There was absolutely nothing wrong with last night's episode and anyone who says otherwise is a contrarian faggot...

There was absolutely nothing wrong with last night's episode and anyone who says otherwise is a contrarian faggot. Change my mind.

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Pod is literally the only reason I still watch this show.

Well he's gonna die

Then I will drop it right there and then

pod looks significantly more attractive this season and has a lovely singing voice. new GoT husbando

It was a very solid episode but in the context of the final season it shouldn’t have taken a full episode slot. This should have been the first episode really.

I know the word triggers Yea Forums, but this episode was really comfy. Just a bunch of people hanging out while waiting for the big battle. It's just what we needed before shit gets real.

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A literal anime-tier filler episode.

Shorter seasons but the first two episodes are too full of smug zingers, fan service character X meets Y for the first time in several episodes or ever and WAY too much of
>Character A: "says something in dramatic serious tone"
>Character B: "....."
and then it cuts to a different scene entirely. Like they don't want conversations to actually end because writing dialog about some of these exchanges speeds up the narrative too much.

High in the halls of the kings who are gone
Jenny would dance with her ghosts
The ones she had lost and the ones she had found
And the ones who had loved her the most

Absolute kino

Is it just me or is Tormund not really that big. Davos seems bigger than him.

It was a very good episode. First episode was bad though. They really could have condensed the first episode to about 20 minutes of reunions and then just segue into the entirety of this episode which would have made for a better premiere than what we got.

no, you are not

How short is your attention span that you can't appreciate a set up and character development episode. Not everything needs to be a big fuck off battle.
I'll admit there has been a bit too much fan service and shit dialogue but people are shitting on it just to be edgy.

Davos is the chad anglo, Tormund is a scandi/celt cuck

Tormund's actor is 183 cm. Same as me. A bit above average in Norway, where we're both from.

It was truly mediocre.

Not because it didn't have action, not because the plot didn't advance that much, but because the characters aren't true anymore. We've moved too far past the source material. These writers only have an impression of who the characters are, and their actions make them feel like cold shells of what we once watched. All these writers know how to do is to write one line quips and "epic" quotes. Truly sad.

Nah, they're going to Knight him first

why this handsome gal can't slay mad prince puss?

it wasn't great but it was far better than ep 1
i skipped all of dany's and greyworms scenes of course

>No Hot Pie

How much you want to bet faggot?


It's almost like they copied the rhythm of the helms deep battle

it was just fanfiction, the episode

Spinoff for Gendry's new baby soon.

I agree, I enjoyed it way more than the first episode

but there were barely any quips this ep

That's what it reminded me of and I really enjoyed that part more than the battle itself.

also politics in winterfell politics are boring as fuck
>character A says something
>character B doesn't really disagree but says the opposite to create fake tension
>somehow they agree in the end but the fake tension is kept around
at least in King Slanding everybody hated each other unironically

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I liked when Tyrion muses that if he became a wight he might at least get to march to Kings landing and kill Cersei

The rest was sort of yawn inducing though

Decent but

>Jaime randomly strolling out to the woods for a chat with his buddy Bran
>dumb Dany vs Sansa girlfight plotline immediately talked away in one scene, but then not
>Emilia Clarke’s acting

Pacing is non-existent. Dialogs are blatant copy of what were in early seasons. Character's charisma disappeared.

There's been two episodes in a six episode season of fanservice-y people meeting each other and catching up and there's no real conflict in either Winterfell or King's Landing. Wheels are just being spun until the battle starts.

Nothing wrong with the episode in itself.
Absolutely everything wrong with it being one episode out of a meager six for the final season and purported culmination of all the storylines so far.

There's only four episodes now left to resolve the story, which is not enough.

The lack of conflict is exactly what made this episode so good. We can't have fighting all the fucking time.

if the rumours are to be believed, the rest of the episodes are going to be 90 minutes a piece. That extra half hour is going to help a lot filling those gaps. And I'd honestly prefer less episodes if the episodes themselves are longer.

>Jaime & Bran
Jaime had reason to confront Bran after what he said in the meeting
>Sansa & Dany
I suspect they’re both trying to manipulate each other and I don’t think anything was going to be solved there and then but yeah the girl fight subplot seems forced for the sake of tension
>Clarke’s awful acting

This, desu. Like everyone sitting around a campfire and telling stories, getting drunk.

I wish Pod The Rod would serenade me every night lads

All the remaining episodes are 80 minutes. That's more than six regular episodes. The next episode will be the battle with the Night King, then there's three left for the battle for the Iron Throne and ending. It's more than enough.

davos is 5 feet closer to the camera, dumbass

Still not enough.
Two seasons would have been just about enough to resolve the story at minimum.

>anyone who says otherwise is a

Seething manlet.

Would have been a decent filler episode but it's the second filler episode and the show's only got four episodes left.

They should have combined episodes 1 and 2 and added more decent content for the rest of the season

>The story is too slow.
>We need more episodes to make it slower

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It was jaring to me that Bran and Jamie didn't have a conversation before he was brought before Dany and Jon. Episode 1 ends when there eyes meet, how did they not speak before then?

Poor directorial choice, still a good episode but a head-scratching choice.

You think the battle with the night king is only going to span one episode?

Two minimum or fucking dropped.

Episode one felt like filler, this felt more like a sendoff.

Jamie for sure gonna die next episode.

>Jamie arrives, sees bran
>Random guard notices Jamie and immediately takes him to Jon because they're are in active war against the Lannisters

Well that's conflating two things they're doing wrong.
They're simultaneously including too much filler AND devoting too little time to things that are important.
They need more episodes BECAUSE they're being too slow with the story where it matters.

With the pacing moving so quickly, there’s no gravitas with anything occurring if it hasn’t been building since the dawn of time (Brienne). I’m not a huge fan but what was the justification for killing the show off with just 6 episodes? They could easily have done another two seasons of 8 episodes.

>That extra half hour is going to help a lot filling those gaps.
It's not. They'll use the extra time to add in EBIN scenes and quips for all the characters.

>what was the justification
The actors are getting old I guess

They need to learn how pacing works you retard. Slow episodes are fine but having two in a row is dumb.

this episode was utter garbage

Most reddit post I've seen in any of these threads. Congrats. I screencapped it as well.

>Muh big battle didn't happen.
>Why these people talking instead of killing duh bad guys
>Dis show sux

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episode 1 was utter garbage
this was at least tolerable

it's not about no fighting, it's about the episodes having no conflict beyond characters meeting

Says the guy watching GOT

It was very boring, too much humor, and they focused on the interpersonal relationships of characters who have overly detailed character arcs. We've had enough Brienne development, we even spent last week doing Aryas reunions. Theyre going to rush through some really important shit, all so we could see Arya fuck Gendry and spend 25 minutes one-lining her old companions. No way the end isn't rushed with only 4 episodes left

>It was a very solid episode

Wtf am I reading?
>stupid rushed trial of jaime, a mere formality
> ninja arya
>insufferable dany and sansa
>jaime grinning when tyrion mentioned the father he murdered
>uncomfortable sitting by the fire scene
>ktisch knighting of brienne
>stupid singing
>botched arya sex scene
It was literally season 5/season 7 tier. Do you suffer from brain damage, user?

4 Episodes left to
>resolve entire White Walker plotline set up since the very first scene of the first episode
>start and finish the war for the throne
>resolve remaining character conflicts about survivors' claim to the throne and rule over the North
>complete surviving characters' conflicts, plotlines and arcs
Surely they'll manage to do it all well while retaining standard GoT pacing!

The next episode is 82 minutes, then 78, then 80 and 80 again.

you're not paying attention then
>sansa is highly suspicious of Daenerys, her presence in the north is not welcome
>Jon has become the new king who knelt, another northman who bent the knee. This creates conflict with Sansa, who is currently most representative of the northmen
>Tyrion keeps fucking things up, and Dany is about to lose trust in him

There's a lot of inter-character conflict happening with 10+ major and minor characters coming together, you're just ignoring it to be contrarian.

cringed big time when this idiot started singing
how gay

I don't like pod, legit the only character I don't like.

These characters have literally not all been together since S1E1 and now they have to all prep for their own deaths. You're saying nothing has happened and yet this one one of the most tense episodes there has been.
Ep3 - Battle for Winterfell
EP4 - Travel to KL
Ep5 - Battle for KL
Ep 6 - Conclusion
Seems pretty plausible to me

It's really fucking frustrating watching the writers trash Tyrions character with poor judgment just for some cheap payoff

>Ep3 - Battle for Winterfell
>EP4 - Travel to KL
>Ep5 - Battle for KL
>Ep 6 - Conclusion
>Seems pretty plausible to me
Of you think that has any semblance for the possibility for proper pacing, or even close to the high quality pacing from earlier GoT seasons, you are delusional.

>glass roof to "illuminate the space below"
>in a building with a vaulted ceiling
These people have but the shadow of a brain stem

>complete surviving characters' conflicts, plotlines and arcs

A good chunk have had theirs finished in todays episode

>Brienne has found acceptance as a knight and an equal among men
>Grey Worm and Missande have resolved to live their lives together after the war, affirming their relationship
>The Hound has started fighting for something that isn't himself
>Jaime has accepted he's changed, and realised Cersei is a terrible person. He apologises for trying to murder Bran, one of the major things that triggered the war of the 5 Kings. He could easily die next episode tragically with his character completed

About half of the main cast could die next episode with most of their arcs completed, or near completed.

>About half of the main cast could die next episode with most of their arcs completed, or near completed.
If you think major character arcs have been resolved in a single conversation, you must've started watching around season 5.

it's just disappointing because we have absolutely no backstory or information on the night king, his motives, or origin. ep3 is just going to be "YASSSS KAHLEESI SLAY THE WALKERS" and then the entire storyline is done

DnD are hacks who can’t have ‘good guys’ do bad things like hate someone

Implying that travel times will take an entire episode, when we have seen the power of the jepack.

The White Walkers have been the single biggest, mysterious and magical threat since the first episode.
They've had 7 seasons of massive build-up. Surely they won't cut that plotline short.

>A good chunk have had theirs finished in todays episode
In a very satisfying manner, surely.

I'll hold the crypts!

How can anyone determine what the 'right pacing' is when no one even knows how the story will play out. They can literally stay in Winterfell for the next 4 episodes for all anyone knows. You can't determine the correct pacing without knowing what the plot even is.

Why is Grey worm such a stoic gruff commander type and the unsullied are all lean warriors? In the book Grey worm is very much like Varys, he's always smiling and very sneaky and slippery with a huge spynetwork. And the unsullied are all fat because as eunuchs tend to seek out food for pleasure cause they can't have sex.

I don't mind the changes but they just seem so pointless and remove layers of depth from Grey worm and the unsullied as well, there's a lot in the books about them trying all sorts of things to give their life meaning now that they're free and stuff. Heck, I hated Dany in the books but the one time I actually liked her was when she got very emotional when she found out that unsullied tend to visit whores a lot just so they have someone to hold them and be kind to them

i think the white walkers will win next episode and the good guys will have to retreat

winterfell and white sets are too boring to stay too long in there

>Lel, tell me more jokes about our father, which you brutally murdered, Tyrion. I don't mind at all!

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>another charging my power level episodee

There are seasons' worth of build-up left to be resolved in 4 episodes, with hardly any progress having been made in the last 2.
Predicting pacing issues surely isn't above even your autism.

I love how you guys are trying really hard to hate absolutely everything about the show now.

It's funny how you weren't allowed to dislike the show back in 2011, but now you're almost not allowed to like it, and the quality really hasn't dropped that much.

4 80 minute episode.
320 minutes. That's two lord of the rings movies.

>every episode must have conflict

How did you ADHD zoomers even make it this far? Season 3 and 5 were far slower than this.

Bran dying alongside either Jon or Dany, resulting in a retreat, would be the only GoT-type twist I can't see happening, but would massively appreciate.

solid counter-argument, mr shill. i am sorry that your demands are as low as they are.

remember how angry he was, & would kill tyrion the next time he saw him.

yeah they just stripped jamie of his character, & in itself turned that into being his character.

I could have done with seeing tits, even Maisie's so it could have been better but that doesn't mean that it was bad.

Jenny's song doesn't make much sense without having read the books.

And in the past 100 minutes the story has progressed... Nowhere.
Seeing how the previous war for KL took an entire season, we already know it won't resemble the pacing they've held before.

I'm literally not saying that I think they are going to be staying in Winterfell for the remainder of the season. I'm saying no one knows what is going to happen. There could be a big twist that your toilet brain doesn't see coming that could literally change everything that you think 'needs' to happen. You have no idea what the correct pacing is because you have no idea what is going to happen.

Says the guy with no argument at all.

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>And in the past 100 minutes the story has progressed... Nowhere.

Same can be said about the first half of season 3, except it was more like 270 minutes, but it was fine back then?

what are the pros and cons between targ's tax policy and night's king tax policy?

We know what's going to happen, because 2 major events ARE happening, genius.
WW war and KL war.
Both need to be started and resolved in 4 episodes. Nowhere in the past of GoT have they paced major events that way.

he has no conflict anymore between his irrational love for cersei/ambitions and his better senses. now he's just a reasonable dude aka boring as fuck.

Its all about enforcing (((transparency))) goy

you have been provided with a list of scenes/moments in the episode that were really bad. if you disagree with any of those items, feel free to explain yourself.

It reminded me of the reflective section before the final mission in Mass Effect games, when previously disparate characters would banter and minor relationship subplots would wrap up.

This was a good Tyrion episode

also Jon dropping the revelation the night before a major battle

It would be stupid to relegate Jaime or the Hound's arc to a verbal conclusion. But yeah, they do seem to be preemptively telling us where characters end up after the end. Like GW and Missamdei. Didnt they also address somebody getting land after?

The only bad scene so far this season was Tyrion's dick joke

What is character development?
I bet half of the main cast will die.
Facing the walkers without having major casualties will not make sense.
I agree. Im concerned as well, but something tells me that these two are going to be linked, somehow. Resolving the entire WW plot line in a single episode is preposterous, and I very much doubt that that will happen.

Well get used to it faggot because that's what you're getting

sorry OP, anyone who thinks the last two episodes were fine is the contrarian faggot
It's not about attention span, it's about being 1/3 of the way through the season and little of note has occurred. The moments that are important were poorly executed, and the dialogue is ass.

it was alright. Some shitty ass dialogue but probably better than anything from S7

Haha poor little shonen baby. Go back to watching Wan Piss and leave the kino to the chads

>take time to build-up storylines and events which take seasons to resolve
>the same as not focussing on the 2 biggest events of the show, with the biggest build-up, which have to be resolved in a limited timeframe

>start and finish the war for the throne
there won't be one

Dropping pretence to full-on shitpost mist be fulfilling.

>game of thrones season 9, coming to HBO in 2021

>Resolving the entire WW plot line in a single episode is preposterous, and I very much doubt that that will happen.
I'm pessimistic, but very much hope you're right.

>all these GOT threads
Goddamn this place has become too fucking normal. I bet you all have sex too, faggots.

The difference is that we're not following ten different groups of people in different parts of the world now. All the characters are in Winterfell, except Cersei and a few others in KL. What are they gonna do? Make five more episodes of people sitting around waiting for the battle?

I also hear people complaining that nothing has happened in these two episodes, so it's like it's not good enough no matter what they do.

wtf are you talking about? Yea Forums always was about normalfaggotry

there has been NO interesting conflict in these 2 episodes. take for example jon telling dany about his heritage - no dramatic music accompanying it, no footage of him wringing hands, pacing up and down before that.

it was nothing!

it just happened and then the undead army arrived.

poor as fuck writing that deserves some reddit-spacing.

horrible writing, jesus christ

it feels like something i'd come up with in 10 minutes

>no dramatic music accompanying it, no footage of him wringing hands, pacing up and down before that.
what the fuck user

>if people aren't in different locations they can't have personal storylines/importance/effect

>what are they gonna do?
If there's honestly so little to do, because everyone's gathered in the same place in anticipation to the series' biggest event, how about they actually start the event?
I honestly am unable to view the WW conflict as anything else but an 1 episode event now, which is why I'm frustrated.
If it turn out I'm wrong I'd take back all my critiques, but "4 remaining episodes" is a timetable in which I simply cannot see a proper resolution to everything that's been set up. One single season already felt like it would be on the short side for how GoT paces and resolves storylines.


I thought Episode 1 was shit. Episode 2 was comfy as fuck. It is like they used a completely different writing staff.

arya sex scene

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Do we really need conflict in every single episode? I honestly thought it was really nice to have a few episodes to relax and hang out as friends since we know BIG battles are coming anyway.

S8:Ep2 really did seem LotRish.
I'm not complaining

no build up, no tension. it was a moment that up-ended dany's life and it was casually done, then interrupted by the signal the WW was here.

the reveal should have been accompanied by a crescendo, possibly even have been the final moment of the episode. as it was, it was nothing, accompanied hardly by any score, brooding at best. it was AT BEST an 'uh-oh, might cause trouble later'. this is shit-tier dramatization.
and if you disagree, you might as well continue watching the last jedi over and over again

i need something interesting going on, yes. if you're turning in just for familiar faces, I'll advise you to watch the bold and beautiful or other literal soap opera.

Scene with pod singing gave me chills, good episode. This isn't a fucking shonen you autists.

>a knight can make a knight
Don't you kneed a septon to make you a knight? I know the books adressed this and I'm pretty sure they show did as well at some point. Otherwise what's stopping a knight from knighting random people all over the place for shits and giggles?
In my head-canon Jaime just pulled it out his ass to make Brianne feel better before the battle. If she dies she won't give a shit anyway. If they win she'll be too overcome with joy to really care that he lied to her

the worst part of the show is Arya now. her scenes are literally just cringeworthy garbage and yet you get the feeling that the writers and the actress think that she's this super badass assassin girl. when i watched the earlier seasons i was expecting that at this point in the story she'd be a traumatized psychotic wreck who just makes everyone uncomfortable but instead she's super cool calm collected and totally fucking EPIC. i actually don't get how DnD manage to butcher every interesting character, most of their decisions are actually just comically bad.

Why's that?

Difference being that season 3 didn't need to finish the story in the same season


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Maybe she can peg Theon's bunghole

>good for nothing thot thrusts sex into somewhere it is not wanted nor needed. I fucking hate SJW’s.

Jenny of Oldstones story never came up in the tv show so the entire reference doesn't make sense without reading the books.

>subtly implying the sex she has had was good
Based roastie

dumb roastie can't imagine a life without sex. women finally are getting what they deserve for mocking men all these time

Na, next episode will troll all viewers by being exclusively focused on Kings Landing and the Iron Islands.

Ep 3 Battle for Iron Islands and preparations for battle in Kings Landing

Ep 4 Battle at Winterfell

Ep 5 Whatever the fuck fills the end of the battle at Winterfell and sets up the finale.

Ep 6 Final battle and ending.

forced girl power at every turn

no thanks

Yes my dude, conflict is the foundation of drama.

No it wasn't

Yea her character has been complete shit since she the faceless men monastery. Has she had a single scene since then that's not about "I'm a stone-cold killer 1v1 me"? Feels so incredibly predictable every time she turns up in a scene. Actually when I think about it, it seems like D&D has a thing for young girls being tough fighters. Mormont girl, that cringy scene with the little girl receiving food and wanting to fight, literally immediately after a grown man says he can't fight, entirety of Arya obviously.

Davos is Irish.

obscure movies like the dark knight

Why didn't they knight him already? "Knighting" Brienne was emotional and all but at the end of the day she's a woman lol. They could've knighted him instead of her.

>people who watch the show want layers
They want easy to digest "coolness" that they can just listen to

I liked it.

Well if no one wants to volunteer than I guess I have to step up

>seems like D&D has a thing for young girls being tough fighters

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This is what GOT has become. White Walkers should not exist and they ruin the show. The Wall should exist to separate Wildlings from raiding the north, no spooky gay ice men necessary.

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>it seems like D&D has a thing for young girls being tough fighters.
I think we found Dan Schneiders apprentices.


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>"How can anyone determine what the 'right pacing' is when no one even knows how the story will play out ?"
>what is screenwriting ?

No way they are going to ignore winterfell in ep. 3. People would rail up against for yet another tease only to have a battle that literally is over within the last 15 minutes of ep. 4.

>character development
There wasn't any.

>yfw battle at Winterfell happens off-screen


First for Tormund "Never rode a horse before but doubled up on one and passed by the undead army twice and beat them to Winterfell" Giantsbane

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Neither are a faggot like you

At 185 I should be among the tallest men in westeros then

>There was nothing wrong with last nights episode!!

We were told the whole motivation behind the Night Kings obsession with bran is he wants him so he can erase the memories of all the people who used to lived in westeros. Thats it. That is the huge motivation behind the Night King obsessing over Bran and raising an army to come after him. He just wants to kill him so no one remembers the memories of Ned Stark and the people before him.

What a fucking shit story line for the night king and its no surprise after 8 years retards like you glance over that fact that the whole motivation was for Brans fucking memories he would get as the three eyed raven. Jesus fucking christ how retarded has the show truly become

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It lasts 40 something minutes

Episode is 80 minutes.

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What other motivation do you need an ice zombie to have? It's a bloody force of nature meant to wipe everything out
Besides, it's not over yet, we don't know if theres other layers

I love the fact that literally 1/3 of the season is filler, this would've been fine if it was 10 episodes but the fact there's only 4 more makes it seem like its gonna be rushed

>This is what GOT has become
The literal FIRST SCENE OF THE SHOW introduced White Walkers. You are an actual, real life brainlet.




source on that?

>Giant transcontinentalesque icewall should exist only to keep migrants out

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That's what the main characters *think* is the NKs motivation. If that is all there is, than that will surely be disappointing. However there is likely more to it than that.

Damn, I remember looking forward to knowing the backstory of the Night King and what motivates him, how the white walkers live and their history.
Feels kinda shitty how we just got a simple bad guy as the endgame boss.

>tfw bran was pulling their leg to warg into NK at the right moment in the godswood

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It was just as boring and eventless as the last episode. And the last 3 seasons.

Wooden acting, regurgitated jokes/dialogue, absolutely zero plot progression. How can people stand this any more?

the singing was essentially a copy of pippins song for the steward

>2/6 episodes
>nothing at all happened

every fucking time with this show nothing ever happens until the last 2 eps of a season.

Unless you're a size queen hoping to get a peek at his penis, that's a pretty poor excuse of a character to keep watching for

Calm down sperg

>dude he's just salty about the 3 eyed raven LMAO
>five chin gilly

>How can people stand this any more?
It's the Soieffect, people have been Pavloved to start spewing from every orifice at the mere mention of GOT. Keep in mind that 50% of the population is below average intelligence.

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I'm just still hoping for something cool.

The whole point is that the Three Eyed Raven can see the past, present, and future. Even if all of the tomes of humanity burned down, you can still rely on them to recall whatever information, histories, and other strange, arcane things that need to be recalled. If the Night King wins his massive war and reduces humanity to a bunch of scrambling tribes either waiting out the Night King's """rule""" of Westeros or escaping to Essos, the Three Eyed Raven can easily just detail anything that was lost in the world, have it rewritten, and their histories remade, wait for X0 years, return to Westeros, and fuck the Night King up again, making his entire war, once again, worthless.

"Memories" are extremely important in a society that has already been subject to an apocalypse before, and can easily be subject to another, especially when record keeping is sparse and documents can easily be burned. Having an arcane atlas of the world in the form of one crippled youth is so ludicrously invaluable that you'd be outright retarded to not fight tooth and nail to remove it.

the literal prologue of the first book introduces the white walkers.

can someone explain this please

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why would the need to introduce race into my GOT

The best part of the show since the beginning is seeing all the different types of characters interact and evolve, saying that "nothing happened" at this point is beyond retarded m8.

>Northern monkeys look upon a well-dressed foreigner
>Freak out and run away, because they're only used to other snow monkeys

They don't like the blacks.


Makes sense tho, northerners are very suspicious of outsiders.

>long time no see old friend remember [season 1 line]
>we used to be enemies, but no we're on the same side!
>character development
the only development of any sort was dany getting kinda pissed right at the end

For you!

Missandei forgot to wash Grey Worm's crotch pus from herself and the stench of it was ruining their meal

>Keep in mind that 50% of the population is below average intelligence.
Are you clinically retarded?

Are you? Have you ever had a costumer service job? That will redpill you pretty damn quick about hoe fucking retarded people are.

I'm female and I felt all the feminist punch lines was cringe in this episode.
The little girl who wanted to battle was even a little too much for me at this point.

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It's literally just his hair

How does this season have the biggest budget and so far 2 out of 6 episodes were 90% interior shots with minimal, lazy dialogue?

I seriously thought the first episode would be the only filler one and they would make up for it with 5 solid episodes.

They were really short but there was so many of them. This is the first episode in the history of the show that I just skipped whole scenes.

I'm betting on there being a final movie after the 8 seasons.

So, the story would not conclude with the 6 episodes.

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How is this a feminist punchline? Children love to mirror adults, my little sister wanted to play war just because me and my brothers did. How are you even getting triggered over something this simple?

That little girl would be so fucked up she wouldn't even be able to talk YAAAAASSSS QUEEEEEN SLAAAAY

OP I just found it boring especially because there's barely any episodes left. The show is no longer carried by smart politics/writing so we pretty much have to wait for the biggest GRRM-informed plot moments for entertainment, and only one was in this episode. It was Jon dropping the truth bomb on Dany only for their conversation to be cut short in a really contrived way.

>a bunch of useless buzzwords
I seriously don't understand how you're getting triggered over this.

They can't even afford extras in half the shots

>Yas queen slay are buzzwords

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that's not even 'mediocre', it fails to meet the fundamental standards of show writing. OP is a fucking retard, you don't need to be an edgelord to shit on this episode, just common sense

A female character sneezing the wrong way is enough to trigger people and summon muh ebil feminism boogeyman

>feminism isn't evil
>direct ties the anarchism and communism

yeah kinda, when you're trying to use basic children habits as some sort of feminist witch-hunt. I guess stay seething at nothing if that's your thing.

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>shitposting about terrible writing is a feminist witchhunt

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even losing her virginity she has to act like a bad ass domme. She's in the home she grew up in up, hooking up with her long time crush and even then she can't show any vulnerability. It's so dumb.

CGI dragons?

She's the terminator now. If she doesn't say hasta la vista when she kills the nightking I'm going to be sorely disappointed.

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Also when she throws the knives in front of Gendry and say some prose on death to prove how badass she is was cringe. Relax, he hasn't seen you since you were a kid.

>You're a 7 year old girl with a skin disease that would make others ostracise you
>Your entire family is also dead
>Instead of being completely ridden by trauma, you're self-confidently delusional
>This isn't feminist propaganda whatsoever

I wouldn't have a problem with nebulous political agendas if they didn't completely ruin the immersion of TV shows (which they've been doing in tolerable doses s4-6, but it's reached a fever pitch at 7, and now it's just a parody of itself)

Didn't she serve the god of death? And didn't the servants of the god of death make her what she is? Why ow does she wan't to piss in the god of death's face?

Ok, let's have a look at what actually happened this episode.
>Jaime is accepted by Winterfell and allowed to fight for Brienne
>Sansa tells Daenerys she won't accept her as queen
>They organize a plan to bait the Night Kang in the Godswood with Bran
>Jon tells Daenerys he's Targaryen
That's it. Literally everything else was boring irrelevant filler, especially the cringey Sons of Anarchy tier music montage. Fucking garbage.

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Yo isn't Jon Snow technically banging his auntie?

I would just like to remind everyone that Bran watched his sister fuck Gendry Baratheoncock.

Why would Jon tell Danny about who he is before the big battle?
Hell when she said he know has a claim to the throne, Jon looked surprised as if that had never crossed his mind. I hesitate to call for lazy writing as Jon is kinda of a smooth brain when it comes to politics but there ya go,

I hated episode 1 with a passion. One of the worst GOT episodes of all time (maybe the worst, considering that it had the opportunity to be great). Episode 2 was an improvement, a solid 7/10. I believe we should be set from now on, maybe the dumbed down ep.1 a lot to attract more new viewers.


Bran has everyone fuck, ever.

The show has been filler for both episodes, and fairly dull

Wasn't each episode supposed to be 1 and a half hours long to make up for being a shorter season?

The teaser for episode 3 is already out and shows the entire episode takes place in winterfell and will be the battle

couldn't even give us a 2 hour finale just lol

Double down on this

>Sons of Anarchy tier music montage

Not that I expect you to know how to read, but Jenny's song is from the books and it was the most kino scene in the episode. Even the fags who are ripping apart the episode are saying that was the only good scene.

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I think criticism in TV shows in general is gay and pretentious but seriously how the fuck can anyone enjoy this shit. I hope you're only watching this with the sort of morbid curiosity one feels seeing a trainwreck in action

every word of the dialogue felt like it was extracted from an 8th grader's english assignment, all of the tensions felt forced and the SJWism (I don't even have strong political convictions) really is the icing on the cadaverous cake

>watching this with parents
>dad: lol guess they dont like blacks


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>8 seasons building up to one fucking 80 minute episode

This season should have been at least 8 episodes long and the battle with the white walkers should have lasted at LEAST 4 or 5 episodes long. I doubt they can fix this, but the only way I see them even redeeming this show is if 97% of all main characters in the show die next episode. Like a whole clusterfuck of deaths and overwhelming misery that makes the entire 8 year build up at least a little worth it. I better not have waited almost a decade for a shit conclusion.

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A small child on a battlefield is a fucking liability, and if you're fighting undead, you're giving them a soldier for free.

>Not that I expect you to know how to read,
You act like reading a shitty fantasy novel is some high brow achievement. I read quite a lot, but I don't read novels.
>Jenny's song is from the books and it was the most kino scene in the episode.
I don't give a fuck where the song is from, the montage was garbage filler that established nothing. Exact same shit as Sons of Anarchy, just served to pad out the episode.

checked and double checked. Its bullshit. what are we gonna do when its over though?

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nobody does

The north is MAGA country.

I hope the night walkers win. It's the only thing that wouldn't be predictable.

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the entire point of that character was to remind Davos about shireen you autists

But did you get picked, sis?

last episode to present varys and theon with their cocks

northerners dont like outsiders regardless of race is my take away. or i guess skin color obviously.For example how they (presumably) loved Swarthy John snow but hate the" white" queen Daenerys

Please show me the part where Davos directed her to her adjusted suit of armor and weaponry and gave her battle plans? As far as I remember, he basically said "Yeah, go to the crypt. If you think you're so tough, just keep people in there safe if we lose.", which amounts to nothing more than an adult calling a little kid "Brave", which means essentially nothing.

Wasn't the entire point of season 6 and 7 that women and children were supposed to help fight against the others? When did that change?

>It's just what we needed before shit gets real.
please go back to r*ddit

Women and children are helping where they are relevant to be helpful. I don't recall seeing any prominent women soldiers in any battle at this point beyond mountainous warrior women like Brienne and that one Free Folk woman. Royals and other politicians need to assist where they can, which is not on the frontlines of a fight. That little kid Davos was talking to can """help""" by acting like a little hero in the crypt while the adults handle the actual war outside. Anybody who took a feminist message from this is legitimately schizophrenic.

Could have been actually funny if someone started singing Rains of Castamere.

Absolutely agree. I'll give the contrarians the first episode. That one was a little shaky. But the second episode was perfectly fine. Everyone is just trying to sound smart.

If they kill /ouronlyguy/ Jaime. We riot.

It's like they are simultaneously slowing and rushing the last season.
Two episodes of fucking nothing out of 6 episodes to wrap up the entire conclusion to the story.
Should have been like 3 seasons of Dany fucking around in Westeros before a conclusion

>we have absolutely no backstory or information on the night king, his motives, or origin
that's not true.

You're most likely right. They seem suspicious of all forefingers simply for being foreigners and not because of skin color or any other attribute.

>implying they both never had any dark humor

Here let me help you out a bit because I can tell you're a toilet head. You are going to get approximately 0 people to aggree with you that the scene was bad. How about you argue with me on how the writing sucks, how the dialogue sucks, how the acting sucks, or how the pacing sucks. Or how about just admit to the world that you're a big dumb faggot who refuses to like something just because it is popular. I will admit that the 'dumbing down' that has occurred because too many normies are watching is frustrating, but I try not to think about it too much and just try to enjoy the show as much as I can.

DIaolgue and acting were atrocious, "really bad", but near the end the sense of dread approaching was good

>everything that triggers me is reddit

In some deeper way, sure, but it speaks to the characters not wanting to face the coming dead army, and on a meta level, the fandom that doesn't want to see the show come to an end.

You're missing the point. John explicitly says multiple times that when the others finally come all the women and children will be armed too. But now they're not

Episode was so cute. It was a brilliant episode for fans but a shit episode for people who don't have sex

No, just speaking that way

>Should have been like 3 seasons of Dany fucking around in Westeros before a conclusion

Thank fuck you're not a writer

Lord of the Rings is supposed to be comfy.
Game of Thrones is supposed to be edgy, nihilistic fedora tipping. S8 hasn't delivered on that yet.

Not gonna happen because I actually have some standards. You accuse me of disliking it just because other people like it, I accuse you of liking it just because other people like it. I'm looking purely at what the montage's purpose was in the show, and all I see is filler to pad out the episode. The only reason I see someone liking it is because of fan service, or very low standards as to what constitutes character development.

>we need to rush to the conclusion because George only told us the ending

We haven't even seen a battle formation yet outside of the trailer for the next episode. Nobody has stated that women and children are or are not armed. Only that they are keeping able-bodied women and strong-willed children and other back rows inside of the crypt to keep non-combatants safe from the invading White Walker hordes. Many people want to sit on the frontlines because there's glory to be had and it honestly just means that you won't be sitting terrified in a hole while your friends and family and comrades die around you. A little child is not going to be on the frontlines. She's going to be in the crypt with an obsidian knife to stab a wight or two as they sneak around the original formation.

Who are you quoting?


My theory, is that the Night King feels as though he's the failed hero of his time, so many centuries ago. And that every event after his transformation, is tainted by bastardy. So he needs to erase the three eyed raven, so that he has the freedom to change the past. Preventing himself from becoming the Night King, and allowing humans to proper without worshipping the old gods.

If you think about it, saving the Knight King in the past, would mean the complete destruction of the children, while humanity prospers on their own. But no one else wants this, because it would essentially erase their present day existence.

>women and children hiding in the crypts
>season 6 and 7 development doesn't matter
>they'll do something you'll see
The fuck is wrong with you spamming paragraphs over something so trivial? Dabid simply forgot what happened last season, deal with it.

>asks Lannisters to come north and help fight
>Jamie Lannister comes north to help fight
>threaten his life for coming north
Bravo boys


he seems more broad shouldered than tall also he has a big nogin and beard which creates the illusion of a BIG GUY

>start and finish the war for the throne
who's gonna tell him?

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>because the characters aren't true anymore. We've moved too far past the source material.

yes without such gems as daenyrsis shitting in a bog for 10 pages the shows run off the rails if only RRMAR-TEN could stop stuffing his face with beef tallow for five seconds to finish

for you

Except literally no one said the montage was providing character development. It was either (a) show everyone preparing for the battle with generic background music or (b) show everyone preparing for battle with Pod singing a sad song with some shockingly eerie context. I don't understand why this is the one scene you chose to get butthurt over.

Last night's episode was that it was entirely set up. This wouldn't be a problem except
1) The previous episode was also set up.
2) There are only six episodes this season.
3) People have been waiting two years for this season, and even longer for this shit to finally happen.
In a bubble, yeah, it's not a bad episode. I like a lot of the character interactions. However, I completely get why people are reacting poorly to it.

This. Watching the show on brettygood is sad. Everyone just spouts ironic feminist rhetoric, at the mere sight of women. Like, come on, is feminism and agenda pushing all you ever see now?

How long is the journey between KG and Winterfell.
Didn't it take Bobby B and crew about 3 months back in season 1?
Quite impressive of Jaime to make that journey at the start of winter, alone, while also being a cripple and arriving to Winterfell before the Night King.


>1/3rd of this season, the final season of the show, is setup
>We need even more exposition about what Cersei is doing at one point, meaning we may very well have a full episode's worth of meandering politics and drama instead of focusing on the moving action of the show
>Half of this final season may be pure exposition, dialogue, and setup when we were literally promised non-stop action and movement

As someone who actually loved all of the character interactions with the last ep, this genuinely disturbs me

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bobby was fat and had to be carried

i completely agree. episode 802 was based. preview of episode 803 was hypekino.

Jon looks like he's going to go Super Saiyan

Confirmed dying next episode

He wasn't fat
He was strong


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Dude just don’t worry about it

He could have done so much better

That episode made me think about Suikoden

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A month, you could make it in a cpl of weeks alone, it’s also technically a few weeks to get to the wall from winterfell. And for some reason an army that doesn’t rest is going to walk, so that’s going take some time, so Jaime arriving just in time is okay, scenes in the show also don’t have to be happening on the same day

Best episode in a good while.

>tfw season 5-8 have been all about the women
>show drops off dramatically, only decent one of the lot is Brienne
>episode is all about women again
>Tfw Winterfell is gonna have cuts to the women reacting or Arya 1 v 1000 white walkers while making marvel quips
>All you care about is Cleganebowl and Beric.

Take me to mid May so this shit could be over.

They are trying to show us how racist northerners are with their dirty looks, vs. those beautiful and egalitarian places where Missy and Grey Worm are from where there is actual slavery.

>stories shouldn’t have conflict

My guy, conflict is the key ingredient in all stories from the adventure of Gilgamesh to the latest episode of GoT.

So if you don't have people fighting or arguing all the fucking time, it sucks? How much ADHD do you have?


The politics are simple. Daenerys came to rule the Seven Kingdoms and everyone knows this. The North wants to be independent and they made Jon their king to do so. But now everyone is forced to put this on the sideburner to deal with the whitewalkers. Dealing with the whitewalkers is all Jon really cares about besides being a good boyfriend and brother. And that's quite an issue because he doesn't seem to get the political ramifications and can't think any further than
>girlfriend and sister don't seem to get along
>Dunno why they can't just become friends

There are various forms of conflict. These various forms vary from whoever you speak to but generally conflict can either be external and or internal.
External would be maybe man vs nature. A story of a man stranded in an island with another man and having to survive facing physical adversities like the weather, predators and disease.
Internal conflict is the conflict of the mind. In this cause maybe our main character's internal conflict would be the struggle between working with another to survive and his unhealthy distrusts of other people.
Conflict is present in the quiet moments as much as in the bombastic action packed ones.

22222 hour finale would have been better 2bh

Complaining about reddit-spacing, whilst doing it. Thinking a conflict isn't interesting bc it isn't set to a soundtrack. You can't be real.

>no build up
You could tell it was weighing on Jon's mind in every scene he's in. For example, in every scene where he and Daenerys are together, before he reveals his parentage to her, he purposefully acts distant towards her.

You're just giving me more reasons why it's great

>You're a 12 year old boy whose been cursed with a demon that makes everyone ostracise you
>Your entire family is also dead
>Instead of being completely ridden by trauma, you're self-confidently delusional
>This is the starting premise of Naruto

>Why would Jon tell Danny about who he is before the big battle?

Your answer is in your post
>Jon is kinda of a smooth brain when it comes to politics

>implying naruto is any good

It's not, but I don't think it's as impossible as they're making it out to be for a kid who's been ostracized to try and overcompensate, much less some kind of feminist conspiracy


this glass fetish needs to fucking end, especially since the top part of cathedrals were always ornamental as fuck