liked it. I finally got to Yaoi and he was visibly distressed so I was like "Yaoi huh *belly laugh* yeha yaoi!" And he was sheepishly going "N...no." Fucking kek, true story.

>being wrong in 2019
Keep slurping that show though. Nobody wants to see your anteater dick

lol little kikeboy is so upset that the rest of the world laughs at his mutilated cock



Are you referring to cultural marxists?

>you don’t think that’s true?
>Uhh-heh-heh-heh I know some people who would disagree

That smug laugh says “I think I’m more informed than you but press me to explain and I’ll just do that laugh again”

Woah so its almost as if the original point that science is a new religion is a fucking stupid thing to say

"Gender is a social contract"

Gender has always meant the same thing as sex, don't let some Marxist Jews convince you otherwise.

Not him but:
>Critical theory
>Frankfurt School
All one thing