Alita: Battle Angel General Discussion
Previous Thread:
I don't get it.
We need her tech.
We've had a ship crash landed with all the resources there and people knew about it..
But nah, we need her.
Nova needs her heart specifically of which there don't seem to be any in the ship
Make some OC next time
he did literally nothing wrong and his actions ultimately strengthened Alita and saved her from a troublesome relationship with an asshole meatboy
Nova's actually interested in her as a person.
Nova doesn't need her heart, he's using her for entertainment and/or science. "Bring me her heart" was just to give her a challenge.
What have you done...
Preach it!
Brothers and sisters, I have it on good authority that Zapan did not kill those two organic boys. As a matter of fact, he was on his way to church when he was attacked by an anti-cybernetic hate group who were behind numerous assaults on Cybernetic-Americans. This same gang reportedly murdered the renowned motorball player Kinuba and stole his body parts, demonstrating that even those Cybernetic-Americans who have risen to the status of star athletes are not safe from hate attacks by organics.
The allegations that Zapan "framed innocents" are no more than baseless speculation founded on bigotry against People of Machinery. For many organics, the mere sight of a Cybernetic-American elicits fear and resentment, driving them use whatever means available expel cybernetic-bodied people from "polite" organic society. Furthermore, it has been reported that Zapan's face was destroyed in full view of a group of Centurions, who did nothing to apprehend the assailant. Such craven dereliction of duty demonstrates, once more, the structural prejudice that Cybernetic-Americans face.
If you want to stand up for justice, if you want to end the discrimination still perpetrated, still institutionalized by organics, if you want to raise a mighty steel fist and break the teeth of the next organic who dares utter the derisive term "h*rdbody," I entreat you to make a tax-deductible donation to the Vector Foundation today.