Ice Kisses Edition
Ice Kisses Edition
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Azor Theon
2nd for norf fc
i hate
What mode is this lads?
Night King
Arthur Dayne
Aemon the Dragon Knight
Barristan Selmy
Duncan the Tall
Jamie Lannister
Robert Strong
Jaime Lannister, also known as the King Killer
Azor Rad
The scene of her throiwng knifes was so edgy I heard the Metal Gear Rising soundtrack.
>he hasn't read the leaks where Mance Rayder's legions take the Undead Army in the rear to save Winterfell
Tormund Giants... what?
Sam's ancestral sword is named Hearts.... what?
ít´s a targ eat targ world, cersei knew this
I'd take you in the rear if you catch my drift, sweaty.
Why didn't Bran stay behind the wall so he could prevent NK from crossing the wall and save everybody else??
better writing than the past few seasons
haven't watched got in years but do we know what his plan is yet?
>PODRIC! Something more cheerful...
post your top 5
How did they react to goblin sex?
Ah yes my favorite character, James Mannster also known as Ruler Manslaughter
This won’t happen but I now believe there’s a slight chance Sansa and Theon will get a happy ending together
Longclaw - Jon
Heartsbane - Jorah
Widow's Wail - Jaime
Oathkeeper - Brienne
Dagger - Arya
Am I missing any Valerian Steel swords available to the forces in Winterfell?
>lel kill the world cuz I'm bad
That's literally it now.
He goes souf to witness Cleganebowl.
>flick of the wrist
>blade buries itself inside pillar
wow, what strength. the nk should run and hide
For you
holy shit, gilly got T H I C C.
Anybody else much prefer the new Gilly?
Flat 25% corporate tax rate
Abolition of negative gearing
Freeze pension indexation for 10 years
kill people, fuck shit, go to school
Remember Dabid said every episode is quality of movie...
>King Killer
nope. if he does kill the NK he should be known as the Kingslayer. a throwback to season 1 with Tyrion and Jon 'never forget what you are, the rest of the world will not. wear it like armor'
Why was there no scene with Jaime and Daenerys? Come the fuck on, that shit would be tight. .
It was terrible desu, this episode was just filler.
wait, was it anything else other than that at any point?
to get to bran's tight hole
will theons penis come back as a wight
>when you agree to film a nude scene but you're so deformed everyone thinks it's a shit cgi job
>Abolition of negative gearing
holy based
yeah, it's confirmed bros. Jaime is Azor Ahai, the King Killer
I have hope in episode 3 and 5. They are directed by the same guy who did Hardhome and the last two episodes of season 6.
no that's it
They can't pull a gandalf AGAIN.
>the night king put his mark on me..... if I go across then the magic will be ruined and he will be free to cross
>I could stay here and die, leaving him forever unable to cross
Why don't they sever bran's arm and use it to trick the night king?
It was unknown and a mystery. Now it's capeshit.
mfw normies unironically think this
Honestly ep1 was boring as fuck but i actually liked this episode
Shame... shame on the House of Baratheon.
>lets make a fatty who never works out play a badass scary assassin.
She looks like she was binge eating icecream every day. What a shame.
the bad kind of thicc if you ask me
What face is this?
>bad kind of thicc
no such thing
I would pay good money for more pictures of the newer, thicker, better Gilly.
>you want to know what they're like
>they're like death
Woah 10/10 script lads glad I'm wasting my pathetic life watching this masterpiece
did they burn his body? is he in the army of the dead now?
Just imagine littlefinger getting cucked by Theon of all people.
So fucking good
This is boring as fuck honestly never been so bored in my life.. can someone timestamp me the parts that are good and not fan fiction boring looking at eachother and shit dialogue with horses and fire in the background? Thanks
My god this show used to be so fucking good
>Dany's first immediate reaction isn't wow were are related
>not omg what a crazy secret that our families hid
>not omg we commited incest
>she immediately goes MUH THRONE
serious question, what did D&D mean by this
>Bran going to the weirwood try 'cus'
You guys things are gonna get hairy there next episode like sacrifices and major deaths. Bran chose that spot for a reason being in the keep would have been safe and better situated for ambusing NK
>I'm here because I love your brother. And I trust him and I know he's true to his word. He's only the second man in my life I can say that about.
>>Who was the first?
>Someone taller.
Why does Dany surround herself with manlets?
nigger spotted
So Jon has fire resistance?
Imagine being Joe Dempsey in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Maisie Williams, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your angloid inbreed shape and blockshaped failed chavbortion face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fuck just about anyone but the horrific monster anglos that star as "women" in this show. Like seriously imagine having to be Joe Dempsey and not only sit in that chair while Maisie Williams flaunts her revulsion of a body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her stringy pissflaps, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she failed to please directors. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, MAISIE WILLIAMS LOOKS LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her britbong fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of tight posh clunge from outside the british rabble for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Englistan. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Joe Dempsey. You're not going to lose your future indie rockstar career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.
What else did you think the Ice apocalypse zombies motivations were?
It's out of character even for her. She's actually very lonely and even loved Viserys despite him being obviously mad as shit.
Ok you baited me, can you go back now?
>Dany allies with Cersei against Jon and stops the PATRIARCHY forever
Absolute unit
is the actress knocked up or something? the fuck happened to her
>the battle with Stannis in it is the best
haha what a coincidence!
What was this advertising anyway?
Do you think Maisie asked for the sex scene? Of all the characters, giving one to Arya is just odd.
The dude is a commoner blacksmith.
He speak word not good as so.
2 and 3 are the same guy, only 1 is a different actor.
Crushing the seven kingdoms, with no survivors!
so when the FUCK is cleganebowl
>He's only the second man in my life I can say that about
Everyone thinks she's talking about Drogo, but I actually think she's talking about Jorah.
She might be pregnant but I hope she's just getting fat.
Who was she even talking about desu?
With all those cryptic signs out of bodyparts? Fuck if I know, but making him into a typical villain just to easily defeat him in the span of an episode or two is just fucking retarded.
>Jorah trying to convince loli Mormont to hide in the crypt and her calling him a bitch nigga
Love it
>it is true, I know it
no more proof needed Jon, better crown you right here and now
i wish the show ends so i won't have to see her mug ever again
how many white walkers does the NK have?
1 and 2 are the same guy, Richard Brake. 3 is the guy from season 6 onwards.
She didn't even need to specify male. It would make him the heir apparent even if he was a girl.
they really fucking shouldn't, but d&d are hacks and made Dany fireproof even though it canonically happened once through blood magic.
One each for every person with a valerian steel weapon
fuck I hope not or it is over for the living
They burned him. The living wouldn't stand a chance if Fooking Legend would be fighting against them.
>having shit opinions
this show is bad
>One each for every person with a valerian steel weapon
I do believe that's all, although.
Lamentation is House Royce VS sword. In the books it is said to have been lost in the dragonpits but i would not be surprised if Yohn Royce slews some White Walkers with it anyway.
There's also Dark Sister, one of the two Targaryen's VS. Taken beyond the wall by Brynden Rivers, tree eyed raven. I was expecting him to give to Bran before they fleed but guess not.
Blackfyre, the other Targaryen sword. Is in the Golden Company's possession since the Blackfyre rebellions. Harry Strickland might have brought it with him and could intend to hand it to Dany/Jon.
There's also the Original Ice Greatsword. The VS one that Ned had was only 500 or so years old. It could be in the crypts, otherwise it would suck a little for House Stark to have no dynastic sword anymore.
Lol Dany is such a roastie she never stopped thinking about Dothraki cock
maybe she was originally not going to be in the season and they called her with no time to prepare. she could easily have been written to be at Sam's ancestral home.
She truly is fucking infuriating, the show would be better if her screentime in the entire 8 seasons was like a few minutes at most.
Night King rides into Kings Landing
Robert Strong just walks right up to him and cuts his head off, apparently Qyburn used some meta old blood magic beyond the NK and he's a dead dude who can't die yet can't be controlled by NK
Would be hilarious
It's like poetry, it rhymes
so, would you Yea Forums ?
He and his bros wanted to spend the winter in dorne. Little did they know... the winter followed them!
Gotta ration the epic reveals to one per episode. The first one had Jon finding out he's a Targ. This one had Dany finding out. The next might be Dany finding out why Jaime killed her father.
Why doesn't NK just chuck some javelins at Bran? He has incredible strength and accuracy, and apparently clairvoyance about Bran's exact position. It's not like Bran would be very good at dodging
She'll be the first to die hopefully. What a meme character
They tried to cover it up but she looks like she could pop that baby out any minute now
What's that body type.
Ya I'm still hoping Bran or Sam are able to explain the symbols, but they're probably just signs of "The Great Other" enemy of "The Lord of Light"
Nobody's been killing them for 1000's of years and craster like figures have been donating babies in all that time. This will be what Jon hasn't accounted for that killing NK won't do jack shit because Walker aren't dead they do not rely on the NK
I would an Emilia, yes.
Who's gonna save women and children in the crypt when the Night King ressurects the dead starks?
Hot take, haven't read this one before
i'd do it to save Yea Forums
>Bran and Jaime both losing a hand/arm
It'd be like pottery.
Ned's Sword was melted down by Joff into Widows Wail and Oathkeeper mate
The dead Starks in the crypts are just bones. I don't think bones can come alive.
I'm still mad
They should just cut off Brans arm and throw it into the sea so that the WW will follow it and drown
Same, the group interactions seemed a lot more believable than the 1:1 reunions we had last episode.
Also worst scene of the episode had to be Dany and Sansa.
>Two of the shittiest actors on the show
>Loudly spouting exposition while staring at each other
Fuck that was painful
don't fuck with us manlets boys
>boring looking at each other
I can't wait until next episode: boring looking off-screen at CGI.
It's been quite a journey lads
>thinking Azor will be male
I despise her reasoning. The Targaryens have no true claim to the throne as it was taken through conquest. She can totally take it back through conquest, and that's been her goal this entire time, but people should explain to her and others that she really doesn't have lawful right to it. But might makes right, and that's how conquest works. Pick up a book on laws, Dany
that little girl with the burnt face
they should cut off your internet you fucking asswipe
>the bastard of flea bottom should have a poetic and well-spoken description of the white walkers
You're a fucking retard for picking that line as your example.
He's talking about the true Ice from the old days, not the modern Ice given to House Stark by the Targs after they bent the knee.
Why doesn't he just do a flyby as Bran is constantly sitting out in the open and he's got a big dragon?
rightfully so.
she also doesn't have a taboo about incest in the slightest.
it would literally have been more in-character for her to start dry-humping him.
You've never lived until you've had an eyebrow job.
That broad. World class eyebrows
Literally ruined the show. In the books he's irrelevant and his dad shits on him. He's the turning point where the show's writing goes to utter shit.
because the showrunners have an obsession with dick and balls jokes, they made him a primary villain. Fucking horrible
No one saw that Meera came back. Everyone was too distracted by Gilly getting fat
Stannis is still coming back, r-right guys?
it is kinda mental how they can tkae one of the best setups in story telling, a bunch of characters who are under the impression theyre gonna die for sure and deal with all their shit.
And its just nothing, cause they have exactly jaime left as the only good character.
Can a shadow baby kill the NK?
This. I mean her lover who is just some nobody bastard turns out to be not only a Targaryen but also son to the man you admire most in the world. How the fuck would that upset her? She can still be queen and he can be king.
The "why are you here?" mode
yes they can, skellies went jason and the argonauts on hardhome.
Why does Jon have black hair if he's a Targ?
in GB sh'es consirded as *beautiful*
I'll be honest, I laughed when the Hound said he would throw Beric over the wall if he didn't shut up.
Yeah he wants everyone to forget the past
What will be Melisandre's role in this?
>The name "Ice" is a legacy from the Age of Heroes, and predates the current sword. About four hundred years before King Robert I Baratheon's reign, the Valyrian steel greatsword was spell-forged in Valyria and acquired by House Stark, who named it after that legacy.[1]
It is theorized that it could be that there are other "Ice"s buried with the Kings of Winter who wielded them. Unlikely to come up in the show, but it's something to know.
One of the art people already explained them, they are like anti children of the forest signs, like the White Walkers versions of swastikas. And no I'm not making that dumb shit up, that's actually what they are according to a person that works on the show's Twitter when they were asked.
just in time to bring howland and tell everyone how jon is the rightful king and then disappear into the wood again
cus stronk femele gens
Fantasy genetics.
>mfw Rickon and Dickon become the gay emperors of Essos
NK is like Dracula, he was the first that was made by the Children, he dies and they all die.
Lads that blacksmith guy's actor is actually good and probably the best in the show tho
>mfw he washes off his black hair dye in the final episode
A new project emerges.
Haven't watched got much
Is there an explanation as to why people are standing in a cold blizzard with NO HEADWEAR and NO GLOVES, whiile grasping onto COLD METAL of their swords? They would literally have their fingers fall off in 5 minutes, and die from hypothermia in about 15.
I know this book is written and the show is made by people in California who've never seen snow in their lives but holy fuck that's too much. They could at least do some research on that. It's so distracting.
>implying undead Hound won't kill his undead brother in the name of the NK
Deus ex machina
Meera is a semen demon. Any caps of her in this episode?
how many years have you been posting this
>it's a royce scene
maybe because he wasn't the product of incest?
she's clearly talking about The Spice King, ruler of Qarth the Greatest City that ever was or will be, who legitimately didn't give her anything but good advice at any point. haha remember him?
holy shit you might be on to somethign....
She always reminds me of the movie antz
Why are you getting this upset over something you have zero investment in? Looking to join the bandwagon?
>feminist power fantasy
>laughing at manlets
why do d&d do this to us?
>it's a no one ever knows who Royce is scene
Look to the East
So my theory about the dead being an allegory to nazis was correct?
>blue eyes
>extremely cohesive and work in unison
>get more followers wherever they go by "dropping redpills"
And then stronk wamyn and their multi-cultural armies stomp the ebil nazis. The end.
you need to kill your braincells and cut your dick off to enjoy this show user. I wish we could go back.
Because it happens all the time in every movie ever and no one gives a shit
Except star wars 5 where someone actually remembered that cold things are cold
Bruh, beats me. There's supposed to be ice stroms and 500km/h blizzards preceding the NK... I guess not.
Maybe Shireen's sacrifice was actually worth something and Melisandre going to waddle in like she owns the place.
It's been too long friend
Not every Targ had silver hair
In the books every Stark has an iron sword laid across his grave to stop him from rising. That probably means there's something magic about the crypt that stops it happening and over the generations that changed to the iron swords doing it. In the show they won't give a fuck about any of that and just ignore it all.
What is the fucking point of wasting screen time on the preparations for battle like Davos lecturing some kid on being a soldier; use that stupid "walking soldiers around and riding horses" budget on the fucking fight. Just shoot this entire fucking episode in front of the fire of the characters talking and cycling in and out as necessary to conclude their relationships. That way you can waste our time with the Wildling chugging milk without making it seem like an actual waste of time because the entire episode is one glorious scene of the characters actually taking the edge off for once. It's like "Tyrion gets drunk" except everyone participates for an hour.
Why the fuck are they explaining what is going to happen in the battle when we're going to see it fucking happening the next episode. Do you really have to tell us exactly where the dragons are going to be or show us siege engines before they're used? They spent over five minutes having a parade through Winterfell in the first episode showcasing all the armies coming to the fight, how many scenes of forging weapons and chopping wood do you fucking need?
the reason it's so disappointing is because it would have been a legit fantasy character reversal.
but no Dany is #ME_TOO so the lore has to be rewritten to be more boring.
>howland stabs the NK in the back and Jon tells everyone he killed him in single combat
Why is John calling himself Aragorn Tagaryyen now?
They're fantasy beings.
Is having a bit of a character or maybe you know seeing this "strong guy who's been in a fight" scared, like proper scared and then we have a glimpse of Arya show just a glimpse of fear herself you know to make me give just a tiny shit to make me go woah if this badass girl is scared then the white walkers must be some scary shit. Is that so much to ask? But no she threw some shit at the wall thanks this is why I tune in. Calling me retarded while you gobble this shit down go uninstall your life.
why isnt Jaima golden-haired if hes a Lannister?
He'll kill the night king and hence become known as the kingkiller.
he's waiting for his queen.
Didn't they all cross the wall already?
(Sincere question I don't remember any wildlings staying behind)
Where's the blizzard?
>Night King
my nigga
pardon but who is cannibal
not an incestious relationship of his parents
>I don't think bones can come alive.
Then who killed Jojen reed?
Just turn your brain off bro
Why is he so overpowered?
The right of conquest is sort of a last resort claim. If all else fails it is legitimate but someone who has a claim according to established laws will always have greater legitimacy
Don't worry she'll disappear from tv when game of QUEENZ is over
They're humans
I'm ok with that answer actually.
Is that his aunt or something? They look related.
I require realism in my fantasy show about the undead horde, dragons, and a dynasty immune to fire.
you literally cannot come up with a more retarded name, can you
Dragons ate it.
Calling it now:
In the books John WILL be claimed to be a Targ, however George will show you an extra vision
>Lyanna actually didn't know who's kid it was, and she didn't know who would win, she was a slut playing cunts off each other and she got way to deep with Rhaegar and feared it could actually be Bobby B's child if Rhaegar returned so she told Ned it was Rhaegar's beliving 100% that her loverboy would win and come back
>If she actually thought he'd lose she'd have said it was a Baratheon to save it's life.
>In actuality it turns out John is actually just Robert Baratheon's kid and Rhaegar was actually cucked whether he lived or died, he would have returned with a child that wasn't his and being lied to
tl;dr The Pussy is a Ladder
Who would cut the arm of a cripple? That's just mean, user
Where is she? I've honestly forgotten what happened to her beyond resurrecting Jon.
Arya isn't scared cause she doesn't know. Gendry does and his word smithing was unable to reach her on the quite frightening experience of death itself rising from the grave to slaughter all life left.
how does blizzard taste like?
For some reason when watching this, I thought Pod was training with Jon. I thought he was actually outdoing him. Funny thought.
you didn't watch the episode did you?
what the fuck is Liv Taylor doing in there?!
She's in D&D's little coffin until the plot demands her return.
Why do they keep pushing the romance between the unsullied and black girl.
Why was the IMAGINE scene in it at all.
Why is there an akward romance between Reek and Big bird.
Why do we need multiple scenes of Quasi and the Hound not having a proper conversation.
Why is Kelly C still a bitch.
When did Gilly get thicc when there are rations.
Im sure there are more pointless scenes but drowned them out.
Has Pod always been a bit chunky?
Having cold have cold effects on warm things wouldn't even be realism, more like basic movie logic
That's how you make the viewer feel that the environment actually is cold
Other than fake snow and blue filter
Don't recall hardhome? The Night's Watch stopped the initial Widling assault, then they sent Jon to parley with Mance. Stannis attacked and got Mance while some of the Wildlings fled to Hardhome.
Jon, as Lord Commander, goes to Hardhome and brings as many wildlings as he can on ships back to the wall before they can get turned into wights.
Most didn't make it however, the greater majority of the wildlings are wights.
Without Lady Stoneheart, the magic cock is invincible.
Have you ever been in snow? It doesn’t happen nearly that fast.
Yeah but this way it's gonna be even sweeter when we get to watch her get hanged though.
I can't fuckin wait.
The budget for the blizzard was spent on dragons and goyim whores for D&D. Sorry bruv.
Pod (character) is a chubster. The actor is fucking shredded, so he's wearing a padded suit under his armour to make him still look chubby
Last episode (s08ep02) revealed it.
Literally, "he wants to destroy everything" is his motivation. Thank you mr. d&d for writing such a great villain
Can i get a recap on why they were dumping babies in the forest
>Next Episode Pod goes full weeb and cuts through three white walkers with a iaido draw cut
Post yfw
>She didn't even need to specify male
Gender is brought up at least two more times that I remember, when Dany was talking to Sansa and when Brienne was knighted. It's just feminist fantasy at this point
They didn't show him scared.
He saw "the quite frightening experience of death itself rising from the grave to slaughter all life left" and didn't show any emotion. He's an amazing smithy, Arya asks about it while he is smitthy, he spills molten dragonwhatever and burns someone as she asks because he's scared. There are so many ways you can do it.
It does if you're naked lmao
My city's below 0 Celsius for 75% of the year
Lyanna never touched bobby, he disgusted her.
Why dont they just kill Bran???
I hope all the popular meme characters die, including podrick. fucking hate normies.
and I'm still pissed over what they did to stannis/littlefinger
>D&D know the season is airing in the spring
>D&D know spring time is relatively dry
>D&D know Americans will watch the episodes while its still bright outside, Europeans will watch it when it's already bright outside
>"Hurr lets make 80% of all scenes play in darkness with a couple of torches in the corner, darkness means darker tone"
Are they just that retarded or do they gain some sick pleasure from requiring people to close all curtains and shutters in broad daylight to even see anything this season?
Besides the turbo feminism better than the 1st. Still weak.
Why did D&D even introduce the romance between Grey Worm and Missandei? Literally no one cares about that stupid shit.
Who knew bringing "the long night" just meant he wanted everyone dead. Omg my expectations are subverted
Crastor traded male babbies to the NK in exchange for him being left alone, they make the babbies into WWs
because they're crying little shits
They didn't even bother with the fucking snow. This is supposed to be the harshest winter ever, Theon and Sansa supposedly jumped from the walls of a castle into a giant snow bank, yet it looks like fucking t-shirt weather.
They gave gay worm and misandry expanded roles in season 5 because they needed filler. Now they are probably contractually obliged to give them a certain amount of screen time. One or the other will be killed off next episode at least
next episode bro
show watchers are brainlets user
Night king turns them into white walkers.
the de jure claim is just to make people come around faster
even Robert's rebellion was based off his great grandmother's Targ blood; people make an easier transition when they know it's not just some asshole grabbing power
His face is pretty fat though.
cus muh mixed race niggers
Well Gendry is a faceless man just trying to get close to Arya, so he can take her down once she's done with his list.
It's one of the big twists.
>Jon isn't the brat of Eddard Stark and Ashara Dayne
>literally the sword of the morning wielding Dawn
T-that speed!
it airs at 1/2/3am in europe you fucking spastic
Who /boner/ at Arya set scene?
Don't worry, there is a scene where jon falls into water on the icy lands of always winter, in close proximity to white walkers (who make everything around them colder) and he just walks it off like a dip in the pool during summer
She was so cute bros! Why won't she at least attempt to lose some fucking weight?
>seeing this "strong guy who's been in a fight" scared
Again, he's a bastard of flea bottom. Him being scared means fuck-all because he's not a knight. Arya seeing Jon scared, now THAT would have made sense. But even then her character probably wouldn't be scared, because she's a kid assassin who thinks she's got everything figured out and is an unstoppable killing machine like the proper faceless men.
For me, it's the NK (Night King)
Thank you anons have a redit gold
Second episode was actually good, except for Arya scenes. Makes up for the pile of shit that was the first episode
because john boyega complained about lack black ppl in GoT
That's actually pretty good. Why are they apposing him?
>Why was the IMAGINE scene in at all.
Because I've been waiting for over eight years for it since I first saw Maisie in the pilot and I knew I needed to see her naked
>harshest winter ever
Snowfall can only happen about water freezing temperature
If it's really really cold, then no snow will fall, everything just turns to ice
But also then your brain will die super fast without headwear
Maybe it's so retarded that accidentally realistic
She was pretty because she was young, but she's 43 now, stop oppressing her.
Beyond the wall is very very very cold. It's not 0C, it's supposed to be at least -10C. The land of always winter should be Siberia tier aka
What happened to Meera? Did she just leave, to never come back?
it's poetic alright. but holy shit if it's true it was literally revealed in the 2nd chapter of the first book.
I hope OUR GUY doesnt lose his battle next week, waited 8 years for Mr Freeze to do something.
look at
yup, had to watch with my curtains closed while it's beautiful outside
can't beat the cock, man
>because they needed filler
yeah lets kill off Badass Barristan Selmy and his fight scene vs the Champion of the Harpy, BRABO
>Dany's first reaction to Jon is "T-THAT WOULD MAKE YOU THE RIGHTFUL HEIR" with tears in her eyes
How the fuck can anyone see her as the good guy? She's literally a spoiled rotten kid.
Cause abortions are too expensive
I would rather have more greyworm scenes than Arya. Not even joking.
was it worth the wait?
the dothraki whore will be dead soon enough
Muh dick
They were presumably going to get married anyway, why the fuck does him being a targ change anything?
Jon burned his hand on a latern in season 1 when he saved Mormont from the zombie.
For real though he would've died of hypothermia in about 10 minutes in those conditions, if not faster.
>icy water
>cold, cold, windy norf
>lel I'll get back on a horseback through who-the-fuck-knows-how-many-miles for fuck-knows-how-long
As someone who spent most of his life in very cold climate I just can't help but seethe.
Presumably most people won't stay up to watch it on a Sunday night. I normally watch it on Monday afternoon.
Can someone post the kino pasta of Jon becoming the NK and telling people to forget him
Also where is the original from?
t. pleb
So third world mutts can feel some catharsis
Royce will be defending Sansa but then get killed by his wight son from the first Episode
Screen cap this
i mean thats a real fucking stretch but bookfags would lose their goddamn mind, mass suicide ensured.
>if it's true it was literally revealed in the 2nd chapter of the first book.
please remind me, i'm just a filthy youtube watching pleb but i really dig the theory of NedxAshara, NEVERY SULLY YOUR GENES WITH A TULLY.
I was at least hoping for some sort of redemption arc, but nobody cares for anything other than "yass queen slay", so yeah. We're stuck with her.
She is literally just taken aback at the revelation, you fucking autists will nitpicking everything about her character even when it's dishonest
>thinking that hbo is available in europe
Explain to me how I watched the episode at noon then. Hbo had to give the license to european channels, mainly sky. Sky airs it with a 12-24hr delay.
This. Even moreso in the show. At least in the books she's guided by dreams.
>No titties shown
>Ass looks firm enough to bounce pennies off of it
I'm happy
Cut though them with his magic cock
lol bro it's just fantasy, have sex
there should be a law against singing in television.
So do the babies instantly become/quickly grow up into adult ww's or are there juvenile ww's we haven't seen?
>King Killer
FUCK redheads, FUCK wildlings and most of all FUCK TORMUND TALL-TALKER
He's playing 4D chess user it'll be ok
There's many more times:
>when Danny called Jon, who sat next to her, the Warden of the North, a title beneath her in status
>when Danny and Sansa talked about women ruling
>when Hillary Mormont and Sir Friendzone talked and she put him in his place
>when Hillary Mormont left and walked straight through a group of men who all called her Lady Mormont with utmost respect and awe
>when the guy with his friends came up to Fleacook and told him he wasnt a a fighter, Fleacook told him to suck it up and they left, afterwards a little girl maybe aged 4 at best came up and showed more courage than these men
>when the Beauty was knighted
>when Sir Friendzone told Bitchqueen he was fine with being cucked
>when Tyrone reluctantly took orders from Bitchqueen to hide
>when Goblin told Gendry to take his own pants off while she was still wearing pants
>when Sam went to hide instead of fight, because fat white men arent allowed to do battle
>when Dickjoy said he was going to guard Bran, because a man without a dick may as well be dead
just some I can think of right now, theres probably more
>just imagine waiting almost a decade to be so disappointed
that nip though
Get em on board i'll call it in
Her body looks like a roll of sausage lmao
sky do a 2am showing so you can watch it with amerilards if you want to.
that's far too intricate for D&D
but im screencaping anyway
Just be grateful they even gave him a horse. Writing Benjen back into the plot was clearly just so he could provide Jon with a horse. I mean, I guess they could have had Jon NOT fall into the water, that would be easier but then...
Yunno I don't fucking know. We're well past the point of anything rational or coming from good planning.
NK has testosterone boosters
Why don't they just go to Iron Islands and leave peacefully there?
That's what an average short western girl looks like nowadays
Watch less porn and go outside more
don't expect logic. in the books the babies are more likely to be fuel for blood magic, as the WW are a species of ice elves rather than something the Children of the Forest made.
>Sky airs it with a 12-24hr delay
>Sky airs it with a 12-24hr delay
No they fucking don't retard.
Love it, there needs to be more ANIME in western fantasy, shit's too boring.
Have GRRM or DnD actually confirmed that Azor Ahai will be in the series?
catelyn heard the NedxAshara rumor and Ned told her to shut it.
Yeah, it's Danaerys. Did you watch the show at all?
>being so fucking stupid
Unironically kys.
We don't know if anyone else sacrificed to the WW, but we know Craster did a fucking lot. We know the WW have magic, and they (d&d) can twist magic as the reason for anything done sloppy. Could be both. Could be they've been getting sacrifices for a long time.
only one of them would be ruler, the other would just be their wife/husband
>[motivation increases]
>Ned told her to shut it.
fucking based. gonna recharge my kindle just to read that chapter. thanks lad
People didn't realise that the kid who showed up a the start of the last episode was the same kid that was nailed to a wall at the end. There's no fucking way D&D would expect anyone to remember that dude, and so there's no way they'd write him in.
I could maybe accept it as him being a stark makes him immune to cold (which wasn't ever introduced before but I'll take it) but that doesn't explain all the other shit like the unsullied using the same desert armor in winterfell or .
And I'm from fucking Brazil the colder temperature where I live is 25C and it still bothers me how they misrepresent the cold
Like Jon, Duncan was half targaryen. Targaryen genes are probably recessive.
>Suckled me on her teet for 3 months, thought I was a baby
Was this scene fucking hilarious to anyone else or am I just infected by the milkies memes
it's been long speculated that the white walkers were created as a weapon against the first men anyway. there are no concrete facts about their origins in the books.
Buy SkyTicket Entertainment, watch it live when it airs in the US on Sky Atlantic. Can do it all online, don't even need their hardware.
>rather than something the Children of the Forest made
>he didn't twig that the Children made the Others before the show got round to it
Wew lad. They're magic ice beings, but they were still made by the Children as a weapon.
>everyone except Jon and her faithful cuck is hostile to her in the first two episodes of the last season
>keeps getting increasingly unpleasant, impulsive and power-hungry
>is mortified to learn that her lover has a better claim to the throne than she does
She's 100% going to be betrayed and killed.
yes i started cringing at it but then it got funny
comedy gold
anybody have more?
>tfw no giant to suckle on
Why? Become a tandemocracy and they can both be full queen/king
>in the books the babies are more likely to be fuel for blood magic, as the WW are a species of ice elves
sounds like even gayer shit
*huff* Winterfell. . . again *wheeze* . . .but. . .we. . . just *huff*. . . flew. . .3000. . .miles *wheeze*
Why does Season 1 and 2 look so much better?
Why are the characters so much more likeable?
Even Jon and Arya actually acted
Why did everything become so shit the more experience they got
That whole scene had me in tears. Giantsbane is such a dope dude.
Who is mostly responsible for the fact that NK built up an army so fast?
Who was in the fault?
Stark and Baratheon genes > Lannister and Targaryen genes
For instance, that was a major clue for Ned to find out that Roberts children werent his.
There is a scene in the first season Ned is going through a book and all Baratheons are black of hair.
The same thing might be working here, Sansa is the only Stark in the show to have red hair
Maybe Sansa isn't a Stark?
Okay if Tormund, Jorah, and Greyworm die next episode then these are legit.
The Iron Bank
>muh season 1
you niggas STILL doing this shit
You're fucking idiots, male heirs are always ahead of females in the line of succession, so it's vitally important
Is GRRM even fucking promoting the show? Is anybody fucking promoting the show doing the talk-show circuit? Or are all the media outlets just fucking reporting on the episodes verbatim without bothering to interview the writers for behind-the-scenes content on how each episode is made?
Nevermind, turns out the old fat fuck doesn't even know how the TV series is going to end.
“I haven’t read the [final-season] scripts and haven’t been able to visit the set because I’ve been working on Winds,” Martin reveals. “I know some of the things. But there’s a lot of minor-character [arcs] they’ll be coming up with on their own. And, of course, they passed me several years ago. There may be important discrepancies.”
>comedic scene about being a giant baby as the source of his strength
>"was I the only one who found this funny???"
Fucking autists.
stupidest thing I've seen in awhile but fuck yeah, Edmure IS rad as shit, he's still kicking in the dungeon somewhere, I'd be totally fine with a play outta left field where he's the big boy
peak dabid
Anyone else hate S8:E1 but liked S8:E2? Night and day difference.
>Rewatch Season 1 because of the new season
>Realise that it's better than most that came after it
Wow, how could this have happend?
Prove it wrong faggot
>Being too retarded to look it up
It literally says available from 10:00 GMT+2 onwards on their website. Yes, even with English audio.
Hello tumblrina. Shouldn't you be busy reading your latest Buzzfeed article on why women are superior than white men and post on Twitter how you crave some BBC?
N+A=J is a theory that many characters in universe believe, including Catelyn, and it's been considered a red herring that was deliberately set up to distract from R+L=J which was also set up in the first book but much more subtly
However, the CHAD theory is that R+L=D and N+A=J too
Big Dick Energy
This whole show is going the way of Star Wars.
>remember when this happened.
They actually attempted to make it look like a fantasy medieval world with characters following tropes of that genre like the books do.
Why is Tormund so fucking based?
>Even Jon and Arya actually acted
this shit hurts the most. fucking loli Lyanna Mormont is outclassing Jon in every scene they're both in. HOW
Learn how succession laws work you fucking twink
>bookfags would lose their goddamn mind, mass suicide ensured.
Also, not really
most book fags would probably love R+L=J to not be true because that would make them different from the show which they all hate now
In this case it literally doesn't matter because Jon being the child of the Rhaegar is what puts him ahead.
As a real world example Prince William's children are all ahead of Prince Harry for succession in the British Royal Family.
fucking kek
Source for these?
>Maisie as a cute tomboy rebelling against her parents
me on the right
>the CHAD theory is that R+L=D and N+A=J too
i like it. and young Griff would be R's first born son who survived the siege of Kings Landing?
if they were both female jon would still be ahead
Ned Umber bring back my lost legions
Also nobody likes to find out that everyone's been right about such an obvious "twist". They'd much rather have their expectations subverted.
When ep1 rolled around, me and my onions friends got together to watch it.
We decided to rewatch s01ep01 to see some specific scene, but we were all amazed at how beautiful the series looked - and how it has been completely lost
No he's a blackfyre.
Yes, Aegon actually is Aegon and not fAegon
someone needs to tell him to stop pretending that he's going to finish the book series. We all know his going to let the tv series end it then live off the hbo bux
I especially blame the retarded new Anime costumes and blue filters they use now.
At least in S01 people wore normal clothes and armor and not SPIKED WINGS OF DEATH with BELT ARMOR
Like what the fuck is this even supposed to be
That would make sense why Nee was to averse to having her killed.
Did show Lyanna mention the baby was a boy in the tower of joy scene? I forget
oh okay. i can dig that. btw the golden company still got the blackfyre sword (forgot the name) in their possession right? pretty interesting stuff, thanks user
posting this will help
Each nation had it's own succession laws. Some, like the iberians, had no problem with females taking the throne.
In some, brothers and sisters came before sons in rights to throne. In others, it's the opposite. We're supposed to believe the latter applies to westeros cause danny and sam said so
use this one tards
> /GOT/
kill yourself
She better be, or this shit will turn into Game of Cuckolds with everyone raising bastards
i didn't make it, im just trying to smooth things out
>His name is Aegon Targaryen
It also had some scenic shots where it simply showed the cities or the environment from a distance, and just allowed you to appreciate it's beauty
yes, "Aegon" is the son of Illyrio and his wife who is a blackfyre descendant
Khal Drogo was always meant to kill Viserys and keep Daenerys in Vaes Dothrak so they wouldn't get in the way, that's why Illyrio was "helping" them
They aren't trying to paint her in a bad light.
As far as DnD and the general audience is concerned she's 100% in the right about everything and people just aren't ready to accept her as their queen (yet).
Dany is going to rule mark my fucking words.
not how it works, fool
>liking filler
The only part I don't get about that theory is why Illyrio would hand over Dragon eggs, presumed dead or not. Even petrified dragon eggs would bolster his son's claim, surely?