How did they reproduce

How did they reproduce

Attached: lotr orcs.jpg (1360x800, 125K)

Read a book Toby

better yet, what was their tax rate?

By fucking each other you dumbass, ignore the weird film version of uruk-ai being born from piles of brown dog shit

They were born through torture.

this, they are so deformed that the males and females are probably indistinguishable

put meat back on the menu

Quanitative Easing.

Elves & later Men corrupted by torture. Later strains were produced by the forced mixing of Orcs with human women.


Saruman abducted women from Dunland to use as brood mothers to produce the half-orc Uruk-Hai within the pits of Isengard on an industrial scale. Isengard is literally an Interracial Breeding Ground.

What’s with the wide noses and dark complexion?

>torture changes your species
bravo tolkien

by fucking arya stark

Morgoth cannot create, only (((subvert))) and (((manipulate)))

>earth was flat
>tfw MELKOR'D until round

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Where there’s a whip, there’s a way

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Remember to close and guard your borders, or (((they))) could destroy what you cherish

Attached: Melkor-and-Ungoliant.jpg (1464x939, 460K)


You see Easterlings from Rhun, hell bent on battling the Free Men of the West? I see a farmer, a craftsman, or even a Steward.

Attached: RHUN.jpg (1420x664, 74K)

RACE WAR NOW! t. Samwell Tarly

Papi, the Empire of Rhun is genuinely more advanced and more populous than any kingdom of the West.

I believe the orcs paid a form of tribute to Sauron that was not necessarily in gold. Rather, whenever the orcs went on raiding parties they probably paid a percentage back to sauron of whatever loot they brought back. Something like the system of the royal fifth, perhaps.

Thus Sauron could then distribute this new loot to lesser fortunate orcs and maintain a large armed force at all times.

Systematic rape

Rape pits

They have sex.