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>Adam ruins his career on JRE
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Imagine being so much of a brainlet you get dunked on by Rogan.
Fucking glorious to see him get intellectually roasted LIVE instead of him talking very very fast of a script with flashy graphics to distract you from the bs ""facts"" he shits out
Not that hard since he's a liberal
Is the nightmare over? Has he been rekt enough to discredit everything else he says?
There were only three things they disagreed with were Alpha/betas (which Rogan was wrong about), the ethics of using hormone replacement therapy on children, and letting trannies compete in the female olympics/enter female toilets which at first I thought Adam was fucking stupid for saying but he makes a convincing argument when he said he was talking long-term, meaning no there won't be manly looking men using the female washrooms but men that had been taking hormones from childhood using them.
So his idea of letting trannies use existing facilities/join existing sports leagues is not entirely outlandish but entirely hinges on whether it's ethical to use HRT on children who are not even mentally fully formed. For this point I'm more in agreement with Joe in that it feels wrong IF it's the parents decision... but in the eyes of the law children have no real power to make the decision on their own. Nobody's really right in this scenario, it entirely depends on whether the kid actually wanted the HRT or whether the kid will regret it.
Can someone give me a quick rundown?
This is what happens when youre in an ideological bubble and can’t think for yourself and are surrounded by writers and a script. I don’t even have to look it up, I know this fag lives in sf.
I just did
and the subject was "man and woman are different".
anyway, what kind of retard imagine that this piece of shit faggot was really a smart guy instead of a piece of shit faggot who reads a script that are pure and dishonest propaganda?
I don't think I'd be able to live with myself
Dude, he looked like a complete brainlet fool and was babbling about shit he was factually wrong about that actual evolutionary psychologists talked about just months ago with rogan. You are straight up reddit, he wasn’t right about fucking anything commie.
it was fun to watch adam crash and burn, I also enjoyed watching joe get insecure on that bit about alpha males
>girls have to find muscles attractive
create leagues of sports just for trannies and people would watch.
imagine a tranny punching the other so hard in the chest during a MMA fight that his mamals would open and the silicon out of his boobs would fall.
amazing stuff, everybody would pay per view that shit.
even this image makes him look smug and onions, glad he was exposed though. I havent finished the episode of JRE yet but looking forward to it, He must be pandering to his libtard female fanbase when he made some of these remarks
>he said he was talking long-term
That's unbelievably stupid.
You're going to make a policy that says only trans women that pass can use a female bathroom? Nigger what. Who's going to be in charge of determining if a trans person passes or not?
>it entirely depends on whether the kid actually wanted the HRT or whether the kid will regret it.
which is impossible to know because HRT itself changes the brain and therefore amplifies transsexualism
I can't believe I used to like him. Granted this was years ago but still. I'd sooner admit to liking nu metal than (ever) liking this faggot irl.
>I uh, again, I uh, I don't want to speak out on, uh, I don't want to talk too much, uh, about something I, uh, I, uh, again, I haven't brushed up on the, uh, the research, so, uh, I don't want to, uh, speak on this too, uh, much, but-
the world should change to accomodate 0,001% of the population, in particular a group of crazies who has 45% chances to commit suicide.
the fact that we even discuss this kind of thing is simply HONK HONK.
>Dude, he looked like a complete brainlet fool and was babbling about shit he was factually wrong about that actual evolutionary psychologists talked about just months ago with rogan
No. Rogan and his pseudoscience was 100% wrong, if you're talking about his backsplaining of men being attracted to hourglass figures (which most if not all men are, most probably attracted to pear shaped) and the explanation of why men are manly and muscly.
It's already been 100% debunked here on Yea Forums with people posting 'real' manly men of the past like real persistence hunters that relied on stamina and functional strength, meaning, the manly traits that should have been selected for were men that looked like pic related or The Mountain and not Arnold Schwarzenegger. The thing is that arts and culture have coopted manly attributes and made people believe in a fictionalized ideal of what they thought manly attributes actually were, which resulted in people believing strong, powerful, lethal hunters of the past had giant muscles instead of truly functional ones. And yes that includes attributes like beards, alcohol consumption, and athletic prowess since ever since the first sharp stick was invented, physical power meant nearly nothing in a physical altercation between two human beings.
Actually there was a recent episode with Ben Shapiro where Ben Shapiro says the exact same thing to Joe about not being able to infer backwards with scientific rigor modern traits of men and also beliefs. You can say 'it's possible men are attracted to women with such a shape because...' but you can't say 'men are attracted to women with such a shape because...' because nobody fucking knows for sure. In fact this is basic scientific knowledge. You can't just infer, you can only disprove null hypothesis. I have no idea which "evolutionary psychologists" Joe talked to but if that's what they really said then they're hacks and shouldn't be taken at face value.
Better stay away from Japan
No one will have to police it in Adam's idealized world, since all male to female trannies should look like females and vice versa.
Personally I don't like Adam but Joe basically just proved that he is a massive retard that thinks in clearly disproven theories because they fit his world view. The only thing even stupider than Joe are the retards in the comment section and 4channel.
Literally no one cares about his Joe Rogan appearance except for fans of JRE, who don't watch his show in the first place.
I don't even like the guy, but I fail to see how his career is "ruined," but keep living in your own world bruh
This. Adam was right about the alpha/beta thing, Rogan was an idiot there.
And Adam was 100% in the wrong on the debate about male/female athletes.
The other disagreement about kids using hormone blockers is up for debate, no clear winner
Don't forgot;
>"Let's not rely on anecdotal evidence." After using nothing but anecdotal evidence to back up his arguments for twenty minutes.
Absolutely based post up until you mentioned Crying Manlet Shapiro
>Adam was right about the alpha/beta thing
No he isn't. Alphas are natural leaders. Natural leaders are very much a thing and always have been. This is what an alpha is.
>This is what happens when youre in an ideological bubble and can’t think for yourself and are surrounded by writers and a script. I don’t even have to look it up, I know this fag lives in sf.
>Spends his days on Yea Forums
Try not to break your glass house with those stones, bud
It doesn't have a biological basis, it's a societal concept. That's what the argument was about, don't move the goal posts.
Why are Jews always so gross looking?
You made several inferences in your post that show you don't know what you're talking about...
>Alphas are natural leaders
No. Alphadom and leadership are two different things. The conceptual Alpha (if they actually existed) might find themselves in leadership positions but they could just as easily be lone wolves that exist outside of conventional society.
>Natural leaders are very much a thing and always have been
Show me one natural leader that exists in real life. CEOs of major companies are nurtured into leaders, not leaders by birth. Look up pictures of Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos before they made it big. Not what you had in mind right? Same goes for your imagined Navy Seal supersoldier. They are not alphas, most likely betas, hammered down again and again through training to become what they are.
All social concepts have some basis in biology. Our brain is a biological organ shaped by evolution, and so social concepts that we create are bound by parameters that frame the form in which those forms are created including biology.
Saying "x is a social construct" is the most meaningless statement in this discussion.
i'd fuck that chink tranny desu senpai
Libruls absolutely seething.
>that moment where he jumps from alpha and betas conversation straight into slavey
What did he mean by this?
Not him but what you said was a load of pseudoscientific fluff. Not all social concepts have a basis in biology unless by that you mean they were invented by a biological organism which doesn't mean anything. I could invent a social concept right now saying poop is pee and pee is poop. It doesn't mean anything. Doesn't make it factual.
Social concepts are simply beliefs adopted en masse. It isn't necessary for there to be a scientific or factual bearing, and can be as varied as what human emotions allow. I could create one that I know is 100% wrong out of spite or entertainment.
If you're in the pursuit of truth, social concepts are the first things you dismiss. They make convenient starting points for research but that's about it.
>All social concepts have some basis in biology
They're still social concepts. The basis might be so far back that it doesn't make sense any more.
>Alpha/betas (which Rogan was wrong about)
I agree but Adam did an extremely poor job of setting out his position and was quickly overpowered by easily countered arguments from Rogan.
The only good episode he did was about trophy hunting, everything else is a bunch of bullshit libshit talking points.
You mean
>Adam enlarges his fanbase on JRE
>It doesn't have a biological basis, it's a societal concept.
No it isn't. You see alphas in animals like lions and gorillas. Humans are no different.
Putin is unironically a natural leader. Started out as a basic agent of the KGB then rose to become the master of Russia. All while being a manlet.
That shit about giving 6 year olds hormone blockers and surgery is nuts. I hate these people that push this agenda, it's fucking sickening.
>All social concepts have some basis in biology.
Incorrect. Stop pretending to be clever, white masculinity is over.
Fuck off Sergei.
If all this idea of "nature" can offer is leadership by gangsters and psychopaths, it's over.
>adam loses the Yea Forums audience
what a terrible loss
Except his manly persona is carefully concocted by publicists and photographers. None of it is natural. Not to mention the only reason he was chosen by the regime to succeed in the first place is because he played the part of a pushover beta that the old powers thought they could control.
So people who find themselves in leadership positions (figureheads) tend to be betas. Real alphas are normally shot down by other alphas in the sidelines. The only way to make it to the top is pretend to be a bitch until you become powerful enough you can stop pretending and kill your enemies.
>Not all social concepts have a basis in biology unless by that you mean they were invented by a biological organism which doesn't mean anything.
That is exactly the point, and what critical theorists fail to realize when talking about social concepts as if the line of argument matters at all. It doesn't. Literally everything is a social construct at some level. It's one of the first layers of understanding the world beyond pure subjective perspective and ultimately it's very shallow.
Trying to use that line of reasoning against a biological argument is pointless and dumb. You need scientific evidence.
This guy really does have one of those faces you're hardwired to want to destroy.
He presented the core beliefs of his audience. His career is unharmed.
Oh, you must be the absolute faggot from the other day who was saying women are stronger than men. You write like him.
He has to adhere to an ideology rather than use his brain. He set himself up for looking stupid.
You haven't given a refutation of why just because a concept was invented by a biological organism it holds any truth or veracity. It literally doesn't.
People who watch his shit are already insufferable lefties, why would they change their minds?
Not an argument, incel.
Now you're just arbitrarily adding your own straw man ideas of what an alpha is. You'd have to be the most brainwashed retard on the planet not to think natural leaders are a thing. I mean you have to believe some truly retarded marxist bullshit like OH WE'RE ALL COMPLETELY EQUAL IN EVERY SINGLE WAY AND ANY DEVIATION FROM THAT IS A SOCIAL CONSTRUCT.
>Literally everything is a social construct at some level.
No it isn't you fucking mongoloid. They're smarter than you and you have nothing, you're on Yea Forums. The only reason to come here is to goad unemployed young men into suicide, or be goaded. You beg for suffering with this pretend-erudite faggotry.
>Have to take medication your whole life to suppress natural testosterone production
>get into competitive sport
>Want to win
>ease off the test suppressors a bit
He was factually wrong. Men competing in female sports is a slap in the face to women.
You're just a 4channer, your role in life is to be tortured by people smarter than you.
The natural leader is the smartest person. You're arguing for having your asshole stretched wiiiide by... merchants. Which amuses me, because you're a scared fucking cunt.
No, I've simply given proof as to why Putin does not have the alpha traits you ascribe to him. You can call him ambitious and ruthless and I would agree with you. But calling him 'alpha' is ambiguous meaningless pseudobroscience.
Do you think culture spawns in a vacuum at random?
How are you trying disprove alpha/beta hierarchy while calling someone alpha/beta
There are more positive traits to be found in men than just muscles, you fucking brainlets.
Based and extremely well written comment, non-ironically enjoyed reading something on this board for once
He says while contesting someones view on Yea Forums, breaking his own argument
>No it isn't. You see alphas in animals like lions and gorillas. Humans are no different.
Lions and gorillas cannot create complex, cooperative societies like humans precisely because of the conflict that arises when more than one alpha male of their species comes into contact with another. Humans are successful because of cooperation - because our men don't beat their chests and fight to the death the moment they come into contact with another confident, capable man.
Get it through your thick skulls: the strongest in this society are those who've determined that hormone therapy for kids is what you're gonna get. They owned you the day you were born, and there will be no redemption. You believe might makes right? Fine, worship Soros then. Your own logic abolishes your right to exist.
I'm calling them that by his definition. So I'm simultaneously dismantling his stated belief (what he considers betas ending up on top) and dismissing the term as it applies to humans.
Alpha/beta is a terminology/theory. I'm allowed to use his given terminology and theory to disprove it.
Why do people even care if trannies compete against men?
That isn't what I claimed. I am disproving the idea that you can separate anything tangible in this world into the bubble of "social construct" and thus can be maliable in the way critical theorists like to frame it in. Using the argument against a claim about the objective world (as in physical space) is incorrect and used way too much by the left to side step away from arguments they don't like. To prove or disprove the initial claim you scientific evidence or at least some sort of claim on the level of scientific inquiry, not critical theorists babble.
Imagine there are people out there who consider this person an intellectual. Pretty sad.
>People wear cloths for no reason. Its just a social construct.
You disprove nothing, education doesn't belong to you.
They don't, but trannies aren't trying to compete against men. They're trying to compete against women and absolutely dominating every area of competition because of the advantages their male biology gives them. It's pretty funny actually.
I have a feeling that trannies is just a side effect of the rulers of our society wanting to make immigration acceptable.So they push an ideology of acceptance of what is different and the sheeple are applying this to everything.
Its about money rather than about turning men into women.
Kek. There are consequences for actions and those people will pay for what they have done.
Trannies should be allowed in the special olympics.
People might actually start watching the events as a joke.
>A typo therefore I win
Your quite the intellectual I see
No they won't. They have the whip hand, and they're going to keep it. You have nothing but Yea Forums, a few shadowbanned or suspended Twitter accounts, and Discord fulminating. It's over.
>I am disproving the idea that you can separate anything tangible in this world into the bubble of "social construct"
Not being able to separate is a far, far cry from said social construct being able to offer any true insight or have derivable meaning into the human condition. You missed the entire point of the exchange.
If you went home with what you thought was a girl and it turned out to be a very convincing tranny would you beat the shit out of them? I think I would.
No, a typo is when your finger slips while typing, what you did was a total mispelling. You're an illiterate NEET pretending to be Jordan Peterson.
Nah it will stop within the next 5 to 10 years once people see that the
>I'm so different I'm X non binary tranny gender, can I have attention now?
Is over and doesnt get you attention anymore moving onto the next fad. People like being normal, and that will prevail over all.
Funny counterpoint:
Nudist colonies
Equally a social construct.
In fact your point only supports the whole idea that non-functional clothes are just a social construct. I'm naked right now in my home.
you're insane and you're desperate to "debunk" your disposition and that of the beta cunts who make up the group you most identify with.
what adam did was strawman instead of steelman, which is how you should handle these vague, generalized points/stances. you don't pick the most rigid, retarded possible stance regarding "betas" and "alphas" and break apart the notion semantically. The general idea revolves around the points joe actually made. There are generally attractive traits in males. Confidence, intimidation, height, strength, social standing, etc etc. people classify those stats as "alpha" stats. it's not a fucking difficult idea to understand unless you are specifically trying to convince yourself otherwise and using any possible strawman argument to do so. it's fucking pathetic, but it makes perfect sense for adam because his viewers (the r/politics, john oliver, rick and morty crowd) also desperately want him to "debunk" inconvenient truths.
I'd probably end up sucking her dick.
>no they won't
That's what you think buddy.
Java runtime environment?
Like I said, you have nothing. Keep fantasizing about how you'll show them one day. The most any of you guys can achieve is suicide by cop.
Kids using hormone blockers isn't up for debate. It's sterilisation of mentally ill children by fucked up adults. If your kid has gender dysphoria, it is a tiny subset of the population with a mental illness that is only growing due to overexposure and becoming a fad. Rogan didn't know about the full studies but additional studies have found that gay/sexual deviants will fall back upon which ever benefits them the greatest. Islamic cultures allow sex changes but hate gays, so most gay men become women. In Brazil and Thailand they do it for economic advantage and because it is accepted. In countries where it's not a big deal to be gay but trans disliked they will stay male.
Finally the current wave of transgenderism is a fad and actually causes the sexual degenerates. egomanical parents and attention seeking children to promote it. Especially in the era of social media where narcissism and relevancy is king.
pathetic beta male
Never said that either. You claim it gives enough insight to dismiss biological arguments (based on the exchange in this thread) while I say it gives only a shallow reading of things (because it does) and so does little in challenging arguments based on tangible factors like biology.
Your English sucks.
First 2/3rds of your post was garbage.
>There are generally attractive traits in males. Confidence, intimidation, height, strength, social standing, etc etc. people classify those stats as "alpha" stats.
Yes. There are alpha TRAITS. Not alpha people. And nowhere near a unified social alpha hierarchy. HUGE difference and what you're missing.
Have sex
>Kids using hormone blockers isn't up for debate.
Correct, it's happening and you can't do shit about it.
Not him but it's shaped through interactions between the individuals and the resulting relative consensus between these people on what a given symbol means.
1. Doesnt mean what was first established is based in pure fact.
2. Those initial interactions between early humans are so far removed from today and so many other random or planned interactions (trillions) have been made between the descending generations that this is more a case of chinese whispers than culture passed directly from a generation to another.
Lots of early human societies were matriarcal and worshipped biological fertility. Some of which you descend from. So would you adhere to such a culture since it's what humans closer than us from the state of nature believed? Doubt it.
I have. I knew it was a tranny both times and let him suck my dick first though.
You first.
I bet you think Joe is alpha too.
He's the prime example of why it doesn't exist.
>alphas have different alpha traits so it means alphas don't exist
Do nudist colonies exist anywhere its very cold?
>Purely social construct.
>Non functional cloths
Fashion is to display wealth. For sexual reproduction. Even if its in a round about way.
>Naked in your home
>Your home
Homes are a social construct. There is no biological need for them at all.
Another social construct. Humans just pretend to be hairless apes.
Fucking hell you are stupid.
You haven't given 'proof' of anything, you've asserted an idea as fact. You don't know Putin, you haven't witnessed every moment of his life including his inner thoughts, there is no way you could know what you're claiming to be fact. That you would present such an assumption as fact makes your validity in a debate completely useless as your entire approach to an argument is dishonest.
>Lots of early human societies were matriarcal and worshipped biological fertility. Some of which you descend from. So would you adhere to such a culture since it's what humans closer than us from the state of nature believed? Doubt it.
Exactly. Evopsych is "the will of Gud" for GGers.
No. I claim social constructs have no truthful significance and that tenuous biological connections if any doesn't change that.
Sounds like you are in desperate need of it way more. I wish you the best of luck.
Adam was stupid because he didn't use Jamie to pull it up.
Can't wait for "Adam ruins intraracial sex"
>I want my children to look like me
>Actually you dont
He's more alpha than you beta male
>In countries where it's not a big deal to be gay but trans disliked they will stay male
yes and that's exactly the way it should be. you shouldnt be stoned to death or punished legally, but society should tell these kids "don't fucking mutilate your body. you ARE what you ARE.... OBJECTIVELY."
we used to say shit like "don't be ashamed of your body." and "love yourself." i guess the people spouting that shit only meant it when it's a net negative to the person doing it, like being a fat fuck. its just so insane to think the same people will twist "love yourself" around like a pretzel until if means "mutilate your body so you can change it into something else." these people used to hate plastic surgery and exercise.
Nor do lions ants bees or dogs. But they still have clear heirarchies. They even have oppressive hierarchies like Hyenas but everyone still cooperates.
So what better system do you think we should have? Because so far you haven't added anything to the conversation with your walls of text. Read your statement again, it says fucking nothing.
when we say men are strong and powerful as a function of masculinity its a comparison between men and women as groups, not between a smaller man and arnold schwarzenegger you fucking retard. Your entire argument is predicated on a faulty premise
>people can't be born with certain qualities
You have to realize that what these people actually want and care about is the deconstruction of society. Once you realize that, their apparent hypocrisy starts making sense.
It's possible to have sex regularly AND know how to spell "malleable".
>we are literally hard wired to do this task
>but that doesn't change anything
The whole "social constructs" thing was an idea that someone intelligent came up with to convince idiots to do what he wanted and think the way he wanted. There are a lot of stupid people on this planet.
>The general idea revolves around the points joe actually made. There are generally attractive traits in males. Confidence, intimidation, height, strength, social standing, etc etc. people classify those stats as "alpha" stats. it's not a fucking difficult idea to understand unless you are specifically trying to convince yourself otherwise and using any possible strawman argument to do so.
But what you're describing isn't alpha male theory. You're just describing traits that women find attractive. Alpha males in the natural world cannot coexist with other alpha males (by definition, there can only be one alpha). They have to dominate and control the social group and will fight viciously with anyone who challenges their authority. That's not an accurate depiction of human societal structures, which are far more cooperative, far less confrontational and far less hierarchically rigid. Rogan wasn't arguing for alpha male theory and neither are you.
you mean social heirarchies form based on nothing? You mean the requisite traits that people think about and desire in individuals as leaders arent biological? Just how do you separate human biology from our thoughts you fucking retard?
>alphas have different alpha traits so YOUR concept of alphas don't exist
If alphas existed they wouldn't be in the MMA since they'd have no reason to have their strength and endurance tested, they probably won't have huge muscles or even find it necessary to go to the gym in the first place, they'd probably live fairly normal lives. Oh and girls can be alpha in this way too.
It's so far removed from what people have even dreamt up that it's safe to say what you're saying doesn't exist.
>these people
Not everyone you lose arguments to is on the same side, you paranoid neckbeard fuck.
Agreed, he's an idiot that can't fathom that nature and nurture are one and the same.
>literally hard wired
Get a basic scientific education, stop parroting broscience evopsych fascist bollocks, and have sex.
Err I think social constructs offer something like a shadow of a truthful statement somewhere in there, but I stress again that it's a shallow reading. Scientific evidence is obviously way more concrete in providing truthful information, including social dynamics like the alpha/beta thing.
These are a rarity and we're usually done under some form of shamanism where the woman in question is a sort of witch or Goddess. See Japanese Shinto. The rest of the society functioned as it does now. It was not some natural state.
Feeling male or female is a mental illness.
I am male but dont feel like anything. I also wouldn't be horrified if I was transferred into a healthy female body. I would be fascinated. It would be very inconvenient but it would be fascinating.
What would horrify me is countless operations that mutilate my body and leave me neither male or female.
You dont feel male or female. You just are male or female.
There are also people who better embody those traits at the time. you're just playing fucking word games to make sure you can tell yourself "nuh uh, there's not betas." the fact that everywhere on the internet that uses the terms "alpha" and "beta" tells you to TRY to be an "alpha" or talks up former "betas" means your shitty little strawman isn't relevant. who the fuck is adam "debunking" when he says "human beings aren't wolves in the strictest sense of the word, so alphas and betas dont exist"? it's a non-sense argument. everybody fucking knows that. that's like saying "NUH UH!!!! there are no confident PEOPLE, there are just people who are confident. because confidence is a TRAIT."
fuck off
How anyone can agree with this is beyond me. You can create a belief that is 100% wrong yet adopted en masse, and yet deny the biological source? What exactly is it, do you think, that drives people to believe that which they know is wrong? The belief in God, for example, stems from the biological drive of seeking meaning, which is the goal of intelligence - to understand the underlying patterns of an environment and adapt to it, religion being the adaptation to the universal environment of existence.
A social concept not consistent with biology dies out by natural evolution. Take for example women growing hair on their armpits, a revolution against social concepts as a whole which you espouse. The empowerment of women itself arising from the biological need for meaning, which gave birth to the understanding (and misconception) that women have brains like men and thus should be treated equally, which gave birth to the dying belief that women are equal in everything and thus should not have different aesthetic standards. Obviously this social concept is quickly dying out, as biologically men are attracted to women with smooth skin as it is a good indicator of health and sexual dimorphism, and it is our biological source that gives birth to each and every metaphysical thing.
>someone intelligent
You mean "the strongest". When will you people master 2+2=4 levels of coherence? The smartest ARE the strongest in a civilized society, and you have no way of leaving civilized society.
>Do nudist colonies exist anywhere its very cold?
That's exactly what I'm talking about when I mentioned non-functionality. In cold places clothes become a necessity for survival. But actually nudist colonies still exist in these places, but they only go nude indoors or in summer months. I'm talking Northern Europe.
>Fashion is to display wealth. For sexual reproduction. Even if its in a round about way.
Aka a social construct.
Actually it's apparent now you actually support my COUNTERpoint to the guy I replied to. Everything you say has been in support of clothes being a social construct.
True, you just need to get that first part down pat.
>nurture, not nature
>Downs syndrome exists
Pick one
>Just how do you separate human biology from our thoughts you fucking retard?
This is your brain on Rogan.
If betas are not real explain ethots making thousands a month off of donations
>You haven't given 'proof' of anything, you've asserted an idea as fact. You don't know Putin, you haven't witnessed every moment of his life including his inner thoughts
Oh the ironing. And this coming from a guy calling Putin an 'alpha' just because someone photoshopped him on topless on top of a bear.
but the term itself is amorphous and no one entertains this rigid opinion that people are the same as wolves or some shit. they're new, colloquial terms.
>The rest of the society functioned as it does now.
Typically, the evopsych brainlet's idea of how society worked is totally anachronistic. The world that believed in the power of Goddesses and witches had an entirely different kind of society from the one you live in, mongoloid.
>In cold places clothes become a necessity for survival
So cloths are a biological necessity. I think you have been taken in by an ideology. You need to rethink your world view.
Dude, you can't come back from using words you can't spell, stop trying.
You are literally dismissing any form of hierarchy and social cohesion which has been widely documented in almost all animals who have social circles. You should not tell me to get educated.
>have sex
Why? Isn't having sex being good a social construct?
It didn't though you fucking moron. The witches were just a bunch of high ranking noble ladies while everyone else just functioned normally as agrarian villages.
>we as inteligent organisms have evolved so far that we no longer think we've evolved but happened upon our heirarchies by chance and personal preferences
>our success as an organism has nothing to do with biological drive to form said society and structure it in a way that prioritizes certain traits
>its all just something we made up and it doesnt actually mean anything
>we got here through evolution but we could have arrived at a totally different conclusion and changed our social heirarchies and still been just as successful of an organism
this is you
No, once again whore, get educated.
>It didn't though
Yes it did. I'm an anthropologist. Go back to discussing your capeshit.
You are not a robot calculating objects by some universal numeric system, you are an animal making constant approximations to gradually get to an understanding of the world long enough to eat and breed. Everything beyond that is just extra, and arises out of that initial biological framework.
>That's not an accurate depiction of human societal structures, which are far more cooperative, far less confrontational and far less hierarchically rigid.
on a surface level
>thoughts come from nowhere bro
>we aren't predisposed to have certain axioms being inherent to us due to biology
>we just survived cause everyone happened to agree
Yikes dude
>I think you have been taken in by an ideology. You need to rethink your world view.
This is going to be hard for you I can see, but I'm going to need you to think critically for the next few sentences.
From my post verbatim:
>non-functional clothes are just a social construct
Are winter clothes functional, y/n
If they are then those clothes are not a social construct.
Are clothes that AREN'T functional a social construct? Abso-fucking-lutely as this post (not mine) reinforces
Again and again, you beg to be tortured!
I didn't write anything like what you've just quoted. There are three or four people arguing with you here.
>tfw didn't read the whole thread and i don't know what people are arguing about but one group of posters sound like bitchy little cunts so they annoy me more
weird feel. these are the posters who sound like bitchy little cunts btw, if anyone is curious
haven't read any further
>you are an animal
This is your brain on Rogan.
>I'm an anthropologist
Sure thing buddy.
>get educated whore
So you admit heriarchies do exist and we form ourselves around them in one way or another?
>clothes are a social construct but the time they're not a social construct doesn't count because then i'd be wrong and that's impossible
That's what Adam was arguing which is why I found it stupid. Like some annoying faggot who found the logical loophole in the argument.
> Alpha males - derived from the use in the animal kingdom where one leader gains the respect of, leads, and dominates the pack - don't exist among humans.
> Alpha, males, clearly exist compared to beta males.
True, and the more logical argument
well said, user
Non functional cloths dont exist. You have been told you must think this way. Its an ideology.
Go ahead and prove that non functional cloths exist.
>predisposed to have certain axioms...
This is your brain on Rogan.
Not an argument
The guy came off the entire interview as a intellectual dwarf. He is inarticulate, and unknowledgeably and completely irrational.
>I think you have been taken in by an ideology
I am not surprised that sentence would upset you if you have been taken in by an ideology :)
Not him but inventions and society absolutely change the way we evolve, so a primitive reading on human evolution (big muscle! alphadom!) is almost guaranteed to be wrong.
Modern medicine for instance have absolutely changed the positive traits selected for in society, let alone commerce, agriculture and every other invention of humanity's past.
Why do you think an anthropologist wouldn't use the word "whore"?
Just Google the fucking word you illiterate, this is the second mispelling you've made of it in two attempts.
key terms here being "adopted en masse". your example of a made up thing... "poop is pee and pee is poop" is not adopted en masse because it's bullshit. yes, some bullshit gets adopted en masse. there are reasons for this. it's partially biological on the part of the motivation of the creator or the faith of the populace.
also, the reason some people have their bullshit detector smack on 10 when they hear "social construct" is it's pervasive over use and manipulation in the past few decades. something being a "social construct" does not entirely divorce it from biology. and in general, it's popular to COMPLETELY ignore biology in any way because we're hardwired not to hurt feelings.
>big muscle : alphadom
No one ever said this. Elon Musk for example is an alpha but I'm quite sure most could dunk on him. But he has charisma leadership qualities and other talents.
>Not an argument
This is your asspain on Rogan.
Well you still have sexual selection, do you not? What gets you attraction in mates may not help direct survival, like overexagerated muscles or a big bulky colorful tail but it helps with getting mates. I have not watched this interview/debate but it is a factor you seem to disregard with that example of yours.
Non-functional clothes are a social construct.
If it was socially acceptable to wear as little as possible everywhere people would (and people do in hot places like Australia or the Caribbean).
Non-functional clothes absolutely exist. Explain how I'm surviving right now in my apartment naked otherwise.
Even the most basic rule that I had mastered by the age of 8 is beyond the Roganbro.
>I am naked (no cloths)
>That proves that non function cloths (cloths) exist.
Are you black or something?
>Non-functional clothes absolutely exist
>Explain how I'm surviving right now in my apartment naked otherwise.
>Explain how I'm surviving right now in my apartment
>in my apartment
I only need to look at that FAGGOT in OP's pic to disagree with him.
>you made a spelling mistake therefore your argument is invalid
Truly this is the mind of a veteran anthropologist
>why wouldn't an anthropologist curse
That's not what I was saying. I was asking if you concede that hierarchy exists?
Actually, grammar is a social construct.
Joe Rogan literally says it in his episode with Adam, which is why he's wrong.
And Elon Musk is not an alpha nor does he have charisma. He has intellect and a leadership position which some people automatically confuse with alphadom.
elon musk is a surprisingly big guy (for me). but then again i've never considered him an alpha
>ruins his career on JRE
why? what did he do? gimme a summary
>Elon Musk for example is an alpha
He doesn't qualify by any status but "famous white man", which is why nobody respects the liquid shit that spews constantly from evopsychbros' mouths.
>But he has charisma leadership qualities
He's famously and conspicuously devoid of charisma. He has big money from one good nerd idea at the right stage in internet history, and a shopping list of Jules Verne fantasies he wants to realize with it. That's not charisma or leadership.
in animals alpha refers to most useful and dominant in every situation, since humans have a much more complex social structure this will never be the case
I think you have a very simple idea of what an alpha male is.
It proves that there are scenarios where clothes do not provide a functional (aka for survival) application (the majority of cases and places where you won't die from exposure by being naked).
Are you saying my apartment isn't part of the universe? A pocket dimension?
oh, you are definitely an autistic, beta adam fan. there's no doubt at this point.
>my opponent made a small typographical error! their entire worldview is now invalid! no need for further discussion
>since humans have a much more complex social structure this will never be the case
I'm basing my exact definition on how Joe defines it (which I think is wrong).
>Elon Musk is not an alpha based on my narrow definition of it
>Are you saying my apartment isn't part of the universe? A pocket dimension?
I'm saying that your apartment is a form of clothing. It's a shield from the elements.
Why would I go to more effort? I'm here to have fun by tormenting community college shit-for-brains neckbeards who are scared that weak men like themselves will get turned into girls by their moms in future if the hormone thing becomes standard practice.
He stuck to his ideology. Said some dumb things which wont convince any joe rogan listeners of anything but neither will it alienate him from anyone that thinks he is right or shares the same ideology.
He hasn't damaged his career. More people are talking about him. So I suspect this has benefited his career.
The only way his career could be damaged if if some board room execs insist on unlimited growth in viewership and want joe rogan fans. Then they will think he has done a bad job.
True but part of it is we change the environment and it changes selective pressures. If we somehow lost modern medicine and technology, alpha chads smart enough to organize people would most likely be on top again in a way they might not be in today's society.
>based on Joe's completely incorrect conception of it. It's not a definition because it doesn't exist.
He just argued from the position you'd expect. He hasn't damaged his career in the slightest.
You have now reached the point of
>I was only pretending to be retarded
So that you dont feel upset. Its time to stop.
Are you saying that if I walked outside naked I would somehow inexplicably die from non-existing 'elements'?
Oh shit, better not go out on the balcony then.
That makes sense. If you're arguing that 'alpha male' has adopted a new, amorphous colloquial meaning entirely separate from the biological definition then that's fine.
>neckbeards who are scared that weak men like themselves will get turned into girls by their moms in future if the hormone thing becomes standard practice
no way this bizarrely specific scenario isn't projection
Are you for real?
>an autistic, beta adam fan
This is your natural level?
It's not a typographical error, it's an error caused by ignorance.
>famous white man
This is perfect grounds to qualify you as an alpha.
>infamously devoid of charisma
His thousands of admirers would be inclined to disagree.
Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying and it's clear you don't understand what it's like to go outside for prolonged periods of time. You won't survive if you try to go be a nudist outside for a few months.
That's the premise of every zombie and apocalyptic fantasy. And it's certainly true. But even then the concept of big handsome muscle guys being on top is still outdated and wrong. It would be all the people who get into gangs and have the most guns who end up on top.
That doesn't break my own argument, I acknowledge Yea Forums is an ideological bubble
I think joe has a stupid and simplistic idea of what is alpha and beta btw.
It's pretty hilarious that progressives have spent decades ridiculing others for their anti science positions but now peddle all this social constructionist nonsense. Biology not real guys and the only reason women are weaker than men is because they're socialised to think they're weaker.
Can you prove that?
Remember when CH was actually good and the videos weren't just the writers nagging at you do change your behaviour?
Why even worry about gender restrictions on bathrooms at all. We aren't going to start putting security guards in front of them to check occupants qualification, and no reasonable person wants to be in a public bathroom with any other person regardless of gender (It's a discomfort we all just reluctantly deal with when we have to).
I can't see any argument for specific laws or restrictions that are worth the effort that would go into them.
It's not that bizarrely specific, just a logical extrapolation. You think boys will be turned into girls because they act a little feminine and get confused by their parents' arguments. Obviously, you imagine this happening to the kind of kid you were. Same reason redneck rapespawn hate abortion - they know their mothers didn't want them.
Lol that's only true if you live near the poles dude. You should travel more.
Every country near the equator you can pretty much live your whole existence without a shred of cloth on your body and not die (and people do).
>This is me "pretending" to be retarded
Yeah, but let's say it's mental illness, the easiest way to treat them in this case is to just let them do what they want, right? So even in that scenario, it doesn't really harm them
>alpha(informal): denoting a person who has a dominant role or position within a particular sphere.
>alpha (zoology) :denoting the dominant animal or human in a particular group.
>His thousands of admirers would be inclined to disagree.
it's surreal, it's like leftists completely forgot they used to worship him themselves. it's amazing how quickly you can be excommunicated and discarded by the church of progressivism
>elon musk has always been bad
>we've always been at war with elon musk
His admirers are all on the autistic spectrum and use him as a self-insert hero figure.
The latter yeah, but CH was never good.
The biological definition is just as amorphous and colloquial as anything else. Hence why an application of an aplpha/beta dichotomy is not any less scientific than when applied to wolves.
Even the concept of a species is vague as all hell. You believe in Star Trek science. Get an actual education and grow up.
You on the other hand don't need to pretend.
you're seriously fucked in the head my dude
Go fucking dilate you warpspawn.
You would be right if the stupidest of society wernt joining them in their delusion instead of just playing along. Contagious mental illness is a frightening thing.
>Can you prove that?
I think so. Check out where the S key is on your keyboard. Now check out where the apostrophe key is. Your finger didn't split, you're just an illiterate. Keep flipping those patties.
Jake and Amir is kino though
>Im not stupid.
>I was always pretending to have a dumb opinion.
You trolled me good user. You are smart guy.
No, I think I got your number pal.
>what is autocorrect
lol check youtube and twitter, he was an embarrasment
Holy shit, total mental collapse.
Alphas i.e. natural leaders don't concern themselves with the nitty gritty of social dynamics. That's part of the point, they meaningfully effect change without even having to think about it. Nobody that thinks about this stuff seriously also considers themself to be an alpha. You guys are fucking retarded.
Just recently watched the Going Green episode of Adam ruins everything. It was nice to see the concepts of littering, and buying green products get torn apart, with the logic that putting the responsibilities for the environment on the individual couldn't possibly work because there's far too many variables for any person to manage.
Informal definition is still completely wrong for several reasons they discussed in the podcast but any retard should be able to come up with.
>the definition gets more and more wrong when you adopt the rest of the zoological theory's concepts into the informal definition, such as betas, the relationship between alphas and betas as they (have never) existed in humans or even animals like wolves that they were initially incorrectly theorized for
>no one person is dominant in every social situation, meaning there are no alpha people, just alpha traits
>boring jewboy Reeeeeeeeeeeees on JRE
>equally retarded chai latte drinkers think he came off well
my sides!
Yeah sure, nigger
>You're just a 4channer
you too :)
Adam was wrong about mainstream psychology. His claim that human personality isn't consistent is extremely outdated and has been disproven by modern psychology. Personality types are consistent if looked at over a period of time. Adams claim that your personality shifts around based on your social situation is false.
Alpha in the other hand means purely a person who is in a high position at the social hierarchy. What is seen as being at a high position may be relative, but it doesn't mean that hierarchy doesn't exist.
You haven't left the house if you think normal people don't regard Elon Musk as a conceited goofball.
>which Rogan was wrong about
lol no he fucking wasn't
>"Alpha/Beta doesn't exist!"
>"Well, not in those exact terms, but there are definitely men that are more charismatic, assertive and athletic, and women generally prefer these men to men who are more meek and submissive, just like men in general prefer a woman with a classic hourglass figure"
>"n-no I don't think that's true"
>"What? On what grounds?"
That was the entire conversation.
>thinking my opinion is wrong
And you are a dumb guy.
he's been doing this for a while now
Is this the level of leftist debaters?
Stop digging, illiterate.
So you really want to stick to the idea of "social constructs" and you arnt pretending? lel
But you called it a mental illness. Are you saying that more people are choosing to have this mental illness now that makes them feel male or female? That doesn't follow the same train of thought
>it entirely depends on whether the kid actually wanted the HRT
Kids have no fucking clue what they want, don't listen to them. That's why we parent them.
No, I'm a person who visits Yea Forums for fun, there's an ontological difference.
Pears were the top slags of most of western human civilization, if art is anything to go by.
The shift to hourglass didn't happen until the '50s.
Easiest way, maybe, but not the best.
You don't let people with body integrity dysphoria cut off a limb. You don't let schizophrenics indulge the suggestions of the voices in their heads. But we should pretend men are women or viceversa instead of looking for a way to treat their broken brains, or at least disabuse them of their factually wrong perceptions?
Oh I dont think its a choice. I think that there are really gullible people and they missed the memo where we agreed to just play along for the well being of people with mental illness.
This is your brain on Jordan Peterson videos.
How are people in this thread actually arguing against the idea that there are more competitive and aggressive people in society. You get that testosterone is a huge influence on behaviour and the higher T you are the more aggressive and risk prone you are. People ITT are literally arguing against reality. When the financial crisis happened some study came out that showed most investment bankers were like 2 standard deviations from the norm when it came to testosterone and yet here people are saying Elon Musk is totally not "alpha"
It's like because the terminology is used by cringe PUA's that people want to deny the reality that there are inherent biological differences between people.
Butthurt seethfag
Social constructs do not necessarily contain any kernels of truth on how we truly function biologically, yes. If you think so you are a tard.
and he doesnt?
I know a guy who always posts Adam clips on FB and he does look up to him and started dressing like him and everything. Does that make Adam an alpha?
>26 million people are just exceptions
And I do talk to people. My professors and aquaintances in uni are always sucking Elons dick as a revolutionary entrepreneur.
>fails to engage with anything being discussed
>so out of shit he goes for the unironic grammar Nazi
This is fucking hilarious.
let me guess, your worldview is beyond such simplistic definitions
People aren't arguing that there aren't more competitive and aggressive people in society.
People are saying that labeling those people as alphas or even using the alpha/beta system to denote things in human society is incorrect.
Also, those very same competitive and aggressive people rarely make it out on top either.
You started with an assumption. Making the rest of what you said meaningless.
Prove that social constructs exist.
You realise that this is new religion and its to make sure the simple folk behave themselves, right?
>it's a social construct
You've been btfo already further above about this.
You may fuck off now.
>Easiest way, maybe, but not the best.
You're on the lowest level of society, your opinion of "the best" course of action has no validity.
Are you not left leaning?
Just like when an alpha physically overpowers a beta.....
Normies who watch his channel don't watch JRE so no
then fucks him in the ass to assert dominance
But I'm having trouble following point a to b
Say it's a mental illness
We let people with this so-called mental illness change genders
Everyone "plays along," as you said
What's the real issue?
No, "he" (you) come here because you have no alternative. You need somewhere to express your hatred of the people in society who are smarter than you and are getting their way while you languish, life passing you by. I come here because I like poking you with a stick.
Read away.
Much smarter people have made it their life's work.
The fuck do you know what "level of society" I'm on? What the fuck kind of argument are you trying to make
You mean community college. Or "Walmart".
>He hasn't damaged his career
did u see that twitter damage control
did you see the reactions to that debate?
nobody not even leftists defended him , he was extremely unprepared without his underpaid interns, lol his sources were his tranny friends ffs
>Much smarter people
>appeal to authority
That link proves not only social constructs are thing but that they can absolutely be fabrications of how we think we are and not necessarily how we are.
You can't spell "its" despite probably being around 20 years old, that's fucking hilarious.
>Are you not left leaning?
This is your brain on the two-party system.
>Social constructionism is a THOERY of knowledge in sociology and communication theory that examines the development of jointly constructed understandings of the world that form the basis for shared assumptions about reality.
>inb4 but evolution is also a theory
No science has proposed an alternate explanation to evolution. This Wikipedia article literally has a criticisms section where they site evolutionary psychologists
god, read it out loud, thats not a healthy behaviour,
>I come here because I like poking you with a stick
that negativity, you cant be happy
just two words dude
>kids using hormone blockers is up for debate
>The fuck do you know what "level of society" I'm on?
Because the brand is indelible. Powerful people don't care about the things you care about.
Let me at least have beards, user, please.
It's new religion and you are an adherent.
>that's fucking hilarious
>this brainlet cope
I'm not even the guy you're talking to, you gas huffing dumbfuck. Let's get back to what we're here for.
>What the fuck kind of argument are you trying to make
i'll tell you. basically what that user is doing is engaging people in an argument, then when he gets btfo he says
>yeah well you can't do anything about it :)
And alpha/betadom is ALSO a theory, but a much less robust one. Your point?
>everyone calling out my red herrings is the same person
That's gonna be a yikes from me.
A biological organ creates thought.
I poop on liberals
>It's new religion
Alpha/beta hierarchy is exactly that.
And gyms are the churches.
>much less robust one
Prove it.
An English person saying "dude" is the most cringe sound in the redditverse.
And thoughts can be lies.
The "social construct" stuff is part of your religion. Telling you what is right and wrong and how to behave.
>not even the guy
Haha, of course not.
>what we're here for
*This is* what I'm here for, illiterate.
>dude nothing's real bro we just made everything up lol checkmate wake up sheeple!
>Much smarter people have made it their life's work.
Like trannies thinking they are the opposite sex?
>red herrings
Only you think that's why I'm doing it, because only you are that autistic about your futile broscience evopsych horseshit arguments.
>he must be english if he uses that spelling
fucking yikes d-u-d-e how much of a pseud can you be
JRE is a normie show what sre you talking about.
You're the one propping it up. You're asking me to prove something's nonexistence? Onus is on you to prove it's real first, doofus.
Before you start your attempt the guy who came up with it for wolves himself says he was wrong.
whats your favourite fortnite dance?
We don't live in an Alpha/Beta hierarchy exactly like a wolf pack does, but we use the terms alpha to mean people with attractive qualities and the word beta to mean unattractive qualities, which is exactly what Joe was talking about.
Why are you using "pseud" incorrectly?
>Haha, of course not.
>desperately filling out captchas to prove you're not retarded
>literally stonewalling knowledge
I never understood why this fruit is being shilled in Yea Forums.
Getting him to appear in Rogan is part of the same misguided campaign to introduce him to audiences that pretty much despise him.
What kind of god damn backstreet quack-psychologist have you've been talking to that gave you such shitty advice?
why are you trying to save face?
I was talking about you, English Donatello.
You're either retarded or a troll. If you are sincere get your head checked learn basic debating etiquette and get outside and have sex.
lol JRE is like one of the top 3 podcasts, its really popular
Science is social construct
First Adam gets exposed on JRE then Zizek turns out to be a fascist. It's been a rough couple of days for leftypol/r*ddit. Enjoying watching them seethe though.
>>desperately filling out captchas to prove you're not retarded
You really think I give a fuck about your arguments? I'm here to shit on your discussion. It worked.
social construct is a science
>literally quoting the Adam CH video
The absolute state.
Read up on how hyenas function. Or how deers fight for mates. Or how bees are arranged in strict positions. Or ants. Or literally any social animal.
>I dropped a Wikipedia article and he didn't take what I said about it at face value
>LICHERALLY stonewalling knowledge!
henceforth you shall be known as the puppetmaster
If you're using that spelling, you're either an English person who talks with a fake American accent, a Scottish person who talks with a fake American accent, or an illiterate American.
Trannies are a social construct. We need to deconstruct them and stop them.
Which one is the alpha?
>beta male argues against the existence of beta males
lmaoing @ r*dditors ITT who buy this shit
>a troll.
I explicitly stated that I was troll thirty posts ago, you total mongoloid. "Debating etiquette"? You're a NEET, nature's punchbag. I have debates with real people, I shit on NEET pseuds.
is it possible you're really this dumb? are you american yourself?
Social Construct is a social construct.
aw shit what a bad ass
>you think I give a shit? HAH, actually I couldn't give less of a shit. that means I win.
We all watched you pushing your bullshit until you got BTFO and started trying to turn it into a spelling bee. Get fucked, incel.
joke's on you, i'm at work atm
also i'm not him, not sure if that matters
I'm getting a STEM degree in CS.
The anal devastation of this post, holy God. Incels are truly subhumans.
You didn't read it because you can't read, so stonewalling seems closer than "not taking at face value".
Uh that's a social construct which means it doesn't exist.
>engaging in a vitrual pissing match with an anonymous troll on a botswanan butter churning forum
yikes, pajeet
I'm not the guy who did any of the serious argumentation, you idiot. I'm the anthropologist who trolls here for fun.
How should I know? One needs to see their behaviour and position relative to others.
This adam guy pops up on this board every now and then. Why? Is it because he looks like the smarmiest anointed faggot on the planet? Because if so this board needs to learn some restraint. There is nothing about this adam guy that is exeptionble.
Thanks for explaining yourself to me, an explicitly stated troll, you absolute cretin.
>I was just pretending
it's time to leave and cut your losses friendo. you're just making yourself look like an idiot at this point, even if you were originally trolling.
Are you huffing gas or do you just have brainlet comprehension?
Not taking WHAT YOU SAID ABOUT IT at face value is a lot different than claiming to having read it. Nobody is impressed tha you can drop links to Wikipedia articles, you dumbfuck.
Some retarded viral marketers decided Yea Forums is a target demo for his show.
haha don't you know he's a troll :)
No, the illiterate trying to seem intellectual was pretending, I was just deriding.
You can't tell that you were arguing with at least three other people? Even when their posts didn't overlap in style or content at all? Bizarre.
You didn't read it because you're a community college mongoloid out of his depth. Don't let those patties burn now.
He did badly, but he was trying to discuss the issue with a homophobe, so I wouldn't blame him for taking his eye off the ball a little. He was on the right side, and history will show that Joe Rogan was part of a receding culture.
hmm unfortunately i haven't made a single post regarding the alpha/beta argument itt and i've just been shitting on a pseud who takes himself too seriously
>because our men don't beat their chests and fight to the death the moment they come into contact with another confident, capable man.
Basically the way most societies have operated until recent years and the only reason that's still not the case is because we have stricter laws to prohibit such actions.
People who don't believe alphas are real are betas who probably back down to an alpha most days of the week at work or in social scenarios.
>I was wrong but actually that makes you wrong for not delineating the full breadth of my wrongness
>because we have stricter laws
So laws aren't part of society, eh? You fucking shit-for-brains!
OwO what is this
The dude actually making the arguments left about half an hour ago.
link his last post
The only pseud in this thread was the guy doing a Jordan Peterson impression while spelling "its" as "it's".
>Zizek turns out to be a fascist
huh? Because he had an amicable debate with Peterson, or did I miss something else
Why would I look for it? The correct way to deal with transphobes isn't to debate them, it's to point out that they've already lost. Always works much better than trying to teach them anything.
idc i don't even speak english
>So laws aren't part of society, eh?
Didn't say that so struggling to see what your point is here, friendo. Do you think you somehow just proved alphas and betas don't exist?
The Peterson fans hadn't heard an actual leftist talk before, and were surprised that his ideology sounded different from American center-left identity politics. They equate this with "fascism", because they think fascism is what they believe.
I really can't tell who the alpha is here, help me out guys ?
You did say that. You said "society only isn't like that because of laws". No, society isn't like that because it isn't beneficial to be like that; the law exists to control the subnormal minority who still want to act like that. As in the case of hate speech.
Which one looks more like you?
You don't hit space before a question mark, by the way.
>receding culture
>most popular podcast on the internet
>point out that they've already lost
yeah i suppose that might have worked better if you didn't spend 50 posts telling everyone who btfos you that you're a troll so you aren't really as retarded as you look
you don't hit return between sentences
When the news covered Elon Musk's cannabis cigar incident on JRE, they had to explain what JRE was. A lot of things are popular on the internet that aren't going to mean shit in thirty years' time. Howard Stern is a wealthier man than Rogan, but his day is equally done. People still release jazz albums, but... you get the picture.
best response ITT
You can't spell "its".
So all you've got, finally, is to cling to your 4channer identity. That's what I said, why did you pretend to have a workable argument against me?
uh, right. epic troll dude
>mainstream media had to explain what something was
>implying this helps your argument
>implying they get as many recurring viewers as JRE
>implying anyone even knows what the fuck outlet you're talking about because you just said "news"
Mainstream media is literally dead and meaningless, embarassing post mate, please stop.
You mean "epic trole". You can't even spell stale memes properly.
>>implying they get as many recurring viewers as JRE
They get many millions more. You're living in a /pol/ bubble. Mainstream media is adapting to survive. Joe Rogan... can't. He has to stay just "right-wing" enough to keep you.
Joe rogan is a homophobe? What the fuck he white knighted gays the entire episode with ben shapiro.
>workable argument against someone who can't even answer a simple question
Still waiting on the which one is more alpha question being answered there einstein.
>n-no, neither is alpha, one is more muscular! That is literally all we can gather from your picture
can't wait for your next deflection kek. and you look like the twink irl clearly
I bet you listen to chapo and listen to tyt dont you you fucking incel.
>Joe rogan is a homophobe?
Are you not familiar with his work?
Uh, it's 4channeLER, sweatie.
>I bet you listen to chapo and listen to tyt dont you you fucking incel.
This is your brain on the two-party system.